I Am Hellscream

Chapter 592

Chapter 592 Drakevs Cracker!

The long sword in Drake’s hand entangled Haki and Cracker’s long swords and collided with each other. As a Zoan. Ancient capable person, Drake’s physical fitness is obviously stronger than that of Cracker, a guy who is afraid of pain. After fighting, Cracker noticed this power gap.

As the star of the bigmom Pirates group, he was actually suppressed in strength by a young cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates group??? This made Cracker’s face dull.

It seems that the world today is very unfriendly to him. From wherever he came out, everyone seemed to think that his Cracker was very bullying. The previous Weber was like this, and the two prodigal dogs Ace and Skuard are also like this. Even Drake didn’t put him in the slightest, he was full of confidence, and the bastard Gromash was even more exaggerated, even

Didn’t even look at him.

How does Cracker say that he is also a person? There are a lot of people respecting him wherever he goes, and he has always been proud of being the star of the bigmom pirates, and he has been affected today. With so much anger, his self-esteem also exploded in an instant.

I bought this star for me???

Thinking of this, Cracker’s heart was cruel, and the Devil Fruit ability in his body was quickly activated.

“General Biscuit!!!” Cracker flicked the long sword in his hand and missed Drake’s attack. He took two steps back and roared.

In the next second, countless biscuit slag began to condense around Cracker’s body. In a moment, a tall and mighty figure shrouded Cracker’s body, shaping him into a tall and strong man.

The brawny man was holding a spear, a shield hung from his elbow, and he was wearing armor. He looked as if he was a certain general on the battlefield.

Cracker turned into a sturdy man at this time, and his momentum also skyrocketed. The shield on his elbow directly slapped Drake’s onslaught, and his fatigue was not revealed at all.The spear in his hand was also in the next second. A flower shadow was pulled out in the air and smashed at Drake fiercely.

The long spear is also one of the heavy weapons, and the 153 is also a tough and unmatched road.Although Cracker is not better than Drake in strength, at this time, with the blessing of abilities, it also finds another way to allow itself to be’peripheral’. With the help of’equipment’, the power has greatly increased.

The shot went down and the air was blasted with popping noises. It was a bit awkward for Drake to see Cracker suddenly go crazy.

What’s the situation? Is your mental endurance so rubbish? I haven’t even been beeping you yet, you just exploded directly? All of your bigmom Pirates are like this. Not standard???

Drake came late. How did he know how much Cracker was wronged today? Even his brother Dafu mocked him. It is normal for his mentality to collapse, isn’t it?

Although I don’t know why Cracker is so fragile, Drake is not easy to provoke. Seeing that he took the heavy spear and smashed it down at him, Drake was also unwilling to dodge. This is also a stinking problem of the Zoan powerhouse. , Relying on one’s own strength, dare to be tough on anything, let’s try it next.

The same was true for Drake.His arms suddenly changed, and the dark green scales covered his arms, and the whole person entered a semi-beast state, and his height was increased by a large amount, the original normal pupils. It has also become the vertical pupil of a cold-blooded animal.The dragon’s claws that look very mighty are also wrapped in an Armament Haki, and they are grasping without a trace.

Took Cracker’s spear.

Boom!’ With a muffled sound, Drake’s feet sank into the ground, and his body sank slightly, but the dragon claw grasped Cracker’s spear very firmly.

That’s right, Drake was able to hold on to this head-to-head contest. Even if Cracker suddenly went crazy, Drake was still not weak. After grabbing the spear, Drake’s figure changed again, and the whole person seemed to swell again. Ah, it’s almost as big as Cracker’s “Cookie General” mode.

Then Drake forcefully pulled the long spear in Cracker’s hand towards him. After all, Cracker’s power was given by “peripheral equipment”. Wrestling became a little sluggish, and was dragged by Drake to take two steps there, and at this moment, the thick dragon tail behind Drake was also

He threw it out and slapped Cracker fiercely.

Seeing this, the shield on Cracker’s elbow blocked him again, um!’ With a loud noise, Drake’s tail shattered Cracker’s shield, and at the same time, Cracker also took two steps back. Even the spear in his hand was broken.

“Six Styles-Dragon Tail Cone!!” Drake was also unforgiving. After One Tail pulled the Cracker up, he didn’t give Cracker a bit of breathing time. The powerful dragon tail is like a shot that can stab the Cracker. The spear that pierced all the illusions in the world stabbed Cracker fiercely.

Fortunately, the tail is big enough, Cracker ate the “spear twice a day, and he is considered an experienced person. When the powerful Haki’s tail stabs him in the bag, his biscuit general’s hands are also very good. He quickly grabbed Drake’s tail, intending to stop the piercing of the “spear”.

The strong penetration force violently rubbed Cracker’s biscuit palm, and Cracker’s biscuit slag fell to the ground. Fortunately, this palm was not a real palm, but was created by the ability, and it would not cause any injuries. Seeing that all ten fingers were broken, Drake’s violent blow was finally blocked by Cracker.

After controlling the situation, Cracker, who was hiding in General Biscuit, also showed a smile on his face, and then he softly shouted: “Biscuit cage-sandwich biscuit!!!”

