I Am Hellscream

Chapter 279

Chapter 279 All for justice!!!

At this time at Naval Headquarters. Malinford, Marshal Kong is standing his last guard.

The senior generals of Naval Headquarters have basically gathered in Malinford, and even the generals who are performing tasks outside have taken time to come back.

Kong, as the Marine Marshal of this term, has had merits, but overall, he has done more than he has done. During his tenure, he has dealt with the Pirate Overlord, Rocks, and Red Earl Barloric Lai. Durfield, Golden Lion, Shiki, One Piece-Roger and other famous legendary big pirates.

Even if there were some riots later, but overall it was the trend of the times, and it didn’t have much to do with Kong. Objectively speaking, the situation would not get better on anyone~.

For example, Impel down, Impelton, Gromash and Golden Lion have forcibly escaped from prison. There have been two such things in the past 800 years. No one can change it.

Another example is the fact that Gromash and Roger opened the era of the big pirate. The public execution of One Piece and Roger was originally required by the World government. Since it is so requested, naturally, it is necessary to bear the responsibility. Even if it is strange, it can’t all. The blame is on Kong’s head.

In short, in the eyes of the World government, the Marine Marshal of Kong is doing very well, otherwise, he would not be the general commander of the army.

At this time, in the large conference room in the Marine Justice Fortress, all Marine generals, whether they are hawks, doves, or old fritters such as Polusalino, have all gathered in this large In the conference room.

The Marine’s Grand Marshal Kong was sitting in the first seat. After the successive generals were all there, Kong knocked on the table and focused everyone’s attention. Then Marshal Kong cleared the noise. Zi opened his mouth and said, “Ahem, I’m very glad that everyone was able to attend today’s meeting. If nothing happens, this should be my favorite.

Later, I called a meeting of senior generals in the name of Marshal Naval Headquarters. Although I was a little bit disappointed, I still had to say goodbye to everyone. From tomorrow, my office will move to the Holy Land-Mariejois, and I He will also officially serve as the Supreme Commander of the entire army under the World government”

Marshal Kong stopped when he said this, and the Marine generals sitting below all clapped very face-to-face, even Sakazuki, who had a dead face all day long, felt that everyone owed him a lot. The Yibaili guys are also very sincere in the drum hall.

From the overall point of view, Marshal Kong is a figure in the “dove”, but he is not a pure dove, and he did not suppress Marine’s hawks because of this. On the contrary, during his tenure. Sakazuki still takes good care of him, so Sakazuki is also very grateful to him.

“Congratulations to Brother Kong, the road of promotion has been ups and downs so many times, and the dust is finally settled,” Sengoku Admiral said with a smile.

To say that this Kong is also very miserable. He has received the wind a long time ago and understands that he has been appointed as the next army commander, but whenever he is about to be promoted, someone will always jump out. Stir the wind and the rain, and make him yellow.

There were a total of three times, the first time was Gromash, and the second time was Golden Lion. This fellow Shiki, it was Fisher for the third time. Tiger, this guy, in short, the three of them smashed Grand Marshal Kong.

And now, Gromash has become Seven Warlords of the Sea, and it is finally relieved from the’hostile’ relationship, and will not jump out to cause trouble for him, and Golden Lion- Shiki does not know where to fly to nest, anyway Since breaking out of prison, Marine has never been able to find him again.

As for Fisher. Tiger, in the impression of Grand Marshal Kong and the others, he has been killed by Polusalino. It is naturally impossible for a dead person to trouble him.

Therefore, this time Marshal Kong feels that his promotion path should be stable.

So he was a little happily said: “Hahahahaha, yeah, but good things are going to be hard, these troubles and troubles, don’t we all survive now?? We Marine itself is a character that attracts troubles, even if I leave. , Marine will still be very busy in the future, so everyone here should not slacken their efforts.

We must continue to uphold justice and peace and make our due contributions to this world, do you understand??”

“Yes, everything is for justice!!!” Marine generals shouted a slogan.

Then General Marshal Kong was about to start giving the Sengoku Admiral platform, he first smiled and said: “I left Naval Headquarters, but I am a person who came out of Marine after all, even if I am in the position of the general commander of the army, I will still continue to pay attention to our Marine, and I promise that when I take up the post of the military commander in chief, Marine’s military expenditure will increase again.

Long, whoever wants to change to a flagship or something, can start thinking about it now, hahahahaha. ”

“I’ve long wanted to change to a new flagship, but my warship is still in good condition. Does any of you want to take over?? When I get the warship promised by Brother Kong, I will transfer it to you immediately. “Garp Vice Admiral also said in a very good mood.

However, the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru spoke very shamelessly and said, “Save it, Garp, no one likes your warship with dog heads hanging on it. After all, no one has the same aesthetic beauty as you.”

Garp said nonchalantly, “Who said?? Dalmatian, your warship is also old?? I will give you mine.”

Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral-Dalmesia, his ability is Zoan-dog fruit ability, can transform into a Madara point dog like Dalmatian, so over time, his name is called ‘Dalmatian’.

