I Am Hellscream

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 The result of Hobackak.

The fish men island, near the medical and scientific research laboratories, Guy Sa, the great scientist, is walking along the path to the Frostwolf Pirate Regiment with Dr. Pervert, Hokkubak.

Behind Hobackak are several’synthetic modified warriors’ who have obviously been modified. The animalized features on their bodies are very eye-catching. Some directly turn their heads into lion heads, and some are stout Some of his arms are covered with scales.

It can be seen that these are some of the “works” that Hobackak is more proud of, and they are now used as attendants by him.

When the Golden City opened, Hokkubak was smashed by Guy, the borrower, but at this time the two have already reconciled as before, or their way of hurting each other should be considered normal. NS.

As the dead pervert walked, the pervert said, “Your cloning technology has been used for so long, but hasn’t it achieved any results? The captain can’t wait for you to look good at that time.”

“Do you understand the five-year plan?? How long has it passed?? It’s just over one and a half years ago. Science can’t come in a hurry. The fourth-stage renovation project of the City of Seven Waters hasn’t been completed yet. Why am I worried here? ? Besides, technology is mature technology and can be used when it is taken out, but it takes time to produce “products”, not to mention that I gave him some innovation..

“Guy said nonchalantly.

The Frostwolf Pirates’ Five-Year Plan, this plan covers a wide range, not only the transformation of the City of Seven Waters, the Sky City Project, but also the scientific research and medical treatment of Guyza and Hogback. The corresponding plan.

At the same time, Arlong’s sea animal breeding farm will also be officially planned, and Joz, Cromwell, and Urouge will also start to organize the slightly chaotic “armed organization” under the Frostwolf Pirates within these five years. Carrying out a meticulous and purposeful adaptation, the final expected result is to be able to change in the direction of the’army’.

It’s just that the priority in this plan is that the “Seven Waters City Phase IV Reconstruction Project” and the “Sky City Project” are the highest sequence.

In short, from a macro perspective, this “five-year plan” is a big plan used by Gromash to adjust the rhythm and order of the entire Frostwolf Pirates. Yes, all goals are advancing steadily.

“Why?? You really tried to use the ‘1Q Evolution Potion’ on the clones??” Hokkubak asked with some curiosity.

Before this, Guy Sa hadn’t thought about this technique very much. He had always been using this evolutionary medicine to do some weird experiments, even human experiments.

“Well, judging from your information, the evolution potion is indeed something that has the potential to accelerate the growth of clones, and can even repair their genes that have become’perfect soldiers’ and make them stronger, so I will Use it, it’s you.” Guy said here, turned his head and looked at the several reformed warriors who followed Houbak, and then

Say again: “This is the latest result you got with that potion??”

“Howl sizzle, sizzle, that’s right, the results this time are already very good, and they can fully meet the requirements of the captain to me, so that they can become a truly combative “non-cannon fodder regiment”. Said with a very proud smile.

Then he pulled out a small, delicate-looking musket from his fat waist, then pointed the muzzle at the transformed warrior covered in scales behind him, and opened it without hesitation. One shot.

The pistol used to make Gubaque was extremely powerful, and a bullet roared out of the barrel and hit the reformed soldier with powerful kinetic energy.

Afterwards, the sound of the clash of steel came from the body of the transformed warrior. Guy Sa was also a little surprised, and his eyes widened. One place is slightly damaged.

“Buddha hissing hissing hissing, this is a defense-enhanced type. The hardness of this scale armor is comparable to the general six types-Iron Body. What’s more powerful is that this kind of scale armor can completely keep moving while defending. Rather than being as rigid as the Iron Body, once a powerful organization is formed, it can completely take on the responsibilities of the front-line “death squad” of the battle, how good is it?? I am

The tasks assigned by the captain have been completed very seriously, it’s not like you, a financial liar,” Hobackak said proudly.

Guy Sa was very annoyed when he heard Hogback call him a’financial liar’ and said, “You are ashamed to call me a financial liar?? I earned half of the medical research funding!!!”

After cursing Hokkubak, Guy Sa also said with some emotion: “But your’human body transformation plan” has passed so many years, and finally a’real thing’ has been created, which is better than the previous ones. The “stitched man” is much stronger.. It feels like a Zoan capable person”

Gubaq said with great pride: “This is the beginning, so I am optimistic.”

After speaking, Hokkubak snapped his fingers, and the’lion-head warrior’ behind him snapped a section of the iron fence on the side of the road under the snapped fingers, and then opened his mouth to reveal his sharpness. His fangs bit on the steel and directly snapped the steel.

“The powerful muscle power can break steel with bare hands. At the same time, the terrifying bite force combined with the incomparably hard teeth will make it uncomfortable for anyone to be bitten.” Hokkubak said with an evil smile on his mouth. Said softly.

