I Am Hellscream

Chapter 247

Chapter 247 I said I am your father!

Looking at the letter in his hand, Gromash turned to Monet and said, “Monet, contact Sengoku Admiral to finish this process.”

According to the meaning of the World government, this time they actively invited Gromash to become “Seven Warlords of the Sea’, so Gromash still has to give them a “reply” whether to join Seven Warlords of the Sea. This time the letter is An invitation letter, if he agrees, he needs to reply, and then the rest of the related processes will operate, such as sending the message

Publish in the newspaper, let the whole world know about such related measures.

Monet also returned to the room soon after hearing Gromash’s words and brought out the phone worm.

Gromash fiddled a few times after receiving the call bug, and quickly sent the signal.

And Sengoku Admiral seems to have been waiting for news of his Gromash. The moment the phone worm rang, Sengoku Admiral picked up the phone worm.

“Gromash, your goal has been achieved, should you release Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante in accordance with the agreement between us??” The moment Sengoku Admiral picked up the call worm, he couldn’t wait to ask Gromash before he could speak. Up.

“Jiehahahaha, Sengoku Admiral, we will be a family who loves each other in the future. Your son is my son. Don’t worry, I will take care of him. When will I become Seven Warlords of the Sea? I’ve seen the newspaper. Waiting for “One Forty Seven” when Kuzan’s photo album is in my hand. When will my stupid brother Arlong get caught

Released, the remnants of the Pirates of the Sun have also been pardoned, and you will be able to see our son Rosinante. Of course, in order to express my sincerity here, I officially announce that I will abandon the plan to blow up the island of Sekon. Don’t worry, My Gromash speaks for words. I am known as “Believers, so you can evacuate from Saikan Island, by the way…

I didn’t go there at all, I’m under the feet of Red Line right now, jehhahahahaha. “Gromash laughed wildly, and what he said was quite mocking.

Sengoku Admiral is about to crush all the tea cups in his hand on the phone bug. This Gromash is really not hurting but it should be dead. What is your son is my son?? My son?? I am dignified Marine Admiral, the person who will soon become Marine Marshal in the future, what do you have with you, nasty bastard pirates

What is the relative relationship?? When did you have a common son??

However, Sengoku Admiral also broke his teeth and could only swallow it into his stomach. He gritted his teeth and said, “Gromash, since you have accepted the invitation of the World government and agreed to become Seven Warlords of the Sea, then This news will be in the newspaper tomorrow at the latest, and the whole world will know that you have become Seven Warlords of the Sea.”

When Sengoku Admiral said this, his expression was also tangled, and then gritted his teeth and continued: “I invite you on behalf of the World government to invite you to Naval Headquarters-Marinford’ as a guest, and the corresponding follow-up work will be completed. You will naturally be able to get a special release order for the Frostwolf Pirates and an amnesty order for the Pirates of the Sun and I

I will hand over Kuzan’s photo album to you.”

After hearing Sengoku Admiral’s invitation, Gromash grinned and said jokingly, “Oh, Naval Headquarters-Marinford is really a dangerous place. I’m timid and I don’t want to take this risk. When we have all this settled, then I will go to Malinford and talk to you on “How about being a guest??”

Sengoku Admiral’s face was also dark, and then he said: “You have to trust our sincerity, and besides, all the news that should be published in the newspaper, what are you afraid of??”

Gromash thought: “Big news-Morgans has become entangled with the Queen Stussy guy. From a standpoint, he has begun to favor your World government. What did you say about the fishing boat? Others do. Believe?? I can point to those of you who seem to be “righteous”, but secretly like to do some “stealth” things.

, Will there be any moths on this? I think that in the future, this fellow Doflamingo will also use your hands to play a’fake resignation’?? A ghost, is Malinford such a good place to go?? Even if the uncle is not afraid of you really ambush, but he doesn’t bother to make more accidents with you.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, let’s forget about Malinford, how about setting the location in Mariejois?? I also want to see if you have built a beautiful home there after such a long time of hard work?” Gromash He smiled and said softly.

If Malinford is the’Longtan Tiger Den’, then Mariejois is the’Holy Land’. The World government estimates that even if it is crazy, it will not choose to go there and ruthlessly turn his face with Gromash. Otherwise, the World government should really consider it. Let’s talk about the issue of “moving the capital”. After all, working with Gromash there, Mariejois will inevitably suffer devastation.


Sengoku Admiral was also very helpless after hearing Gromash’s shameless remarks. He really didn’t expect Gromash to be so” timid, but for a moment, he really wanted to play at Malinford. So the “Hongmen Banquet”, after all, if it is really set up in Malinford, it will be true by Gromash alone.

It may not be able to run away, but he also knows that it is definitely impossible to allow the World government..

