I Am Hellscream

Chapter 419

Chapter 419 A Song of Ice and Fire.

In the restaurant, Ace and others are not distressed at all because they are thinking about eating’Overlord Meal’,’ Bailey ordered a large table of delicacies, and a group of people were eating and drinking here.

“It’s really amazing here. You can eat the specialties of The fish men island.” Ace brought a piece of scallop that looked delicious in front of him, leaving his saliva, and said very contentedly.

“After all, it’s not far from The fish men island. If you really like it, when we go to The fish men island, you can eat more!” Dius said with a smile.

“I can’t wait for you to say that, but the coating seems to take a long time??” Ace said quickly while eating the scallops.

“Well, our ship is not very big, but according to those port personnel, it takes about three days to complete the coating.” Deuss nodded and said.

Just as Ace and the others were eating and drinking, Barry suddenly noticed that the people sitting by the window in the restaurant seemed to be a little flustered looking out, so he said with some doubts: “Captain Ace, it seems to be out What’s the situation…”

Hearing this, Ace raised his head and frowned and looked around. Before he could figure out what was going on, a pirate captain who was also eating suddenly said, “No, it’s Marine. They want to surround this place. Come on, kill with me!”

After the pirate captain finished speaking, he drew out the big knife that was slung around his waist, and then the little brothers behind him also stood up, and then he shattered the window with one foot and wielded the big knife. The pirate brothers who took their hands stood out from here.

After seeing this scene, Barry also quickly said: “Captain Ace, let’s run quickly too??

Ace always felt something was wrong, so he thought about it and said, “Be prepared, I don’t think things should be that simple. Let’s see if these guys can run out.”

As soon as Ace’s voice fell, a cold wind blew in from the broken windows, causing everyone in the dining room to shiver involuntarily.

Then everyone in the restaurant heard a man with a slightly magnetic voice and a very lazy voice speaking.

“Ah Lala, did you accidentally gain something unexpectedly, Pirate??” Kuzan said softly.

At this time, on the ground outside the restaurant, the group of pirates who rushed out aggressively just now counts as one, and they have all been frozen into ice sculptures.

This guy Kuzan puts his hands in Kabuto, wears Marine’s pen for justice, and wears a pair of black sunglasses. There is still some frost that has not subsided on the sunglasses.

The ground under his feet has been frozen, and the original emerald green grass has been covered by white ice.

Until then, among the remaining guests in the restaurant, a few sharp-eyed guys said in a panic: “It’s Qingzhi Admiral of Headquarters-Qingzhi-Kuzan, why did he appear here?? Run away!! ”

This restaurant is open in a lawless zone, so those who can eat and drink here cannot be honest people no matter how they think. One or two of them have a little “documentary” on their bodies. At this time, they saw Kuzan, the’justice messenger’. , They are all a little guilty in their hearts.

So as soon as someone took the lead, these little trash fish ran out of the door in a panic. Kuzan didn’t bother to take care of them. This time he brought a lot of Marine, so let them catch the trash fish.

At this time, in the empty restaurant, Ace swallowed the scallops in his mouth, and then said: “Admiral of Naval Headquarters, this is terrible. No matter how you look at it, I think they should be rushing. Are you here with us?”

“Captain, what should I do?? Escape??” As he said, he drew out his revolver, and started loading bullets one by one.

After thinking for a while, Ace said, “Marine’s Admiral is not to be underestimated. We are definitely not opponents. I will delay him for you later, and you will quickly break through. We will gather on the 13th Island, where is the Frostwolf Sea. Haven’t Gang been inquired about the thief group’s site?? They won’t let the Marines go there and mess around.”

“Don’t be kidding, Ace, do you have the confidence to delay Marine’s Admiral?? Our Pirates of Spades has no tradition of abandoning the captain and fleeing alone,” Duuss looked at Ace and said softly.

“This is my captain’s order, and I am still a little sure. Although I may not be able to play, but as a Mera-mera Fruit capable person, it should still be possible to entangle with a Frozen Fruit capable person??” Ace grinned. , Said with a smile.

Before Duuss could speak, Kuzan’s voice came from outside the window.

“Ahem, Huo Fist-Portgas-D-Ace, I know you are inside, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t come here with malicious intent. Entrusted by your grandfather, Mr. Garp, I came here to want Invited you to visit Naval Headquarters. Malinford, so if we can, we don’t have to go to war. Wouldn’t we leave happily together??” Kuzan

He cleared his throat and spoke into the restaurant.

“Yelling is really irritating!” Ace cursed a little uncomfortably, then he got up and walked to the window, looking at Marine outside and Marine Admiral Kuzan standing at the forefront, and then he said, “Don’t dream. Yes, I’m a pirate, how could it be possible to go to Malinford with you just because of a word from you”

“Ah Lala, did the communication fail?? What a pity, I thought I could save some time.” Kuzan stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, and said with a somewhat “powerless” opening.

Then he looked at Ace, there was a cold air from the corner of his mouth, and then he said: “Mr. Garp takes care of me very much, so I have to complete this entrustment. Since you don’t want to go, I have to do it. Catch you”

“If you can do it, give it a try!” Ace glanced at the friends behind him, then made up his mind and spoke provocatively.

