I Am Hellscream

Chapter 406

Chapter 406 Doflamingo: There is true love in the world!!

The City of Seven Waters, in the resident of the Frostwolf Pirates, Gromash is drinking juice and looking at some entertainment books.Beside him, his baby sister Shyarly is studying the new style of coffee with the little secretary Monet. Brewing method’, there is no doubt that his Gromash is a target of “experimented” in this matter.

Although Gromash is very reluctant to fall here, how can he stubbornly pass his baby sister with “small arms and legs”??

Since you can’t resist, then adjust your mentality and enjoy it.While Gromash is humming a little song and drinking juice while reading a book, Robin, a dark-tempered beauty, pushes the door and walks in, and sees Gromash. After that, he smiled and said: “Captain, that Portcas D-Ace finally brought his construction team to me.

Pele, who earned enough to buy a boat in the City of Seven Waters, just bought a small boat, hung the flag of the Pirates of Spades, and left the City of Seven Waters.”

After Gromash heard these words, he almost didn’t laugh. This Ace group was really tossed by their Frostwolf Pirates group. They were driven out after working as a contractor on Gaya Island. I came to work part-time in the City of Seven Waters, and now I finally got together the Bailey who bought the boat, and finally left the claws of Gromash. This is when the pirate is like him.

For sake of it, Sasori’s tail is the only one.

But think about it, he and the Luffy brothers are really alike. If there is no accident in the future, Luffy will also work in East Blue’s Barati restaurant to pay off his debts. What a “good boy”!

“Jiehahahahahaha, it’s okay, this is the end of the matter, don’t embarrass them anymore, I can be regarded as venting Garp Vice Admiral???” Gromash said with a laugh.

At this point, the quiet and unlucky topical character in the territory of the Frostwolf Pirates for a long time, this year’s super newcomer Firefist-Portcas-D-Ace finally led the Pirates of Spades to the sea, believe it He will make many big events in the future.

After chatting for a while about Ace, Gromash struggled with Shyarly’s expectant eyes and picked up a cup of “coffee” that looked very strange.

Generally speaking, coffee will be brown, and it’s great is black, but the cup of “coffee” that Gromash picked up is a weird purple, and even Gromash can see the foam pattern as if it is a skull.

“Ahem, Shyarly, I think innovation is a good thing, but everything should have a degree. It’s obvious, you,” Gromash seemed to want to struggle a bit, and said with his coffee and coffee.

On the other hand, Shyarly had an expression of “I don’t understand what you said,” and interrupted Gromash’s words directly, and said: “Onii-san, it took me a long time to prepare it with Monet. “Pirate Coffee, this coffee is full of destruction and evil, it suits your identity, isn’t it?? I believe you will like it”

Gromash looked at the foam skull, swallowed his saliva, grinned reluctantly and said, “Really??? Don’t you want to be a pirate too?? Why don’t you try it first?”

At this “life and death decision”, Monet’s handbag on the coffee table suddenly heard the screaming of the phone bug, and Gromash also sighed suddenly, taking advantage of the various meanings. Coffee that was “full of destruction and evil” was placed on the table, and he said, “Monet, see what’s going on?? Is something big happened again? 々”


Monet, who was still watching a good show, had an expression on his face, and reluctantly took out the phone bug. After looking at it, he was very unhappy and said, “Captain, it’s Doflamingo.”

“Jiehahahaha, you are indeed my best friend, you can always save me in the midst of fire and water at critical moments,” Gromash thought with a laugh in his heart.

However, he said very solemnly: “There should be something important about the contact at this time, pick it up and take a look.”

Monet picked up the phone worm, and then Duo Flamenco’s iconic laugh came out of it.

“Fufurfurfurfuru, take the liberty to contact you, did not disturb your yaxing, Lord Duke???” Doflamingo said with a smile in an evil tone.

Gromash also smiled and said: “Jiehahahahaha, don’t disturb or disturb, I have to thank you cough, nothing, what? Is there any evil plan for the young master to find me suddenly?? Or you are resistant? I can’t help being lonely, what do you want to mix up with???”

“There is a little plan to disturb the situation, it’s normal, in fact, I’m here to ask you Uncle Gromash for a favor this time,” Doflamingo said softly.

And Gromash thought about it for a while and then touched his chin and said, “It should be a big deal to be asked by your Young Master for help? Why? Has something happened recently that I don’t know? But it doesn’t matter. , The two of us are good friends, aren’t we??”

Doflamingo smiled after hearing the three words’good friend’, and he was also in a lot of joy. Then he smiled and said, “Your Grandpa Gromash really looks at me very seriously, this time it’s really not a big deal. , I just want to use your “Deep Sea Brokers” to ship a “goods”

“Hey, do you still need to contact me for this kind of trivial matter? You don’t use my “Deep Sea Broker” to do private work once or twice, okay? Why do I have to say hello this time? Doesn’t suit you? Your lord’s style” Gromash teased with a smile.

