I Am Hellscream

Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Take over in full!

The arrival of the Frostwolf Pirates has left the people of the entire Seven Waters at a loss. Some wealthy families with small money have already run away before the arrival of Gromash. After all, Gromash has a bad name. Outside, according to the news in the newspaper, he also engaged in a massacre in New World shortly before becoming Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Kill, and destroy Fas Island, an island of tourism and hot springs that enjoys a good reputation in the world. Now there are no root hairs. Roughly speaking, the people who died directly and indirectly at the hands of Gromash have already broken through. The number is 40,000. This is already a rare’terror’ event in these years. Therefore, the big news-Morgans once put the grid

It is not too much for Romash to rank first on the list of the “most brutal” pirates.

It is because Gromash’s reputation is too ferocious, that basically all the wealthy classes in the City of Seven Waters have run away. It is the first time for a big pirate of the level of Seven Warlords of the Sea to legally rule the islands under the World government. No one knows what his Gromash is going to toss about in the city of seven waters. Anyway, they are rich.

People who are very pitiful, do not want to use their wealth and life to accompany him. Uncle Gromash is tossing around. It is better to let those “mud legs” who have no money and power and can’t run, go and test with their lives.

Although the entire City of Seven Waters is a bit deserted, it is not exactly Gromash’s pot. The City of Seven Waters is already lonely before it is divided into his Seven Warlords of the Sea, it is simply a tattered. After all, there are still a few rich people on the island.

Among the group of Frostwolf Pirates walking on the streets of the City of Seven Waters, Gromash is also looking at the atmosphere of the City of Seven Waters. From Gromash’s point of view, there are more people and more people, and there are fewer people and fewer people. Benefits~.

Originally, he was going to transform this into an island on the sea where the people of The fish men island can live comfortably, so there are few people here and it can be regarded as making room for the people of The fish men island, and the province will have to Gromash. Think of some way to’clean up’ some of the “borers” in the City of Seven Waters.

However, Gromash is not planning to turn all the capitals of the seven waters into the people’s territory of The fish men island. We will conduct a pilot here to try to see if the intelligent races on the sea can coexist harmoniously with the people of The fish men island. It is also Gromash. One of the purposes of this, so it must not allow the entire Seven Waters City to run away, and give them a sense of security in a timely manner.


Thinking of this, Gromash said to the little secretary Monet who was following him: “Monet, there is something for you to do. Tomorrow I will give a speech in the City of Seven Waters. After all, I am the master of this place from now on. , I have to declare sovereignty, by the way, all these trembling little quails are soothed and let them cooperate with us.

That’s okay. So you need to convey this to them and build a platform that will allow me to complete this speech, do you understand??””

As Monet walked behind Gromash, he recorded Gromash’s mission on his notebook with a pen in his hand, and then said softly, “Relieve it to me, Captain, you are guaranteed to be satisfied.”

“Jiehahahaha, of course, I still trust my baby secretary.” Gromash said with a smile.

After hearing the slightly ambiguous words of Gromash, Monet’s delicate little face blushed a little, and he did not continue to speak to Gromash.

And Gromash did not continue to tease Monet. Instead, he said to Lu Qi without looking back: “Lu Qi, give you some time, wait for the island to help me find our compatriot Master Tom to see me, no Question??”

“No problem, Gromash, I’m the best at finding someone!” Lu Qi grinned, showing a confident smile, and said softly.

His Thunder Fruit development has reached a very deep stage. After all, he has been playing again since he was a child. Now with his Observation Haki, Lu Qi’s Thunder Fruit ability can completely cover the entire Seven Waters City. For some weird abilities such as electric waves and magnetic fields, it is not a problem for him to find someone.

“Robin, arrange all the’civilian’ personnel you have cultivated under you. I need you to form a shipbuilding company in the City of Seven Waters as soon as possible that can act as the’leader’, responsible for driving the pedantic and pedantic of the City of Seven Waters. The heavy shipbuilding industry injects some vitality into them and stirs up their stagnant water for me, is it okay??” Gromash looked at Luo

Bin, said softly.

As a “small trader” who started a playground company on The fish men island and formed a “Deep Sea Broker” organization in the dark world, Robin is also very experienced in this kind of thing. You can start a dynamic shipbuilding company in the City of Seven Waters.

So Robin also smiled and responded: “There is no problem at all, Master Captain.”

“Urouge, prepare to return to your old line. I need you to form a guard that can maintain the order of the City of Seven Waters as quickly as possible. After all, we can’t rely on our manpower to protect this place? A new recruit is needed. The security personnel have been approved. At the same time, you are responsible for maintaining the safety of the City of Seven Waters.

