I Am Hellscream

Chapter 602

Chapter 602 Do you like this grand funeral?

After Charlotte Linlin thought of something, she really panicked in her heart.She just has an extremely strong defense, not like Kaido and Gromash. One Immune to Death, one can be resurrected, after realizing that she is very likely to die here. It’s strange that she doesn’t panic.

After noticing that Charlotte- Linlin’s breath had become a little messy, Gromash also had a cruel smile on the corners of his mouth, and then said: “Jiehahahahaha, old lady, did you find it??? The ‘pirate emperor’ that has been for so many years has already made you bloated. Faced with such a deadly threat, you still need me to

Wake you up, you will find that it is really disappointing. Now that you understand how you are going to die, let me turn this vision into reality!!!”

After speaking, Gromash stretched out his hand and the huge’flaming sun’ hung in the sky trembled, and then fell from the sky again with an aura of destruction, it felt like a meteorite burning with blazing flames was falling. generally.

Charlotte Linlin’s expression at this time also became extremely hideous, she roared: “I will never let you succeed, Gromash!!!”

After speaking, Charlotte-Linlin also moved extremely fast, the whole person’s momentum rose, and a huge soul pressure broke out from her.

Immediately after that, the huge soul phantom that was shocked last time appeared again behind her, and the phantom’s left arm seemed to be entwined with tens of thousands of soul power, which looked even more powerful than last time. Stronger.

Facing the’flaming sun that descended from the sky, the phantom of the soul also roared out a soul roar, and the sound waves produced by this roar almost wiped out the flames on the entire island.

In the next instant, I saw the soul phantom suddenly raised his arms, and actually held the falling Flame Sun. Judging from her sturdy left arm, it seems that it can really hold this flame. “Support the sun??

“It’s useless, dead old woman!!!” Gromash yelled and slammed on her feet, and the whole person slammed into Charlotte-Linlin like a cannonball.

The soul phantom was able to carry Gromash’s island-destruction level profound meaning, and Charlotte Linlin’s body didn’t seem to be held back by that state. Seeing Gromash rushing towards her 167, her face became more and more hideous.

This is no longer a war, but the life-and-death battle between Charlotte- Linlin and Gromash. Charlotte- Linlin knows very well that, if not surprising, today, of them, only one person can live to see the sun tomorrow. , And she doesn’t want to die, so she can only do her best to kill Gromash here!!!

“Die!!!” Charlotte- Linlin slammed her left arm, which was wrapped in tens of thousands of soul power, towards the figure of Gromash. The aftermath of the impact brought by this punch all crystallized and shattered her feet. The stone and the rotten meat were all lifted up. The powerful force produced a sonic boom in the air. The Gromash people have not yet arrived, but the powerful energy

He had already rushed to his face, making his long fiery red hair agitated in an instant.”Kirin’s Fury!!!” Gromash was not at all empty in the face of this huge fist that was enough to smash the mountains completely.

With a violent shout, the already beastized arm swelled again, and a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

“In this world, there can only be one person with the strongest power, and that is me, Proudmoore- Gromash!!!” Gromash roared and slammed his fist into Charlotte- Linlin’s fist.

At that moment, the flames on Gromash’s body rose sharply, and his eyes became as if burning, scarlet blood erupted from his body, and was completely burnt as soon as he left his body. , A huge unicorn phantom also appeared behind him, facing the direction of Charlotte Linlin, sending out from far away

The roar and roar of the ancient beast.

Gromash felt as if there was a switch in his body that had been turned on.The powerful force made him feel incredibly refreshed. Fist defeated!!!

It’s too late, it’s fast, before Gromash writes an 800-character composition of this joyful feeling in his heart, he and Charlotte-Linlin’s fists collided.

In an instant, Armament Haki’s confrontation extinguished all the surrounding flames.The next second, the two erupted into a powerful Conqueror’s Haki at the same time, and the space was torn apart by the fierce confrontation of Conqueror’s Haki. Purple electric lights and sparks exploded continuously beside the two of them.

From the place where the two met, there was a continuous burst of air shock waves, and the shock waves quickly spread to the entire island, and the entire sea area extinguished all the originally burning flames on the island. This is huge. The island tortoise also began to shake, and the sea was also affected by this powerful aftermath. The huge waves and tsunamis began to spread outward, and

And with the impact of this aftermath, it grew rapidly.

At this time, on the rough sea, a man is standing on a piece of ice floe, no matter what kind of wave hits, the moment he gets close to him, he will be frozen into ice, and then hit by the subsequent waves. Broken, swept away.

That man was Kuzan. He stretched out his hand and held down the sunglasses that were almost lifted off the bridge of his nose by the aftermath of the impact, looked at the two huge figures on the back of the dead island turtle in the distance, and spoke softly. He whispered: “They are really two out-and-out monsters that can produce this level of natural disasters only by physical strength.”

Kuzan’s strength lies in his fruiting ability. Although his physical fitness is not weaker than Haki and physical skills, but if compared with people like Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin, it is still worse than that. , Let’s not say it far, just like the scene in front of him, if he dares to hard-wire Gromash like Charlotte- Linlin with physical fitness

A fist of this size is not something that can be solved by breaking a leg. This fist can directly beat him into flesh.

