I Am Hellscream

Chapter 296

Chapter 296 Pretend to be the king-Lu Qi!

After seeing Lu Qi’s dark expression like eating’fly shit’, Marigold and Sandersonia were also very speechless about their “ignorant” emperor sister. The two of them quickly ran to Hancock’s side. Quickly whispered in Hancock’s ear, explaining Lu Qi’s identity and his position in the Frostwolf Pirates.


Then Hancock nodded suddenly, then looked at Lu Qi frowning and said arrogantly: “Rob Lu Qi, since you belong to the cadre of Lord Gromash, why do you want to attack your concubine for no reason? The Vice Admiral from Marine, have you betrayed Lord Gromash?? If that’s the case, concubine

You can’t stay here.

Lu Qi felt even more upset when he heard Hancock’s tone, which seemed to have taken him away, and was able to deal with him at any time, but he didn’t bother to care about this weird woman. Instead, he said, “Originally. I didn’t intend to participate. After seeing you disturb the “Spring Festival” that I specially came to participate in, I was about to leave here.

I’m here, but after I saw that you can solve Naval Headquarters’ elite Vice Admiral flying squirrels so quickly and neatly, I became very interested in your strength.”

Having said this, Lu Qi grinned, and then he opened his mouth and said very forcefully: “That is to say, you, this woman, successfully attracted my attention, and I happen to like to challenge the masters of all walks of life very much, so I can’t help it. It’s shot…”

Hancock was also a little unhappy after hearing Lu Qi’s explanation: “If you are going to disrupt the emperor’s hunt for the concubine for this reason alone, then the concubine will not just accept it casually.”

After hearing this, Lu Qi touched his chin and said again: “Then use some more formal reasons. It is not far from the Seven Rivers. According to the “concluded agreement between Gromash and the World government, as Seven A member of the members of Warlords of the Sea, I have a certain obligation to support Marines near us in missions within an appropriate range. Otherwise,

It will affect Gromash’s plans and development. Anyway, I don’t know much about it. It’s probably the case anyway. ”

And he was still a little unhappy that his emperor hunting was disrupted, and he failed to kill the Marine Vice Admiral Hancock, who was so angry at the time. After hearing the guy Lu Qi talk about how these actions might have a bad effect on Gromash After that, her whole person’s attitude quickly changed, and Tsundere said with a ruddy face, “So that’s it.

, If it will have a bad influence on Gromash-sama, then the concubine will stop here. Mary, Sonia, let’s go.”

Marigold and Sandersonia were stunned for a moment, and then they spoke to Hancock and said, “Emperor sister, our looted supplies have not been shipped yet.”

Hancock said impatiently, “Throw away what you didn’t pretend. Anyway, you can get these things as long as your concubine wants to find an island. You can’t stay here and continue to cause trouble to Master Gromash.”

And seeing their emperor sister said so, Sandersonia and Marigold looked at each other and didn’t talk any more nonsense, as their emperor sister Hancock said, these supplies, just wander around on any island. Son, naturally there are countless fishes who are dumped and charmed by their own emperor sisters, crying and shouting to give them things

The people on the boat didn’t have to be stuck with this place. They would come here because it is close enough to the Capital of Seven Waters. Hancock wanted to see if he had a chance to meet Gromash or something.

At the same time, some fighters of the Nine Snake Pirates quickly ran to their three sisters, and told Hancock about the arrival of two more Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral warships, so they were also completely gone. The thought of continuing to stay.

Lu Qi looked at Hancock and they were leaving, but he was a little confused. He actually wanted to continue playing for a while, but it seemed that Hancock and the others knew that he was a member of the Frostwolf Pirates, and they were hearing it. After reading the news about Gromash, I don’t want to do anything at all, especially Hancock, she seems to be hearing it.

Like doing it here will cause trouble to Gromash, and there will be no fighting spirit in an instant, which is simply inexplicable.

In fact, what Lu Qi said just now is all nonsense. Gromash has indeed concluded a related “agreement with the World government in this regard, but this kind of thing can be big or small. Even if Gromash says he is very busy, he didn’t notice these trivial things. The world government can’t help him, can’t it??

Marsh, right??

In fact, not to mention that Hancock was looted here, even if she slaughtered all the island of Queen of Spring, or even destroyed the island, it would not have much impact on Gromash.

But Lu Qi saw that they’respect’ their Frostwolf Pirates so much. If he was reluctant to disturb others’ “Emperor Hunting”, it seemed a bit too shameless, so he didn’t think about it after thinking about it. I went to explain something, just watching Hancock and they quickly summoned the people on the island, boarded the pirate ship, and prepared to be on the Marines’ warship.

Leave here before arriving.

With the mentality of’thieves do not go empty’ and’all come,’ Lu Qi is also ready to go back to find the’old king’ of the Tarot Kingdom to “enjoy” as a pocket money to buy milk and drink.

After all, in any case, although he rejected the commission from the palace guard for the old king, he is still considered to be’helping’, isn’t it?? Now the palace guard was killed by him long ago, There is no proof, who knows that Lu Qi rejected him?? Isn’t it a pirate if he doesn’t blackmail a sum?

Just when Lu Qi was about to blackmail, suddenly he heard Hancock’s voice again.

“Rob Luchi…々”. Hancock stopped Lu Qi, and Lu Qi looked at Hancock with some confusion.

Then Hancock hesitated a little bit embarrassedly, and Lu Qi said impatiently: “If you have anything, just say, I have something else.