Guy couldn’t help but nodded, and acknowledged Hokkubak’s achievements, and then he said softly, “After talking about so many advantages, what about the shortcomings??”

Dianguak knew that he couldn’t hide from professionals like Guy, so he looked bitter and said: “It’s still an old problem. The speed of defense is slow, and the defense of strong attack is not enough.”

Having said that, Hogback paused and said again: “However, these can also be solved by the “mixed army” method. The biggest problem is that “the cost of manufacturing “these’products” is very high. In other words, Their cost is too expensive”

“It’s expensive?? How expensive??” Guy asked with some surprise.

Hokkubak pointed to the scaled man behind him and said: “Like this, his scaled armor needs to use the ‘1Q evolution potion to specially breed a crocodile, and then make various adjustments to choose the best one.” The breed “used to transform a qualified soldier, from animal to soldier, to the final product, it is conservatively estimated that 30 million Baileys are needed.”

“A conservative estimate of 30 million??? That is to say, once production starts, the average cost is probably about 50 million to create a fighter like this??” Guy said with some surprise.

The production of fighters like this is naturally impossible to be an assembly line project. If it is like that, not only will it not increase the capital, but it should be greatly reduced. And like this kind of production, it can only be selected from the best, so luck If it’s good, you can reduce your funds. If you are unlucky, it’s the same as a card drawing game.

That’s why Guy Zai inferred that the average funding is probably to the level of “50 million Baileys will produce a qualified fighter.

“It’s almost like this, but the combat power is very impressive. The bounty pirates that I captured all the way through the first half of the Grand Line have conducted a lot of actual combat experiments. With their abilities, the three are together. It is completely possible to kill a pirate with a bounty of about 100 million Baileys. If it is one-to-one, it will be less than 50 million Baileys.

The pirates are basically tortured and killed. From the point of view of value, it should be very good,” Hokkubak said with some pride.

“That’s just the pirate in the first half of the Grand Line. After entering the New World, even if the bounty does not increase, but the strength will definitely increase. What’s more, the pirate of 50 million Baileys is just like me in New World. , Everywhere, and our plan is to enter the New World at the right time. According to my guess, the captain made such a “forced

The five-year plan of’Can’t wait’, then it should be at the end of this plan, that is, when the “opportunity” arrives. You are going to “conquer” in New World, 50 million people. It’s really expensive.” Guy said with a sigh of emotion.

“Yes, but fortunately, there is still time to see if we can find a good way to reduce capital investment in the future, and perhaps what technological breakthroughs will be made??” Hokkubak nodded and said.


In the subsequent chat, basically Guy was bragging about how awesome his new weapon was, how powerful, and how many people could be killed by one shot.

It’s fine for Guy to show off this bastard, and he still needs these things to hit Hokkubak, saying that he is “a waste of no profit. This can make Hokkubak outrageous, know that he is here now.” A’big project’ is being carried out, which is about the research on the treatment of brain diseases by the ‘1Q Evolution Pharmacy’. Once the results of this thing are produced, he can also turn over.

The serfs sang.

“Medical field-operating room-instant!” Hokkubak, who was so angry that he was so angry, cursed Guy very carefully, and activated his abilities. A huge aperture spread from him and spread out, and then Hobackak gave Guy a vicious look, and his whole body disappeared.

At this time, Guy Sacai slapped and said, “(Zhao) is really careful…”

But at the same time, Guy Sa also felt a little bit emotional. This Hogback didn’t let go of his own ability development while studying medicine. Judging from Gang オ, his ability covers a wide range…

“This guy is very quiet, hey,” Guy murmured.

And how did he know that Hokkubak was not as “Guangweizheng” as he thought. He was not very good at developing his abilities. He focused on only two points.

The first point is that in terms of remodeling surgery, Hokkubak focused on developing these abilities. Therefore, theoretically speaking, his attack power in terms of strength is still very high, and ordinary Haki can’t stop his scalpel.

And the second point, since he discovered the feasibility of this ability to’teleport’, he began to focus on the development of this area, for no other reason, this is the weapon that Hobackak thinks it is necessary to run away at all times.

In other words, this guy has not considered anything else at all, he is still greedy for life and fear of death.

But it doesn’t matter. Gromash hasn’t asked Hokkubak to have much combat effectiveness. He only needs to be his own “world’s strongest doctor”, and Op-Op Fruit can help him become this kind of doctor. Gromash is already. I’m very satisfied. I don’t think much about anything else.

(Today, there are a lot of guests at home, we need to entertain, only two more changes, I hope you can understand, and finally I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, 2019, smooth and healthy, healthy and healthy.)

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