I Am Hellscream

Chapter 415

Chapter 415 What steps do you want? Get down by yourself!

In the courtyard of a blacksmith shop in the resident of the Frostwolf Pirates, the capital of the seven waters, at this time, for some reason, Dracule-Mihawk, the world’s largest swordsman, is sitting on a small stone pier in the courtyard.

I saw him touching his chin and looking at the heavy material on the stone table in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he looked up at Gromash and said, “So, you called me from Krai Kana Island to discuss the important matter.” ‘Just let me watch you hit the iron??”

“Jiehahahaha, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You are Tenten’s nest on that small broken island where there are no ghost shadows with a group of monkeys. Are you really afraid of becoming autistic?? I am a friend? Of course you can’t just watch you go astray. How happy it is to strike iron together?? Jiehahahaha.” Gromash one

While touching the forging material, he laughed and said.

“First of all, it is not an ordinary monkey. It is called a’human imitator’. Although it is not worth mentioning, it can help me pass some boring time. Because of this, I will become autistic, and the quiet environment there can make me calm down and experience my kendo. Finally, what do you think?

What do you want to say??” Mihawk glanced at Gromash, picked up the wine glass next to him, took a sip of sweet red wine, and asked quietly.

Seeing Mihawk not buying his own account, Gromash scratched his head in a little embarrassment and said, “You really don’t know how to talk, so can’t you give me a step down??”

“According to the friendship between us for many years and what I know about you as “Nike Seven”, you are undoubtedly the person who needs the least’step’ in this world, because no matter how high it is. Platform, you can finally jump off, and judging from your extremely thick face, in the end you can land safely, so why should I give you steps

??” Mihawk said mercilessly.

Gromash gave up struggling when he was messed up by the guy Mihawk. He waved his hand and said, “Okay, well, if you, Uncle Mihawk, say something reasonable, then I’ll just say it straight.”

“Hehehe, look, there is no “step”, did you come down by yourself?? What I said is actually the truth,” Mihawk said with a smile.

“Enough, you say that again, but I have to remember how the world’s number one swordsman used black knives. The story of Ye’s rowing as an oar,” Gromash said angrily.

Then, after he and Mihawk hurt each other for a while, Mihawk said, “I have roughly guessed the reason you called me. If it’s not surprising, do you want to’cast a knife’ this time??”

Gromash nodded and said, “Yes, I really wanted to’cast a sword’. In fact, I didn’t have this plan before. After all, you know, no one on our ship is really a swordsman. Speaking of using a sword There is only one Drake who can see, but that guy is not a person who specializes in kendo, so even if I cast one, it is enough

The famous sword handed down doesn’t have much use, is it??”

After thinking about it, Mihawk nodded. It is true that Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates have gathered all kinds of talents, but there are really no swordsmen masters who play with swords.

So Mihawk asked with some doubts: “So in that case, why did you choose to cast a knife in the end??”

Hearing Mihawk’s question, Gromash said angrily: “Are you here to block me?? You see for yourself”

When Gromash said this, he slapped the forging material with a slap, and then continued bluffing: “This stuff is so much, I want to use it to forge a mace, big hammer, etc., but this Is there enough stuff??? Even if I use some of the corner materials I have accumulated over the years, it is not enough, since

So, what can I do?? I can only use it to make a knife!! ”

“Hahahaha, did you feel stretched?? Unexpectedly, your uncle Gromash would also encounter this kind of problem. When you forged your big axe back then, why didn’t you know how to save some materials to use??” Mihawk laughed and joked.

Gromash heard the words and said vaguely: “It was also a coincidence at that time. Who would have thought of what happened so many years later. In short, I have no patience to continue looking for those forgings that can be met but not sought. Recently, it happened to be idle again. Nothing, so I called you, the world’s number one swordsman, to give me reference, and strive to create a one that can surpass

Your black sword, Ye’s famous sword comes out.”

“Beyond my black knife. Ye?? Are you joking??” Mi Zhike said in surprise.

“Hmph, you are afraid that you are underestimating the forging skills of my Uncle Gromash?? Let me just say that, Laozi dares to recognize the world’s second forging master, and no one dares to say that he is the first. If you are not convinced, you will be blackmailed. Take out the knife, Ye, let me chop a few times with the Hell Destroyer to see which one goes wrong first,” Gromash said with a terrible foul.

Of course, it is impossible for Mihawk to let Gromash really try. If something goes wrong, wouldn’t he lose a lot?

After the two of them talked about each other for a while, Mihawk said, “Although I have the title of “The First Swordsman”, I am not good at forging and casting knives. I don’t understand how I can help you, so you If you want me to do anything, just say it directly.”

“No one on our ship knows anything like a famous knife, so I am not asking you to show me how to forge a cast knife this time. In this way, you can get me a few models of knives that you think are suitable and focus on the surface. , Such as sharpness, sturdiness, thickness, and the balance between the points and important proportions.

It’s perfect for Yi Jianhao to do this. “Gromash said carelessly.

After thinking about it, Mihawk touched his chin and said, “Although it’s a bit troublesome, I’m still free from the left and right. This is the first time I participated in this’casting knife’. It’s also a good thing to gain some new insights. Okay, I can help with that.”

“Jiehahahahaha, I’m relieved with the words of your’first swordsman’, let’s start!” Gromash laughed and said.

