I Am Hellscream

Chapter 548

Chapter 548 Cut to death you biscuit crumbs first.

Since this battle axe was thrown out by Gromash in the air, there is not much follow-up force blessing. Only the moment of the fight is the most powerful, and the force will gradually decrease afterwards.

Therefore, Gromash saw that it was intercepted by Kata Kuri, and after the tomahawk that Charlotte-Linlin forcibly received from the front could not achieve the purpose he wanted, he also gently stretched out his hand.

The strength of the Hell Destroyer’s axe, which was originally fighting against Charlotte- Linlin’s Emperor Sword, instantly disappeared. It fell on Gromash’s hands.

Afterwards, Charlotte-Linlin used that tall body to look at the place where the battle axe returned far away, and vaguely saw Gromash’s figure.

And Gromash also showed a smile at her, and even waved his hand very kindly, as if the axe just now was really just saying hello in the past.

Watching this scene, Charlotte- Linlin no longer asks Bokmus for some details, no need to be sure, that guy is Gromash!!!

“Proudmoore. Gromash” Charlotte- Linlin put away the Emperor Sword and whispered softly.

If you take a closer look, you will find that her arms are also shaking slightly. There is no doubt that even if she is born with supernatural power, she is not really unscrupulous in the face of Gromash’s battle axe.

Kata Kuri also said in a deep voice, “It seems that we have been discovered by him.”


“I’m so courageous. I didn’t choose to escape secretly. Instead, I took the lead.” Cracker also said in a deep voice.

Looking at the “tiny” figure of Gromash in the distance, Smoky is also very entangled. As a proud woman, Smoky also has her proud capital. In this world where strength is king, Smoky has nothing to do. The doubt is one of the few women standing at the forefront of the world, and she is second only to Kata Kuri among the four Admiral stars in the bigmom pirates

A master of, you can also see how hard she has worked in this area.

What’s more important is that she is not only strong, but she is not bad in figure and appearance. She also has a pair of heaven-defying long legs, which should be a winner in life.

But Gromash did not hesitate to refuse the marriage contract with her.Although Smoggy also understands why Gromash does this, it is not a good thing to be rejected. For so many years, Smoggy is a proud man. The guys have never forgotten this, especially Gromash this bastard is getting better and better.

The potential stock has become the current strength group, and the reputation, status, and strength are not weaker than that of his mother. The better, how can she be willing in her heart????

Therefore, Smoky’s sense of Gromash is very complicated.At this time, he saw the heroic breath of Gromash. Faced with the masters of their bigmom pirates, there was no fear at all, and he even dared to take the lead. The man who truly deserves her in her heart, if she can really catch Gromash this time, she must do well.”

Teach him, let him become his own property!!

Seeing that Gromash didn’t take the opportunity to escape, he took the lead to provoke them. Charlotte- Linlin didn’t waste time doing any encirclement tactics. Although I don’t know why Gromash did this, it is always a good thing. Charlotte- Linlin seems that no matter what purpose Gromash has, but as long as they can be here

Grasping Gromash here, everything else is easy to say, no matter how big the benefit can be greater than this???

It didn’t take long for Charlotte-Linlin and his group who had passed through the forest to see Gromash sitting idly on the trunk of a small tree.

After seeing Charlotte- Linlin, Gromash also showed a smile, waved her hand and said hello: “Yo, Ms. Charlotte- Linlin, it’s been a long time since I saw it. I really have to make me feel the fate of time. ”

Charlotte Linlin also sighed after seeing Gromash’s confident appearance: “It’s true that I haven’t seen you in a few years, Gromash, after you quit Seven Warlords of the Sea, you ran to my site without saying hello. , Are you planning to do something bad???”

Regardless of the outcome of the fight, before the war, you have to set a banner for yourself to show that you are the “righteous” party and have legitimate reasons. Charlotte- Linlin’s reasons are indeed very legitimate. , You Gromash sneaked up to my site, shouldn’t it be right to hit you???

And Gromash said shamelessly: “Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, you know, the elephant always likes to run around. Not long ago, it was still in my territory. I came up to see the scenery of Zuowu, and it turned out that there was no one. Attention, let it come to you, since you don’t welcome me, I’m leaving now”

Charlotte-Linlin was not a shrewd person. On the other hand, Grandpa Gromash had repeatedly said that his opponent wanted to be autistic, and he almost killed the two Marine marshals before and after. The kung fu on his lips is very powerful.

Therefore, Kata Kuri said on behalf of his mother at this time: “It is not that you are not unwelcome to your Highness Gromash. You see, after we have received your message, it is not the first time that we personally invite you to our Totto Land- Have you taken a seat on Cake Island??”

As Kata Kuri said, the bigmom pirates masters who came with Charlotte Linlin also dispersed, trying to surround Gromash and let him run away.

Seeing the encirclement and suppression of the bigmom pirates, Gromash also showed a smile and said, “Kata Kuri, everyone is very busy. Forget it this time. If I have time, I will definitely take us Frostwolf. The sincerity of the Pirates, I went to the cake island to give you “hello” Jie hahahahahaha.

