I Am Hellscream

Chapter 586

Chapter 586 Cracker: Laozi is really beeping!

In a certain sea area near the Sea of ​​Restlessness, Gromash’s Elune is advancing at high speed. Behind the Elune, a large number of wind shells are erupting at full force, advancing the ship’s navigation, the huge hull Breaking through the waves of the sea with tyrannical kinetic energy, arousing layers of waves, and even some small sea beasts and whales that have no time to escape.

It was directly crushed to death and crushed the past, which shows how fast this large sailing warship is.

At this time, Gromash and his party were gathering on the deck of the Elune, seeming to be discussing something.

Joz leaned on the mast, looked at the sea on both sides, and smiled involuntarily, “This is the first time I have seen the Elune move at such a fast speed.”

Tezolo smiled and nodded and said: “How can we say that it is the highest combination technology of our Seven Waters City and Visalia Island. This is currently the most advanced warship in the world.”

“I heard that if the Gromash boss had not refused to add some devices, the Elune could dive??? It has a fully enclosed diving function???” Drake asked curiously.

While Monet was squeezing fresh juice, he said, “There is such a thing. If it weren’t for the captain’s veto of this plan, the Elune would be a three-purpose battleship for sea, land, and air.”

“Hey, there is a mistake in your statement. What is the sea, land and air? Are you going to let me run on the ground carrying the Elune???” Gromash waved his hand and complained about Monet’s wrong statement.

Monet didn’t care about these at all, and continued casually: “Everyone knows what I mean anyway, you have to come out and expose me, really a stingy man.”

“Jiehahahahaha, you are the number one secretary of our Frostwolf Pirates. You have to use rigorous words. As for the diving function, there is no need for this at all? And that device is too ugly, it will affect The image of the mighty Elune Haki is very good now.” Gromash said with a smile.

After laughing, without giving the others time to continue nonsense, Gromash scratched his head and picked up an intelligence document compiled by Monet from the small round table with some fruits in front of him.

Then Gromash said: “The front is where we are going. Based on the situation reported by Weber and Crowe, let me summarize the current situation.”

Seeing that Gromash was starting to talk about business, the rest of the people looked at him, and then he said, “First of all, the island tortoise is dead. Although I don’t know who killed it, it’s fine. , Once this island tortoise dies, there is no need to think about whether it will escape or something, and the location of this war will basically not change anymore.

It’s in this chaotic sea!!!”

Although the island tortoise is not very common, although it is extremely large and has a very long life span, it is just a beast in the final analysis. As long as you have the heart to kill it, it is still easy to kill.

And it will not sink into the sea after death. As the body gradually dissipates, its huge tortoise shell will basically gradually evolve into a new island. This kind of island is generally a floating island. New World No, basically Most of the floating islands in the entire world evolved from dead island turtles.

“It doesn’t matter if you die, lest there be any more accidents, running around is numb after all,” Joz nodded and said.

“Well, for the second point, chaos broke out around the island tortoises. At present, it can only be determined that two forces have the advantage. Successfully landed on the island tortoise, and Webber also lurked in.” Gromash said again.

“Then this matter is a bit unfavorable for us, I hope Webber can delay a little longer,” Drake said after thinking about it.

“At our current speed, it won’t take long to get there. If we can be faster than that damn Charlotte-Linlin, maybe we can still take advantage of this,” Gromash said after thinking about it.

The island turtle is so big on its back. The Whitebeard Pirates, Bigmom Pirates, and Webber are not so easy to find, and they are also restraining each other. They should still be able to catch up.

Just as Gromash and the others were advancing fast toward the restless sea, on the back of the island tortoise, Weber was disguising himself.

A huge forest appeared on the back of the entire island turtle. As a warrior of the Shandia tribe, Webber was basically his home field to fight in the jungle.

I saw that he took out a small box from the small cloth Kabuto on his waist.After opening it, it was full of camouflage paint.It didn’t take long for Weber to paint his body with this kind of camouflage paint. It’s really hard to be discovered if you pretend to be motionless.

After applying the paint, Weber moved his shoulders, showing an excited smile, and whispered softly: “The hunt is about to begin.”

The main force of the bigmom pirate group did not come up. Just like Marco and their plan, Charlotte-Katakuri was stopped by them, and Ace and the others took the opportunity to board the island turtle, but Katakuri is not a fool. , You can divide the army, and I can divide the army too.

So a group of people headed by Cracker, like Ace and the others, broke into this island turtle’s back.

At this time, in a corner of the jungle, Cracker did not reveal his true face. The whole person was wrapped in the body of the biscuit soldier, carrying a knight’s pike, and a group of young people were looking for Lion Fruit.

“I heard that the fire fist that should have died-Ace has already landed here before us. While looking for Lion Fruit, I also look for them, lest they get it. At the same time, I also want to weigh this One Piece. -How amazing is Roger’s son” Cracker said in a deep voice.

