I Am Hellscream

Chapter 537

Chapter 537 The forgotten fruit of the Eudemons.

Moria is considered to have officially joined the Frostwolf Pirates, but he hasn’t announced the news yet, and Moria didn’t make much movement, and soon left the City of Seven Waters and went to find a place to practice on Sky Island. .

For Gromash, this is a good thing. Moria’s foundation is still there. Even if there is no way to become the top group of masters, it can still be done to return to the level of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and this kind of person is already considered to be. Very powerful cadres, the strength of the Frostwolf Pirates will also increase a lot.

After sending Moria away, Gromash is also temporarily idle. Their system of the Frostwolf Pirates is still very good. It doesn’t need to be handled by his captain. Basically, he only needs to give the relevant’great policy. “That’s it. The rest of the things that need to be implemented and “refined” will be completed by the cadres below, even if they are as they are.

The same is true of the battle with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group today.

Gromash gave an idea of’training’, and the rest will be arranged by Joz and the others. When it feels appropriate, the training is almost complete, and when this kind of war can be ended.

That’s right, it is so confident that for the Frostwolf Pirates, the war with their Whitebeard Pirates remnants can indeed be ended at any time.

Walking on the huge Elune anchored in the port of the City of Seven Waters, Gromash smiled and said to Shiryu beside him: “Pizarro can’t be free, he’s running to the front line, you guys are still Wander around leisurely???”

“I am different from that guy. He has been imprisoned in Eternal Hell for a long time. After he came out, he naturally wanted to look around, walk around, and observe the world, but I was not imprisoned in Impel down- because Among Pelton, as the chief caretaker, I still have a lot of vacations, but I’m not interested in running around.” Shiryu bit a cigar, very

Said calmly.

Gromash lit a cigar and asked curiously: “Yes, I heard that you released a lot of people in Impelton??? Some of the’predecessors’ didn’t seem to go to Malinford with Teach. ..”

“Well, in addition to Pizarro and the others, there are indeed some people who also ran out, but they didn’t join the hapless Blackbeard Pirates Group. Among them, there are only two people worth paying attention to. It’s World Destroyer- Byrnndi. World, the other one is amazing. It was the three of Newgate, Shiki and Roger that year with just one person.

Minxiong’s Red Earl Barloric Lederfield” Shiryu said calmly.

To say that this World Destroyer- Byrnndi- World was also a very powerful guy thirty years ago. He is very courageous, and he is going to fight the World government everywhere, and even plans to build a super large fort to cooperate. Use your own ability to create a holy land-Mariejois.

According to his plan, if it was really implemented by him, Mariejois estimated that it would really be wiped out after a shot. It is also because his thinking is too beyond common sense, so he is also considered by the World government as a’extremely threatening’. ‘Personnel sent Sengoku and Garp to arrest him, and even used a lot of CP-0 forces, and finally took him with Yin.

With one hand, he was locked into Impel down. In Impelton, he had been “frozen” in Eternal Hell for thirty years, and had just escaped not long ago.

In addition to Byrnndi-World, Red Earl Barloric Lederfield is even more legendary. In the past, he was called the “solitary red”. He was alone from beginning to end. It is not a person of ability, he relied on his own ability to stand side by side with the three legendary pirates, but later I don’t know if he is too bloated.

After fighting against Kong, who was Marshal Marine at the time, for three hundred rounds, after defeating the guy Kong, he was picked up by Garp, the missing king, and was locked in Impelton after three punches and two kicks. Now, I have finally come out and regained freedom.

Thinking of this, Gromash frowned. If nothing else, Lederfield should have been locked in Impel down for too long. Whitebeard’s old road, so I went to find the legendary Zoan-eternal beast-bat fruit-vampire form that can keep people young forever

That ability.

Gromash himself, as the capable person of the Eudemons, of course, knows how powerful the Eudemons is, and he also knows how rare this Devil Fruit is. He was able to get this because he had the’Novice Gift Pack’ back then. Ability, but they have been in this world for so many years, Gromash has found a lot of Devil Fruit, even Frostwolf Sea

Many of the people under the thieves group are capable people, but they are even rarer than the rare Logia. He hasn’t even found it. He hasn’t even heard the news.

There are not many species of phantom beasts in this sea today. In general, besides him, there are Marko’s Phoenix, Marshal Sengoku’s Great Buddha, Wanokuni General-Kurozumi’s Yaki Orochi, and just recently followed. Teach and they were released from prison together, and then topped the Nine Tails fox-Katerina Depeng who had successfully escaped during the war.

As for Kaido, whether he is a dragon or a human, Gromash is still unclear, but it is not a problem to regard him as an Eudemons.

One of these people is very powerful. From this it can be seen that the Eudemons is not only rarer than Logia in quantity, but also much higher than Logia in quality.

Unlike Logia, there will be people like Smoker and swamp people like Cariboo.

The Red Earl Barloric has not been mentioned before. At the time of Lederfield, Gromash hadn’t thought of the fruit of the Eudemons, but now that he thought of it, how could he not look for it?