Kuzan didn’t hesitate, and saw that although he didn’t have any movements on his body, a large amount of freezing gas broke out under his feet in an instant.The ground that was still covered by frost became thicker. Frost began to spread on the walls of the restaurant, and the frost was still rapidly invading the entire restaurant.

“Yan Sparrow!” Seeing Kuzan’s hands, Ace didn’t slow down, and saw that he activated his abilities in an instant. A fire sparrow’s phantom flashed behind him, and the temperature in the restaurant rose instantly. It got up, evaporating all the frost that was still eroding.

“Follow my captain’s order!! Duos!!” Ace left a word without looking back, and then stepped on his feet. The whole person jumped out of the window, waved his fist in the air, and roared: “fire punch!”

Along with Ace’s roar, a hot breath (abdi) erupted from his fist, a powerful flame burst out, condensed into a fist, and rushed towards Kuzan with a very fierce aura.

“Ah Lala, is it really the strongest newcomer of this year??” Kuzan’s sunglasses reflected the light of fire from the sky, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and he whispered.

In the next second, Kuzan raised one of his arms, and a cold air burst into his palm.

“Frost-white mist!” Kuzan said softly.

Then a large amount of freezing gas condensed into frost, and it slammed into Ace’s fire fist without fear.The collision of ice and fire produced a great impact, and then the water vapor produced by the high temperature and low temperature contact quickly filled the audience. Make the entire field become unable to use the line of sight to lock the target.

At this time, Dius and his group also quickly seized the opportunity, rushed out of the restaurant, and gathered together to break through the outside.

Kuzan did not pay attention to them, but activated his abilities again, only to see that the mist around him quickly condensed into ice, forming two thorn spears, and ejected towards a certain point.

“Pillar of Flame of Yan Jiu!!” Ace’s voice came from the point where Kuzan hit, and the next second a pillar of fire rose to the sky, burning all the steam around it, and Kuzan’s two thorny spears. Was evaporated.

Looking at the huge pillar of fire, Kuzan seemed to think of something unpleasant. He frowned and said, “That’s why I hate those with fire abilities. It’s too much trouble.”

Kuzan, who became unhappy, didn’t want to waste time here with Ace. Originally, he wanted to test how much strength Ace, Mr. Garp’s grandson, really has.

The serious Kuzan is extremely terrifying, at least for Ace, it should be a crushing battle!

I saw Kuzan’s foot move, and the whole person has disappeared in place, leaving only a wisp of ice appearing in the same place. The next second, the cold freezing gas instantly smashed on Ace’s fire pillar, and the powerful frost force quickly began. Suppress the pillar of fire, and then Kuzan’s figure also appeared from the frost, and the pupils under his sunglasses flashed a little bit, and then he

He stretched out his palm and grabbed Ace’s arm that hadn’t had time to react.

“Frozen Time Capsule…” Kuzan whispered softly.

As his voice fell, even Ace, whose constitution had turned into flames, felt a bone-like cold from the grasped arm, and then his arm started to freeze.

Freezing Time Capsule, one of Kuzan’s tricks at the bottom of the box, not only chilled Marine’s Giant Leader Vice Admiral-Saul on Ohara Island back then.

In the future battle for the top of Malinford, even Newgate was briefly frozen.

With Ace’s current strength, even if he is the incarnation of flame, he still can’t escape this frozen fate.

In a short moment, “Fire Fist” Ace still became “Iceman” Ace.

Then Kuzan’s tall body stood in front of Ace’s ice sculpture, and touched his chin and said embarrassedly: “Ah Lala, I accidentally thought of the guy Gromash, and my mood became irritable, and the shot was a bit too heavy. ”

Just when Kuzan was thinking about some of these, the ice sculpture of Ace began to drop water droplets. Kuzan looked at this scene and did not make a move, but rather unexpectedly said: “Oh, it’s really a flame. The body?? There are not many people who can break free from my tricks.”

There was no fire blazing into the sky, and no scenes that were too handsome appeared.Ace broke free from Kuzan’s freezing but looked very embarrassed.I saw that he slowly melted the frost on his body, and the whole person sat on the ground. Weakly gasped and looked at Kuzan who was standing in front of him and looking at him condescendingly.

“Is this the strength of Marine Admiral?? The gap is too big??” Ace thought involuntarily in his heart.

At this moment, Kuzan looked at the meager Haki power on Ace, and said with a little surprise: “Haki?? Turns out that he used this to protect his important parts, so he can resist?? I can’t think of being a rookie pirate. Seeing Haki in the hand, as Marshal Sengoku said, you have great potential. If you let you go now, you are very

It might become the second Gromash.”

While talking, Kuzan stretched out his arm, trying to grab Ace’s body and freeze him again, just as his frost-bearing palm was about to touch Ace’s body, who had lost his combat power. At that time, his palm touched a transparent barrier with a little green in it, and then the cold frost also covered the barrier.

“Hey, Kuzan Admiral, I don’t think this guy is as brave as our captain back then!” Bartolomio’s figure appeared in the open space in the distance, his fingers entangled, and he activated his ability to replace him at a critical moment. Ace blocked Kuzan’s arm, with an evil smile on his mouth, looked at Kuzan and said.

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