I Am Hellscream

Chapter 715

Chapter 715 High-level meeting of the Revolutionary Army!

The Island of White Earth-Barudigo, this island is a rare island without a magnetic field. The absence of a magnetic field means that it is difficult to find. For so many years, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has been on this Barudigo.

Due to Gromash’s chaotic entry, Blackbeard’s pirates went directly to the top of the battle. They died and scattered, and there was nothing left at all.

Precisely because of this, the island of white soil was not found by Blackbeard by chance, nor was it destroyed by the CP-0 of the World government.

At this time, a cooperative agreement was reached with Gromash in the Golden City not long ago, and the leader of the revolutionary army, Lager, who is preparing to do things together, is now sitting in the office of the revolutionary army headquarters.

Some of the leaders of the revolutionary army are also in this office, and it seems that everyone is discussing something.

“With all due respect, this kind of action is too dangerous, right? At the same time, the general transaction and cooperation with that Gromash is nothing, and this level of cooperation is simply to seek skin with a tiger???” Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army -Captain of the Army-Belo-Betty bit a cigarette and spoke against it while sitting on the sofa.

The revolutionary army has troops everywhere. Since it is a hidden army, it is impossible to be blatant. It is easy to be found by the World government, and once you choose to hide, it is impossible to hide all the troops together. , That would be a real sand sculpture. Since a large number of troops are scattered in various islands and regions, the leather

The Ming Army divided the entire combat force into four sections, namely, the East, West, South, North and the Four Armies. Belo-Betty was the commander of the Eastern Army, and his status in the Revolutionary Army was also very high.

“In terms of credibility, Gromash still has it, and the probability of things like those that happened during the Battle of the Top is not high. Although he is not afraid of anyone, he will not make enemies casually for himself. I can Guarantee.” Tiger said in a deep voice, sitting on the other side of the sofa.

Although Tiger was born in The fish men island and has a close relationship with Gromash, it can be regarded as a contact point of the Frostwolf Pirates in the Revolutionary Army, but he is not subject to any prejudice in the Revolutionary Army. On the contrary, it was because of his great personality charm that made the rest of the revolutionary army cadres respect him.

“I think so too. I was there at the time, but I didn’t stop it, because I think this is also the best choice. Although the degree of danger has increased a lot, it is worth it at the price.” The revolution of Sabo The army’s second place, the chief of staff also spoke softly.

Seeing that two people had come out to endorse this action, Betty let out a puff of cigarette lightly and said, “Well, since you all think so, then trust that Gromash once.”

Dorage also smiled at this time, and said: “Risk and return are always proportional.”

At this time, Ivankov seemed to have thought of something and said, “If it is really carried out according to the plan, that is to say, when we are carrying out these operations against the World government and Marine at that Mariejois, Gromash will also attack Kaido’s Beasts Pirates. Is it right to launch an offense???”

“Yes, that’s what it meant.” Dorag nodded and said.

“Then it will be interesting. When I set out here, the little demon sent by the Frostwolf Pirates to the Kingdom of Kamabaka also left me. After a period of contact, I also figured out the identity of the little devil. It is the grandson of Wanokuni’s original general Kozuki Sukiyaki, that is, the son of Kozuki Oden.

Go back and find Kaido’s revenge,” Ivankov said softly.

The others looked at Ivankov with some doubts, revenge is revenge??? There are more people who have hatred with Kaido. Then there are a lot of people in Wanokuni prison. Is it necessary to use it to say something here? ??

“Don’t look at me with such incredible eyes, won’t you listen to what I said??? That kid, but went to the Straw Hat Pirate League, and there is still half a year before the opening of World Summit. In other words, it is very likely that the Straw Hat Pirates will make a big fuss in Wanokuni before the Frostwolf Pirates take action. Is there any qualification in it?

Romansh’s calculations??? Are you trying to drag our revolutionary army into the arena again???” Ivankov knocked on the table and said.

But at this moment, Dorag directly said: “Don’t pay attention to this matter. It is an internal problem of their pirates. It has no direct relationship with us. What calculations does Gromash have? What methods do you want to use? His own freedom, we have no stand to say anything, don’t think that guy is my son, Sabo’s brother

, It can affect the decision-making of our revolutionary army. This is not a joke, but we are going to confront this World government head-on!!!”

After Sabo heard Gromash’s unfeeling words, he obviously wanted to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth and didn’t say a word.

As Dorag said, it was the pirate’s business. They had nothing to do with the revolutionary army. Do you think the World government is too easy to deal with? Give yourself a block?

Seeing that the rest of the people did not continue to struggle with this issue, Dorag said: “According to our plan, we were going to the Mariejois who rescued the Bartholemew-bear, the action personnel.”

“Me, Morrie, and Callas,” Sabo said softly.

Dorag nodded, and then continued: “Yes, but now the plan has changed, so some people need to be added. The number cannot be large, but it must be strong enough.”

Speaking of this, Tiger raised his hand for a gesture, and then he said: “Although the structure of Mariejois has changed a lot in these years, more places have not changed. How do I stay in it for a few years? Slaves, many things are clearer than you, if I have the strength, I can be considered as up to the standard, right??? So this action is

Count me.

