I Am Hellscream

Chapter 271

Chapter 271 Beheaded!!!

As Marine’s No. 1 swordsman, Gion is naturally very fierce when he makes a shot. In addition to the traitor Vergo, it should be said that he hates the pirate undercover, and his evil spirit is unreservedly released. The slash contained a powerful and sharp force and slashed towards Vergo unceremoniously.

However, Vergo’s own strength is not bad. At this time, his identity is revealed. He also wants to survive. As long as he can run out of this place alive, it won’t take long. Waiting for the young master of his family: Doflamingo becomes Seven Warlords of The Sea, he can naturally continue to follow the waves again.

Just when Gion’s slash was about to cut Vergo in two, Vergo’s movements were not slow at all, he slammed, and took a soft bamboo that he was hanging behind him in his hand. Naturally, the bamboo can’t withstand Gion’s slash, not to mention that he took a bamboo, even if he pulled out an iron rod, it would be useless.

However, as one of the disciples of Teacher Zephyr’s’True Legend’, Vergo’s Armament Haki practiced very domineering, and a soft bamboo in his hand, instantly changed from emerald green to pitch black, and the powerful Armament Haki was wrapped on it, very accurate It stopped Gion’s slash.

However, Gion’s strength was extraordinary. Of course, an angry shot was not so easy to pick up. Vergo felt the sturdy force from the soft bamboo in his hand, and his feet were forcibly pushed back a few steps by this force.

Before he could relieve his strength, Gion Great Sword’s follow-up attack had already followed.

“ー Sword stream-chase the rabbit!” “As Gion’s voice fell, Jin Piro in Gion’s hand quickly returned to the sheath, and within a second, he came out of the sheath again with a sharp aura. Yuan himself tapped his feet, and he appeared behind Vergo extremely fast.

With a sound of’ding!’, Jin Piro in Gion returned to the sheath again, while Vergo looked at the wound on his shoulder with a somewhat ugly expression.

There, a wound that was deeply visible was bleeding outwards 163 continuously. At that moment, if he hadn’t avoided it in time, I am afraid that he was already in a different place at this time.

As Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, he naturally knows that Gion is very strong, but Gion has not been very good as an Admiral candidate. Compared with Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Polusalino, she still has the strength. There is a little gap, and both are Admiral alternates. The strength of the three Marine monsters headed by Polusalino has long surpassed that of Admiral.

Filling the boundaries, it can be called a well-deserved Admiral-level figure.

Therefore, compared with the three of them all the year round, Gion’s strength naturally seems not so superb, and over time, it even feels a little weak.

But that is compared with the “monster”. If compared with the rest of the Marine Vice Admiral, Gion is a well-deserved “monster”, even if it is the elite of Vice Admiral like Vergo, it is better than Gion. Inferior.

It is also because Gion has been in the’weakness’ state of top masters all year round that Vergo has the illusion that she is “not very good”, and now this illusion has been deeply realized by him.

“You are able to avoid my moves, your reflexes are still very good, Ver. But how many times can you avoid it??” Gion turned around and said to put psychological pressure on Vergo.

However, as an undercover agent, Vergo’s first element is to pass the psychological quality, so his heart is very strong, I saw him look at Gion, then look at Tsuru’s Chief Staff Officer, and then said softly: , Do you shoot alone?? It’s really a common tactic of Marine, but it’s also good that your arrogance is hope for me

Gion Vice Admiral, I have to admit that your strength is a bit beyond my expectations, but if you can’t react to it, then you can hold it hard??”

After Abdi Ge finished speaking, a powerful aura surged over his body.The next moment the powerful Armament Haki in his body instantly wrapped his whole person, and the dark Haki was already faintly purple. Ge has also become a strong black man.

“No matter how many times you look at it, you feel that your talent on Armament Haki is indeed very Penultimate. If you didn’t go the wrong way, perhaps in the future you should have become a respected Marine like Teacher Zephyr, even if you have a chance. I can become Marine’s Admiral like Mr. Zephyr!!” Gion looked at the posture of Vergon Haki’s possession, somewhat

Said with emotion.

“It is useless to say more, what kind of path I am going to take, I have already made up my mind from the beginning. “The king”, and I would rather be a dead bone under that throne!!!” Vergo said very firmly.

After he finished speaking, the soft bamboo in his hand also spun quickly, and then he crashed into Gion like a cannonball.

A sneer hung on Gion’s face, and then Jin Piro in his hand was unsheathed again, slashing against the soft bamboo that Vergo had hit without fear or retreat.

Then Gion laughed and said: “Doflamingo is worthy of being king’?? Vergo, haven’t you found out after being a Marine for so long?? It’s not that people who have Conqueror’s Haki can be king! ! In this sea, there are so many people who have the’Qualification of King’. Whitebeard, Kaido, bigm om, Gromash, Shanks do not.

