I Am Hellscream

Chapter 610

Chapter 610 Vinsmoke’s research summit???

Pele’s reward of 1.97 billion, this bounty even felt a bit surprised by Gromash. It seems that Marine and World government really regard Lu Qi as a top threat.

If there was no Gromash among them, Blackbeard-Marshall-D-Teach would only be only 2,247,600,000 Baileys.

It is not much different from today’s Lu Qi, less than 300 million. It is conceivable how much significance Lu Qi’s bounty now represents. This bounty completely symbolizes that he owns and does not belong to Marine Admiral. The strength and the threat of the Four Emperors in the past.

“That kid must be happy now,” Gromash smiled and shook his head.

The relationship between Robin and Lu Qi has always been’fire and water’. At this time, Robin himself only has a bounty of 250 million Baileys, and Lu Qi is directly offering a reward of 2 billion Baileys. Next time I see Lu Odd, that cocky guy would use these things to mock her.

I saw Robin’s expression a bit uncomfortable and said: “That guy is so annoying, I can already imagine his face is ready.”

Monet also had a very agreeable expression, and then her expression changed, imitating Lu Qi’s appearance and voice, reaching out to touch the non-existent mustache on her chin, and then said, “Huh, stupid woman. , This is how you will only confuse Gromash all day long, 250 million???

The hind legs of the regiment”

After seeing Monet’s “imitation show”, Robin said with a very agreeable expression: “Yes, that’s it, that’s it, that bastard guy must be this face!!!”

I don’t know how Lu Qi, a straight steel man, offended the two women Robin and Monet. From the moment Monet imitated Lu Qi, Robin and her couldn’t stop talking about Lu Qi~.

“If you want me to say, he’s done, there is no way to have a girlfriend in this life!!!” Monet said very seriously.

“Just his character, no woman can stand him, but what does this have to do with us??? I don’t bother to care about these things, let him hold his own strength and strength to die alone, sooner or later One day he will regret it,” Robin is also very praise-said the same.

Seeing that Lu Qi was about to be called “unsurpassed” by the two of them, Gromash also waved his hand and interrupted the two women who were saying bad things behind their backs. Think about it carefully, Lu Qi will have a relationship with the two of you. So many opinions are not a person’s pot.

“Okay, okay, let’s go on, you two, Lu Qi should drop a thunder from the sky to kill you two guys.” Gromash hurriedly said.

Seeing that Gromash has spoken, Robin and Monet also stopped their thoughts. Then Robin sighed with emotion and said: “The guy Lu Qi really lacks a good partner, Captain, you don’t plan to Can you find him???”

Gromash smiled when he saw it and said, “I was so fierce as I said just now, I still care about him in my heart.”

After all, Robin and Lu Qi can be regarded as small partners who grew up together, and Monet is also similar. May stand idly by.

Hearing Gromash’s words, Monet said frankly: “Sister Robin is trying to find a woman to take care of the guy Lu Qi, otherwise he wanders around you all day, I think something will happen sooner or later. Yes, the two of us can’t rest assured!!!”

Robin also nodded very quickly, and said, “Yes!!”

Gromash trembled and said, “How is it possible, Laozi, I have a normal orientation!!!”

But remembering that Lu Qi has been very clingy to himself since he was young, and there has been no woman for so many years, Gromash also trembled in his heart, muttering to himself: “It is indeed time to find a woman for this guy, sometimes It makes sense to think about the marriage of the bigmom pirates

Annoyed, the most important thing is that the strength is strong enough, who is not worthy of this sea??? Let’s grab a princess or something??? I think Princess Vivi of Alabasta is very good.”

The three of them had a lot of trouble in this regard, and in the end they were not sure which girl they were going to grab to give Lu Qi this boy the wife of the village.

“Okay, let’s not talk about Luchi’s kid, are there any updates to Joz and their bounty???” Gromash asked.

And Monet nodded quickly, and then said: “Basically, the cadres with names in our Frostwolf Pirates have been updated.”

While talking, Monet also took out all the wanted warrants in the newspaper, which was quite a thick stack, and then she handed the top one to Gromash and said, “This is the doctor Pervert from Hogback. of”

Gromash picked it up and glanced at it, then grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: “The name is quite powerful, and it feels amazing when I hear it.”

“Let me see???” Robin put his little head on Gromash’s shoulder, put his gaze on the wanted order in Gromash’s hand, and then whispered softly: “Profane. -Hokkubak offers a bounty of 300 million Baileys, isn’t it??? Mr. Hokkubak’s bounty is higher than mine??? Is there anyone from Marine?

It’s a mistake.”

After questioning, Robin nodded again and said, “But it is true that the name blasphemer sounds quite powerful.”

When the guy Dengub first started to follow Gromash as a pirate, he was a bit restrained, and he knew to take his reputation into consideration when he started those experiments that degraded the gods and life.

But as he walked farther and farther on the path of the pirates, and got better and better, the demon in this guy that Gromash called “naturally evil” could no longer be suppressed.

