I Am Hellscream

Chapter 608

Chapter 608 Gromash has all the Four Emperors tossed yellow??

In a certain area of ​​New World, the sea here is very weird. The entire sea surface is red, and magma is boiling. There is no ship that can pass through here normally, and this is why it is called the sea of ​​death or ” Magma waters, because there is no life here.

At this time, at the edge of this magma sea, Red Hair Pirates’ Red and Fors were tempting wildly here. I don’t know if these adventurous and dying people are making unreliable ideas.

“I said Captain Shanks, your brain is not broken??? What gave you the courage to make you want to enter this sea??? Is it your arm that has long been gone???” Ki-lu bit the chicken leg and asked Shanks next to him.

At this time Shanks was touching his chin, looking at the lava sea, as if thinking about something.

“I have a hunch, to be honest, there must be some incredible treasure hidden in this sea area, Beckman, give you a task, go down and try to see what the water temperature is??” Shanks said after thinking about it.

And after Ben-Beckman heard what Shanks said, his expression seemed to say,’Are you kidding me???’, then Beckman hurriedly said: “If you want to go, go by yourself, I will be in Valha-Valha. I will set up a monument for you.”

“Hey, when will this damn sea area cool down???” Shanks said suddenly annoyingly.

“Perhaps we have to wait for some earth-shaking changes in New World, “One Six Seven” hahahahaha.” Yasopp laughed and said.

And at this moment, a little brother suddenly rushed out of the cabin and shouted at the cadres on the deck in a panic: “Big incident, big incident, New World is over!!”

Yasopp grabbed the little boy by the shoulder, and then said, “What is it?? What is it like to panic??? Are you trying to tell me, you have a way to cool the sea in front of you??? ”

The little brother was also taken aback for a while, and then quickly said: “It’s not this, Yasopp boss, something really happened, that Gromash killed Charlotte-Linlin in the sea of ​​restlessness!!!”

At this time, Shanks, who was stepping on the edge of the boat and looking out with his head outstretched, almost didn’t fall off the boat after hearing these words, but fortunately, Laki-lu, who was beside him, grabbed him, otherwise He really wants to have a close contact with the hot water.

Shanks quickly turned around, looked at his little brother, and then said in shock, “You repeat what you just said??? What happened to Gromash???”

“Gromash, hellscream, he killed Charlotte- Linlin of the bigmom pirates in the sea of ​​restlessness!!! It’s true, Shanks boss, the outside has begun to go violently, Totto Land-world is crazy by pirates from all walks of life In the attack, apart from the Frostwolf Pirates, one of the two biggest forces was the Don Quidditch family and the other was Baihu

The remnant party of the Pirate Group!!!” The little brother said quickly.

Shanks is sorry at this time. It’s not that he doesn’t know that Gromash is fighting Charlotte- Linlin. There is no safe and good life.

After testing Kaido over there, and discovering that Kaido seems to have something important to deal with in Wanokuni, and there is no need to find the troublesome idea of ​​Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin, Shanks ran here to think about it with satisfaction. The way to risk comes.

As a result, it hadn’t had time to figure out a good way to enter the sea, and another terrible event broke out, which completely destroyed his Shanks’ adventure opportunity, and the guy Gromash killed the monster Charlotte- Linlin. !!???

I saw Shanks covered his head and whispered softly in his mouth: “I knew it. I really didn’t expect all this to come so quickly, Charlotte- Linlin was actually killed????”

Ben-Beckman bit a cigarette and said softly, “New World is really going to run away, Shanks, your Four Emperors name ends here today. Although it feels incredible, Gromash has already killed you. The names of these Four Emperors have been shattered. From now on, I am afraid there is no such thing as a Four Emperors pattern.”

Ben-Beckman was right. He didn’t expect this. Originally, he thought that after entering New World, Gromash would chase the name of Four Emperors and replace Whitebeard. The initial development was indeed just as he had hoped. As expected, Gromash occupied Newgate’s legacy as soon as he entered.

The time is in the limelight. Beckman estimates that if Gromash is given a period of time to let him handle his own affairs, the name of the Four Emperors will definitely fall on Gromash’s head.

It turned out to be good, the situation suddenly changed overnight, let alone Gromash being Four Emperors not Four Emperors, this guy directly smashed the Four Emperors sign, everyone don’t be it.

Isn’t it?? Nowadays Gromash is not really Four Emperors. It used to be because he hadn’t taken this position firmly, but now it’s because just like the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, now this “Four Emperors organization” “I can’t pretend that he is a big Buddha. Obviously, I killed Charlotte, Linlin, the original Four Emperors in one fell swoop. In the eyes of the world,

Gromash has led the Frostwolf Pirates to become an existence above the Four Emperors. After all, he is different from the indisputable guy Newgate. Newgate may not care what the name of the Four Emperors is limited to. , But Gromash has the ambition to dominate the Pirate!!!