As his voice fell, the countless biscuit slag that had fallen around changed again, quickly attached to Drake’s body, and then began to grow rapidly.

Drake was caught by the tail at this time, and he couldn’t react enough, and was abruptly pulled back by Cracker, and took the upper hand.The strong half-beast incarnation of his whole person was directly given by Cracker with cookies. Wrapped again, as if it had become a sandwich biscuit in the shape of a dinosaur.

And at the moment when Drake was under control, the Biscuit General also exploded directly, the real figure of Cracker appeared again, and the long sword-pretzel in his hand also burned with a raging flame.

A cruel smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and the long sword in Cracker’s hand pierced into Drake’s “sandwich biscuit”, and then Cracker whispered: “Blast-pretzel!!!”

As his voice fell, an explosion suddenly occurred from his long sword, which exploded Drake’s “sandwich biscuit” to pieces in an instant, and Cracker himself fell steadily on the ground with a backflip.

Then he looked at his long sword, which was stained with a lot of Bloodline. There is no doubt that the move just now (abeb) actually hurt Drake, this unpleasant guy.

From the time the two played against each other until now, although Cracker has been at a disadvantage most of the time, the operations and turnarounds between this moment have also proved that his strength is not blown out, and the position of his star is indeed not bought by money. Not everyone is qualified to underestimate his Cracker.

The smoke and biscuit scum of the explosion gradually dissipated, and Drake’s figure slowly emerged from it. He was indeed injured, and there was a piece of meat missing on his shoulder, and the blood was constantly flowing, looking quite embarrassed.

“Drake, how is it?? Have you experienced the gap between me and that guy Snug???” Cracker looked at Drake’s figure and asked mockingly.

And Drake also stretched out his hand to hold on to his wound, and then looked at Cracker and said, “You are right. Compared with that trash, you are obviously more than twice stronger than him. It’s worth defeating me”

After speaking, Drake’s momentum skyrocketed, and the whole person looked more fierce, and at the same time, his muscles began to surging continuously, and it didn’t take long to become a real Allosaurus form. The half-orc, the whole person looks extremely vicious, and full of violence.

In Cracker’s sight, Drake’s changes were far more than just the surface. The aura on his body became stronger, and the wound seemed to heal slowly.

Watching this scene, Cracker was very surprised and said: “How is it possible??? You actually awakened your ability???”

That’s right, Drake is Zoan’s awakening ability. After hearing this strange question from Cracker, Drake showed a slightly contentious smile and said softly: “Idiot, you forgot what our captain is. Are you capable???”

When Drake said this, Cracker also reacted, yes, the bastard Gromash is Zoan’s top powerhouse. He has awakened his abilities a long time ago, his vitality and endurance are extremely powerful, and he is in front of him. , Drake’s ability to awaken himself does not seem to be incredible???

That’s right, Gromash is very optimistic about Drake, and Drake is also a rare Zoan capable person in the Frostwolf Pirates, and an ancient species. Gromash has seen his potential from the beginning, this kid body As a member of the supernova in the “Evil Generation”, and Master Zoan-ancient species. Dinosaur fruit-powerful Allosaurus form

Ability, as long as it doesn’t make a fortune, you can easily catch up with Kaido’s three plagues, and the last time it is a drought-Jack’s grade.

What’s more, Drake has been growing up with Gromash for so many years. He taught by precepts and deeds. In terms of ability development and awakening, Gromash has no personal possessions. Therefore, Drake is still very good at Zoan’s ability development. Awakened his abilities.

And this is not over. The ancient species of Zoan has very strong resilience, but Drake did not just rely on this resilience, but moved his body, took a deep breath and said: “Six Styles-Return of Life !!!”

With the fall of his words, the blood that was still flowing outward from the wound began to flow backwards. It didn’t take long for the wound to heal, but it no longer bleeds outwards. Regeneration is also visible to the naked eye.

Until then, Drake slid away the long sword in his hand, looked at Cracker and said, “The next round is the second round.”

That’s right, Drake is actually a “play ticket”. Don’t look at the axe and long sword on his body. In fact, he pretends to use it. Otherwise, Gromash would have taught his own “axe technique”. Give it to him, although there are no special moves, just hack.

In short, although Drake has a sword and axe on his body, they are useless. He is not a master who specializes in these weapons. Drake has been deeply influenced by Gromash and Luchi since he was a child. He firmly believes that the body is the most powerful weapon. Coupled with the physique of his Zoan capable person, so this guy is also a “bare-handed” person, when he picks up a weapon

It’s not that powerful, but after he loses his weapon, he will show his true strength.

Cracker looked at Drake and didn’t dare to care at all. His abilities began to activate. After a while, he grew a few flexible arms, holding a few long swords, and felt a bit like a ghost spider Vice Admiral.

Putting on a fighting technique, Drake showed a stubborn smile and said, “Thousand Cracker, I will discount all your arms today!!

As soon as the voice fell, Drake had disappeared in place with a shaving step. In the next second, his strong body that did not match the speed appeared in front of Cracker, and a swift elbow hit Cracker’s chest. , Blasted Cracker directly out, and spit out a burst of blood in the air.

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