I Am Hellscream

Chapter 627

Chapter 627 Marine Admiral Fujitora smiled!

Not to mention that Gromash is rushing to the ancient town of Sleeping at a very fast speed, nor that Pizarro and Shiryu are in a fierce battle with Lederfield. These are just small movements and have not been exposed, and naturally they will not. What caused the disturbance.

On the other hand, today, there is indeed a major event in the world, and that is the new appointment of Naval Headquarters Admiral-Fujitora officially took office with a smile!!!

At the same time, Naval Headquarters also officially announced that it would migrate from Malinford to the original G-1 branch of New World, and take a strong seat in New World!!!

Marine’s two big moves in this day attracted the attention of most people in the world, which caused a tsunami-like turmoil. Marine finally made up an Admiral, which is nothing to care about. After all, this is what everyone expected. Things in it will happen sooner or later, and Marine officially announced that it will move to the headquarters and enter the New World strongly.

What’s the small problem? This symbolizes that Marine, the former maritime tyrant, has begun to strongly intervene in New World’s affairs. The already chaotic situation of New World will become even more bizarre.

At this time, in Malinford, which is still Naval Headquarters, who have not been relocated, the chief inspector Sengoku and the Marine hero Garp, two retired old men who have returned from East Blue.

At this time, Sengoku’s original black hair has become a fashionable white hair. It seems that after being a marshal, this guy has also begun to let himself go. When a marshal, his image is very important, and he naturally wants to give it to the world. It is only necessary to leave an impression of being young, powerful and strong, so as to consolidate Marine’s prestige. After all, if the individual is weak and sickly

When the old man is a marshal, everyone might be worried that Marshal Marine won’t suddenly die suddenly, it would be too cheating.

Now you don’t need to be a marshal, Sengoku naturally doesn’t have to dye his hair, the whole person is refreshed, and the dress is not as rigorous as before. There are still a lot of meritorious medals hanging on the front, and his behavior is meticulous.

But now??? Walking by Garp’s side at this time, I can’t tell that he is the former Grand Marshal. Garp is still a gray suit, dressed in a cloak of justice.

But his Sengoku183 is completely inconsequential, wearing a fancy shirt on the upper body, a fancy beach pants on the lower body, a pair of flip-flops on his feet, and a great justice on his shoulders, but in his hands But he was holding a bag of senbei and kept eating.

“Ahahahaha, I knew that I would be chosen to be Admiral when I laughed, and I was very optimistic about him at the time!” The chief inspector Sengoku said with a laugh while eating senbei.

“Admiral or Admiral is nothing, it’s fine to join Marine. We are called back today, I am afraid it is because we are going to relocate to the headquarters???” Garp said with some emotion, while talking, he also looked at the chaos. War, Malinford, who has almost been repaired at this time, has devoted himself to this justice base camp.

It’s a bit reluctant to change the place.

But there is no way, this is inevitable, not to mention that Newgate made Kamui here at the beginning, and almost sank the entire Malinford. Now it has become a large and small archipelago. That overall majesty.

It is said that the arrival of this new era will involve all waves in the New World. If Naval Headquarters wants to continue to hold the hammer of justice in the new era to punish evil, it must also join the tide of this era.

Therefore, Malinford is no longer suitable to become Naval Headquarters.

After hearing Garp’s words, the Sengoku General Inspector also said with some emotion: “Before those incidents, I really never thought that one day, Malinford would become the past. After all, this is 800 years. Come, the center of justice!”

At this moment, another heroic voice came from behind the two. It was Zephyr, the retired former Marine Admiral. “Marine”, with a cigar in his mouth and a large pen of justice on his body, he walked over and said: “Why call this new era 800 years

What has never changed???”

“Ahahahahaha, that’s right, it’s our honor to be able to catch up with this era???” Garp said with a laugh.

The Superintendent of Sengoku said with some emotion: “I just don’t know what this final change will look like, is it good or bad??”

“That’s not something we retired old men should think about. Let Sakazuki get a headache…” Zephyr smiled and said.

Walking along the way, the three of them have indeed discovered Naval Headquarters. Malinford has begun to move towards the G-1 branch of New World. Many generals are no longer here. It seems that Sakazuki is also here. I didn’t plan to have a meeting to miss this Malinford or something before I left. It was really ruthless.

I wandered all the way to the office of the general staff. As soon as I pushed the door, I saw that the general staff of Tsuru was also packing the things in the office. It was neatly received in several cartons.

Seeing that there was nothing to help, Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr sat on the sofa very casually, watching Tsuru’s chief staff officer and said, “Little Tsuru, are we packed up there too???”

Chief Staff Officer Tsuru looked at the old marshal Sengoku a little uncomfortably, and then said, “You guys have never done anything serious since retiring. The things you brought out of the marshal’s office were not unpacked. You can take it directly to the new Naval Headquarters. As for you, Garp, I have already visited your place. There is basically nothing important.

What you want!”

“How is it possible??? I still have a bag of the best tea that I found specially from North Blue. Wouldn’t you drink it secretly???” Garp said incredulously.

Dare to feel that there is really nothing worth noting in his office, the most precious thing is actually a tea???

