I Am Hellscream

Chapter 613

Chapter 613 Ten Billion Pirates???

The bounty of Cromwell is higher than that of Joz, the second in command of the Frostwolf Pirates, which really makes Gromash feel very incredible.

But thinking about it carefully, although Cromwell failed to participate in this war and showed his talents, he has made several appearances before. Kakuzu is very fierce.

In the battle for the top at Malinford, the two big moves of the old marshal Sengoku and the new marshal Sakazuki were tossed into dumb guns.

You know that Sengoku and Sakazuki are both top masters, but Cromwell can easily catch their killer moves in that situation. The masters can test their strengths in an instant.

It may also be because the new and old Marine Marshals have suffered losses in Cromwell’s hands. Based on this situation, it is calculated that Cromwell’s strength is not generally strong, but very strong!!!

In fact, the Marines’ speculation was not wrong, although Cromwell did not produce any dazzling record, finally there was a big battle, he also failed to catch up with Zhao, and it ended without showing his face.

But this guy really wanted to talk about his strength, Gromash had a bit of effort to clean up him. Among the fighting power of the entire Frostwolf Pirates excluding Gromash, Cromwell was consistently ranked in the top three all year round.

Only Joz and Luchi can compete with him, and after getting Marshall-D-Teach’s Dark Fruit ability, Joz may no longer be his opponent, Luchi is not because of Thunder. Fruit is called the “invincible” ability and too much emphasis on the development of “one six or seven” and fruit ability. He has a very rough understanding of Thunder Fruit’s ability development.

Violence is wild. If 100 million volts doesn’t work, 200 million, if 200 million doesn’t work, then 500 million. Anyway, just discharge. At most, make your skills a little more handsome and fancy.

For the development of Thunder Fruit, Lu Qi pays attention to speed. He prefers to use speed to match his physical strength and martial arts. For this reason, without Thunder Fruit, Lu Qi is still a top expert and can rely on his own hard power. Compete with Cromwell.

When Lu Qi dealt with Joz, he had an unusual headache. Joz was hard enough and his physical fitness was extremely strong, but he was not as flexible as Lu Qi. In general, the three were entangled with each other in the Frostwolf Pirates. The top three in the competition.

Unlike the talented fighting genius like Lu Qi and Gromash like Joz, you can know at a glance that he will achieve extraordinary people in the future. Cromwell is a passerby character from the beginning. Gromash is because he likes it. Because of his eclectic boldness, and he was originally the mate of the Shining Pirates of Joz.

Only those who take a high look at him will train him.

Therefore, it is really necessary to talk about qualifications and the like. Cromwell is probably not ranked in the entire Frostwolf Pirates. When he really started to take off, it was because after Lu Qi got Thunder Fruit, he also I felt that I should have the ability, and then I happened to obtain the Munch-Munch Fruit on the Drum Island, which should have belonged to the idiot Wapol.

This Munch-Munch Fruit is a very heaven-defying Paramecia Devil Fruit. If Gromash is used to estimate, this ability should be one of the top Paramecia fruit capabilities.

Even Blackbeard- Marshall-D- Teach really wants to get Cromwell’s ability. In the original story, Teach also made a special trip to the Drum Kingdom. I don’t know if it was directed at Wapol. The ability to go is also unclear.

Anyway, this ability was put on Wapol’s body, it was a waste of firewood, he used it to make fun, but after Cromwell got this ability, it directly soared into the sky, and it couldn’t stop at all. .

Now, Marshall-D-Teach has settled in his stomach. He has Dark Fruit in his left hand and Munch-Munch Fruit in his right. A large number of abilities that no one can appreciate all the year round are basically used by Guy to use the “Devil Fruit material conduction” technology to toss into Cromwell.

Take the gems with you.

In other words, Cromwell can swallow a handful of “Devil Fruit Gems” at any time and become a jack-of-all-trades player with several abilities. This is also one of the fundamental reasons why he is called “Gem Hunter”.

Teach was abolished, and now he Cromwell is the only “plurality” fruit ability in the entire world, and it is normal for Marines to look at him high.

“Big Brother Cromwell’s strength was already ranked among the top three leaders of our Frostwolf Pirates. Now Big Brother Joz, Lu Qi, and him are all bounties of more than 1.5 billion Baileys. Incredibly thinking about coming to Marine also refers to the internal strength of our Frostwolf Pirates group???” Robin thought about his chin and said.

Monet thought about it seriously, and then he said: “Is it possible that our ability hunting plan has also found some clues on the World government??? After all, this matter is not due to Irving’s turmoil. What’s the secret? The world government will doubt the key points of our Master technology to Cromwell.

It’s not impossible, so the threat is quite high???”

‘The Hunting Plan for the Powerful. After obtaining the Dark Fruit’s ability, Cromwell finally obtained this “heaven-defying magical skill” after all the hardships. He captured Irving’s hot fruit in one fell swoop, and created it. The current achievements of Weber.

This plan is not a secret plan. After all, this thing can’t be concealed if you want to conceal it. As the “crimes” become more and more in the future, people will discover it sooner or later.

Owen belongs to the more shining person. After all, he is an important cadre of the Charlotte family and the younger brother of the big people like Kata Kuri. He suddenly had an accident and died in the City of Seven Waters. Then Webber got the heat. The fruit ability was well demonstrated in this war.