“The conditions are quite satisfactory, but it is a bit troublesome for you to sneak into Mariejois, Brother Tiger, why don’t you enter from the underground together with Morrie???” Sabo said after thinking about it.

The masters of all walks of life want to sneak into Mariejois, of course, they can’t get together. Otherwise, the goal is too big, and one of them is accidentally discovered, and they may be exposed together, so the sneak action must be separated, and then Just meet in Mariejois.

Listening to Sabo’s words, Tiger smiled and said, “Although I have been active in the revolutionary army for so long, the World government and those Celestial Dragons have never caught my whereabouts. In their eyes, I’m already dead, so I don’t have to be so troublesome. For this kind of thing, I will go back to The fish men island and it will be easy to solve it. After all, listen.

It is said that the Dragon Palace of The fish men island will also participate in this World Summit. ”

Dorag nodded, and then said: “There is such a thing, I cough cough, Garp Vice Admiral is currently on The fish men island, and will guard The fish men island The Neptune royal family to Mariejois to participate in this time. Meeting.”

With the relationship between Tiger, Neptune, and Gromash, if you want to mix into Mariejois with the trip of Dragon Palace, it is still very easy to do, so Dorag did not continue in this regard. What more to say.

After confirming Tiger’s joining operation, Dorag looked at Betty and the Confederate Army Commander Lindbergh. The two had other tasks and could not join in. As for Ivankov, the recognition was too high. As soon as he showed up, the fool knew that the revolutionary army was coming to do something, so he couldn’t take him.

The rest are more or less inappropriate, so after thinking about it, Dorag said: “This time, I will also carry out this action myself. It is said that I have not been in this world for many years. Now, our revolutionary army is going to declare war with Celestial Dragons and the World government. The leader of me should really show up.”

Hearing what Dorag said, the expressions of the rest of the people changed suddenly, and Sabo said directly: “Mr. Dorag, I can declare war on behalf of the revolutionary army, right? Admiral can order it, how can I let General Admiral do it himself???”

“Yeah, Dorag, if you show up there, does it seem that our revolutionary army has no manpower to use it??? That’s too cheap??? And your identity is very special, so you can’t take risks casually. “Ivankov also quickly said 0.

“Garp Vice Admiral will also appear in Mariejois, Dorag, can you really let go of your hands and feet there???” Tiger also said softly.

“Ahahahahahaha, don’t worry so much, okay??? Who do you think I am??? I am the leader of the revolutionary army, this matter is set, after returning, the members involved in the operation will be prepared. , This time, we have to accomplish two goals in total. First, rescue our companion-Bartholemew Kuma-bear, and restore his personal consciousness

Second, hold down the power of Marine and give some support to Gromash. These two goals are very difficult. We will definitely be there against the CP-0 masters and Marine’s Admiral and the like, so both Don’t be careless,” Dorage said with a smile.

Seeing that the leader of Dorag directly confirmed the matter, after the other people looked at each other, they didn’t object to anything.Dorag was still very stubborn at some point, and they couldn’t be more stubborn. This guy can only make him pay more attention.

At this time, the second sister-in-law of Krall also suddenly said: “By the way, Mr. Dorag, according to our intelligence, that Jewelry-Boney is very likely to appear in Mariejois.”

After hearing the name, both Dorag and Ivankov were stunned, and the rest of the cadres also showed some unclear expressions.

“Will Pony also appear in Mariejois???” Dorag whispered softly, and then said, “Then she must be heading for the bear. If it was in Mariejois, whoever spotted her first, Get in touch with her, let’s act on the opportune moment.

The Revolutionary Army’s actions in the World Summit were roughly determined, and the next step was the details. It was necessary to repeatedly check the omissions and fill in the vacancies, and then make the entire action plan full.

Not to mention that the Revolutionary Army is planning an action to make Mariejois during the World Summit. On the Straw Hat Pirate Ship of New World, Sanji also finished all the things he wanted to say in 4.1.

But the opinions on board were not very unified.

“What are you kidding? That’s Kaido. One of the former Four Emperors, even Doflamingo, has to shun him. In Dressrosa, we only defeated Doflamingo with the help of Marine and Trafalgar-Luo. Now you guys want to fight Kaido???” Nami said in disapproval.

“That guy has a reputation that is not inferior to Gromash. He is called “the strongest creature in the three realms of sea, land, and air.” At the same time, he has a lot of controversy with Gromash in the name of the’strongest singled out.’ Say, his horror is no less than Gromash Luffy. After knowing this, are you still ready to participate in this matter???”

Queen Stussy also looked at Luffy and asked.

“That’s Sanji’s junior, and Sanji’s good friend. If that Kaido is really that terrifying, if he goes back, isn’t he going to die? If we don’t participate, he will be dead. Ah!” Luffy said very firmly.

“No way, he is not my brother or something,” Sanji said reluctantly when he heard something like “junior”.

If Momanosuke is recognized as his junior, then after everyone sees Momanosuke, looking at his look like a human monster, his dark history can’t be concealed at all!!!.

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