I Am Hellscream

Chapter 722

Chapter 722 Is the straw hat boy dead?

It seems that in this world, as long as Gromash doesn’t do anything, the sea is a lot more stable and harmonious. Time flies quickly, and three months of time also passed away like flowing water. During this period, no major events happened on the sea, and people traveling around the world. The Naval Headquarters warships also carry the major Vice Admiral and continue to move the royal families of the participating countries to the holy land.

, Mariejois escorted away.

The news reported in the newspapers in recent times is also about joining the royal family, as well as various conjectures about the various issues of the World Summit held by the World government. Basically, the world’s attention has begun to focus on This holy place-Mariejois is above, pirates or something, no one seems to care anymore.

At this time, the Gromash in the City of Seven Waters gave Doflamingo’s pool villa. The beauties playing in the swimming pool.

Not long after, Monet came over with a glass of juice and placed it on the small table in front of Gromash. Then he smiled and said, “My eyes are restless~ I saw it, Captain..~”

Hearing this, Gromash quickly retracted his sight of the beauty who was secretly glanced at the beauty, and then said with a smile: “Illusions, they are all illusions, I’m very safe.”

“Really?? Maybe” Monet smiled and looked at Gromash, who was guilty. Then he didn’t care about anything, and said softly.

And Gromash also looked at the newspaper in his hand again, and then said somewhat boringly: “There is really no interesting news, Mihawk and the others are not collectively giving the World government “Farewell”? It’s been so long, too. Didn’t see the World government announce this news??”

After Mihawk contacted Gromash last time, he quickly submitted his “resignation letter” with Hancock and Buggy to the World government, although it is not clear whether the five bad old men saw the resignation letter of these three people. He vomited blood, but Gromash guessed that they must be choked with anger.

However, there is no more about this matter.In the words of Mihawk and others, they have already separated from Seven Warlords of the Sea, but the World government has no reaction or response at all, it seems that they don’t know this at all. The same thing.

“Maybe I am afraid of being too embarrassed, so I have been blocking this news?? I want to pretend to be ignorant, and then officially ban Seven Warlords of the Sea at the World Summit?? This may save face “Monet smiled and said.

Gromash shook his head helplessly and said, “Whether it is Mihawk or the bad old men in this world government, they are all boring enough. It’s better to break the news in the name of our Frostwolf Pirates. Give it to the World Newspaper? Let the birdman Morgans bring some truth and joy to the world?”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Monet shook his head helplessly and said, “I just said they were boring. Captain, you can’t do something meaningful on your own? In my opinion, you are boring enough.”

“Jiehahahahaha, isn’t it?? Why don’t we do something meaningful tonight?” Gromash grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealed an evil smile, and said softly.

Monet blushed, took a sip of Gromash, and said, “It’s getting stinky and shameless.”

After teasing Monet, Gromash changed the subject with a smile, and asked, “Where is the young master? Haven’t you come back yet?”

“If he came back, he would have driven you out of his villa long ago,” Monet said with a smile.

Gromash said a little dissatisfied: “How is it possible? What’s more, I gave this villa to him, what’s wrong with me coming here to enjoy it?”

Monet did not pay attention to Gromash, but continued to say: “Doflamingo estimated that he will be back in these two days. The entire Donquixote Family has successfully changed its flag, and has perfectly integrated into our Frostwolf Sea. The thieves’ system is here, and the female warriors of Hydra Island-Amazon-Lily on Hancock’s side are also

It has already begun to carry out linkage training with the Kingdom of Djerma.”

“There are still three months. If you are unlucky by then, you will have to go to war with Naval Headquarters, so these trainings can’t be left, and they must continue,” Gromash said after thinking about it.

After the two chatted about these topics for a while, Gromash suddenly seemed to remember something, and said with a smile: “By the way, I heard that Tezolo from the Golden City has come up with something interesting recently. Now? It seems like where he picked up a blond little Loli??”

After hearing Gromash’s inquiry, Monet showed a dangerous smile on his face, and then gently walked behind Gromash, his slender hands wrapped around Gromash’s neck, and his face was also attached to Gromash’s ears. Bian, then said softly in a seductive voice: “Captain, I found out what you are about.” Luo

Li’s things are very interesting. Didn’t you remind you already? Loli control also has a limit. Otherwise, he will die because of accidentally twisting his neck.”

Gromash listened to Monet’s words, and a cold sweat broke out on his body for an instant, and then Gromash hurriedly said: “Misunderstanding, you misunderstood, I am not a Loli control, I am just a little curious if Tezolo is awakened. It’s just some weird attributes. If that’s the case, I’m very sorry for Baccarat.

Ah, what is the pervert that I like?”

Monet smiled when he heard the words, and then said: “What’s the sadness? I don’t feel sad.”

And Gromash stretched out his hand and patted Monet’s little head next to his head and said, “Hey, Miss Monet, did you just say I am pervert??”