After hearing Garp Vice Admiral’s words, this guy also said helplessly: “Mr. Garp, I was the one who inherited your warship last time. Is it still me this time?? I also want to have a ship that can be obtained. Use the new warship, don’t keep staring at me alone, isn’t Sakazuki Vice Admiral about to be promoted to Admiral soon??

Would you give him your warship as a gift?? Anyway, his code name is Akainu, which is similar to me.”

Today’s meeting can basically be said to be a “farewell party”, so the atmosphere is not very serious, and the Marines of various factions will not put some things on the line.

In fact, in general, during Kong’s time as a marshal, the Naval Headquarters also had factional disputes, but they were all harmonious. Everyone just had some disagreements on the concept, but in general, it was all for justice, not What class enemy.

This atmosphere has also been maintained until the late Marshal Sengoku era. It was not until Marshal Sengoku had less control over Marine in the later period that Marine’s faction dispute became precarious. Sakazuki and Kuzan were already incompatible with each other. I also fought for the position of a marshal, Punk Hazard was killed directly, even Kuzan

They all quit, and ran away from Marine directly.

After Sakazuki came to the top, Marine’s faction disputes became obvious. He directly drove the dovish Fujitora with a smile and even refused to give up Naval Headquarters. He had to kill Luffy and the others. Because of Fujitora’s smile, Marine lost face, but it was essentially a factional struggle.

But these are all things to say. In short, the current Naval Headquarters atmosphere is still very good, so it is normal for Dalmatian-Dalmesia to make jokes about Sakazuki, and the generals of Marine are usually like this on weekdays. Done.

Sakazuki didn’t get angry because of this. He still had the necessary measures, and at this time, Sakazuki didn’t have any enmity with Garp, and the relationship between the two was okay.

0-seeking flowers…

Sakazuki grinned reluctantly, and then said, “Forget it. Seriously, I can’t stand Mr. Garp’s taste. Why don’t you rebuild his warship.”

“Hahahahahaha.” Marine’s generals all laughed.

After this wave of jokes passed, Marshal Kong continued and said: “That’s the way it is. We all know that in our Naval Headquarters, there have always been three major factions, and it is inevitable that there will be some friction between the three major factions. Fighting, but these are all normal, a large force like ours, if there is no faction, then it is true

It’s strange, after all, we are not pirates, we can get together based on our personal preferences, but the faction struggles must be limited to a suitable degree, as it is now, it is good, and as a marshal, naturally, it is not because of which faction you are in. , Which faction is partial to, to level this bowl of water.”

When Marshal Kong said this, the rest of the people had already looked at Sengoku Admiral, and Sengoku Admiral also knew that Marshal Kong was going to give him a “platform”, so he also said very seriously: “I understand, Brother Kong, I will be like you…”

“Well, that’s good. Next, I will officially announce some things as Marshal Marine and alternate to the army commander in chief.” Marshal Kong knocked on the table, and the other generals knew that the show was coming, and they all sat up straight. Body, waiting for the new era of Marine.

“From tomorrow, the current Admiral of Headquarters- Sengoku will be promoted to Marshal Naval Headquarters and will be responsible for all matters of Marine. The rest of the generals must strictly abide by and execute Marshal Marine’s orders and tasks!!

From tomorrow, Admiral of Headquarters- Zephyr officially announced his retirement and no longer concurrently holds the position of Marine Admiral. As the president of Marine Officer Training Camp and Military Academy, he is responsible for cultivating Marine’s young power and laying a solid foundation for Marine!!

From tomorrow on, the current Marine Admiral candidates, Kizaru-Porusalino, Akainu- Sakazuki, and Qingzhi-Kuzan, will take up the position of Admiral of Headquarters, assuming the name of the world government and Naval Headquarters as the highest combat power, and must be maintained. Marine’s majesty guarantees Marine’s strong combat power!!

The above is the post change of Naval Headquarters after I became the army commander tomorrow. I have reported these things to the World government, and they have also agreed to these applications. Do you have any comments and ideas to mention? Is it??” Marshal Kong asked in a deep voice.

However, these are just going through the scene. There have been talks in Marine as early as a few years ago. Everyone here is not a fool. As Marine’s senior generals, they naturally already know what is going on. It’s like Dalmatian said without shyness just now, “Sakazuki will soon be promoted to Admiral’.

In short, this change of Marine’s position is already a foregone conclusion. The senior generals all understood very well. This time it was just a formal decision.

Therefore, no one would jump out stupidly to make some comments. That would be tantamount to offending all the big guys in Marine. Don’t even think about getting confused in the future.

Seeing that no one had made any comments, Marshal Kong smiled and continued: “Since there are no comments, then this matter is finalized like this. I hope that the future Marine will be more prosperous, and the future Marine will still be able to uphold justice and peace. , The future Marine can be even more powerful and calm down this chaotic world!!! And all of this, you need

It is up to all the righteous people present here to cooperate sincerely and unite Isshin to do it!!”

Having said this, Marshal Kong stood up and saluted a standard Marine military salute and said: “Marine, please leave it to everyone, everything is for justice!!!”

And the other Marine senior generals all stood up and responded to Marshal Kong with a military salute: “Please rest assured, Marshal, everything is for justice!!!” Xiao,

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