I Am Hellscream

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Mariejois and Celestial Dragons.

Mariejois is actually not being fired by Fisher Tiger and burned. In fact, the World government is also planning to carry out large-scale reconstruction in the past few years, such as building an’automatic trail’ that feels inhumane. Things like that.

As the center of world geography and politics, Mariejois is indeed prosperous and extraordinary. There are ambassadors from more than 170 participating countries here, and only a few countries do not arrange people here, such as Alabasta and The fish men Island or something, the ambassadors of various countries are also vigorously promoting their national culture in Mariejois, so that the entire Mariejois

The cultural atmosphere is very good.

Due to the extravagance of Celestial Dragons, Mariejois also has a large number of top artists from all over the world, as well as very famous chefs, performing arts troupes, etc.

As a safe and effective communication hub between the first half of the Grand Line and New World, the large caravans between the two sides must pass through Mariejois in order to avoid danger in the deep sea, even if they pay high tolls. In short, Mariejois Not only Mariejois of Celestial Dragons, this world center called’Holy Land’ does have this kind of freedom.

Proudly qualified~.

At this time, Gromash and Cromwell were under the leadership of a group of World government officials, walking on the way to the World government headquarters building.

Looking at the street being built on the side, Cromwell asked curiously: “What is the east-west that looks a bit like a caterpillar?”

When he asked, the officials on the side quickly explained: “Master Cromwell, that’s a brand new technology that Mariejois is building. It’s called “Automatic Trail, just like this name. It can automatically The walking trails, as long as the pedestrians who come and go stand up, they can be sent to where they want to go without even moving.

After hearing this explanation, Cromwell also brightened his eyes and said, “That’s really a good technique, Boss Gromash, don’t you consider having one in The fish men island??”

Gromash smiled disdainfully and said, “This unknown adult doesn’t seem to explain this technology clearly. Is there anything inconvenient to say about the principle? For example, the automatic trail does not use high-tech. , It’s not just a new energy but a pure slave physical drive??”

“Master Gromash, you laughed.” After the official’s expression froze for a while, he said with some luck.

After seeing the official’s awkward and abnormal reaction, Cromwell’s expression also cooled down, and then said: “It’s really amazing.”

“Jie ha ha ha ha, didn’t I say it a long time ago?? This world belongs to the dark world, just to give the masses of ordinary people some hope, so it is hypocritical for this darkness to maintain the light on the surface. And ironic.” Gromash said with a big laugh.

However, although he knew the cruel truth of this moving trail, he didn’t intend to take care of this thing, as long as there are no people from The fish men island who are suffering in it. Since he boarded Mariejois, Gromash has indeed seen many slaves. , It seems that the slave culture here is very popular. If you say that you don’t have any slaves in your hands, it seems

There is almost no way to go out to meet people.

But as Sengoku Admiral said, Mariejois has suffered two big losses in the hands of Gromash and Fisher Tiger. Will there be another lunatic who has the spirit of “righteousness” like the two of them, and will toss Mariejois again?

Everywhere?? Only Thousand Days is a thief, how can there be a Thousand Days to guard against the thief??

In order to eradicate this potential crisis, they did carry out relevant rectifications on Mariejois. In short, so far, Gromash has not found a citizen on The fish men island enslaved here.

Since there are no people from The fish men island, Gromash doesn’t care about those, anyway, he is an evil pirate, according to his identity, he has no position to take care of this matter??

Even after experiencing a slave riot and a fire attack, Mariejois still seems to be able to give people an extremely satisfying sense of security.Even if it is a pirate of the level of Gromash, no one will run away on the street, just When I found him, I was surprised and terrified, and then I did what I should do.

“Let go of me, do you know who I am?? I am a famous stage actress” At the gate of a chamber of commerce on the street, a woman wearing a slave collar on her neck is struggling to get rid of her cruel fate .

But it seems to be useless.

“What famous stage actress?? I am a princess of a country here, as long as I wear this slave’s collar, I can only be a slave. Stop struggling, Xinduoli, you are my cash cow. , Pray for yourself, there can be a good master to buy you back, hahahahaha~” Beside Xinduoli, one looks like

The businessman who was the slave owner was holding the collar around Xinduoli’s neck, laughing wildly.

Gromash and Cromwell, who didn’t care about this kind of farce, couldn’t help but stop after hearing the name of the actress on stage.

“Master Gromash??” The officials next to them looked at Gromash with some confusion and asked.

“Jiehahahaha Cromwell, I’m not mistaken??” Gromash ignored the official, but looked at the door of the chamber of commerce, and asked with a smile on his mouth.

“That’s right, it’s the goddess that the pervert guy has always had a crush on. I remember not long ago, just before we left The fish men island, this Cintogli also broadcasted a live concert. Pulling Guy Sa to the Gironde Square and watched the live broadcast on the big screen. I didn’t expect that she was caught in a blink of an eye.

