I Am Hellscream

Chapter 707

Chapter 707 Gromash: I want to make a big news!

After hearing Gromash’s words, Dorag smiled. Sure enough, Gromash has such a good attitude this time. There is really a need to use their revolutionary army.

But that’s nothing, and Dorag didn’t feel that Gromash was so good because it was useful to him. What’s wrong with his attitude. The cooperative relationship created by the mutual use of groups is nothing more than.

I saw Dorag laughed and said, “Then I will show my ugliness first.”

Gromash also said in a face-to-face manner: “Listen carefully~”

Then I saw Dorag pick up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip, and said, “Actually, I just learned of Doflamingo’s true identity not long ago. As for the source of this news, I just It’s inconvenient-it’s exposed”

Gromash nodded as he listened. Both he and Doflamingo know that sand is mixed in the World government and Marine. If Dorag can’t even do this kind of thing, then don’t mix it up. The source of the intelligence does not mention it, anyway. He wasn’t very curious, if Dorag had said it, Gromash would still think this guy would be giving himself

It’s a set.

“After confirming Doflamingo’s former identity, I compared it with the Celestial Dragons in Mariejois now in the holy land. Our revolutionary army has reason to believe that Doflamingo’s identity is not just ordinary Celestial Dragons. He is very It is possible that the Master holds many secrets of the World government, so we planned a business about Dressrosa

However, in the end, there were many accidents. We didn’t succeed in getting any useful information from Doflamingo. In the end, he was caught by Marine. Seriously, we didn’t have this idea. “Dorag said with a helpless smile.

For this, Gromash believes, or many Rager want to get some useful information from Doflamingo, but he absolutely does not want Doflamingo to be taken by people from Marine and the World government, and that would revolutionize them. The army is not good at all, isn’t it???

Doflamingo’s fall in Dressrosa was indeed not the target of their revolutionary army.

“Jiehahahahaha, things are unpredictable.” Gromash said with a big laugh.

“Well, but now things have taken a new turn. I didn’t expect Doflamingo to be rescued by you again. Then it means that we hope to get the information we want from him again.” Rager smiled and said, then without giving Gromash time to speak, he continued: “With Doflamingo, the relationship between usThe relationship is not deep, so we need to use some means, but our revolutionary army and your Frostwolf Pirates are old friends, so there is no need to play mystery this time. Your Royal Highness, I don’t know if we can cooperate in this area. ??? After all, the relationship between the World government and you is now broken. Sooner or later, you will confront the World government.

Isn’t it? Isn’t this an opportunity for us to cooperate more deeply??? Solving the World Government, is also a good thing for your Frostwolf Pirates group, isn’t it???”

“Jiehahahahaha, Mr. Dorag, you may be slightly wrong about this. Indeed, as you said, the relationship between our Frostwolf Pirates and the World government is not as good as it used to be, but we have to say that it is broken. Being an enemy, it’s not that way. Look at this golden city. This is the proof of our relationship with the world government. In the final analysis, we are too.

It’s just a pirate, and the World government and your revolutionary army are not a’weight’ at all, and I don’t have the idea of ​​smashing this decadent world, as long as the people behind me who support me can live through it. Just a good day. As for the ideas of your revolutionary army to save the world, although I respect it, it is nothing more than that.

In the end, my enemy is not the World government, but the Marine in New World. To put it bluntly, as long as Marine is not dangling in New World, I don’t even bother to pay attention to Marine,” Gromash laughed and said.

This is indeed his thought. World government??? The grievance that should have been expressed back then, Gromash has also found the place back. For so many years, regardless of the position of Marine and the pirates, World government has no more Uncle Gromash can’t get along with him. If you really want to count it, they are the Frostwolf Pirates who often add trouble to the five bad old men.

So fundamentally speaking, his Uncle Gromash really didn’t want to eradicate the World government. After all, with such a decadent rule in this world, their Frostwolf Pirates can live more moisturized, all kinds of dark worlds. All kinds of monopolistic businesses, as well as secret arms trading, zero and zero total, these are all benefits.

As for Marine, that is the enemy in position. Gromash is not interested in being the king of the world. If there is, it will be a future thing. Anyway, at this stage, he does not have these ideas. He just wants to live freely in the New World. Wine, so he needs to waste all the Marine in New World, nothing more.

Therefore, at this time, Dorag was not interested in topics such as jointly killing the World government and transforming the world with him.

After Dorag heard Gromash’s words, of course he also heard the rejection contained in Gromash, so he fell silent, frowned, as if thinking about how to reverse Gromash’s dead brain.

But at this time, Gromash laughed and continued: “Of course, cooperation can still be cooperated. After all, although the world government and I did not have such a sinister relationship as you, they are not much better. As long as there are enough benefits, We can all get together”

Doragh also looked at Gromash when he heard this. This time he understood that this uncle Gromash really wouldn’t go to join their revolutionary army to join the world government because of such vain things as the righteousness of the family and the ideal world. , But if there is interest, it is another matter. Sure enough, putting aside the skin of the pirate, this bastard is a

“Yiren” Ah.