Should I say that this kid deserves to be single by his abilities? Where would the rest of the people use this tone to talk to a beauty of Hancock’s level, even if he doesn’t feel Hancock, but Hancock has the entire Amazon-Lily behind him, which can be They are all single girls who are shui Lingling, there are no men who are serious, and the population base is swinging.

There, as long as the relationship is established and Hancock can be commissioned casually, she can also introduce someone out of single?

In short, I don’t know if it’s being favored by some “geek gods”. All of them are wandering around with the big brother Gromash, it seems that it is really the same sentence that is often circulated among the pirates

It’s the same. How can women have the joy of friends.

In short, the vast majority of pirates have no object. Generally, it is like Gromash and the others to go out and find some girls to “wander around”, and come back and continue to engage in the foundation.

After hearing Lu Qi’s impatient voice, Hancock didn’t care about anything. Instead, he summoned up the courage and said: “Then Gromash-sama is convenient for him recently?? I don’t know if we will pay him a visit. What’s the trouble???”

Lu Qi watched Hancock harp for a long time, just want to ask such a question, but also a little speechlessly said: “The pirates are free wherever they want to go. The territory of the Wolf Pirates Group also welcomes people of all forces to be guests, so you don’t want to go.

After speaking, the straightforward Lu Qi didn’t bother to continue talking nonsense with Hancock, directly activated his own ability, and a flash of lightning disappeared in place.

Hancock didn’t care about Lucky’s leaving without saying goodbye. She was already very happy at this time and said to the two sisters Marigold and Sandersonia: “Hurry up, set sail to the City of Seven Waters.”

Sandersonia and Marigold said hesitantly: “Emperor sister, this emperor’s hunting”

“What’s the urgency about this?? Let’s go hunting when I go back!!” Hancock said very willfully.

Although Hancock is self-willed, her charm eats all ages and sexes, so Sandersonia and Marigold, who have long been’surrendered’ to the charm of their own emperor sister, also quickly accepted Hancock’s waywardness, and then the Nine Snakes and Pirates Under the traction of two huge sea snakes, they avoided Marine from the other direction in the harbor and left quickly.

At this point, the entire port became empty, leaving only a ruin and three Marine warships and their members that had been completely petrified.When the Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral and Daubman Vice Admiral arrived, it was too late. They also saw the Pirate Ship belonging to the Pirates of the Nine Snakes, swaying away calmly not long ago. Now, it’s very difficult for them to chase it, not to mention that the life, death and whereabouts of the flying squirrel Vice Admiral are still unknown.

What should I do if I can’t find it like a flying squirrel after blindly chasing it? Or to find out the relevant information on the island, and then find out the Vice Admiral of the voice mouse.

No matter how decayed the country on the island, at this moment, they must know more information than the melon-eating people who fled in a panic, so after thinking a little bit, the Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral and Dao Berman Vice Admiral and the two took a large group of Marines to the palace of the Tarot Kingdom to collect news.

At this time, the king of the Tarot Kingdom is also cautiously accompanying Lu Qi, the little prince, who is pretending to be forced. He’s in a black suit, and he’s wearing it now. Don’t say it, it’s very decent.

In the past, Lu Qi never wears such’luxury’ clothing. It is not that he can’t afford it. His Uncle Lu Qi, as a leading cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates, also has money, but Lu Qi is too combative. I like to wear black suits and pretend to be forced, so I often beat Joz and Cromwell to ragged clothes in two days, so even

No matter how rich he is, he can’t be so “pretentious”.

“. This time I really thank Lord Lucky for your help, otherwise, I don’t know what our country will be destroyed…” the old king said flatteringly.

“Well, I just happened to be here. The people from the Nine Snakes and Pirates destroyed the “Spring Festival” here and made me come here for nothing. I was naturally very unhappy, so I took the initiative to teach them. It is only natural to drive them away,” Lu Qi said pretentiously.

It seems that Hancock would leave because he was afraid, but at that time there was nothing (good for the king). he.

“No matter how you say it, thank you very much for your help. We have prepared some caution in the treasure house. If you don’t dislike Lord Lu Qi, please accept it??” The old king was obviously forced to give the town by Lu Qi. Lived, and can single-handedly drive away the Nine Snakes Pirates, how strong is his strength? Anyway, it must be better than Nine Snakes.

The thieves are strong, so don’t take care of this uncle. Who knows when he is in a bad mood, will he think of the’uncomfortable’ here, come and take them out? After all, the City of Seven Waters is very close here. , And as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, even if they were looted here, Marine would not come to help.

Lu Qi thought for a while and said with a smile: “You saw it just now. The people at Marine are not good at all. They are too incompetent. And here is just very close to our seven waters. Why don’t I help you tell Gromash? , Let him borrow a banner for you?? No one will dare to come here to be presumptuous at that time.

The old king was also very happy after hearing Lu Qi’s words. Their Tarot state is money, and the flag of Gromash is generally not buyable with money. It is really priceless, and I don’t know how many are The country invaded by the pirates wants to buy a banner of the Frostwolf Pirates group to keep it safe, but I haven’t seen the Frostwolf in these years.

Who is the banner given by the Pirates? Now that he has this opportunity, he hasn’t seized it quickly??

So the old king was also very excited and said: “Then please Lord Lucky, our Tarot Nation will definitely prepare enough’tributes’ to ensure that His Highness is satisfied.”

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