Being a slave is really.. Fate is impermanent. “Cromwell also said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Gromash looked at the struggling Cindolly and was also very emotional. Originally, her stage actress should have accidentally slipped off the stage during a concert and fell to her death, but it seems that because of the absence of Huo Cuban Ke Qu often harassed her, causing her destiny to have a butterfly effect. The whole person avoided the trajectory of death, but it was not much better.

Go, maybe it can be said to be even worse, it was caught by the slave team and sold to Mariejois.

If it weren’t for Gromash and Cromwell to bump into here today, it is estimated that Hokkubak would have been withering for a long time, thinking about how his goddess disappeared.

“It’s true that fate is very impermanent, but since she met us here, it means that her time has come to work, go and buy her, otherwise if the fellow Hogback knows that we have watched him become the goddess Other people’s slaves have to explode in situ, Jiehahahaha.” Gromash smiled and said to Cromwell.

Cromwell also nodded and said, “Going back, I have to ask Hokkubak to thank the two of us, hahahaha.

Cromwell walked forward after speaking and came to the slave owner and talked about something.

In fact, if it were placed on an island outside, Gromash would not do any’business’ at all. He would absolutely kill all these slave merchants without saying anything. In short, one of these people would count as one, and even the whole family would be executed together. Will not find an innocent one.

However, on Mariejois, you can’t give the world government too much face. After all, they are already a family who loves each other. Gromash is not a stunned person, so he is willing to do something that can be solved with a little money. Yes, again, what means is the most simple and effective way to accomplish his set goals with less trouble, he is happy to use what

What kind of means.

0-seeking flowers…………

When Cromwell was discussing business with the slave owner and merchant, the whole street quickly became quiet, and then the expression of the official next to Gromash changed… it seemed very at a loss.

Of course Gromash also noticed the change in the atmosphere, and then as soon as he turned his head, he saw everyone on the street kneeling down.

“Ahhhh, is this the Celestial Dragons coming?? Speaking of which, except for the young master and the lieutenant colonel, I have not seen the aloof Celestial Dragons for many years. Jiehahahaha.” Gromash’s mouth. With a smile on his face, he said with a very evil smile.

And the official didn’t dare to speak and let Gromash kneel down with him.After all, what Gromash had done, he clearly remembered, but he had no other good way, so he could only kneel down first, and then Secretly prayed.

On the other side, Cromwell, who was buying Cromwell from the slave merchant, was just about to pay the money, when he saw the slave merchant in front of him pulling Cromwell to kneel on the ground very quickly, making Cromwell a little embarrassed. Compare.

Then Cromwell hadn’t recovered, he heard a very arrogant voice coming from behind him.

“Don’t you dare to kneel down in front of me to greet?? Well.. Forget it, this saint is in a good mood today, so I don’t care about you as a pariah, go and bring that female slave to me. I like her. I want to buy it and go back to be the maid of this saint.” A rare Celestial Dragons walking on the ground wearing a bubble hood, said to the servants around him.

Cromwell followed the voice and looked back, then he said to himself, “Celestial Dragons??”

But just when the servant wanted to take Cindolly away, Cromwell pressed on the servant’s hand with an evil smile on his mouth and said, “Sorry, this “commodity” is ours. If you want to buy it first, then go to another place to see if there is a suitable one.”

“Asshole, do you know what you are doing? You are fighting against the descendants of the great creator! It’s a capital crime!” The servant immediately threatened Cromwell and really took out his pistol. Cromwell’s head was cleared.

It seems that this guy is also used to being a fox and a tiger, and a set of actions is smooth and flowing

“Bang!” With the sound of a gunshot, the expected blood blossoms did not come in. Cromwell caught the bullet with a slight blue smoke in his hand, and then he smiled and said: “If you shoot me, be prepared to die.”

After speaking, a phantom in Cromwell’s hand flashed, and the next second Finger Pistol was already on the head of the servant, a fatal blow!

And the servant lost his look in his eyes instantly, and then fell straight to the ground. The blood flowing from his head also began to soak the ground on the street.

Everyone was stunned by Cromwell’s disagreement and killing Celestial Dragons’ younger brother.

At this moment, Gromash also laughed.

“Jiehahahahaha, Cromwell, don’t you apologize to this lord Celestial Dragons?? How can I say it is on other people’s turf? The ground is dirty. Is this what we should do as polite guests??” Gromash laughed and walked over from a distance, touching his chin and looking at the same person.

Celestial Dragons spoke in shock.

“Gromash?? It’s you!” The Celestial Dragons was so shocked after seeing Gromash, he couldn’t help but stepped back two steps, seeming to have some kind of psychological shadow.

“I haven’t seen him for many years. Kamael San. It looks like you have a pretty good time.” Gromash looked at Kamael San wickedly, and said with a smile.

That’s right, this Celestial Dragons is the same guy who was attacked by Gromash.

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