Just as Gromash and Mihawk were busy with “forging knives” in the City of Seven Waters, in the Cocoa West Village of East Blue, the Frostwolf Pirates caravans that had completed their purchases also packed their “baggage”. Ready to go.

Standing in front of the simple wharf in Cocoyashi Village, Granville asked with some doubts: “What’s that called? By the way, Luo Luo Luo Na-Where did the shivering green algae head go???”

After hearing Sugar’s question, the caravan leader said helplessly: “Sugar-sama, it’s Roronoa. That guy Zoro found a small boat and left this island this morning, and he asked me to take care of Sugar-sama. Thanks, and said that if there is a chance in the future, I will go to the Grand Line to find you.”

After hearing this answer, Sugar waved his hand a little boringly and said, “Really?? Then look forward to his performance, although I think it is very likely that a little like him will never see Roronoa Zoro again. ??”

Sugar is leaving. Although I have only met for less than three days, Nami has already regarded Sugar as a good friend. Sometimes the friendship between girls is so inexplicable.

In addition, the sugar has lived in Nana’s house for almost three days, and they are quite familiar with each other, so Nami, Nuoqigao and Bell-mère all came to the pier in Cocoa West Village to see them off.

Standing on the edge of the pier, Sugar said with a bit of dismay: “Nami, are you really not going with me?? The Grand Line is fun. As long as it is found in this world, we Frostwolf The Pirate Group can go, whether it is Sky Island above 10,000 meters high or The fish men island below 10,000 meters deep sea, I can take you there, you want to

The whole world is recorded on your chart, and I can help you a lot.”

Looking at the sugar that is enthusiastically thinking about herself, Nami rubbed her head with a touch, then smiled and said, “From now on, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely go back to you. Sugar, I can’t be a sugar now. A free pirate”

Sugar hasn’t answered yet. Bell-mère, who is standing behind Nami, sighed after taking a look at Nuoqigo who was smiling, and then whispered: “Nami, if you want to go, go, you are Free, the sea is free, doesn’t it match? The definition of this pirate, the doubts that plague my heart, let you go to the sea for me

Seek an answer.”

After hearing Bell-mère’s words, Nami’s expression was stunned at first, and then he showed a touch of surprise, holding Bell-mère excitedly and said, “Bell-mère, don’t you object to me becoming a pirate? ?”

“Well, as a mother, I am very worried about you, but this is not the reason why I should block your dreams, isn’t it?? So I will pray for you, hope that the sea will pamper you, a child who yearns for freedom.” Bell- mère patted Nami on the back lightly and said.But after rejoicing, Nami finally said: “It’s not the time yet. I can’t leave without care, sugar, you said that you have gathered a lot of interesting partners in the Frostwolf Pirates. I am very envious. So you just wait for me to find you. One day, I will find a group of equally interesting partners to pursue my dreams on the Grand Line.

, And I will visit you at the same time!”

Although Granville regrets that Nami can’t go with her and refuses the invitation to become her little friend, as a friend, she still smiles from the bottom of her heart and said, “Well, I will be waiting for you on that sea of ​​miracles. Of, Nami!”

But soon, granulated sugar said curiously: “By the way, Nami, what are you worried about??”

Nami hadn’t spoken yet, and Nuoqigao had already spoken: “Nami, are you worrying about the rat colonel in the 16th and 6th branch of Marine? I am afraid that without you, we will be short of a labor force.”

Then Nuoqigao briefly told Granule about the scourge of Colonel Mouse, and Granger said angrily after listening, “So I’ll just say, Marine.”

Speaking of this, I seem to remember that Bell-mère was once Marine, and Sugar also resisted the words’all hypocritical guys’ behind that, and snorted coldly and said, “I’m going to get him out now. All right!!”

Sugar has just finished speaking, and the caravan leader behind her hurriedly said: “Sugar adults, we are indeed able to clean up this little Marine branch colonel, but they are also Marines anyway, as Seven Warlords of the Sea. In theory, we cannot take the initiative to attack Marine, so in order not to add 3.8 any trouble to His Royal Highness Gromash,

I suggest that it is best to ask your Highness for his opinion first.”

And just when Sugar was a little hesitant, Nami said, “Sugar, you can’t let you do everything for me. I will take care of the matter of Colonel Rat by myself!!”

However, Sugar’s eyes lit up at this time, and then he said: “By the way, I can give you the banner of our Frostwolf Pirates. As long as you hang this banner in the village, no one will dare to come to you again. There is only so much trouble I can help you, because I can’t trouble Gromash casually”

As a little princess-level figure of the Frostwolf Pirates, Sugar wants to use the banner of the Frostwolf Pirates to do trivial things. No one can say anything, let alone shelter East Blue. A small village, even if she wants to protect a kingdom of East Blue, in the eyes of Gromash, it is not a big deal.

Just do it with her temperament. If she becomes a pirate and is still so tightly bound, it won’t be interesting, isn’t it?

Regarding the final gift of sugar, Nami and the others did not refuse, because it is not only their family that will benefit, but the entire Kokoyashi Village will benefit with them. This is also a good thing, isn’t it?

The caravan of the Frostwolf Pirates set sail, and the arrival of sugar this time also freed Nami from Bell-mère’s “fetters”.She received the support and understanding of her mother, and she could open her own in the future. The wings fly freely. .

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