“Perhaps you are not his opponent???” A guy with a gloomy expression walked beside Cracker and said softly.

After Cracker heard this, he was a little unhappy and retorted: “Dafu, are you too small for me???”

“My brother Owen went on a mission with you, but he died in the end, don’t you feel guilty??? Cracker,” Charlotte-Daifuku said in a bad tone.

Daifuku, Owen and Kata Kuri are brothers and triplets. As the third child, Owen has always been a good brother taken care of by Kata Kuri and Dafuku. The last time he fought against Gromash, Daifuku himself Not in the cake island, so he didn’t have time to participate, and because of that battle, not only did he not get the benefits, but

He also lost a lot of money, and his brother Owen died, which made Dafu’s heart always have grievances that he wanted to vent.

However, it has been an eventful period recently, and Dafu can only bear it in his heart, but his words are already a bit irrational.

Cracker was also a little unhappy after hearing Dafu’s unprovoked accusation. Although Dafu’s strength is strong, he is still a little worse than him. Otherwise, it will not be his turn to be the star of Cracker, not to mention that time. In the battle, his Cracker was the weakest except for Irving. Kata Kuri and his mother were both present at the time and could not be saved.

Irving, I’m not as strong as them, what can I do?? You Dafu don’t trouble them, what does it mean to trouble me with Cracker?? Does it look at me to bully???

“Dafu, do you think you have the confidence to challenge my position of the star???” Cracker tilted his head and said on the vagina side.

And Dafu’s eyes also carried a weak breath, and said in a deep voice: “The reason why Jiang Xing was given to you is not because of how strong you are, but brother Kata Kuli doesn’t want us to grab it, don’t you Take yourself too high, Cracker ”

Having said that, Dafu paused, squeezed his fist, and said again: “Also, Cracker, I am also your brother anyway. Next time you call me, bring this suffix, otherwise I want you nice!”

Both of them are arrogant people. Due to Owen’s problems, some gaps have also arisen. Dafu said that, Cracker’s face is naturally unsurpassed. He turned his head and stopped to look at Dafu, ready to say something. Ruthless talk or something.

And at this moment, a sense of crisis surged into Cracker’s heart. As a strong man, this instinctive reaction has not known how many times he has saved him, so Cracker will not hesitate at all. I don’t even care about the image anymore, a lazy donkey rolled out from the ground embarrassedly, and then a flame instantly swallowed his original

The place.

At the same time, Charlotte-Daifuku, as a master who is not inferior to the star, has an extremely fast reaction speed. Armament Haki was wrapped around his wrist, and a very powerful parry blocked the follow-up attack for Cracker, who was rolling on the ground.

Although there are many contradictions between the two people’s words, they are also brothers on the same boat at this moment.If you really talk about hatred or something, it is really not too deep.Daifuku is just a little bit because of the death of Owen’s younger brother. It’s just irritability, and of course he won’t see Cracker being distracted and seriously injured by a sneak attack because of arguing with him.

It was Ace and Skuyard who attacked the two of them with 153. Ace tried to hit Cracker directly with a flame, but Cracker instinctively avoided it. Dafu was blocked. This is the cause and effect.

Not to mention Ace, in fact, Skuard is still very powerful. When he fought with the Roger Pirates in the early years, the whole group was dead, and he could survive, which proved that he was indeed capable. Yes, otherwise Roger is not a fool. Should he leave a scourge if he kills the whole family?? Anyone has to cut the grass and remove the roots, but it happens that Skuyard lives.

Joining the flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group proved that he really had the ability to escape from the Roger Pirate Group.

Secondly, as Whitebeard is the strongest man, Skuyard can join him alone, which also proves that he is very optimistic about Newgate.

Finally, in the battle for the top, although Skuyard played a very mentally retarded role, he has to say that his strength is still there, no matter what the reason, he really hit New York. With a single blow, Gate directly rewrote the entire situation of the Battle on the Top.

All in all, in short, he is a big vortex spider, and Skuard is also a martial arts master. He also has one or two unique skills in his hands. Otherwise, it is impossible to be entrusted by Marco and the others. The “Duty Sons Sword Technique” is not only capable of stabbing Whitebeard. Once this sword technique is played out, it will be a penetrating trick on whoever is stabbed.

Heart is cool.

“Shout, didn’t you succeed?” Skuyard frowned and said in a somewhat uncomfortable voice.

“The Great Vortex Spider,” Dafu also looked at Skuard and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Cracker, who was very embarrassed by the attack just now, also quickly got up from the ground, looked at the figure standing behind Skuyard with a very angry expression, and gritted his teeth and said: “Portcass -D- Ace.”

And at this moment, a spear suddenly pierced out of the forest, and the spear pointed directly at Cracker’s heart. Cracker’s mood at this time was also a beeping dog, what’s going on??? Could it be that my star is a fake? Is it?? I bought it with the money?? No matter if my family has opinions on me, do you guys treat me Cracker as a soft persimmon???

With so many targets, would you just attack me???.

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