I Am Hellscream

Chapter 604

Chapter 604 The temperament of the strongest man??

The deep sea is lonely, and the deep sea is also dark. No flame can really boil the entire sea into boiling water. As the depth gradually increases, Charlotte- Linlin has already fainted again. This time, she will never again. There is no chance to wake up.

Dragging a huge corpse wandering in the sea, Gromash has also noticed that Charlotte-Linlin behind him is dead, and it is the kind that is really dead, it is impossible to live again.

I am afraid that even if the strongest doctor, Hokkubak, is now taking action, it is impossible to save Charlotte-Linlin at this time before he has stepped into the real “God Realm”.

Although he has the blood of a murloc, Gromash recalled it, and it seemed that he hadn’t been swimming in the sea for a long time, and hadn’t dived into such a deep sea for a long time.

From the beginning, Gromash didn’t take much effort to kill Charlotte- Linlin this time, and the state only turned to violent, and he didn’t use “Hundred Ghosts-Burning Blood” at all. It’s not that he didn’t want to. But he knew very well that Charlotte-Linlin was impossible for him to use.

It was not flames, abilities, powers, etc. that really let him kill Charlotte- Linlin, but the sea.

“Newgate, you said that everyone is the son of the sea, you are really right, but compared to you, Gromash is a serious son.” Gromash smiled softly and said to himself Murmured.

After laughing, Gromash pulled Charlotte- Linlin’s hair, rippling his feet, and swiftly moved up towards the sea. While swimming, the corners of Gromash’s mouth were also tilted up involuntarily. Can’t be suppressed.

Just as the big men of the Frostwolf Pirates said, this war is their victory, and it is a big victory. In one fell swoop, the enemy’s total Admiral was cut under the horse, and the New World Four Emperors pattern changed from From today on, it will be completely rewritten, and there will be no Four Emperors anymore. His Gromash’s “Four Emperors dream” is also inexplicably broken. From today, the sea

There will only be two “pirate emperors”, and his Gromash will be the “sea lord” above them!!!

If anyone is not convinced, he must first kill Kaido or Shanks before he can be qualified to beep with him, otherwise it is his brother’s behavior.

As soon as Charlotte Linlin died, the whole bigmom pirate group would be finished, just like the Whitebeard pirate group without Newgate, they also had to fall out of the scale of the top pirate group without Charlotte- Linlin. With this backbone, they can only be regarded as’silver medalists’.

And the bigmom pirates of the Charlotte family are actually not very united. Newgate is dead, Marco and the others can still hug and act in unity, because they themselves have that kind of power, but if Charlotte- Linlin is Dead, the bigmom pirate group is almost disbanded, Perros Pello, the head of the Charlotte family

Zi has always felt that he will become the second generation captain, but his brother Kata Kuri is too strong, and his prestige in the entire Charlotte family is also very high, plus many people have long wanted to be the bigmom pirates. The group got mixed up, but because of Charlotte- Linlin’s powerful power, there was no way to escape, otherwise they would have gone away and wanted to be

Even Smoky had the idea of ​​leaving the bigmom pirate group in 2016, didn’t he???

The root cause is attributed to this family, which is nominally connected by the bloodline. Its true essence is not the warmth of the family and the friendship that blood is thicker than water, but it is cold to the high pressure of Ultimate and Charlotte- Linlin. Absolute power and strength!!!

Now that Charlotte- Linlin is dead, what will the bigmom pirates end in? Do you still have to think about it??? If Kata Kuri can’t gather the surplus people, then wait for the bigmom pirates The end of the game is to split up.

Suddenly drilled out of the sea, Gromash took a breath of the warm air on the sea, and then released his Observation Haki, then frowned, looked not far behind him, and saw a tall figure standing there. On the sea, there is a layer of floating ice swaying with the waves under the feet.

Gromash smiled and said, “Jiehahahahaha, isn’t this Kuzan??? What??? I heard that you guys are not doing Marine??? Are you ready to come out to open the mountain? If there is such a thing. If you have any ideas, you have to act quickly. New World will soon have a round of strong feast to start, and you can grab it from this cake.

How much you eat depends on your own methods..~,

Kuzan looked at Gromash, and then at the huge corpse floating on the sea with his hair pulled by Gromash. His heart was full of emotions, the little trash fish that escaped from Impel down-Imperton back then. , Now it has become a megalodon in the world, even Charlotte- Linlin, who has dominated the sea for so many years, is just killing it.

Killed, and then think of the amazing record of Gromash in the top battle of Malinford. In this world, I want to find someone who can compare with him in the record of lore. It seems that I can’t find it. From the Flying Pirate -Golden Lion, to the strongest man-Newgate, and to the current Four Emperors-Charlotte- Linlin. This beheading record is simply terrifying.

A piece of ice spread out from under Kuzan’s feet and quickly arrived in front of Gromash, and Gromash also smiled, stretched his hand on it, and stood directly on the ice from the sea, and then waved his hand very familiarly. Said: “Send the Buddha to the West”

Kuzan looked at the relaxed and freehand look of Gromash, but also found it a little funny.The self-confidence in this man was too strong. Faced with his sudden appearance, he really didn’t pay attention to it, but it was not impossible. Understand, change to who it is, and achieve results like Gromash, and it should be this not to put the world’s heroes

The boldness in the eyes.