“Isn’t that of course? Ask knowingly,” Monet said with a smile.

“Then I will let you know what pervert is.” Gromash said as he slid his hand along Monet’s head towards her chest, and Monet also reached out and quickly knocked out Gromash. The salty pigsman said, “Tezolo really doesn’t seem to know where to find a little girl. I also asked this question from Eight Trigrams.

The question is, but he didn’t tell me at all, but he was very defensive. In the first two days, it seemed that he had also transferred a group of murloc teams from The fish men island, which seemed to be there. I’m tracking down the whereabouts of something…”

“Jiehahahahahaha, it’s really mysterious, this guy” Gromash laughed and said, and smiled, he was stunned for a while, then his expression changed, and he said quickly: “Mo Chennai, what’s the name of that blond little Loli? Do you know??”

Monet glanced at Gromash with some dissatisfaction, and muttered, “Are you still thinking about that little Loli? It seems to be called Orojia?”

After hearing this familiar name, Gromash’s expression froze, and then he said, “So that’s it. Is that guy Tezolo looking for this thing??? But why are you hiding it from me?”

Monet looked at Gromash curiously, and then asked, “Captain, what are you talking about?? What happened to Tezzolo?”

Gromash stroked his chin, then shook his head and said, “It’s nothing, just happened to think of something interesting.”

Pure gold has an unparalleled attraction to anyone. Of course, Gromash also wants to get this thing. If you can get this thing, let alone other things, you have to give it to your beautiful girlfriend. Everyone wears one, right?

‘Eternal life’ has always been an attractive proposition. In order to find the answer from this topic, how many brothers turned their heads against each other? At this time, after Tezolo received the news of pure gold, he did not report it to Gromash, but instead. Secretly, I was looking for this thing. For a moment, Gromash suspected Tezolo.

0-Seeking flowers…

But it was only a moment, after all, Gromash chose to believe that Tezolo, who was rescued from the Holy Land-Mariejois, and cultivated into such a talented person.

“I don’t know what you are doing, but don’t let me down, Tezolo” * Gromash whispered softly.

Soon, Gromash put the matter behind his head and stopped thinking about it. He believed that Tezolo would give him a satisfactory answer sooner or later. Maybe he wanted to surprise himself or something? ?

After smiling, Gromash spoke again: “I heard that the Straw Hat Pirates, Momanosuke and Zou’s two cats and dogs have merged and entered Wanokuni not long ago?”

Hearing this problem with Gromash, Monet also stood up again from the state of bending over and holding Gromash’s neck, and then said, “That’s right, but Wanokuni is closed and locked in the country. Kaido has been extremely powerful in it. , Are regarded as one of our intelligence blind spots, so since they and those people entered Wanokuni,

What happened inside, we basically don’t know anything, but from the perspective of Wanokuni still flying Kaido’s Beasts Pirates banner, at least if they really launched a revenge operation against Kaido, it should have been unsuccessful. ”


All kinds of news about Wanokuni are very blocked, not only Gromash, it is difficult for them to know what’s inside, but the same is true for Marine. After hearing Monet’s words, a smile hung on Gromash’s mouth. He opened his mouth and said, “If they can defeat Kaido, it would really be a ghost, which is expected.”

At this moment, the phone worm that Gromash placed on the table suddenly screamed. Gromash glanced at it, a smile flashed in his eyes, and said, “Now, look, in this case , I received this call bug, what does it mean???”

Monet looked at the phone worm on the table, with a smile on his face, and said, “It means their action should have failed…”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s right!” Gromash laughed, and then reached out and picked up the phone bug on the table. Before anyone over there could speak, Gromash laughed and said: “Jie Hahahaha, isn’t this my little pet who ran away from home?? Why did I suddenly remember to contact me, the owner? Is it because I missed me? Little thief

Cat classmate?”

Nami on the phone worm heard Gromash’s voice and almost cried without excitement. She quickly said, “Master Gromash, come and save your little pet!”

A smile flashed in Gromash’s eyes, and he said, “According to my information, your Straw Hat Pirates entered the territory of Wanokuni not long ago, and Wanokuni is the territory of Kaido. I said Nami, you shouldn’t go. Did you provoke that monster?? This really surprised me, are you so courageous???”

“I don’t want to, but the rest of the people have decided to come here. I, the navigator, can only follow the captain’s order and bring them to Wanokuni. As for the goal, we really want to deal with Kaido. The plan should be to conduct investigations gradually, and then unite some helpers in Wanokuni, and finally at the right time

Initiating a crusade against Kaido”” Nami said a bit wronged, and after talking about this, she said very annoyed: “But just yesterday, this guy Luffy actually fought Kaido head-on in Wanokuni…”

“Jiehahahahahaha, that kid is confronting Kaido head-on. Well, the ending seems to have been foreseen by me. Is the straw hat kid dead?” Gromash asked with a laugh. Mountain,

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