I Am Hellscream

Chapter 287

Chapter 287 I bet on the new era!

After the conscious Doflamingo’s purpose is really Seven Warlords of the Sea, Marshal Sengoku’s heart is also mixed, but he can’t control that much at this time, and this matter has little to do with Gromash. He is a Marine. The Marshal did not want to discuss any issues and opinions in this regard with the evil pirate Gromash.

So Marshal Sengoku spoke again: “No matter what he wants to do, I need to contact him, Gromash.”

“Jiehahahaha, it’s easy to talk about, it’s just such a trivial matter, it’s enough for me to say hello, now Doflamingo has cut off all channels of communication with you??” Gromash asked with a smile.

“Well, it is true, he does not respond to any of our communications,” Marshal Sengoku said in a deep voice.

“Ok, I will say hello to him, you will soon find out that you can contact him, but Marshal Sengoku, there is still something that needs your Marine and World government’s help before this.” Gromash’s mouth He grinned and said with a soft smile.

And Marshal Sengoku’s expression was also stiff. At this moment, Gromash suddenly proposed this kind of thing. Isn’t it because the lion wants to take this opportunity to speak?

But this is because he thinks too much, and Gromash is not ready to embarrass him. After all, he was just a melon-eater from the beginning. At most, he used Doflamingo’s Dongfeng to pretend “one six three” on Marine’s side. Force, just be a middleman.

If I push my nose on my face and take Marine’s tossing shots away, Doflamingo will fall into a passive position from the initiative. As a good friend, Gromash didn’t plan to pit him Doflamingo like this.

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter? I warn you, Groma.” When Grand Marshal Sengoku was about to say something, Gromash’s voice had been transmitted directly from the phone worm, interrupting his words.

“Don’t think too much, Marshal Sengoku, as long as you don’t trouble me, I don’t bother to trouble you, so as long as I want to make my reasonable request, it has nothing to do with this matter.” Gromash lazily Said.

Then he paused and said again: “You know, I have started to do business in the City of Seven Waters, and one of my compatriots in the City of Seven Waters is still in a’feeling sin’. Now, He has joined our Frostwolf Pirates and has become my boatman, so I hope to see his amnesty in the shortest possible time.

I will trust you, Marine, to help you with the matter first, but if I don’t see the amnesty afterwards, you must be careful not to have anything to come to me in the future. ”

Marshal Sengoku first thought about the City of Seven Waters, and then found that in his impression, there seemed to be no’heavy prisoners’ there, ah??

Moreover, there are not many sinners of the Murlocs. Generally, the sinners that Sengoku don’t know are not too great guys, so he didn’t think too much. It is true that they have this right, and it is reasonable for Gromash to make such a request at this time, and does not threaten them.

Well, so Marshal Sengoku didn’t hesitate at all, and he said directly: “I see, you will see your fellow shipbuilder soon, Tom??”

Marshal Sengoku suddenly remembered as he talked, but just as Gromash thought, Master Tom’s crime was of no importance at all, so Marshal Sengoku didn’t care much, and went on directly: “Don’t worry, you will see it soon. His special release order…”

“Jiehahahahaha, it’s so best, is there anything else I can help? If not, I will hang up, but I am very busy, and I don’t have time to listen to you and chat with me.” Gromash said with a terrible ass. .

And Marshal Sengoku’s face was also very upset. It was like he was like a small person, Marshal Sengoku Marine. Tenten’s idleness was not good, so Marshal Sengoku also said irritably, “It’s up to you.” ”

After saying that, without even saying hello, Marshal Sengoku hung up the phone worm in his hand very decisively, because he was afraid that he would hear Gromash’s voice again and he would be pissed to death.

On the other side, in the City of Seven Waters, Gromash looked at the phone worm in Monet’s hand that had been “stuck”, then shrugged and said casually: “It’s really rude, not even saying goodbye. Is the current Marshal Marine’s culture and quality so low?? Not as good as us pirates. ”

Sent to the careful Sengoku Marshal, then Gromash motioned to Monet to contact Doflamingo, and said to Master Tom next to him: “How about? I said that as long as I speak, World government and Marine dare not give me this face. Right?? Now you can safely study your sea train and participate in the design of the transformation of the City of Seven Waters.

Did you make it? Master Tom?”

Master Tom didn’t expect his life-loss crime at all. In Gromash’s hands, he just picked up a phone worm and resolved it in a few words.

Is this the aura of the great pirate?? In short, Master Tom is convinced.

“Thank you for your kindness,” Master Tom said gratefully.

Then the two chatted for a while, and Doflamingo was already in touch.