“Where is it called Sleeping Ancient Town?” Gromash murmured softly, touching his chin.

Shiryu asked curiously: “What?? What did you say??”

“Ah, that’s it, Shiryu, have you heard of Sleeping Ancient Town???” Gromash looked at Shiryu and asked.

After thinking about it, Shiryu shook his head and said, “If you ask an island, it’s almost the same. If you ask a town, it’s weird that I can figure it out. Why?? Is there anything interesting??”

“Well, that’s right, by the way, have you ever thought of becoming a capable person???” Gromash asked curiously.

“Anyone? I haven’t thought about it, but I haven’t found a suitable ability. The World government does have some good things, but you know, I am in their system.’ “Alien” is very unwelcome, otherwise I won’t let that bastard Magellan ride on my head. What good things do they have, too

I don’t think about me, so for so many years, I haven’t become a capable person.” Shiryu smiled and said, listening to his tone still a little bit sigh.

But also, Shiryu is essentially a great contribution to the World government, and he likes to kill prisoners, but in Gromash’s view, this is not an unacceptable thing. He kills Impelton. It’s just a criminal, (abdi) the people locked up there are not allowed to carry a life lawsuit???

He said,’He didn’t run out to kill innocent people, but for this reason, Shiryu was not seen by Marine’s hypocritical guys. He has always been a name in Impelton, and the other benefits are nothing. No, who can’t hold back some anti-human problems??? Shiryu, this is all considered mild.

I saw Gromash smiled and said, “Seeing that you have always been a swordsman, I thought you were a pure swordsman. It turns out that you are not so repulsive to Devil Fruit…”

“A pure swordsman??? Captain Gromash, what can be defined as a pure swordsman??? Can you not be a swordsman if you eat Devil Fruit???” Shiryu glanced at Gromash and didn’t care. Opened his mouth and said.

“Well, I mean something like Mihawk, except for the sword, there is no other person who thinks about it. I thought you were that kind of person. I thought you were that kind of person.” Gromash smiled.

“According to you, I am really not a pure swordsman. This swordsmanship is just’strength’ for me. If I have the opportunity to continue to strengthen my’strength’, I will not refuse, listen. It is said that there is one of the strongest doctors among our cadres-Mr. Hobackak has the ability to enhance the human body transformation surgery??? I am actually very familiar with this

Interested…” Shiryu said with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

What he said is very calm. He is not a simple swordsman, but a person like Gromash, Crocodile or even Doflamingo. What kind of method, but as long as he can improve his strength, Shiryu is very interested.

“Really??? Then I did think of a good thing, you should be very interested,” Gromash said, with an evil smile on his face.

When Shiryu heard it, he probably guessed that Gromash might have some awesome Devil Fruit in his hands, so he was also very interested and said, “What good thing???”

“The “Sleeping Ancient Town” I mentioned earlier, if not surprising, there should be a Devil Fruit buried in that small town, I believe you will be interested in this…” Gromash smiled. He said straightforwardly.

And Shiryu was also stunned for a while, Eudemons species??? That is really something that you can’t find. At this time, Shiryu’s heart is also very touched. After so many years, killing two heinous prisoners seems to have violated some “Tianjin”, everyone is trembling at him, and then look at his personality.

Uncle Romesh, it hasn’t been long since I have just arrived, and the fruits of the Eudemons species are ready to be used for myself. This difference in treatment is simply bad!!

“Well, but it will take some time to find that town, but with our abilities, we will definitely find it,” Gromash said with a smile.

I want to come to that Lederfield should also be looking for the fruits of the Eudemons species at this time, but he is definitely not as fast as Gromash. Two years later, Luffy and the others went out to sea and entered the New World, only to find the fruit through Robin’s ability.

Therefore, Gromash is now very sure that the Eudemons fruit should still be asleep in the ancient relics of Sleeping Ancient Town at this time. As long as you find Sleeping Ancient Town, let Queen Robin take the initiative to decipher the ancient text. Have you got it???

“That’s really interesting to me. Sleeping in the ancient town??? I have nothing to do with me. Why don’t you look for it?” Shiryu’s eyes flashed with excitement, and he said with a smile.

“Jiehahahahaha, you just have to be interested, but before that, let me show you a baby,” Gromash said with a laugh.

Then, he took Shiryu to the door of the warehouse of the Elune, and then Gromash looked at the Muramaru hanging on Shiryu’s waist, and then said, “I heard that this guy is on your waist. The knife is the demon knife. I think you may be interested in the demon knife. Today, I will show you the demon knife forged by my uncle. If you

If you are interested, just use it.”

After speaking, Gromash stepped forward and opened the door of the warehouse. As soon as the door opened, a gloomy and evil aura with strong resentment and filth emerged from the warehouse.

After Shiryu felt the cursed breath, his eyes flashed coldly, and the hand that was originally hanging next to him couldn’t help but put it on the Muramaru on his waist.

“It’s really a demon sword. The evil aura is so powerful before they have met. What kind of monster have you created???” Shiryu said in a very low voice. .

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