If you dare to mess around here, if you dare to mess around here, I care if he is a Marine or a pirate, and I will kill them all, and hang their bodies on the hulk yard, so that the malicious young boys will take a good look. What will happen to people who dare to fail with me Gromash

Urouge said later.

And Urouge grinned at the same corner of his mouth and said with a ferocious smile: “Don’t worry, Boss Gromash, I will use the fastest time to let those little mice know that this is now the site of our Frostwolf Pirates. If anyone wants to try their own strength, I will personally give him the relief.”

What Urouge said is also murderous Lingran, where is it like a person who is a monk can say something?? It seems that the reason why he followed Gromash has long since been ignorant of where he was thrown by the broken monk. Anyway, Gromash is It’s been a long time since I saw Urouge follow him and the “unjust souls” on him were overwhelmed, Gromash guessed

This kid should have been taken badly. It would be strange to see the Buddha after he died. He must follow them and go to hell honestly.

After arranging Urouge’s affairs, Gromash said again: “Jinbei, you are responsible for considering the environment of the City of Seven Waters on the spot. Bring the big engineers we hired from The fish men island, so that they can use their skills as soon as possible. Talent and usefulness, in the shortest time, submit the most suitable renovation design drawing, and we will also have this as soon as possible.

It is built into a suitable place for our compatriots to live. In addition…”

When Gromash said this, he also stopped.At this time, in front of him was a somewhat dilapidated government office building.This was once the office of the shi long in the capital of the seven waters, and now it has become the place where he stayed. , In front of the office building, a group of officials from the World government are respectfully waiting for his Gromash

Coming, I am going to complete the last handover procedure here, and hand over the Capital of the Seven Waters to them Frostwolf Pirates.

0-seeking flowers…

After taking a look at the dilapidated municipal building, Gromash’s mouth raised slightly, and then he said, “In addition, we also need to use the design drawings you submitted to drive the economy of this lifeless city of seven waters, no matter what era it is in. , The work-for-account is a good way to work

, Let’s cover our own station of the Frostwolf Pirates and begin.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Jinbei nodded calmly and said, “Don’t worry, leave it to me, Gromash boss!”

“Jiehahahaha, please.” Gromash said with a smile.

Then he stepped into the gate yard of the city government building, and the World government officials who had already been waiting at the scene also cautiously walked to Gromash’s side with a sense of restraint, and spoke respectfully. Some even held something flatteringly and said: “His Royal Highness, this is the seal of the long shi, this is the contact

The phone worm of our World government. This is the phone worm that contacts Marine. As an island under the World government, even if it is now under your control, you still have the right to call Marine for support and help the government as long as you If necessary, please feel free to contact us, we will solve the problems you encounter for you”

Gromash smiled and picked up the seal on the tray he was holding, then turned it over and said: “Solve the problem I encountered?? If you can really do this, then the City of Seven Waters will not. It’s like this shit now, take the phone bug back, I don’t need this stuff here, not to mention those Marines who are not pleasing to my eyes

They will not “support’ me in dangerous moments. They will only find a way to kill me with me. Jiehahahahaha.”

After hearing Gromash’s unceremonious words, the official of the World government looked a little embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

However, Gromash didn’t embarrass them. After receiving the long seal, he waved his hand and said, “If there is nothing else to hand over, you can leave. Do you need me to send it to you?? ”

After hearing what Gromash had said, the official quickly sighed in relief, and then immediately said: “No, no, your Royal Highness, your business is busy. Those of us below will not delay your time. It is time to hand over. The handover is over, we will leave the City of Seven Waters now”

After speaking, the official quickly evacuated the city government building with the other errand boys and walked towards the port.

Then Cromwell said with some doubts: “Boss Gromash, why are you keeping the seal? I don’t think I can return it to them. World government, it’s useless anyway.”

“Hey, what you said is wrong. How to say this is also a symbol of our reasonable and legal management of the Seven Waters. Even if we don’t need it, it can be stored. What’s more, the people of the Seven Waters I have become accustomed to regard the announcement with the long seal letter as an authority, so we still need to use this thing, and also need to be slow

Replace “it” slowly. “Gromash said with a smile.

Then Gromash did not continue to pay attention to Cromwell’s doubts, turned around and clapped his hands and said: “Well, those who are interested can go to see the capital of the seven waters, and if there are tasks, I will complete the tasks I set as soon as possible, and disband! “small,

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