I Am Hellscream

Chapter 276

Chapter 276 A man like the wind!

The municipal building of the City of Seven Waters has been announced to be demolished, so Gromash and the others did not go to live in it. When the speech was over, the missionaries went to perform the mission, and the salted fish who had nothing to do returned to the Elune. .

The boss of Tiger naturally followed this time, but he didn’t follow Gromash to run around, instead, he was waiting on the Elune with Haku and the little Loli-Klar. After all, the three of them theoretically The identity is a bit difficult to see. The City of Seven Waters has just been acquired by Gromash. Has the World government left behind?

Gromash doesn’t know anything about “backhand”, so in order to avoid troubles from all parties, it’s better to hide it on the Elune and don’t show up.

It just so happened that if there is no accident, Tiger Boss will go to the Revolutionary Army. Let’s get to know the situation with Haku and Klar first.

Haku knew the boss of Tiger naturally, and Krall let alone, seeing that the boss of Tiger was still alive, the flickering big eyes were like eating an onion, and she couldn’t stop crying.

When Gromash returned to the Elune, Tiger Boss was leaning on the mast, biting a cigar in his mouth, and looking deep at the sea in the distance.

Seeing his pretentious posture, Gromash also asked curiously: “What’s the matter?? What are you thinking??”

“It’s nothing, but I didn’t expect that the little guy Klar actually walked on the road of the revolutionary army. For a while, I felt a little emotional,” Tiger smiled and said softly.

Then before Gromash could speak, Tiger said again: “I have to say, your vision is quite good. The layout and environment of the City of Seven Waters are simply prepared for the people of The fish men island.” “The fish men island on the sea” Ah, the waterway here is developed, and the whole city is intertwined vertically and horizontally. As long as you go out, you can enter the water.

After that, it is safe and fast, which is simply too convenient. ”

“Jiehahahahaha, how can I say it is what the Grand Duke of Gromash likes, can it be worse?? In fact, you just saw the scenery on the sea, if you are interested, you can go under the sea and take a look at that time. You will find that this place is more suitable for The fish men island than you think.” Gromash grinned and said proudly.


And when Tiger heard what Gromash said, he was a little surprised and asked: “What do you mean?? Is there something else under the sea??”

“Yes, in fact, the main reason why the City of Seven Waters was built into this kind of aquatic city is also caused by environmental factors. In this sea area, an extremely large tsunami erupts every year, and its name is “Ah “Kura Ragnar” is called by the residents here as’the gods of water, the scale of the tsunami set off by the gods of water is placed on the whole world,

Is it one of the best? Its scale is strong enough to completely cover the entire Seven Waters City. Every year, the Seven Waters City suffers from this kind of disaster. Over time, there will naturally be the joy of being submerged, people’s homes. I’m overwhelmed, and I’m not willing to leave here, so I can only build the house a little higher.”

I stopped talking and didn’t go on.

But Tiger this guy has already understood what Gromash said, and he said in an unbelievable way: “You mean, under the surface of the city of seven waters, there is still a thousand years of accumulation that I don’t know how much. A huge underwater city??”

A bright smile appeared on Gromash’s mouth, and he spoke very proudly: “Yes, that’s it, now you understand why I said that the city of the seven waters became the second The fish men island?? Because this is (abdi ) The perfect island where our compatriots can live freely!!!””

Tiger’s thoughts were guided by Gromash’s words, and he involuntarily nodded and said: “Yes, according to you, this city of seven waters is indeed enough to call it’The fish men island on the sea’. It is indeed enough to serve as the second hometown of the people of The fish men island on the sea…”

“Well, that’s right, it’s just that the huge city under the sea is still asleep. If you want to use it, you will need a large number of The fish men island compatriots to develop it yourself, and it must be properly transformed. In general, the basic foundation is still there, which can save us decades, or even hundreds of years, to build.” Gromash laughed

Said with a smile.

But Tiger said dismissively: “In my opinion, this is a good thing. After all, we should do it ourselves to build a new home. The charm and meaning contained in it are more than directly taking over a complete home. It’s more profound, are you right??”

Gromash also nodded and said, “Yes, we need to build ourselves to truly become the so-called “second hometown”.”

After Gromash and Tiger boss talked about this topic, a sea breeze suddenly blew on the sea, causing a lot of waves.

“It’s windy, isn’t it the “God of Water” you said is coming, right???” Tiger looked at the sea, smiled and joked.

And Gromash smiled and said, “No, it is a’man’ who is more important than the god of the “Gods of Water”. Are you saying that I am right?? A man like the wind Monkey-D- Lord Dorag?”