With the blasphemy experiment again and again, this guy has completely released himself, no matter what his reputation is not, his experiments have also spread to the sea along with various gossips, and his reputation is getting more and more. Stinky, abruptly changed from a genius surgeon to a scum and shame in the medical world, and Marine’s this time

The wanted order of reward is also regarded as a real hammer to Hobackak, which is directly defined as a “blasphemer”.

“But it’s quite appropriate. This guy’s behavior was originally to blaspheme the gods, but ah, any enlightenment that challenges the authority of gods is a way to read gods. When gods fall, blasphemers will Becoming a new god, Hokkubak, is doing this. If he can really break the taboo of life and death in his lifetime, then he will be

Is it called the Blasphemer??? No, he will become the new god!!! Jiehahahahaha!!!” Gromash laughed and said.

To say that in the Frostwolf Pirates, whose dream is the most ambitious, it really belongs to Hokkubak. The rest of Gromash and their dreams are the dreams of ordinary people, even if it is to become the One Piece. It’s really awesome, he is directly determined to challenge the gods, and he is not just talking, but has been doing it practically.

In this matter, in this respect, Gromash also admires this unscrupulous doctor who seems to be inextricably linked to pervert.

After a few people sighed with the fellow Hogback, Monet handed the last wanted order to Gromash. It was printed in the photo in Gromash’s eyes. It was a very evil looking person, and it looked evil. The ghost-like guy is wearing a white lab coat, holding a test tube in his hand, with a crazy and evil smile on his face, there is no doubt that this guy is

In the Frostwolf Pirates group, the mad scientist named “Evil Binary” with Hokkubak-Guyza Courant.

“Death scientist-M-Guy Sa-Courant, offering a reward of 400 million Baileys is so-so,” Gromash said casually.

0-Seeking flowers…

This title is nothing compared to Hokkubak. Although the bounty is 100 million higher, Hokkubak has not been offered a reward before, and Guy Sa is because he created that kind in Punk Hazard. After the incident, Lu Qi was rescued by the ship hijacking. At the time, Marine, who did not know the truth, directly gave Guy a bounty of 300 million Baileys.

Now it is only an increase of 100 million, but there is nothing to watch.

Think about it carefully, although this guy has committed a lot of crimes, he does rarely show up. While doing scientific research, he also has to act as a queen doctor. He Guysa is directly a dead house. This time he can update his reward wanted. It’s probably because Marine is a member of the Frostwolf Pirates

“Why did that guy guy go? I heard that he seems to have left The fish men island???” Gromash put the wanted order from Guy on the table, and asked curiously. .

“The Vinsmoke clan of the Djerma Kingdom suddenly convened a scientific research summit the day before yesterday, inviting scientists from all over the world to participate in the research. There, regardless of identity and position, only the level of knowledge is considered, Mr. Guysa seems to be Vinsmoke- Judge personally called the worm to invite, and there seems to be something he is really interested in, so

So I went to North Blue. “Monet said quickly.

“Vinsmoke’s house???” Gromash whispered, touching his chin lightly.

At this time, Gromash was thinking, now that the bigmom pirates have been harmed by his Gromash, it is like this. I am afraid that the guy Judge has no marriage. I have heard such news before. I think it should be the two sides. A certain consensus was reached, and the change came too fast. His mother-in-law was beaten to death by himself. This marriage naturally

Stop cooking.

“Couldn’t that fellow Judge have any grievances about us killing Charlotte-Linlin, and set up a trap to trick Guy Sarang into death? After all, what scientific research summits their Vinsmoke family held in the past? At that time, I didn’t see him rushing to invite Guy to spread it? ?? I didn’t even see him calling the bug himself.” Gromash was a bit persecuted

Delusion-like opening and whispering softly.

But Monet smiled, and said arrogantly: “Give him Vinsmoke-Judge two more courage, will he dare to move us from the Frostwolf Pirates???”

“I think so too, Captain, I am not untouched by Germa 66 in the dark world. Judge is a very cautious person. At the same time, he also has the rigor and reason of being a scientist, so he is absolutely not allowed. If you have the courage to be our enemy at this time, maybe it is really just a scientific research summit??? Don’t think too much.” Robin

He also said with a smile.

Gromash thought for a while, and found that this is the same reason.Now that they are thankful for the Frostwolf Pirates if they don’t provoke others, who else will dare to provoke them??? The last Charlotte- Linlin who proactively couldn’t get along with him, now It is still hanging in the port of the City of Seven Waters.

In fact, Gromash really wants to go wrong. Vinsmoke, Judge will offend their Frostwolf Pirates at this time, but this scientific research summit is indeed a cover. Judge’s main goal is to invite Guy to go there. Of course, not to kill him, but to “kneel and lick” him. Judge wanted to go through Guy and fight with the Frostwolf Pirates.

The former most powerful pirate group got in touch with each other.

As a scientist, Judge is very rational. The marriage with the bigmom pirates was disrupted by the Frostwolf Pirates, and his mother-in-law was directly hammered to death. Although he was very annoyed at the beginning, he was angry. After it passed, he didn’t care at all. For him, it was the same as a scientific experiment failed.

Change the material and start an experiment again.Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth.If you practice a few times, you will always succeed.

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