“Fufurfurfurfur, Grandpa Gromash, it seems that Marines finally came to you??” Doflamingo smiled and asked when he answered the phone call.

And Gromash also smiled and said, “You guys really do what they say, are you so courageous??’Heavenly Gold’ really was robbed by you???”

“Furfurfurfurfur, compared to your uncle Gromash who will destroy New World casually and blow up the islands and kill tens of thousands of people, my side can only be regarded as a small movement, I am just following Marine’s advice. My tip is to complete the “task” published in the newspapers not long ago. Didn’t they say that I killed a Vice Admiral, the headquarters of Marine??

Just kill them and look forward to them. By the way, they destroyed a Marine base and robbed them of their “Heavenly Gold”.” Doflamingo said in a very evil and cruel tone.

Gromash was silent for a while, then he said, “Sengoku already knows your purpose.”

“Well, this situation is also expected, isn’t it?? Just like when they faced you before, they didn’t have a choice at this time. After all, the Master in my hand is more than just the mere “gold of heaven”. “Doflamingo was not surprised by this, but said plainly.

“Jiehahahahaha, that’s right, after all, your Young Master has a special identity, but it’s better to be careful.” Gromash reminded Doflamingo kindly.

And Doflamingo also felt that his anger was over at this time, and he was in a much better mood, so he said, “Since Marine is asking you to come, then you, Uncle Gromash, must also give me a sigh of relief. ??”

“Jiehahahahaha, isn’t that of course?? I think General Marshal Sengoku almost didn’t get mad at me?? He didn’t know how to say goodbye when he hung up the phone worm. It’s really rude.” Gromash laughed Hehe said.

“Thank you so much. In that case, I understand what you mean. If there is nothing else, I will go and chat with the Marines.” Doflamingo said in a relaxed tone.

Then Gromash didn’t say much to him, and hung up the phone worm after a little polite.

After Monet put away the phone worm, Gromash rubbed his chin and said, “Get ready to welcome the third Seven Warlords of the Sea to join.”

“Captain, are you so sure that the Marines will swallow Doflamingo to become Seven Warlords of the Sea???” Monet asked curiously.

“Because they are Marines and not us pirates, even if they don’t want to swallow, they have to endure. So there is no suspense about this kind of thing.” Gromash smiled and said indifferently.

How Doflamingo’s negotiation with Marine started, he didn’t know Gromash, and he was not interested in asking. At this time, his focus was still on the City of Seven Waters.

And at this moment of turmoil, in East Blue’s Goya Kingdom Windmill Village, the people of Red Hair Pirates have stayed here for a long, long time, and many things have happened during this period. There are two of the most important things.

The first thing is that Shanks finally found the person he thought could inherit the will of Roger, his captain, in the “weakest sea” in Roger’s hometown “East Blue”.

And that person is Luffy, who is still young.

Speaking of which Shanks would recognize Luffy, the reason is very simple, because Luffy is a very similar person to Roger. Roger once said that One Piece is not the one who rules the sea, but the freest person in the sea is One Piece.

Not long ago, Luffy also asked Red Hair Pirates to take him out to sea in a certain “event”. In front of Shanks, he said these words very confidently, and it was these words that made Shanks thoroughly. It was recognized that Luffy was a person qualified to inherit the will of Captain Roger.

In fact, the matter of what kind of person you can become to become One Piece is not a “qualitative” thing. Roger is willing to say that it is his idea. Others can naturally have their own ideas. There are thousands of ways to become a king. , Who can really rule this thing to death??

In short, the first thing is that Shanks has found someone who is qualified to inherit Roger’s will. The king of the sea bit his arm off

Since then, this guy has become a one-armed sword king who can enjoy the “disabled people subsidy allowance”, and this incident is unexpected. After all, Shanks is one of the most famous pirate emperors in New World. Inexplicably lost an arm by a sea beast in East Blue?? No one thought it was incredible.

But the news hasn’t leaked out yet. Even Gromash doesn’t know what Shanks is doing now, whether it will follow his own path just like the arrangement of fate.

At this time, on the small pier in Windmill Village, Shanks was watching his subordinates loading supplies onto the ship. They had stayed in East Blue for too long, and all the things that should be done were done. Now they are too. Time to leave here.

“Captain, when you return to the New World, the news that you broke your hand is definitely unavoidable. I think there will be a large group of people jumping out to challenge us. How are you going to explain to others that your arm is missing? Ah??” Laki-Lu asked while holding a large wine barrel onto the boat.

Shanks didn’t seem to care if he had hands or not. He smiled and looked at his empty cuffs, and then whispered, “Just say I bet this hand on the new era!! “.

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