Thinking of this, Sengoku Admiral let out a long sigh of relief, and then said in a deep voice, “Wait a moment, I will contact the other side to see if your proposal will be approved.”

“Ok, ok, there is no problem at all. Our two brothers don’t care about such a short time.” Gromash smiled and said softly.

After speaking, the two of them hung up the call worm, and then Gromash turned around and said: “Get ready, you go back to The fish men island first, find Hokkubak to heal the kid Urouge, and Cromwell is with me. Went around Mariejois, I saw fires and riots last time I went there, I didn’t notice much else, this time I must’appreciate’ it.

What a good place is this so-called “Holy Land”? Jiehahahahaha. ”

“Captain, are you so confident that they will invite you to Mariejois??” Robin asked with some confusion.

Gromash moved his shoulders a little, and then said, “Isn’t that of course?? Maybe the five bad old men want to see me. After all, we are already a family anyway.”

Lu Qi held up his milk bottle and said, “Gromash, I want to go to Mariejois too!”

“Fart, you will have a chance in the future. Go back and take care of your injury before talking.” Gromash refused Lu Qi’s proposal without hesitation.

And Cromwell smiled and said: “Holy Land-Mariejois?? I really never thought that our gem hunter could one day be able to board that place as an evil pirate, ah ha ha ha ha, really Interesting!”

Joz spit out: “Actually, if you sell yourself to Celestial Dragons as a slave, you can still board Mariejois with integrity.”

Cromwell was so shocked by Joz, his face became stiff, and he said: “Can you pay attention to the main meaning of my words?? I mean to board as a pirate, if I go as a slave Isn’t that sick??”

Just as everyone was joking, the phone worm in Gromash’s hand screamed again, and then Gromash picked up the phone worm and said, “Hello, Sengoku Admiral, how is it?? I think my little proposal? Surely you won’t be rejected?? Maybe those five high-pitched coughs, five big people still want to see me

What about this little trash fish??”

Sengoku Admiral didn’t seem to be in any mood to continue wrangling with Gromash. He soon said in a deep voice, “Gromash, on behalf of the World government, I officially invite you to Mariejois to meet. The Five Elders will take time to receive you personally, and At that time, all your follow-up matters about Seven Warlords of the Sea will be handled in Mariejois

Bi, do you have any comments to mention??”

“Jiehahahaha, no, no, not at all, Sengoku Admiral, we will become a close strategic alliance in the future. If you need my Gromash help, please speak up. After all, I also helped you raise your son for a few years. Brother, Jie ha ha ha ha 0.” Gromash said with a very arrogant laugh.

And Sengoku Admiral almost didn’t spit out his blood after hearing what he said, and then he said in a deep voice, “Gromash, when I arrive at Mariejois, I hope I can see Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante. Figure.”

“Don’t worry, good brother, I will send our son to you safely.” Gromash grinned and said with a smile.

After that, Sengoku Admiral didn’t bother to continue talking nonsense with Gromash, and hung up the phone worm.

Gromash smacked his lips with emotion and said, “What a rude man.”

After Robin saw Gromash’s performance of being cheap and good-for-nothing, he also complained: “If you want me to say, Sengoku Admiral didn’t scold you at the end, it would be considered extremely high-quality.”

“Jiehahaha, is it?? Am I so unpleasant??” Gromash said in a very good mood, and then quickly pinched Robin’s face with both hands and pulled it vindictively.

“Let go!! You are making trouble now!” Robin also struggled with an unclear opening.

After bullying Robin a little bit, Gromash walked into the cabin alone amidst Robin’s complaint, and then slowly walked along the stairs to the door of the lowermost prison.

At this time, there are two people in the prison, one is Trafalgar, Luo who has grown to be a half-year-old son, and the other is Lieutenant Colonel Naval Headquarters, Doflamingo’s brother. Rosinante.

At this time, Luo’s platinum lead disease has also been cured by Hogback. This guy doesn’t have much hatred of Gromash. It’s just that Gromash is very upset. After all, he has been locked here for a long time, but what? Said that Gromash was the one who saved his life, making his senses about Gromash very complicated.

But Rosinante is different. He is full of disgust for Gromash, or he is the same for any evil pirates. Seeing Gromash come in, his expression is also very gloomy, and he doesn’t want to follow a word. Gromash said.

Gromash looked at Rosinante, smiled, and then said, “Lieutenant Colonel Rosinante, let me tell you the good news. I and your adoptive father Sengoku Admiral hit it off right away. They have already become brothers of different surnames. You are my godson now, even if you call me “daddy”, there is nothing inappropriate

, Then, as an elder, I naturally cannot keep you here as a guest. After all, Sengoku has been looking for you for many years, so I am going to send you back to Mariejois to meet your father.

Rosinante suddenly raised his head when he heard Gromash’s words, and then said incredulously, “What did you say??”

“I said I was your father…” Gromash said with a smile.

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