Now it may be more appropriate to call him the “pirate overlord”, and even calling him the “sea overlord” is not considered a transgression.

Without Gromash and Newgate, the Four Emperors were no longer complete. Now this bastard also killed Charlotte- Linlin, and Four Emperors directly let him get half of it. This name has basically been abandoned. Isn’t it???

“How do you do this??? We have become the second emperor???” Laki, Lu said a little funny.

“Fuck the emperor, the balance of mutual containment by the Four Emperors in the past has been broken, and now everyone is no longer the top. With this qualification, we became a silver medal player in an instant hahahahahaha, thinking about it, it’s really incredible! !!” Yasopp

Said with a smile.

Shanks also smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, “I didn’t do anything, I didn’t make any mistakes. I was forced to drop a grade by the asshole of Gromash overnight. Get his life card, let’s go to the City of Seven Waters to find him!!”

“Then we don’t care about Totto Land???” Yasopp asked.

“Why??? Is there anything you want in it? ??” Shanks looked at Yasopp in surprise and asked.

Yasopp also froze for a while, then shook his head and said, “You said that, it’s really nothing.”

“What are you going to do then?? When you are a pirate, you have to pursue what you want to pursue. It can’t be good, just get together wherever you are. We are a pirate group with style. Just run around!” Shanks said nonchalantly.

This guy is also Xiaojiu, Totto Land has such a big interest, he didn’t think about going in and sharing a piece of the pie, and being a pirate to do his part, maybe it is true freedom???

Not to mention that Red Hair Pirates is not planning to participate in Totto Land. Instead, I want to go to the capital of the seven waters to find Gromash theory and see if I can get anything wrong.

In Wanokuni, Kaido is already going crazy and he almost demolished his base!!!

“Impossible!!! How could that bastard Linlin die so easily???” Kaido smashed the wine table in front of him with a punch, and said in a rage.

“The Elune of the Frostwolf Pirates has been observed by many spies on the way back. Charlotte- Linlin’s body is indeed on their ship and if Charlotte- Linlin is not dead, give Doflamingo and the immortal. The two birds have the courage, it is impossible for the two of them to dare to attack Totto Land-IWC???

On both shoulders, he spoke softly.

Kaido grabbed his two horns with both hands, and then as if going mad, he yelled and smashed everything around him to pieces, and then he knelt down on the ground in pain. Weeping.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!! That old lady is very annoying, but she still has a companionship with me. On the boat of the Rocks boss, we had a barbecue together. I didn’t expect this guy to be so simple. I was beaten to death!!!” Kaido muttered nervously with tears.

In fact, Kaido was originally a bit neurotic. This guy might have been Haki mighty and angry in the last second, and in the next second he might be like a tramp, splashing and rolling on the ground, crying bitterly.

But who tells him to be strong??? Even if he has a hobby of “shit”, it is still waiting for no one to dare to say that he is not, let alone he is just a nerve???

After crying for a while, Kaido stood up suddenly, looked at the big fat guy who was beside Quinn, and then asked, “It was the bastard Gromash who killed Linlin, right???”

Quinn has long been accustomed to the neuroticism of his Kaido boss, so he was not surprised by Kaido’s chaotic thinking. Instead, he nodded and said: “That’s for sure, Kaido boss, besides that guy, there is also Who can do this??? He is also a lunatic, New World is over.”

“Damn it, he clearly said that he would kill me first. At the beginning, the guy beat me with Linlin in the cake master. I thought they might join hands in the future. As a result, Laozi is still alive and Linlin will die first. It’s unlucky!!!” Kaido said with some dissatisfaction.

It seems that the neurosis has finished venting, and Kaido has returned to 4.1.He is a little more normal. Take a few sips.

Then he wiped the corners of his mouth and said, “In this case, Linlin can only be blamed for his bad luck. There are a lot of good things in Totto Land. Go and find out if you can find any good things and bring them back to Laozi. , Especially the historical text of the road signs. Although Linlin said that his historical text was stolen by the revolutionary army, no one was involved in this matter.

I don’t know if it is true or not. Anyway, look for Laozi. If you can’t find it, rubbings are fine!!!”

After speaking, Kaido thought about it again, and said, “When Linlin died, he still died in Gromash’s hands. Then Laozi’s Four Emperors name is gone???”

Quinn smiled and said, “That’s right, boss Kaido, the Four Emperors are gone. How can I say that New World is over???”

Kaido heard the words and smashed the wine gourd on the ground, the wine splashed, and then he said angrily, “Asshole Gromash, don’t let Laozi run into you!!!”

As Gromash expected, the news that he killed Charlotte- Linlin in the Sea of ​​Turmoil was only concealed for less than two days, like a storm of doomsday, sweeping the entire world, and now everyone is I know, the Four Emperors pattern of New World is over, and a new pattern with one super and multiple powers seems to be gradually born!!.

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