I Am Hellscream

Chapter 534

Chapter 534 Boss and secretary? Classic drama!

After hanging up the phone worm with Uncle Buggy, Gromash also touched his chin and began to think about the “World Conscription”. In addition to the shortcoming Gromash thought just now, the “World Conscription” itself also has another flaw. , That is, it is easy to be “mixed with sand” by various forces.

Such a large-scale conscription, on this basis, it is difficult to perform detailed investigations one by one. I am afraid that it is only the positions of those powerful points, such as Commodore, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral and even the “General” badges. Admiral needs to be carefully investigated-do those “candidates” have any identity problems.

But counting down here, how can the tens of thousands of school officials be able to check one by one? Even if they want to do this, they can’t do this kind of thing at all. So I got the news ahead of time, and Gromash started thinking about it.

Let’s not mention whether it is possible to cultivate a powerful Vice Admiral like “Ghost Bamboo Vergo” like Doflamingo back then. Just insert a few eyes and treat it as a “Willless Willow”. If you can If you get out of it, you will be considered a profit. Even if you can’t get out of it, you won’t suffer.

Thinking of this, Gromash picked up the phone worm and called Monet over.

It didn’t take long for the little secretary Monet to come to Gromash’s side, a little curious to hear what Uncle Gromash had ordered.

After seeing Monet, Gromash smiled and said, “Monet, has the place for the little sugar guy been arranged???”

Monet shook his head when he heard the words, and then reluctantly said: “Not yet, Captain, do you have a place to go to arrange for her???”

“Jiehahahahahaha, if you want to say a good place, there is really an opportunity before you. How do you think we arrange sugar into Marine? ??” Gromash grinned, showing a smile, and said softly Said.

And when Monet heard Gromash’s words, the whole person was stunned. He wanted to talk about the intelligence department who arranged the sugar to go to, or learn the climate with the people of Visalia, or arrange to go to the front line of the war to exercise. The dead perverts like Guy Sa and Hokkubak were taken as apprentices to pass on the skills, and Monet would not be too surprised, after all

That is still within the framework of the Frostwolf Pirate Group.

As a result, Gromash opened his mouth and said that he wanted to arrange the sugar in the Marine. Isn’t Monet surprised??? What? Do you think that Marine was opened by your uncle Gromash?? Or do you really treat the Marshal Sengoku as you? Brother Jinlan, do you think that you say hello, Marshal Sengoku is using sugar as a treasure?

So Monet looked at Gromash’s “I thought of a good idea, right?” expression, and said helplessly: “Captain, you are too weird?? If you want to arrange sugar into the four seas. In a Marine sequence, that’s okay, it’s pretty easy to handle. With their corrupt institutions, we let Crowe make a new one for sugar.

Identity, and then bribe the Marine officials over there, you can do it, but letting sugar go to the sea to be Marine, it is better to be a cute little pet by our side.

“Who said she was going to go to the world? That’s it. The World government’s brain was convulsed and came up with a plan like this. It was called “World Conscription…” Gromash called Monet over and took this coquettishly. The little secretary held him in his arms and began to tell Monet about the conscription plan of the World government.After a long time, Monet said softly: “Send the sugar to Naval Headquarters. I have to say, you are too courageous??? Isn’t this hell-level after the training??? What if something goes wrong? ??”

“Jie ha ha ha ha, there will be no accidents, the big deal is that we will also learn from Newgate and fight a war once.” “Gromash said very heartily.

Seeing that her captain was so relieved, what can Monet say as a little secretary?? But as the sister of Sugar, she still thought about it and said: “This proposal is approved for the time being, but I have to confirm the sugar. Her thoughts, if she doesn’t want to go, then forget it…”

Gromash didn’t plan to force sugar to become a Marine. After all, this risk is still there, but in order to temper sugar into a talent as soon as possible, Gromash has to be cruel, can’t let her always be a drag oil bottle, right??

“Well, just follow what you said, but regardless of whether the sugar is going or not, but she should also prepare a new identity for her. , Let Crowe get a decent one. “Gromash smiled and said.

After talking about these things, Gromash, who had no urgent incidents in his hands for the time being, had no rules in his hands.The palms that originally encircled Monet’s waist began to slowly move up, and it didn’t take long to cover Monet’s chest. After feeling the touch in that hand, Gromash showed a wicked smile and said, “This love should be a beautiful day.

, The little lady might as well undress and bring it into the scene???”

Monet stretched out his hand very impatiently and knocked out Gromash’s salty pig hand, then turned a charming Byakugan and said: “Captain, what do you think in this daytime?? Can you be more serious??”

“Just kidding, what happened during the day??? During the day, there can be no such great behavior of life creation??? Besides, we are pirates, so what to do in accordance with the rules?? It is better to have a good time together” Gromash said, while paying back Start to move.

In fact, he wanted to fight Monet a long time ago in this office scene. Boss and secretary, isn’t this a classic drama? How could his uncle Gromash miss it?

Unable to bear the look of Gromash’s dead skinny face, Monet had to follow him as a guy, no way, who called him the boss?

While Gromash and Monet were doing shameful things in the office, in the makeshift camp of Naval Headquarters-Marinford, the guy Kuzan was also chatting with the white hunter Smoker.

“I heard that Marshal Sengoku intends to let you take over the position of Marshal???” Smoker bit a cigar and asked curiously.

He was still in the Naval Headquarters. When he was a problem child, it was the direct line of Kuzan. Kuzan himself has no arrogance. Smoker is not an honest person who cares about the relationship between superior and inferior. Therefore, the two of them In addition to the identity of the boss and subordinates, it is still a good friend.

