I Am Hellscream

Chapter 619

Chapter 619 Laozi is hellscream!!!

Looking at the funny scene, Gromash was also a bit awkward. Then he looked at Mick and said softly: “I heard that your swordsmen pay the most attention to the cultivation of will???”

Mihawk was also a little embarrassed at this time, and saw him speak helplessly: “I’m sorry, my unbelievable apprentice is here to show his ugliness…”

However, the pure sword tyrants really pay great attention to the cultivation of their own will. If ordinary people get Perona’s trick, they will lose for a while, but I don’t know if Zoro is used to getting used to it or not. The will is really strong, and he bounced from the ground in the next second, and put his hand on the word Hedao on his waist.

, The breath of a beast on his body burst out instantly, his murderous aura was so heavy, even Gromash dropped his eyes slightly.

“Are you ready to apologize with death???” Zoro gritted his teeth while looking at Perona and said.

Although Perona is in awe of Gromash’s reputation, he is not afraid of Zoro at all.I was afraid that Gromash really can’t hold it. Put it on Zoro.

At this time Zoro wanted to retaliate against her. She was not afraid at all. She stretched out her hand and released a few ghosts again. She looked at Zoro and said, “Do you think I will be afraid of you?? Green algae head”

When the two confronted each other, Gromash suddenly laughed and said, “Hahahahahaha, it is indeed a very interesting ability. I am even more curious. Come, let me try it!!!”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Monet, the little secretary, quickly took out the camera, and stood aside expectantly waiting for the next thing. There is no doubt that she, a wicked fellow, is waiting for Gromash. Make a fool of yourself so that you can take these precious photos and use them to threaten Gromash in the future.

Zoro didn’t intend to really have trouble with Perona, so when Gromash was speaking at this time, he also put away his knife, went down the stairs, and stood aside.

And Perona was also very hesitant at this time. If she wanted to try whether Gromash could hold her abilities, there was no doubt that she was definitely thinking about it.

After all, Gromash is now called the’strongest man in the world’, and there are still a large number of people who think that Gromash is not only the strongest man, even if it is singled out, it can also be called the’strongest singled out king’. However, this statement makes Kaido’s “believers” very dissatisfied. After all, Kaido has not lost to Gromash, and it sounds better than “the strongest.”

Men’ seem to be even more powerful in the title of “the strongest creatures in sea, land and air”, so the people who eat melons are divided into two factions, and they don’t give each other. They all feel that the talents they support are the real world’s strongest!!!

Of course Perona wants to see if her abilities can make “the strongest” also be recruited. If she really succeeds, won’t her Highness Perona become a great man??? I still feel a little excited about this. Woolen cloth.

But Perona has never been in contact with Gromash, and now her original boss Moonlight-Moria has become Gromash’s little brother at this time. If she really lets Gromash recruit here, wouldn’t it be her new owner? I just lost a big face??? Then why is she still in the Frostwolf Pirates group???

Just as Perona hesitated about these things, Mihawk smiled and said, “Try it, don’t think too much, Gromash is not such a stingy person, he will not be angry with you for this kind of self-inflicted trouble. Yes, don’t underestimate his instrument…”

Gromash laughed and said, “Jiehahahahahaha, yes, even if I fail the challenge, I won’t be angry. What’s shameful about this??? On the contrary, I will still be very happy because of this. It proves that your ability is extraordinary, and maybe it can play a role in turning the tide of the battle at some special moments.”

After hearing the words of Gromash and Mihawk, Perona finally got the courage and said, “Lord Gromash, I will do it.”

After speaking, Perona reached out and pushed, and a negative ghost next to her quickly flew towards Gromash.

Gromash also grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a very confident smile, and opened his arms to welcome the arrival of the negative ghost.

In an instant, the negative ghost passed through his tall body, the next second, this ability began to activate, and Gromash instantly felt an inexplicable loss from his heart.

Then Gromash slapped, and there was a glimmer of excitement in the eyes of Miyuk and Monet, and the camera in Monet’s hand had begun to take pictures continuously.

Obviously, these two bad guys are looking forward to Gromash’s break.

At this moment, Gromash recalled all the hardships he had experienced. Thanks to the blessing of the god of suffering, Irmat, his will has become extremely strong. He stood firmly, and then a smile of the policeman hung on the corner of his mouth again, opened his arms and announced loudly: “Laozi is a hell’s roar

No one in the world can make me hang my unruly head!!!”

With the fall of Gromash’s words, his body also burst out with a powerful aura. Fortunately, he still has some restraint, otherwise the capital of the seven waters will suffer, and that aura will instantly lift the dust on the ground. After getting up, after spreading out for a certain distance, it also slowly dissipated.

After waiting for the smoke and dust to dissipate, Gromash showed a smile, laughed and said, “Jiehahahahaha, amazing, very powerful ability!!”