It would be weird if it doesn’t make people think about it. The World government will definitely suspect the Frostwolf Pirates, and Cromwell’s weird ability and Dark Fruit’s related information have already been recorded in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book. There are some, such as the ability of the person who can absorb the ability, and the ability can be erased after contact.

Just think of it, Cromwell is the most suspicious, so it is very likely that the threat to Cromwell from the World government has risen to a huge step, allowing his strength and threat to match each other and become Now this terrifying monster with a bounty of 1.73 billion Bailey.

This bounty is not set by his uncle Gromash. Since Marine thinks Cromwell is worthy of this bounty, let them offer a reward like this. Anyway, the higher the bounty, the more face, the happier Gromash will be. Fortunately, all his people are monsters that can break through two billion Baileys. Then he will be able to dominate the rivers and lakes for generations to come.

“Okay, I also understand the general situation. This fellow Cromwell has become famous in one fell swoop, where are the others???” Gromash put Cromwell’s wanted reward order aside and asked. .

“When we contacted two days ago, he said that he was moving in the direction of Totto Land-Wanguo, he should be going to meet with Brother Joz and the others???” Monet thought about the information in his mind and quickly Opened his mouth and said.

“Really? I don’t care about him. Today is really a good day. The people from Marine gave us all the rewards of the Frostwolf Pirates group at once.” Gromash smiled and lifted the tea cup at hand. After taking a sip, he said happily.

And Monet was also very happy to say: “Together, our bounty has exceeded 10 billion, right??”

“It’s already broken tens of billions, so you don’t have to count it.” Robin also said very excitedly.

“Ten Billion Pirates?” Monet said with some excitement.

However, Gromash smiled and shook his head and said, “The Ten Billion Pirates is nothing great at all, well, don’t be confused by this name. Charlotte- Linlin and the bigmom Pirates are already the Ten Billion Pirates, not the same. Should I stop cooking???”

The dead old woman Charlotte- Linlin has thirty-nine daughters, forty-six sons, and forty-three husbands. Without counting herself, she gave an average of 100 million baileys to his family members, all of which were more than 10 billion. It’s a bounty, not to mention that she still has a’wild’ cadre like Pokms, and it may be that the bigmom pirate group is 20 billion.

The bounty is broken 0.

The same goes for Kaido. Except for the Three Plagues, so many real hits and pillars under him must have already broken tens of billions.

But what’s the use?? There is no use for eggs, the Charlotte-Linlinbigmom Pirate Group should stop cooking..

Robin and Monet were so cold water splashed by Gromash, but they also calmed down, carefully believe that this tens of billions of pirates is really nothing powerful, the number of people is too large, it can still reach this scale…

“It seems that it’s really nothing great,” Robin said, touching his chin.

“Jiehahahahahaha, that’s it. Okay, I’m going for a stroll, moving my body that has been stiff for a day.” Gromash stood up, rubbed the heads of Monet and Robin, and said with a smile. Said.

When Gromash was about to leave, Monet showed a sly smile, looked at Gromash and said, “Captain, have you forgotten who???”

While talking, Monet also took out a wanted order from her full chest that was hidden by her.Gromash looked at this scene and was also a little surprised. Cadres??? As for the captains of the independent pirate regiments, and the remaining small cadres whose names he can’t even call, also

There is no need to be hidden by Monet??? Is it possible to be Chloe?? But Chloe has always hidden himself perfectly, unless there is a problem within the Frostwolf Pirates, otherwise he will not be exposed…

“Hidden in the chest is really a big taboo. It’s easy to attract evil. Come to my room tonight, I will perform some evil techniques for you to ensure you are safe.” A wretched smile hung on the corner of Gromash’s mouth. Yi, opened his mouth and joked to Monet.

And Monet flipped through Byakugan and didn’t use Gromash’s stinky rascal words at all. Instead, he held the wanted order in his hand and asked again: “Do you want to see who this is?”

As the so-called fans of the authorities, the bystanders are clear, Gromash can’t think of himself, but Robin, the intelligent black-bellied queen of ice and snow, immediately thought of the correct answer and asked: “Monet, it must be our captain himself???”

When Robin reminded me of this, Gromash covered his head as if suddenly realized, and said in 4.1 mouths: “It must have not run away, really, I didn’t even think of this problem. My little brothers will go to heaven one by one. Now, I killed Charlotte: Linlin’s boss has to be brilliant, right???”

But Monet pouted a little uncomfortably and said, “Sister Robin, you shouldn’t remind him.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, hurry up, let me see, my country, cough, cough, isn’t my bounty?” Gromash asked with a very curious laugh.

Then Monet didn’t continue to sell anything. He reached out and opened the wanted order. It was still the familiar photo. The Gromash in the photo was extremely fierce, and a fierce breath came to his face.

“Hellscream. Proudmoore. Gromash” Gromash whispered his own name printed on it.

Then Robin also looked at the number on the bounty with a shocked expression, swallowed the saliva in his mouth, and whispered softly with an incredible voice: “The bounty is 4.3 billion Baileys?”

The Bounty of Gromash was already high enough before, but this time, from his 3.3 billion Baileys, it has directly increased by one billion Baileys. It is currently the highest reward for pirates in the world. .

After being a little surprised, Gromash said with a little interest: “What? I thought it was tens of billions. What happened? I hammered Charlotte-Linlin to death and only increased by 1 billion. ??? Too much???”.

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