I Am Hellscream

Chapter 566

Chapter 566 Shiki: Can Laozi stir the world when he is dead??

In a remote sea area of ​​New World, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who had once flourished and once-kun came to the entire New World at this time are all gathered in this little broken place that no one cares about, and the atmosphere of decadence is enveloped. In this sea area, as if here is the gathering place of the losers.

On a galleon that looked a bit like the former Whitebeard car-Melby Dick, some officials of the Whitebeard Pirate Group were gathering here.

To say the degree of unity of the Whitebeard pirate group, it is very good, even if the guy Newgate is dead, but none of the people in the pirate group who are still alive said that they would quit and vote for others. In the battle with the Frostwolf Pirates, the group has been defeated and retreated, and the group has not been attacked. Although it is a remnant party, such a group of people have gathered.

Together, they are also a very powerful force in New World, second only to the top pirate groups of the Frostwolf Pirates, and they are still very powerful among the second-rate forces.

In a large room in the cabin, these once all-powerful New World masters are gathering together at this time, seeming to be discussing some major issues.

Marco and Ace, as the two captains of the second division, and also recognized as the successors of Newgate, are now sitting at the top of the round table in this room.

“The war with the Frostwolf Pirates is over…” Marco said with a sad expression, then he paused and continued: “It is our defeat.”

That’s right, after the official turnaround with the bigmom pirates, Gromash and their Frostwolf pirates crushed the remnants of the Whitebeard pirates with an extremely powerful advantage, and ended the dragged war.

“We are not dead yet, how could it end like this? Daddy’s’treasure’, I would never just watch it being taken over by that damn bastard Gromash!!!” Skuyard said After the guy heard Marco’s words, he was very excited and said to Marco.

01Since Sakazuki didn’t do anything, this guy didn’t show Newgate his own “Martial Arts Unique Skills-Dutiful Son Swordsmanship”. At the same time, after the war, he also had a fight with Ace, and the old age I have understood all of his grievances, and there is nothing in my heart, so Skuyard is still a qualified person in the Whitebeard Pirates.

, Otherwise, how can he have the shame to be chattering here???

When Skuyard said this, some of the other pirate captains also expressed their views that they would fight to the end with the Frostwolf Pirates. They were not afraid of death.

Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more wrong, how does a good meeting feel that it is moving in the direction of the’swearing ceremony’ and the’death squad launching ceremony’, Marco also quickly said: “Don’t make a noise, listen to me first. !!!”

As the captain of the first team, the leader of the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group’s emperor and vice-level, Marco’s face and prestige are still very high, even after a few defeats, so when he said this, the rest of the people were silent. Come down.

Seeing that the scene was under control, Marco opened his mouth and continued: “Although it is inappropriate for me to say this, haven’t you found anything wrong???”

When Marco said this, the rest of the people were more or less embarrassed or embarrassed.

After so many defeats in this war, at this time, the brothers can still stand here completely, if there is nothing wrong with them, if they don’t notice anything, they don’t believe it themselves.

At this time, Ace also sighed and said, “Although we don’t want to admit it, we were let off by our opponents and enemies.” The Pirates had been glued for so long, only to realize in the end that it was just a joke of’playing a family’, they

I didn’t get serious at all, it really made us feel ashamed.. But maybe it’s also because of the protection of the old man.”

“Generally speaking, there is no reason or excuse for Gromash to “let us”, but he just did so, reminiscent of the last moments of his fight against the old man in the Battle of the Top, at the last moment that no one knew. Did something really happen in the smoke and dust? I think this should be the last shelter for our incompetent sons.

It must have been Gromash’s promise that the old man would let us go, so that the situation now appears. “Marko also said in a bit of pain.

“I think so too. The old man has to fight to protect us, so we can’t let the old man’s heart be dusted. We should face this failure. Our Whitebeard Pirates are defeated.” Ace lowered his head, using a very low voice Said in a tone of voice.

And as soon as he said this, the rest of the people also fell silent, no matter how hurtful and shameful the words of Marco and Ace were, but I have to admit that this is the truth!!!

Skuyard sat weakly on the chair behind him, then closed his eyes, and said, “What should I do?? Like a defeated dog, will he escape New World with his tail sandwiched??? ? Instead of that, I would rather die on the battlefield under the banner of my father!!!”

“Remember what the old man said?? The Whitebeard Pirates may decline, but finally one day, this flag will continue to fly in the world!!!” Foil-Bista suddenly slapped the table and said in a deep voice Said.

After hearing Bista’s words, the others all looked at Marco and Ace again, wanting to see what decision the two of them had made.

Marco used his eyes to glance at the friends who were born and died together over the years, and then said: “Failure is not a shameful thing, it’s just because we have been under the protection of the old man, and we have not tasted this for a long, long time. It’s just a taste of failure, it’s not acceptable for a while, but now, we should also face it

This has failed. Taste the suffering, and then we have to sink our hearts and regroup!!!”