At this time, everyone around Gromash was stunned.Although the guy Mihawk said that he had never been tricked, in fact, he was also the one who lost it, but this kind of thing is a family ugly, he Mihawk Is he also a face-saving person??? How could he tell Gromash of his humiliating past.

So when he saw that Gromash actually held the power of this negative ghost, he was also very shocked. Could it be that he lost to Gromash in terms of will???

This idea was undoubtedly confirmed in this episode. Thinking of this, Mihawk was also very unwilling, and decided to go back and temper his will again!!!

As for Zoro, he is even more surprised, because he is often harmed by this trick, so he has long thought of many ways to crack it, but none of them are useful. He knew it very well. He never expected that someone would be able to carry this trick with his will. Then this will should

How powerful is it???

Although Monet was a little surprised, she was not too surprised. After all, she didn’t know exactly what kind of bug the negative ghost was. She just thought it was a little fun. If her captain couldn’t hold it, she would gain some precious things. The photos, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be expected.

On the other hand, Perona is indeed shocked. Although Gromash is known as the “strongest man”, Perona does not really feel that this move will not work. After all, even the first swordsman has not been in her hands. Have you ever suffered?

Because Usopp was influenced by Gromash, the whole person is no longer the kind of timid and fearful character, but has become a sea warrior, so on the original Thriller barque, he did not turn around here in Perona, yes Later, the great master Stussy knocked her Perona unconscious before she was not hit by the negative ghost.

Let the straw hat pirates die there.

Therefore, Perona’s ability has been rampant for so many years, and there has never been a failure. From the first swordsman to the small, as long as this trick is achieved, all of them have to stop cooking.

But today she was completely hitting the wall, and Gromash actually carried this wave of negative ghosts.

“Is this the strongest man???” Perona thought involuntarily in her heart, and then looked at Gromash’s mighty figure of Haki and the special horns on her forehead that looked like a hell demon, suddenly she thought with a certain heart: “Look carefully. If you look at it, the new boss seems to be a handsome teacher.”

At this moment, Gromash moved his body and said, “Although I couldn’t knock me down, but it also blocked my actions for a moment. This is also strong enough. You must know that moment. I am completely defenseless. If Mihawk shoots, I will just fall to the ground, which is really terrifying.,

After hearing Gromash’s words, Mi Denko also nodded and said: “Yes, this ability is indeed beyond the specifications in some aspects, but it is not impossible to deal with it. The speed of the negative ghost is not fast. As long as the sneak attack is not hit, with our skill, it is impossible to be slapped with precautions.

As Gromash expected, if Perona’s ability could seize the opportunity, it would indeed be able to turn the tide of the battle in an instant.

“I don’t know if it’s useful to Kaido. If it’s the first time, he will definitely be recruited. After all, that guy is daring to pick up anything with his strength and immortality…” Gromash An evil smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and he whispered softly.

Mihawk turned Byakugan and said jokingly: “This is not just Kaido’s bad problem, you Zoan’s strong people also have this problem, aren’t you Gromash too? And often you can’t be serious if you die. It’s a coincidence”

The two talked and laughed again, and then Gromash said to Perona, “Good job, I welcome talents like you to join our Frostwolf Pirates, don’t worry, Moria is indeed On our side, he is currently practicing in retreat and cannot come out to see you for the time being, but there seems to be someone called Absalom.

Guy seems to be ”

Gromash said here, he looked at Monet. For a’transparent person’ like Absalom, Gromash’s impression is really not very deep. , If it wasn’t for Moria’s face (good money), Gromash would have wiped him out, and the ability had been taken out for him!

After seeing Gromash’s sight, Monet was also very tacit, and instantly said: “I will be the captain of the guard on the Island of the Queen of Spring.”

“Ah, yes, that’s right, that guy is there, he should be your acquaintance??? If you are interested, you can find him or something,” Gromash said with a smile.

On the other hand, Perona had no interest in Absalom, but looked at Gromash a little embarrassedly, and then said with a blushing face, “Master Gromash, can I stay in the City of Seven Waters???”

Gromash didn’t find anything wrong. Seeing that Perona had no interest in Absalom and didn’t care about it, Pervert wouldn’t be likable even if he wanted to die, so Gromash didn’t think much about it.

Since Perona wanted to stay in the City of Seven Waters, there was nothing left or right, Gromash didn’t mind anything, so he nodded and said, “Well, as you like, when Moria comes back, I will arrange work for you. Now, you just think of a way to quickly integrate yourself in.”

Although Gromash didn’t notice anything, Monet was very careful. After observing Perona a little, Monet seemed to have discovered something. His vigilance towards Perona rose a step, and he whispered to himself: ” It seems that I have to discuss it with Robin sister. Alas, the charm of my own man is also a problem.

Why don’t you wait for the captain to fall asleep and shave his head secretly???”.

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