I Am Hellscream

Chapter 551

Chapter 551 Hell stab-Yan kills a consistent hand!!!

When they saw Gromash being forced by their mother to give a wave of “spiritual enlightenment,” Kata Kuri and Smoky both showed a successful expression, but they hadn’t waited for them to smile, Kata Kuri. His expression changed abruptly, and then he said, “No, my mother’s tactics are wrong.”

Then Smoky and Cracker also looked surprised, and looked at Gromash, who had begun to spread the weird black pattern quickly, and then Cracker said with some horror: “This is the state he was in during the battle on the top, how could it be possible? ?? Obviously it will take some time to accumulate energy at that time. Could it be that he is still having money with Whitebeard?

When the Lions join forces, there are still hands left??”

Smoky thought of his mother’s “initiation” to Gromash before, and then said with a flustered expression: “It was my mother’s move just now, damn it, could it be that?”

“I can’t go wrong, it is forcibly infusing the soul behind me and the curse of resentment into myself, and then turning on this force in a special way. Mother actually’helped’ him just now” Kata Kuri’s expression He spoke very gloomily.

At the same time, Charlotte- Linlin is also a shame. She has controlled the power of the soul for so many years. Something wrong, and looking at him Gromash, Charlotte- Linlin was just now certain that he had poured in at least a few hundred wrongdoers, but he didn’t

It’s just that there is no Mao, but it has become more oppressive. This is unscientific!!!

“Thanks to you, a dead old woman, it happened to save me a lot of things. The next thing is greetings from hell.” Gromash’s eyes became very scarlet, originally just scarlet pupils, and now even the white of the eyes have become white. After 01 blood red, the evil aura on the body continues to spread out, it really seems to be an evil spirit crawling out of hell


If the messy curse breath in Gromash’s body can be attributed to the word’fel energy’, then Gromash’s body is full of the power of evil energy at this time, and it is very simple to drive this powerful force. That is to use your own blood as a sacrifice, burn it, and act as a primer, igniting all the power in the entire body…

“What kind of monster are you? Why can you bear so many souls in your body???” Charlotte- Linlin once again wrapped the Emperor Sword in his hand around the mighty Armament Haki, and looked at the whole body with evil auras. Gromash asked.

On the other hand, Gromash slowly folded his hands to his chest, and then a penetrating smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then said: “Do you think I will explain it to you??? When I am an idiot??”

Before Charlotte- Linlin could speak, the aura on Gromash’s body suddenly rose again. Starting from the soles of his feet, hot flames continued to wander around him, and a scorching aura from the inside out was igniting him. The body, his blood, and the sharp pain made Gromash’s expression even worse.

When the flames burned to the fullest, Gromash also suddenly said, “Hundreds of ghosts-burning blood!”

As his voice fell, the powerful evil air wave instantly pulled all the surrounding trees from the ground and flew out, and within this instant, Gromash’s figure had disappeared from the place.

In the next second, with a swift and unmatched breath, a fist wrapped in Haki and flame slammed Charlotte-Linlin’s chest, and then the powerful force punched Charlotte-Linlin’s eyes slightly. Two blood rushed out of the nasal cavity.

And in Gromash’s feeling, his punch is no different from hitting the strongest steel. Ordinary people, even if it is Newgate, if they receive this punch frontally, their chest will have to be directly punched. He tried his best, and even cut off his hand after two blows.

However, Charlotte- Linlin’s physique, which is known as absolute defense, abruptly took Gromash’s full blow, and there was no “breakthrough” as Gromash expected..

That powerful force also exploded at this time.When Charlotte- Linlin was bearing this force, she also retreated a few steps abruptly before completely dissolving the force.

Then Charlotte- Linlin covered her chest where she was hit, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, panting heavily, and said, “It’s not that good, Gromash.”

“Should you say that you are called the “steel balloon”??? But you don’t seem to be able to withstand a few such slams. Why not let me tear your body apart, good old lady!!” Gromash Haki spoke very much.

It was still at that speed. As soon as his voice fell, his whole person had disappeared in place again.The speed was so fast that Charlotte- Linlin could not keep up with Zhao Er at all. Gromash had already stretched out a finger at this time. Under the effect of the ability, the fingers also changed into sharp claws, then Armament Haki covered it, and then Gromash body

All of the flames seemed to have transferred to the top of the finger, condensing his index finger into an orange-red state. Around the finger, the air was distorted due to the high temperature.

“Hell stab-Yan kills a consistent hand!!!” Along with Gromash’s roar, his finger that had condensed his whole body’s strength also tapped towards Charlotte- Linlin’s heart.

At the same time, Charlotte- Linlin also noticed a real threat to life. How many years have she not felt this kind of breath, even when she was fighting with Kaido that bastard, she would not have this kind of breath. The feeling of’death is approaching’.

She and Kaido are two out-and-out monsters. Kaido has an immortal body. No matter what method is used, he can’t kill him. At the same time, Kaido also has a very strong physical quality, which is even impossible for ordinary masters. Breaking through his defense, but in terms of absolute defense, her Charlotte- Linlin is the strongest, even Gromash’s full force just now

With a punch, she was able to take the next step, and with such a body, when facing the finger of Gromash, she felt the breath of death, which made Charlotte-Linlin sweat in her heart.