“New World is so big. Everyone should understand the rules here. Except for the corners and corners that no one wants, there are only two ways to be a pirate here, right? Failed on the first road, should we take refuge in a Four Emperors??? Or leave New World???” Lei Qing-Makugay sighed

Angrily said.

“Even if you quit New World, it’s okay,” Marco said suddenly and very firmly.

Then, before everyone could speak, he looked at Ace and said, “After passing through these days of continuous miserable defeats, I have also concluded a reason for failure, and that is because our Whitebeard Pirates currently does not have one. Be able to truly’carry the flag’ like Dad, Gromash, Charlotte: Linlin, Beasts. Kaido, Redhead-Shanks

No matter it’s me or Ace, I’m so much worse in this respect.”

When Marco said this, the faces of the others also showed sad expressions.Yes, when the old man died, their entire Whitebeard pirate group seemed to be without the backbone and soul.Although they can still be united, they seem to be united. It’s the walking dead.

Seeing that everyone recognized this, Marco continued: “But we have this kind of future, Ace, he is different from any of us, he has the qualifications of Penultimate, look at his age, he is only in his early twenties! !! He is so strong, Marines are afraid of his future, this is also the future that the old man gave us, I

What we need now is time. Give Ace a few more years, and give ourselves a few more years. Even if we quit New World now, we will one day hoist the old father’s banner, make a comeback, and let all eat us. Yes, everyone who took our things vomited it out to us and returned it!!!”

After hearing Marco’s words, the others all looked at Ace, and Ace seemed to have become a lot more mature because of this series of changes.He took a deep breath. After that, he said in a deep voice: “If everyone is willing to believe me, I will work hard for this. One day, I will make the old man’s banner heavy.

The new is flying in the world, my life is saved by my father and everyone. For this, our Whitebeard Pirates have paid too much, and I have to prove that my father’s decision is not wrong, I and I have to shoulder it His future entrusted to us!!!!”

Skuyard, who originally had blood feuds with Ace’s father Roger, after hearing Ace’s utterly firm words, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered, “The future that daddy gave us. ??”

Skuyard seemed to have seen the figure of his beloved father again, and then he smiled and said, “Since you have said so, I also believe that father’s decision is correct!!! My future, bet on you again, Ace!!!”

With the expression of the guy Scudard, the other captains also showed smiles.The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates who were originally decadent seemed to have rejuvenated some vitality at this moment, and a seedling seemed to have begun to grow. .

“Then if we quit New World, where do we go?? The first half of the Grand Line?? Or Calm Belt???” Foil-Bista asked.

“In fact, there is a better place. I have already heard about why the Frostwolf Pirates suddenly ended their war with us. Actually, it is not a secret. Both the bigmom Pirates and the Frostwolf Pirates With the honeycomb as the center and gathering their respective powers, it seems that these two guys are about to start a war,” Marco said softly.


Then Ace also opened his mouth and said: “But this war suddenly stopped because of a news about Golden Lion. Shiki’s Lion Fruit seems to have reappeared, and it’s in New World!!!”

After these words, many of the little friends of the Whitebeard Pirates were still so expressionless.It seemed that the news was useless, but think about it, if the fruit of Newgate reappears, they estimate Everyone has to go crazy. Whoever dares to grab will kill anyone, even if the whole army is wiped out, but Shiki, um,

That’s it.

Marco didn’t seem to be surprised by this. He continued: “The Lion Fruit is very important. It is a weapon that can effectively counter the Frostwolf Pirates, but there is one more important point. This fruit can give us a In the safe rear, we can rely on this fruit to go to any place in the world, or we can

Staying in the sky of New World, these can be done!! As long as we get the Lion Fruit, we can start to regroup safely, and we have the conditions to attack and retreat. Therefore, we must try our best to find that Lion. Fruit!!!”

Marco is right. If they, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, get Lion Fruit, it will not only increase a strong top combat power, but also have the strongest mobility. Then they will be innate. Invincible, this is indeed very important for the Whitebeard Pirate Group, an organization that wants to be reborn from the ashes!!

“So we have to find this fruit before others can find Lion Fruit!!” Ace also said in a deep voice.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and the rest of the captains are not fools. After listening to what Ace and Marko have said, they think about it and find that it makes sense, so they all agree with it.

In this way, not only Trafalgar-Luo, Gromash, Charlotte: Linlin, but also the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates group began desperately looking for this Lion Fruit.

Moreover, this Lion Fruit has reasons for all parties to be unable to give in. Luo hopes to use this fruit to enhance strength and revenge. Charlotte- Linlin wants to rely on this fruit to gain the advantage of war and defeat Gromash. While Gromash wants to destroy Lion Fruit and cut off one of its own weaknesses, the Whitebeard Pirate Remnants want

Turning over through Lion Fruit, I am afraid Shiki could not even dream of it. After his death, the ability of that fruit can still stir the world.

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