Thinking of this, Dorag shook his head helplessly, revealed a smile, and said, “You guy hasn’t changed for so many years. I thought you have reached your current position. You’re still so “vulgar” in the end.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, my Proudmoore family is originally a poor family, and I have been afraid of being poor since I was young. Therefore, I am insensitive to your lofty ideals and so on. Let’s talk about something practical. Only interests are the most worthy of cooperation. Gromash said shamelessly.

And Dorag grinned reluctantly, and said, “Then I don’t know what kind of benefits your Uncle Gromash wants from our revolutionary army???”

Gromash didn’t answer anything directly, but spoke very unexpectedly: “The Bartholemew-bear who was Seven Warlords of the Sea with me back then, if not surprising, it should have something to do with your revolutionary army, right? ??? Or is he actually an undercover agent sent by the revolutionary army in the world government???”

As soon as Gromash said this, the expressions of Dorag and Sabo changed. So far, the identity of Bartholemew-Bear is also one of the top secrets of the revolutionary army, Gromash this guy actually knows???

“Jiehahahahaha, don’t be so nervous, I just guessed it, if you ask me to show any evidence, I really can’t get it… But now this thing, even if I know it, it’s not a big deal, right? ???” Gromash said with a laugh.

After thinking about it, Dorag also said, “Since you know everything, then I won’t say the covert words. Indeed, Daxiong is a cadre of our revolutionary army, but this is between us. Does cooperation matter???”

“That’s the case. You, Dorag, came to work with me at this point in time, which means that you are ready to confront the World government head-on, right???” Gromash asked.

00 Seeking flowers…

Dorag didn’t deny anything either, nodded and said, “It’s true…”

“Before this, you will definitely choose to rescue your comrades first, or that you also need to add more chances of winning, and Bartholemew-bear.. This guy is indeed a very powerful combat force, even if it is me, I will deal with him. It is also very troublesome. Once he can return to your revolutionary army, when you fight against the World government, you will also

Some more advantages, right???” Gromash grinned and said with a smile.

And Dorag didn’t speak, just nodded silently, and he became more vigilant about Gromash’s terrifying brain. Sure enough, this bastard not only has a lot of strength, but also a good brain.

Bartholemew-Bear is one of the top masters in the world. Gromash has never underestimated him. This guy is one of the few guys who can be called’invincible’ by many people. It is conceivable that his power was at the beginning. How powerful, even if Celestial Dragons treats him as a slave, they will call him an “invincible slave”.

Although Gromash has the confidence to be able to defeat him, it is also very troublesome to deal with him.How can the revolutionary army give up with such a powerful combat force, so even if you don’t know the future direction, as long as you have determined Dorag It is really going to play with the World government, and Gromash has reason to believe that before they act,

I will definitely choose to rescue Bartholemew-Bear first!!!


And where is the Bartholemew-bear??? The Holy Land Mariejois is the political, cultural and economic center of the World government. It is not that simple to save people from there.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to sneak in after the arson incident of Mariejois, the fellow Tiger, who has made trouble in the holy land, and it will not be long before there will be a chance of chaos, that is, it will be held every four years. At the World Summit, many royal families and guards from the participating countries will go to the Holy Land: Mariejois, there are many people, then

At that time, it is the best time to rescue Bartholemew-bear.

“In my opinion, you want to rescue Bartholemew, the bear, the best time is during the World Summit to be held soon???” Gromash smiled and asked.

Dorag sighed, rubbed his forehead and said, “You really can’t hide anything from you. If you really were in the world government back then, I would think it would be a little scary.

“Jiehahahahaha, fate, that’s so interesting. During the World Summit, the Marines will also focus on the Holy Land-Mariejois. If nothing major happens, they will be there to defend the normal progress of the World Summit, and I just Ready to make a big news at that moment” Gromash grinned and began to reveal some dry goods.

And Dorag’s expression also became a little serious, and he asked: “What big news do you want to make???”

Gromash showed a natural expression and said, “Of course I am continuing my plan to dominate the entire New World.”

“Kaido???” Dorag whispered softly.

But Gromash smiled and said, “Perhaps Jiehahahaha.”

Then, without waiting for Dorag to speak, Gromash laughed and continued: “Since I am ready to do something, I naturally can’t let Marine interfere with me. Although they have the responsibility of defending Mariejois during the World Summit, if they do show up. What’s the urgent situation, especially about our Frostwolf Pirates, Sakazuki bastard

I don’t have to think about it, I can guess it, he will definitely come and add chaos to me, so before he adds chaos to me, I need to add chaos to him first so that he can’t do anything!!!”

Dorag looked at Gromash and smiled, and said, “In other words, you want our revolutionary army to help you contain Marine???”

“That’s what it means.” Gromash grinned and said softly. Mountain.

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