Even if it can be hard-wired, it must be resisted by one’s own ability, and there are still two things to say about whether it can be carried or not.

At the same time, the battle has become such a situation, and Kuzan can also feel the rich and Ultimate murderous in the air. It is obvious that today these two people have decided to separate life and death here, Kuzan thought carefully. After thinking about it, Gromash currently has a strong advantage, even if Charlotte: Linlin doesn’t want to fight to death here, because

Gromash has made it clear that the cart is going to kill her here. Even if she wants to run, it depends on whether Gromash agrees or disagrees. The answer is definitely not agree, so Charlotte- Linlin can only choose to stay here in order to save his life. Fight to the death with Gromash, kill him Gromash to live!!!

Thinking of this, Kuzan reached out and took out a phone bug from his body and fiddled with it a few times.

Soon, a voice that seemed to be in a good mood came from inside.

“Kuzan??? This is the first time you have contacted me after you left Marine. Did you have any trouble??? Or that thing???” Sengoku, the retired generals, is going to Garp at this time When I went to the East Blue warship (abeb) while drinking tea and eating senbei, he asked leisurely.

These two retired old men are now really fine and light. They are happy every day, eat, drink and travel with Marine allowance at every turn, completely degenerating into two shameless old men.

But who would call them great skill and high status??-A former Marine Marshal, a Marine hero, the two of them can be considered to have worked their lives for Marine, what happened to spending some military expenses?? If Marine is not willing, there is still a big The guy is waiting for them to change jobs

Kuzan hadn’t spoken yet, the loud voice of that guy Garp had already come.

“Kuzan??? Why are you so noisy there??? Where are you??? East Blue?? Are you interested in coming to have tea together???” Garp said curiously.

Kuzan smiled bitterly, then said, “Marshal Sengoku.”

“My old man, I’m no longer the marshal,” Sengoku said with a big laugh.

Kuzan was interrupted for a while and smiled, and then continued: “Well, Grand Inspector, I have completed the matter about Trafalgar-Luo. If not unexpected, he has already taken Lion. Fruit left, but the behavior of the Chief Inspector completely angered the Frostwolf Pirates. He has to be careful in the future, otherwise he will die.

It’s miserable.”

Marshal Sengoku was silent for a while, and then he said, “Isn’t it? The chaos in New World has not subsided. The enemy that damn Gromash is facing can’t be underestimated. Their Frostwolf Pirates themselves are still there. There is no stability, and the war with the bigmom pirates doesn’t know when it will end, Kaido’s side.”

“Grand Inspector, the war is about to end.” Kuzan suddenly interrupted Sengoku’s words with an unusually serious voice.

And after Sengoku heard Kuzan’s words, his expression was stunned for a moment, and he didn’t understand what Kuzan meant. Why??? Charlotte- Linlin is going to end the war with Gromash??? The two are going to reconcile as before??? No Is it possible??? Didn’t it mean that the Charlotte family has died an important son???


But before the guy Sengoku asked what was going on, Kuzan said directly: “Today, Charlotte- Linlin and Gromash will inevitably lose or even die, no matter who the defeat or death is. Both will represent the gradual reduction of the war until the end, and at the same time, it will also represent the ground-shaking situation of New World.

Changes in the land!!!”

On the other side, Sengoku suddenly crushed the tea cup in his hand. He quickly said, “Are you sure???”

“I’m pretty sure because I’m here right now,” Kuzan said in a deep voice.

The phone worm was silent for a long time before the guy Sengoku said again: “The new era is really a completely new era. Is it the most fierce kingship battle on the sea in history???”

Not to mention the conversation between Sengoku and Kuzan, the hard punch between Gromash and Charlotte-Linlin is finally no longer a stalemate.

With a crisp sound of’flavor’, Gromash’s arm trembled, and the skin on his fist was also torn apart. A stab of bone healing pierced the skin from the inside and was exposed to the air.

There is no doubt that his hand bones were also greatly affected by this punch, and they had begun to dislocation and break.

Although this happened, the corners of Gromash’s mouth rose a little, and he whispered softly, “I won!!!”

In the next second, blood appeared on Charlotte- Linlin’s arm, and the wound on the arm that was torn off by Gromash last time finally appeared. A large amount of blood spewed out, and then Charlotte- Linlin’s arm was once again Gromash removed it from her.

I saw that the arm that was fighting against Gromash was broken, and Gromash was directly hit and flew out. Charlotte-Linlin let out a cry and covered his wound, and the whole person went back several steps.

At the same time, Gromash didn’t chase, instead, his hands slammed together in front of his chest. Then Gromash looked at Charlotte- Linlin’s embarrassed body with his murderous scarlet eyes, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly. A wicked smile appeared, and he whispered softly: “Flame-Kun King. Golden Crow Pendant!!”

With the fall of Gromash’s words, an inexplicable fluctuation of his ability spread out. In the next second, except for the’flaming sun’ that is fighting against the huge soul phantom of Charlotte- Linlin, the remaining seven hangs The “flaming sun” in the sky trembled slightly, and then quickly moved towards the back of the island turtle like a string of beads.

It fell from the top.

“Jiehahahahaha, do you like this grand funeral??? Charlotte- Linlin???” Gromash said to Charlotte- Linlin with a big laugh. .

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