“Then you have to ask Zephyr,” Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said disdainfully.

Zephyr, who was originally a melon-eating crowd, froze for a while, and then quickly said: “I thought that was something Garp didn’t want, so in line with the shameful principle of waste, I drank it all…”

Garp almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of old blood after hearing it. He grabbed Zephyr’s neckline and said, “You guy is returning the old man’s tea!!!

Just when Garp and Zephyr, the two old men, were fighting and tossing, the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also processed the last bit of work, and then she said: “Can you two pay attention to the image??? Call you today? , I just want you to come in contact with a smile. He just joined Marine not long ago. There are many things that I don’t understand, and I need your guidance.

Guidance ”

After hearing the words of the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru, Sengoku quickly understood what it meant.Of course, he didn’t feel surprised. These words of the Chief Staff Officer are undoubtedly telling everyone that this new Marine Admiral-Fujitora smiled, and it is completely suitable to join him.

We doves from Marine.

Nowadays, the leaders of Dovish Marine should retire, and the retired Kuzan Admiral (Kuzan Admiral) can support her Tsuru’s chief staff, so at this time, there is an urgent need for someone who can take over and play this important task again. The manpower came, and Fujitora smiled without a doubt as a suitable candidate.

So today is actually Tsuru who wants to help this guy go to the top of the hill, and get to know the former dovish bigwigs. If you don’t understand anything in the future, you can come to find support or something.

As for Sakazuki, not long after seeing a smile, Sakazuki already knew that he and this newcomer were not in the same pot, but that monster-like strength was indeed enough to be the highest combat power of Marine. The cards are up, especially his fruit ability is also very good, so Sakazuki did not refuse to laugh at this guy’s combat effectiveness.

He was officially recognized as Marine’s new Admiral.

After all, in Sakazuki’s view at this time, Marine’s internal conflicts are not the main problem. The most urgent thing is to gain a foothold in New World. If you want to gain a foothold there, the more powerful combat power in your hands, the better!!!

‘Boom boom boom!’ After a while, there was a knock on the door, and then he smiled and walked in with his knife in his hand, and said, “Great staff, sorry, it’s a little late. A little bit”

“It doesn’t matter, after all, you are not familiar with it here. It’s normal to delay a little bit,” Tsuru’s chief staff officer said with a smile.

And this guy Garp didn’t know if it was a problem with his brain or he was really so straightforward. At the moment he saw a smile, he said with some confusion: “Your eyes??? are they injured??? Do you need treatment? ??”

In fact, with Naval Headquarters, it is like a smile like an injury. There is no problem with changing eyes or something, but this question is very begging when asked in person. When Garp spoke, Zephyr directly covered his mouth and spoke softly. Said: “You guys don’t care about the occasion when you talk???”

However, I smiled and didn’t care about it. Instead, I said: “It is a blessing to not look at things. There are too many dirty and nasty people in the world! These eyes are also destroyed by my own hands. Don’t bother you guys.”

Garp broke free from Zephyr’s hand, smiled and said, “Really? Your idea is unique. If you change me, I will definitely blind others..”

“Hahahaha, I have heard about the name of Marine hero-Garp for a long time. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary.” He smiled and said with a smile.

These few people are not those stiff people. After sitting down and chatting for a while, their opinions on justice are not much different, so they are more agreeable people. After all, this time it is not just Garp. At the same time, we must also see what the concept of Marine’s dovish is.

The two sides exchanged ideas with each other, and both felt that it was appropriate, so the atmosphere became more pleasant.

After a while, the chief inspector of Sengoku suddenly said, “I don’t know what goals or ideas you have at present??? If so, we can also help you come up with ideas???”

“Hahaha, it’s a bit of a humble opinion. The first goal of joining Marine is to ban the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization…” He smiled and said softly.

After hearing the words of a smile, the others fell silent, and then Sengoku said, “This is not a good thing to accomplish. It requires patience and time.”

“Both of these things happen to be both. I talked with Marshal Sakazuki yesterday. Although the two of us are different in concept, at least we have a common idea on this matter, but Marshal Sakazuki seems to be the same. I have already planned it, and now I only need to cooperate. Maybe this kind of thing is not as difficult as imagined.

Do it. “A smile said softly.

Sakazuki’s plan is to borrow Trafalgar-Luo to do Doflamingo, and completely organize Seven Warlords of the Sea. He never considers sacrifices in his affairs, as long as it is for justice. Fujitora laughed and just came to Marine not long ago. Sakazuki doesn’t have much contact, although he probably knows that he and Sakazuki can’t urinate in the same pot

Here, but I still don’t understand Sakazuki’s iron and blood methods, so I promised Sakazuki that he will cooperate with him to complete the plan to ban Seven Warlords of the Sea. After all, the two people have the same goal in this matter.

After hearing the words of this guy with a smile, the others also looked at each other.It seems that this newcomer Admiral is very mobile.It didn’t take long before he reached an agreement with Sakazuki on this aspect, but everyone was not here. What more to say here, after thinking about it, the old Marshal Sengoku asked, “Then I don’t know if you laugh at Proudmoore- Gromash

What’s your opinion???”.

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