Smoker was later transferred to East Blue. Apart from occasionally contacting him with phone bugs and chatting, Kuzan also saw Smoker for the first time in these years.

So the two chatted together.

“Has this news spread to your side???” Kuzan also said with a bit of surprise.

This guy Sengoku is going to force Kuzan to be a marshal. Of course, Kuzan can’t be like a fool who doesn’t know anything. Marshal Sengoku must say hello to him. Otherwise, if Kuzan is unwilling to do it, wouldn’t it be that Sengoku is a fool. NS???

“Well, not really. I heard from Gion sister. Although I have been kicked out of the club for so many years, don’t underestimate my connections here.” Smoker smiled and said.

Seeing Smoker’s performance, Kuzan also smiled and said, “This is not what you should say, why?? Has it finally changed???”

Smoker was silent for a while, then let out a light burst of smoke, and then said with a smile of his own: “I realized that in order to carry out the justice in my heart, I not only need to stick to my heart, but also need greater rights. , So before I am qualified to change all of this, I also have to make false claims with you people.”

“Ah Lala, this is really harsh, as if we are all bad guys” Kuzan laughed and joked, but Smoker was very happy to have this idea, and finally figured it out.

Then Kuzan said, “Actually, I don’t really want to be this marshal, so I’m still considering it…”

That’s right, Kuzan really didn’t plan to be a Marine marshal at the beginning. He felt a little tired when he was an Admiral, let alone being a marshal, he also felt that he was not that kind of material, for his easy-hearted justice, Kuzan It is also clear that this is not what Marine currently needs.

But Kuzan himself is not a marshal. He, like Sengoku, does not support Sakazuki as a marshal. At this time, he still doesn’t know that the people above want to promote Sakazuki to the top, so he does not have a strong sense of competition. Now that Sakazuki is going to be a marshal, he will definitely fight desperately, in his mind

Although my Kuzan’s justice is not very suitable for the current Marine Marshal, but your Sakazuki’s justice is even more unsuitable. The generals are drawn from the dwarf. In order to prevent Marine from being led away, I still take it!

Then Sakazuki is also very unhappy, why?? You Kuzan don’t want to be, just forget it, when you hear that I’m going to be, you have to jump out and make trouble, isn’t this a mess with me?? When I am Sakazuki so bully??

Anyway, Kuzan and Sakazuki, who had conflicts in ideology, will definitely go on a hot road by then.

But these are all things to follow. After jumping over this question, Kuzan looked at Smoker and smiled and said: “‘. After so many years of qualifications, it has finally started to spew, Smoker Commodore.”

Smoker froze for a moment, then frowned and looked at Kuzan and said, “Why?? I’m going to transfer my identity again???”

“Well, maybe you don’t want to???” Kuzan smiled and said.

“That’s not the case. I have said it. Before I have enough power, I will go down with you guys.” Smoker also said with a smile.

“This time in the top war, your performance is also very eye-catching, so we decided to promote you to the Rear Admiral rank and do a good job. You are a veteran Marine. As long as you don’t mess up, you will surely be promoted to Vice within two years. Admiral” Kuzan smiled and encouraged Smoker.

“Then I’m really looking forward to it,” Smoker said with a smile, then he paused, then his expression became serious, and he said, “In fact, I have something to ask you when I come this time…”

Seeing that Smoker was so serious, Kuzan nodded his head with a serious expression, “Tell me about it.”

“I want to enter the New World, don’t G-5 Marine think it suits my child with this problem???” Smoker said in a deep voice.

“Hello, what is G-5 like, you should be clear? A few years ago, after they were destroyed by Edward Weibull once, they basically no longer have the power of the year. The World is alive. You should also know the internal news of the new Naval Headquarters?? Don’t rush for a while??”

Kuzan said in surprise.

“It’s not the same. There are too many rules and regulations in this section. I just want to see if I can bring out the G-5 again,” Smoker said confidently.

Looking at Smoker’s determined expression, Kuzan also sighed and said, “Originally I thought you would converge a bit, but I didn’t expect (Zhao Hao) that the problem child would still be the problem child…I know, this It’s not something that violates the principle. Just do it for you once. You can wait for the notice when you go back, and be prepared to enter the New World in advance.”

“Thanks a lot, Kuzan,” Smoker said with a smile.

At the same time, in Marshal Sengoku’s office, Garp looked at a retirement document in his hand, which had just been stamped with Marshal Sengoku’s seal, and then Garp Vice Admiral smiled and said, “I’m finally relieved, the old man is going. East Blue will not be here to mess with you after a vacation.”

“Won’t you wait for me?? I’m going to step down soon,” Marshal Sengoku looked at Garp who was in a good mood, and said helplessly.

Since both Ace and Luffy ran out of the battle in Malinford, Garp, who had been frowning all day, was refreshed. Sengoku was so angry that he was so angry that he could not wait to give it to him. Two punches, let him recognize his position.

When Garp heard Sengoku’s words, he waved his hand and said, “No, you are a Marshal and I am a Vice Admiral, but they are different. Who knows how long you will have to toss after leaving your post??? I’m leaving now.”

After speaking, Garp was about to open the door and leave, but just as he was about to step out of the door, he suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Sengoku and asked softly: “There is something about Sakazuki. Did Kuzan know about it???”

Marshal Sengoku’s expression was also silent, and then he said, “I haven’t told him yet.”

“Just take care of it yourself, I always feel that something will go wrong,” Garp exhorted, and then he didn’t care too much. A retired old man took care of these things, and he still had a good vacation.

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