Hearing Gromash’s threatening words, Kata Kuri’s expression also remained unchanged, and then he said softly, “It’s not too busy at this time, isn’t it?? Your Highness Gromash, we people have come here to invite you personally. Please give me a face…”

“Jiehahahaha, face??? Do you think you are Shanks???” Gromash suddenly laughed and said.

“Let you come, mother’s invitation, but no one has ever dared to refuse it!!!” The fellow Cracker looked at it suddenly and said.

Gromash also put his gaze on him, and then said with a disdainful smile: “The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, you are worthy to talk to me???”

As soon as the words fell, Gromash’s figure had disappeared from the trunk, and the battle axe in his hand had been smashed into Cracker’s body in the next second, and the cracker scum that was instantly broken was flying all over the sky. This fellow Cracker is proud of it. The armor didn’t even have the qualifications to stop the Gromash axe, so it was completely shattered.

If it wasn’t for this guy’s fast movements, he himself was a general star, and his strength was not weak, so he wouldn’t even be able to see Gromash’s attack in normal state, he would have died in the pile of biscuit scum.

When he saw a few backflips and some distance from Gromash, when he looked at Gromash again, his eyes were already full of vigilance.

Gromash carried the battle axe on his shoulders again, and said with a big smile: “If you want to fight, fight, come on!”

After Gromash said this, Kata Kuri also had a sullen face, and said in a deep voice: “Then you are offended, Your Highness Gromash. We will treat you well afterwards.”

After speaking, Kata Kuri also made an instant shot. As the number two character of the bigmom pirate group, Kata Kuri is still very strong. In other words, he is a man who has been in debut for so many years and has never failed.

In an instant, Gromash noticed the changes in the ground, and not all of the elephant’s back was exposed to the outside. Otherwise, so many forests would not be able to grow, and there should be a lot of soil in some places. , At this time Gromash their position is 0.

Gromash instantly felt that his feet seemed to be trapped in some kind of mud, and then Kata Kuri’s arm had turned into a huge warhammer, smashing Gromash towards him.

This trick may be useful to others, but it is a bit tasteless for Gromash. When the flame on Gromash rises, the high temperature instantly drys the ground that was originally sticking to his feet and becomes hard. , And then the “ground” suddenly shattered, and Gromash’s figure had already rushed out towards Kata Kuri, the war in his hand

Axe also made a domineering roar again.

At this moment, Charlotte-Linlin also started, and the Emperor’s sword in her hand also pierced Gromash with unparalleled power, without paying attention to the life and death of Kata Kuri.

At this time, Gromash has only two choices. Either continue to chop down with an axe, and try to see if you can chop Kata Kuri, but you will also be stabbed by Charlotte- Linlin’s emperor’s sword, or you can go back to defend and let it go. Kata Kuri.

“Jiehahahaha, it’s really cruel, Charlotte- Linlin” Gromash laughed, and then the battle axe in his hand changed the goal, and an axe hit the Emperor’s sword.

A powerful wave of air broke out on the two weapons in an instant, and at this instant, Smoky also shot. I saw that the long sword in her hand instantly entangled Armament Haki, took Gromash’s heart, and shot. No mercy, very cruel.

“Iron Body-Steel-Obsidian Armor!!!” Gromash shouted without hiding.

In a few moments, fine scales grew on Gromash, and then the six-type Iron Body was also activated. The dark Armament Haki also covered his body like armor.

Although Smoky’s long sword pierced Gromash’s heart, it was abruptly blocked in front of this powerful defense.

Then Gromash didn’t hesitate, and instantly turned on the violent state.The aura on his body suddenly rose, and the originally very powerful force was more full of wild aura.With an axe, the emperor’s sword that was originally stalemate was missed. Even Charlotte-Linlin was taken and almost ran away.

“Om!” Gromash had disappeared in place, this time it was so fast that Kata Kuri almost didn’t catch it.

In an instant, Gromash appeared in front of Charlotte-Linlin, who had not yet stood firm, and then the Tomahawk 3.8 in his hand had slashed at her without mercy.

Although Charlotte- Linlin is confident of her monster-like physical fitness, when faced with an attack from a beast of Gromash, she does not dare to mess around with her physical fitness without any scruples, so she is facing While holding Gromash’s battle axe, she also quickly put the Emperor’s sword across her chest again, trying to block Gromash’s battle axe.

“Chang!” Charlotte-Linlin noticed an unmatched force coming from her hand. To say that she might be able to compete with Gromash in purely physical strength, but the battle axe in Gromash’s hand But the top weapon itself is as heavy as a mountain, coupled with Gromash’s own brute force, Charlotte- Linlin

I had to retreat here, and I was smashed away by Gromash with an axe. I don’t know how many trees were smashed along the way.

After flying Charlotte: Linlin, Gromash didn’t chase, but directly focused on Cracker’s body, hurting the enemy’s ten fingers, it is better to cut one finger, instead of chasing Charlotte- Linlin, it is better to kill Cracker!

The moment Cracker saw Gromash staring at him, his body was in cold sweat, but he was also a star. Cracker was not a coward, so he immediately wrapped himself with cookies again, and Gromash’s feet were also fierce. The ground slammed and appeared beside Cracker, and the battle axe in his hand was also swung out

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