Also under the threat of death, Charlotte Linlin moved her huge and swollen wrist body at the last critical moment, causing Gromash’s fingers to stagger her heart, and point to her shoulder blades.

At that moment, a sharp pain came from her shoulder, and Gromash’s finger pierced her proudly invincible defense with unmatched penetrating power, and pierced her shoulder. , The scorching breath scorched the wound black in an instant, and even the blood did not flow out. The pain from the scapula has already made Charlotte- Linlin clear

White, this blow has penetrated her body, and even the shoulder blades should be burnt at this time.

The pain caused by the injury also made Charlotte-Linlin let out an unstoppable cry of pain, and for a time the huge wailing sound came out of her mouth.

This wailing sound is extraordinary.As a monster, Charlotte: Linlin’s voice is very loud. When her voice goes down, Gromash, the guy who is very close to her at this time, is the first to be shocked, and his ears suddenly flow out. The blood, the eardrum was shocked and the damage was not light, and the movement of the whole person became slow.

And Kata Kuri and the others, who were also not far away, couldn’t even move even under this sound wave. It was enough to see how unreasonable Charlotte-Linlin’s wailing was.

In the eyes of Kata Kuri and the others, all the changes that happened just now occurred within an instant.In an instant, Gromash appeared in front of her mother.In an instant, a laser-like fire light penetrated her shoulders. The clouds in the sky were all burned, and then this magic sound filled my ears.

I don’t know how Charlotte-Linlin’s “sound wave power” with a strange voice was developed. Gromash thought it was a little weird. With his strong state now, there should be no such “single voice” that can calm himself. Big guy??? But Gromash can feel that his reaction speed has definitely dropped a lot, and his body shape has become

It’s a bit slow.

“What kind of monster is it?” Gromash sighed with emotion in his heart.

And at this moment, Charlotte-Linlin’s other arm, also holding the Emperor’s Sword, slashed Gromash’s chest with one sword, and directly slashed Gromash out.

Unlike Charlotte- Linlin and Kaido, Gromash’s physical fitness is not that strong. What he has is the resilience of the top Zoan ability people. The reason why he can be the same as Kaido and Charlotte- Linlin in the eyes of the world The level of the “monster” is also because of his unmatched power and the strange state that can be resurrected.

The “three big monsters” on the sea today are, in detail, “Kaido’s immortality”, “Charlotte-Linlin’s absolute defense, and “Gromash’s complete resurrection”.

Therefore, while being slashed by Charlotte-Linlin, Gromash’s chest was still flowing with a lot of blood. The moment the blood was swayed out, it was like a spark, and it was burned in the air.

After Gromash landed, he also wrapped his chest. Fortunately, this Charlotte- Linlin blow did not cause him too much trouble. It just opened a hole. It won’t be long, relying on his self-healing. Ability, will soon be restored to the original…

At the same time, Charlotte- Linlin also stopped her loud voice. It seems that her incomprehensible voice can’t last too long, and it seems that she can’t shout 287 continuously. If it can be used infinitely, isn’t she invincible???

I am afraid that only a master of vibration like Newgate can cure her sonic power?

At this time, Charlotte-Linlin was in very bad condition. She covered her arm with one hand and looked at Gromash with a very hateful look, as if she was going to eat Gromash raw.

And Gromash also showed a smile and said, “It looks like an arm has been scrapped, Charlotte- Linlin, I don’t know how your body’s recovery is??? I lost my body, but he can still fight with me for several days.”

Charlotte- Linlin does not have the monster-level resilience. In this respect, she is better than ordinary masters. It is incomparable with Gromash and Kaido. At this time, she even feels that her left arm can’t be raised. .

“Have the bones been completely burnt???” Charlotte- Linlin couldn’t help thinking in her heart.

This kind of injury is not incurable, but it will take a while, and there must be a good doctor. Charlotte- Linlin is also the leader of the Four Emperors-level pirate group, and there are still many powerful healing abilities in his hands. Yes, as long as you give her some time after you go back, you can still recover.

But there doesn’t seem to be that kind of time right now

Gromash didn’t plan to give her any time, he saw a brutal smile on the corner of his mouth again, then licked his lips with his tongue, and rushed at Charlotte-Linlin again at a very fast speed.

After eating two big losses in a row, if she eats Charlotte- Linlin for the third time, she will not be a Four Emperor. It is really shameful. Therefore, at the moment Gromash shot, Charlotte- Linlin no longer uses eyes and Observation. Haki went to capture Gromash’s figure, and she directly determined the location of Gromash through the soul breath of Madara.

At the moment when she caught Gromash’s evil and Madara soul breath, her intact right arm also threw away the Emperor Sword, and a green soul fluctuating breath appeared in her palm.

“Spell-soul plunder!!!” Charlotte- Linlin roared, and at the same time the palm that exuded inexplicable energy fluctuations was also scratched in the void, as if it really caught something for her

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