One is not the leader in this, your young master Doflamingo, no matter from which point of view, he is not qualified to be able to compare with them, like him hiding in a dark corner, shrinking and building the so-called’personal network’ relationship. , I thought that the Master could control the reins of those’kings’ and’monsters’. It’s a joke that one day,

He will wake up from this fragile’beautiful dream’. At that time, I will personally send him on the road.

After Gion had said these words, his momentum skyrocketed again, and her flowing hair began to fluctuate with the wind. The unicorn shoulder armor on her shoulder seemed to follow Haki’s roar.

In the next second, with a “click”, the soft bamboo in Vergo’s hand was directly cut off by the Gion Knife. If Vergo hadn’t reacted fast enough, he took a step back suddenly, and he estimated that the whole person would follow what he was holding. Soft bamboo was cut in two together.

Although the soft bamboo is broken, Vergo has not encountered such a situation. Naturally, he will not panic his feet like a novice. He only sees his body slightly tilted, and both hands hold half of the broken soft bamboo. Wrapped in Armament Haki, he stabbed Gion’s heart viciously.

“As hypocritical Marines like you, you are not qualified to comment on the young master’s actions, and there are thousands of ways to rule the king. How can you tell??” Vergo said in a deep voice.

Jin Kunluo in Gion’s hand moved a little to the left and flew away the two broken soft bamboos, and then put Jinpira into the scabbard again, and she also took the initiative to step back two steps.

I saw that Gion closed his eyes slightly, and did not answer Vergo’s question, and when Vergo saw that Gion had retreated, he did not pursue him. , Don’t dare to be careless.

“Originally, this trick was to give the damn Gromash a meeting gift, but let’s try your power first,” Gion opened his eyes full of heroic spirit and said softly.

Before Vergo could speak, Gion had already made a move.

“Every evil in the world is clean-a great sword-profound meaning-exorcism!”

At the moment when Gion’s mouth was spitting out, Vergo also saw Gion’s figure move, but Gion’s speed was too fast, it can be said that this move was the pinnacle of Gion’s life.

I’m afraid that even if you use this trick to clean up Gromash, Gromash will be hit hard by a carelessness, let alone just deal with him’a little’ Vergo.

When Vergo saw everything clearly, it was already too late. The last scene in his eyes was a dazzling light flying out of Gion’s scabbard. That light seemed to symbolize the “truth, goodness, and beauty” of everything in this world. It seems to condense the justice that Gion has always upheld as Marine!!

All the evils in this world, in front of the light, cannot open their eyes to see exactly what the light is like.

There was still a crisp sound of “ding”, Gion’s figure had already walked behind Vergo at some point, the Jinpiluo in her hand had already been sheathed, and her expression was still so plain, it seemed that she was fundamentally indifferent. Just no effort’ general.

“Farewell, Vergo, as for your question just now, just go to the yellow spring and think about it, idiot!” Gion said softly.

At the same time, Vergo sighed softly, but before he could speak, his head fell to the ground very simply and neatly.

That’s right, Gion’s overwhelmingly strong Admiral beheaded him mercilessly!!

And his body that wrapped Haki also quickly slumped down and fell straight to the ground.

Red blood gushed out from the wound on his flat neck, quickly rendering the ground a desolate.

And the eyes on his head seemed to be full of regret.

I don’t know whether it is his regret for his death here, or the regret that he has not been able to continue to make more contributions to the young master who has dedicated his life to him.

Or is it his regret of being a “Marine”??

In short, all this is over.

The highest cadre of the Donquixote Family-First Generation Red Heart. Ghost Bamboo-Wilgo died gloriously as Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral on this unknown desert island.

At the same time, Tsuru’s Chief Staff Officer, who had been standing not far away, silently watched the battle and sighed.The direction of the matter was as she had expected. Here, just to avoid other accidents, affecting the results.

“Gion, your kendo has improved a step further. The power of the move just now, even if it is really placed on Gromash, I guess his head will fall.” Tsuru’s chief officer smiled and said softly.

And Gion’s face turned pale at this time, and then he said, “Although Qiang is strong, but it consumes too much energy for me, but if one day I can use this trick to cut off the head of that damn Gromash. .Enough.

“There will be such a day” Tsuru Chief Staff Officer did not say anything like “impossible”, even if Gromash has become Seven Warlords of the Sea, but Marines will not believe that this guy will honestly become a good citizen ‘of.

After clearing up a bit, Chief Staff Officer Tsuru and Gion did not take care of Vergo’s body, but turned and left the dense forest together. As for Vergo’s body, wait a moment, when their warship came back. Naturally there will be’order soldiers’ to converge.

All they have to do next is to think of a suitable reason and give Vergo a decent funeral.

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