As Gromash’s voice fell, on the mast observation deck of the Elune, a man in a dark cloak and a Kabuto hat also smiled and said, “It’s been a long time, Proudmoore- Gromash, I didn’t expect yours. “The sense of smell” is still so sharp”

The surprised Tiger looked at Dorag with a little surprise. Just now, he hadn’t noticed anyone sneaking in. What does this mean? It shows that with his strength, there is absolutely no way to become Dorag’s opponent, the revolutionary army. The leader of the dragon head is not so powerful!!

But fortunately, Gromash is not a vegetarian, his strength is also quite strong, Dorag’show’ a wave of operations, but it didn’t play a big role.

A smile hung on Gromash’s mouth, and then slowly turned around to look at the top of the mast, touched his nose, and said, “After all, you have to know, I am a’shark”. The dangerous smell of a man like you was the first in the past. I was already engraved in my mind when we first met, so as long as you show up next to me, I will naturally be able to find you. ”

Dorag looked at Gromash’s nose, then chuckled lightly and said, “That’s really bad…”

After speaking, he also jumped down directly from the observation deck, stood firmly in front of Gromash, and then said: “It’s really surprising. Originally, I really thought the hero-Fisher. Tay. Your Excellency Ge has been killed under the torture of the World government. I never expected to see your Excellency here. It is a great honor. At the same time

It also proves that I didn’t misunderstand the wrong person. You Proudmoore- Gromash is indeed not the kind of person who will become a “government’s running dog”.”

Tiger didn’t respond, but politely greeted Dorag and smiled.

Gromash showed a mysterious smile and said, “There are so many things that make you think weird. You will soon understand that I am the birthplace of miracles, hahahaha.”

Dorag didn’t understand what Gromash meant. After all, he couldn’t have imagined that Gromash would have an Ohara scholar survivor who could interpret the text of history.

But he still gave Gromash a face-to-face compliment and said: “Really?? Then I’m looking forward to it.”

Gromash nodded, and then said to Dorag, “This is not a place to talk. Come and sit first. As the host, you have to make a cup of tea for you guys anyway.”

Under the leadership of Gromash, Tiger and Dorag soon followed to the cabin together, and Haku and Krall also stood up immediately when they saw Dorag and said, “Mr. Dorag, You are here”

Dorag smiled and nodded to Haku and Krall and said, “Haku, this time I’m bothering you, and Krall. Isn’t it nice to meet Mr. Tiger??”

Gromash didn’t interrupt the communication between them, but walked directly to the locker, took out some tea from it, and started to make tea. There was no way. Who told him to send the little secretary Monet away to help Robin went to “start a company”?? At this time, he can only make tea in person.

After Gromash finally made the tea, Dorag was a bit “flattered” and picked up the teacup. After taking a sip, he smiled and said, “I didn’t expect you Proudmoore. Gromash can also make tea, which is really surprising. At the same time, it is an honor to be able to drink your tea…”

“Dorager, we are also some kind of friendship people, so we don’t need to be called so raw, just call me Gromash,” Gromash smiled and said.

And Dorag was not hypocritical, and nodded and said, “Alright, after all, how do you say…we are also allies, aren’t we??”

After hearing Dorag’s meaningful answer, Gromash also smiled meaningfully and said: “Of course, my Gromash is the most credible.. As long as you Dorag don’t even think about pulling me into the water, I will naturally too. As far as it can, I will help you as an ally

What about it? By then, they won’t have much energy to take care of my business. Jiehahahahaha.

After Gromash finished speaking, Dorag did not answer the conversation. Both sides were silent for a while. After the atmosphere was brewing for a while, Dorag said again: “Then I will not talk to you about Gromash. What is meaningless, I am here this time, really want to see whether our “oral covenant” is still valid, if

If yes, I would like to seek help from you.”

Gromash didn’t hesitate, but simply asked: “As an ally, I am naturally willing to help you, what kind of help do you want from me??”

“In the dark world, in the hands of the Master, known as the most beautiful’dark flower’, there is an organization that can deliver any goods safely, quickly, conveniently, and quickly to the world. Its name is’Deep Sea Broker’. , The leader of this organization. Nico Robin is the cadre of your Frostwolf Pirates ship. I came this time just to get your approval, and then with

Let us Revolutionary Army and the “Deep Sea Broker” start deep cooperation, what do you think??” Dorag said equally plainly.

“Of course there is no problem with cooperation, but cooperation is naturally a “win-win”. How do you think we win better??” Gromash grinned and asked with a smile, unspeakable “treacherous”. .

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