Doflamingo was embarrassed by Gromash’s ridicule. He just listened to him and said with a smile: “Don’t say that, it made me a little embarrassed. This time, the situation is a bit special. I need to use the fastest one. Speed ​​this “cargo” to South Blue…”

“South Blue?? There is no problem, but out of curiosity, I want to find out what you are going to transport. Of course, if it is inconvenient to say, just pretend that I did not ask.” Gromash agreed to Doflamingo’s request without hesitation.

To talk about this “delivery delivery”, Robin’s “Deep Sea Brokers” organization is the most powerful. It is not only fast, but also very secretive. With a breakthrough, all the sea beasts raised by Arlong can be used to escort the car.

This is also the reason why Doflamingo wants Gromash to help him once, because he also wants to hide his whereabouts, and it is best not to be discovered by anyone. It is not that his Donquixote Family cannot do this, but it cannot be a “Deep Sea Broker” “So good.

And this time Doflamingo went to South Blue to eradicate Rosinante’s’rebellious’. He has been dormant and patient for so many years. It won’t be so easy to seize Rosinante’s “emptiness”.

For Gromash’s curiosity, Doflamingo didn’t hide anything, and there was no need to conceal it. He just heard him speak softly: “The goods shipped are me. I need to use the fastest and most secret method to quickly reach South Blue. To say why, because my dear brother who hasn’t stepped out of Malinford for a long time finally appeared

Ah, Vergo, and many things, I haven’t settled with him as a brother yet.”

After hearing Doflamingo’s words, Gromash’s expression was also a bit awkward. At that point in time, his relationship with Doflamingo was not as close as it is now. The two were just cooperating and using each other.

Therefore, Grandpa Gromash originally pitted Doflamingo, the young master, to death in secret. Not only did he pit him on the island of Mignon, but he also pitted Vergo in the end.

Fortunately, the finishing touches of all this have been done, and there is no leftover. Except for Hogback’s Op-Op Fruit, which is difficult to explain, everything else can be logically justified. Anyway, Uncle Gromash is impossible. Go take the initiative to admit to Doflamingo that he has been black hands on him in the past, otherwise, Doflamingo may be affected by him.

Out of anger and cerebral hemorrhage.

In short, under a guilty conscience, Gromash also became unusually righteous. He knew that Doflamingo could not see, but he still patted his chest and said: “This kind of thing, I, a friend, will definitely help you. Don’t worry, I am. Just dispatch the best and fastest boat to pick you up in Dressrosa. Also, I am a little bit powerful on the South Blue side and need help.

If you want to, you can just say it, your business is mine!!”

After Doflamingo heard this kind words of Gromash, he was very moved in his heart. Sure enough, there is true love in this world. My only friend is not in vain. Grandpa Gromash is good, and I will be useful in Doflamingo’s place in the future. I will definitely help you out!!

Doflamingo was moved in his heart and made up his mind, but he didn’t know that Gromash was just out of a “guilty conscience and redemption” mentality. He only heard Doflamingo say in a very good mood: “. Thank you for the help of Uncle Gromash, I will Waiting for you in Dressrosa’s “Deep Sea Guest””

“Jiehahahaha, don’t worry, wait, it will be here soon!” Gromash said with a big laugh.

Then the two chatted with each other on something else, and they hung up the phone worm.

“Robin, send the best “courier” to that fellow Doflamingo, and send him to South Blue safely, huh, South Blue??” Gromash said, suddenly recalling from it, His eyes lit up, as if thinking of something.

Before Gromash felt guilty, he didn’t think much about it, but after slowing down at this time, his brain began to spin fast.

Rosinante’s identity and status are very high among Marines, and not to mention the “Second Generation” identity of his adopted son of Marshal Sengoku. It is very powerful for him to bring up Marine’s garbage intelligence department. , Also with these achievements, made him the Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters. Of course, there is a promotion by Marshal Sengoku, a “godfather”, but

It is undeniable that his abilities and wrists are indeed doing very well in this regard, and no one can fault him in becoming a Vice Admiral.

At the same time, Rosinante is also the head of the former Marine intelligence department. People like him will not leave Malinford to find any information in person. He only needs to settle in Malinford and screen from all kinds of information. It is enough to produce something useful, but now Doflamingo says he went to South Blue to account.

Then there must be some important information in this South Blue that needs him to investigate it himself, and at this point in time, Gromash can think of South Blue that has major intelligence issues, I am afraid that only the true identity of Ace.” This thing up.

“Jehahahahahaha, that’s how it is, Marshal Sengoku, you are really clever, I just mention casually, have you already done this step?? Interesting,” Gromash said with a laugh.

Robin looked at Gromash a little strangely, and asked softly: “Captain, what are you smiling so happy??”

Gromash smiled and forgot to pick up the coffee cup he had placed on the table just now. He didn’t think of the horror of the coffee at all. People will soon know the true identity of this guy Ace.

, This coffee is really full of the smell of evil and destruction. “Ah Shyarly, I seriously warn you to seal up this craft.”

Gromash covered his neck with a blue face, it felt like drowning, how ugly and ugly, but Shyarly and Monet all laughed, seeming to be happy to tease Gromash. .

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