“Sea Overlord???” Kuzan whispered softly in his heart. It seems that the name of this Marine should also be retreated. From now on, perhaps the strongest force in the sea is the Frostwolf Pirates. It is really justice. It’s a failure, but fortunately, Kuzan is no longer a Marine Admiral. It’s not his turn to worry about this kind of thing. If Sakazuki knows

After telling the current situation, it is estimated that one head would be as big as three.

These thoughts flashed in his heart, and Kuzan did not reject Gromash’s idea, and the power of the ice under his feet was mobilized, and Charlotte: Linlin was quickly frozen, and an ice block containing a huge corpse appeared in this way. On the sea.

Gromash smiled and nodded, beckoning to the void, and asked: “What are you doing here??? Do you want to live with me??? Jiehahahaha, nothing at all problem!!”

Kuzan laughed involuntarily after hearing what Gromash said. Should he say that Grandpa Gromash is a big heart??? Besides, he is also a former Marine Admiral in his own words, and he will not even have a mouthful of food at sea. Can’t get mixed up??? It’s not enough to take refuge in the strong enemy of the past, right???

“Sorry, I haven’t changed my career as a pirate yet, after all, I am a former Marine Admiral,” Kuzan said with a smile.

“Jiehahahahahaha, isn’t it??? That’s really a shame, maybe you just wanted to say that you just had nothing to do and just swayed around here, and you happened to see me killing Charlotte: Linlin for a moment. Curiosity is coming, just come and talk to me??” Gromash shook his long wet hair, a scorching heat radiated from his body

His breath quickly made himself dry. At the same time, a battle axe in the distance broke through the sea, flew towards his hand quickly, and was caught by Gromash.

Then Gromash didn’t plan to have a fight with Kuzan here. After all, he and Kuzan really didn’t have any grudges. At most, it was a Marine and a pirate in the past. “Abandoning the bright and cast the dark’, why should he have a heart in Gromash, turning over all the messy things in the past.

That’s right.

Therefore, Gromash was very calm and hung the battle axe behind him again, and Kuzan said at this time: “It’s not true, just just accepted a commission and appeared here, and it seems to be broken. Good thing about you”

Gromash was stunned when he heard the words, then frowned and said, “What good is it that broke me??”

“Lion Fruit was taken away by Trafalgar-Luo.” Kuzan said softly while watching Gromash’s performance.

After Gromash heard this, he was really taken aback. To be honest, he almost forgot about it. After all, compared with Charlotte-Linlin, Lion Fruit is really a big sesame mung bean thing.

Immediately afterwards, Gromash laughed, looked at Kuzan and said, “*. Jiehahahahahahaha, I think it’s a great event. For the sake of my mood today, I won’t follow it this time. You care about it, but Kuzan, it’s only this once. If you still have trouble with me next time, I won’t be like today

I’m good to talk.”

There was a pause here, and Gromash laughed again and said, “That’s not the case. If I kill Kaido one day and you happen to be there, I can talk more easily, hahahahahaha!! !”

Looking at Gromash, who was so confident and confident, Kuzan smiled and said, “Why?? Is this the strongest man’s temperament??”

“The strongest man??” Gromash murmured, then laughed quickly, and said, “Although someone has started to give me this name since the Battle of the Top, but in my opinion, From today onwards, I am truly giving the name of “the strongest” to Zuoshi. Jiehahahaha, it’s pretty good, you can treat it as my strongest spirit.

Save it”

It seems that I was thinking about something. After thinking about it, Kuzan still said: “In fact, there are a lot of doubts in my heart that have not been solved. After leaving Marine, I changed my perspective. When looking at the world, I did find a lot of me. I couldn’t find a problem that shouldn’t be said to be ignored by me subconsciously. I originally wanted to discuss with you about your presence here.

Some opinions and opinions, but it seems that today is indeed not the time. You may be very busy for a long period of time in the follow-up period. So I will leave this question next time I meet and ask you for advice. ”

Gromash looked at Kuzan with a slightly confused expression in his eyes, and sighed in his heart. From the beginning, Kuzan was not so firm in justice. After leaving Marine, he finally began to explore the world. The biggest problem.

Justice and evil??? It’s really a boring question, and this kind of question, even if you search the entire world, I am afraid that there will be no real answer.

There is only one standard, as Doflamingo said, measuring the justice and evil in this world, and that is the “victor”!! Team!

Only the winner is justice!

However, although Gromash finds this question boring, he is still happy to have a chat with Kuzan in this regard, because Gromash admires Kuzan very much, although the two are unlikely to be companions, but in Kuzan, they put aside Marine’s position. After that, the two could finally sit down quietly for a cup of tea and chat about life together.

Thinking of this, Gromash smiled and said: “As long as you don’t have trouble with me, you are always welcome to come to me to discuss the confusion of this life Kuzan Admiral.

“I’m not Admiral anymore” Kuzan smiled, then waved his hand and said, “It’s time to find a place to go to the hot springs, goodbye.”

Gromash didn’t stop anything, just touched his chin, smiled and watched Kuzan’s figure go further and further on the surface of the sea, and then asked very badly: “What about your bike??? Marine confiscated it???”.

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