I Am Hellscream

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Doflamingo’s envy.

Marine gradually ended and left Fas Island, which was about to explode, while Gromash was also floating in the air on the Elune.

In general, although Gromash and his team lost in the battlefield, Lu Qi and the others were taught to be humans, but they were indeed a strategic victory for the Frostwolf Pirates.

Both strategic goals have been achieved.First, I have tempered the four of Joz, Lucky, Cromwell, and Urouge. Although the final result was defeat, Gromash was very satisfied with this kind of record. It has been enough to prove that they are strong enough. If they really beat Garp, Kuzan and Gion to win, then they are not strong.

Now, that is the pervert that exceeds the specifications, Gromash should adjust its strategy, and when it comes to Seven Warlords of the Sea, it is the kingly way to find Whitebeard.

Second, they successfully bombed the’End Island’ of Fas Island, and by the way revealed to the World Government and Marine what they were doing here. Next, they only need to air them before proceeding. There are talks about’Seven Warlords of the Sea’.

Perhaps as analyzed by Doflamingo, this matter should go smoothly. After all, compared with Gromash’s “bargaining chip”, the location of a Seven Warlords of the Sea does not seem to be very important, especially Doflamingo also gave A very interesting information.

That is, the attitude of the uncle Gromash to him within the World government for a period of time is in a dispute stage, and he is not regarded as a “class enemy” in the same way as before.

This is a good thing for Gromash. Maybe he can also use this incident to pass a powerful bargaining chip to those who are’appeased’, so that those who support the’relaxation’ relationship can overwhelm those who want to continue to follow suit. He is asking for trouble.

Although he did not bring Hogback this time out, there is still a ship doctor on the Elune, but it is not as superb as Hogback, and of course, it is not as perverted as he is.

Gromash’s own injuries are nothing. Although he was severely injured by Sengoku Admiral several times and the injuries were not minor, his recovery ability is very strong, so he does not need to be treated for anything. After eating and drinking, he takes a rest. Heaven will naturally return to perfection.

Compared with Gromash, Cromwell’s state is also pretty good. In this battle, he has experimented with many kinds of “routines” that he had previously anticipated. From now on, he has become a kind of strange kind of ‘golden oil’. Where is the need for ‘point’..

Because Joz is hard enough, even Garp Vice Admiral has nothing to do with him for a while. After all, Garp Vice Admiral’s methods are relatively simple, and they belong to the kind of people who are walking on the path of’breaking with force’. Man, and also walked very successfully.

But Joz is the nemesis of people like him. Maybe Garp Vice Admiral can put Joz up and docile in three or two days, but in less than a day, Joz It is still possible to hold down Garp, and he himself has not suffered any strong trauma, but his mental condition is a little weak, it seems to be

Being beaten by Garp’s iron fist is a bit’autistic’…

But think about it, anyone who has been unilaterally attacked by Garp is estimated to be autistic.

The more serious injuries are Lu Qi and Urouge, especially Lu Qi. In order to leave a “surprise gift” for Kuzan, this kid almost didn’t get a “frozen time capsule” by Kuzan and set off on Saul’s old road.

If Lu Qi is suffering from’magical damage’, Urouge was completely seriously injured by Garp’s physical attack. The ship doctor could not heal him temporarily, so he can only temporarily relieve his injury. It seems that he still needs to recover. Go to The fish men island and ask Hogback to deal with Urouge’s injury.

After all, if Joz hadn’t covered him at the beginning, he might have been hammered to death by Garp.

“Jiehahahahaha, now you know that the top masters are amazing?? Don’t think that after a few years of hard work, you have “skilled and invincible”, although I admit that your strength is indeed very strong, but It’s too early to want’invincible’, Jiehahahaha! 々」!” Gromash looked at the friends in the cabin, laughed and said


Lu Qi, the boy with his upper body naked, was wrapped in a heavy bandage, sitting in front of the stove while rubbing his hands, and said, “It’s just a Kuzan. Although he caused serious injuries to my body, I caused incalculable damage to his spirit…”

When Cromwell heard Lu Qi’s words, he immediately jumped out and said: “Five-five open?? I think that the three-seven open is about the same, you guys were beaten by Kuzan and didn’t give me a word. As a result, I was almost left there by him and Gion. When I fought with him, I think his condition is not very good, but it is not too bad.

It’s better than you, but the mental damage is really enough. Ahahahahaha, maybe Kuzan will become Marine’s year-end laughter this year, it’s not necessarily!!”

Gromash became interested after hearing what seemed to be something fun to happen, and asked very enthusiastically: “What kind of mental harm did Kuzan guys suffer?? I’m very curious???”

Robin who brought Lu Qi a cup of hot tea to relieve his internal cold also gave Lu Qi the tea cup in his hand, and asked with great interest: “What happened to you guy Kuzan?? Me too very curious.

The grievances between Robin and Kuzan are still difficult to break down. On the one hand, Kuzan was one of Ohara’s Buster Call five Vice Admiral, and he also personally froze his friend and Robin’s friend Saul, which can be said to be Robin’s childhood shadow. Once it was over, but this guy was soft-hearted for a while, and at a critical moment, Robin was allowed to make a living, and he even drove at sea.

A “channel” can also be regarded as a’life-saving grace’ for Robin, so Robin’s senses for Kuzan are actually very complicated.

But in general, in Robin’s mind, Kuzan is a “not so bad” person, so she is also very curious about what happened to Kuzan.

Lu Qi took a sip of the hot tea and said: “It’s a revenge for you. I burned him with an explosive head or a very hard one. It is estimated that besides holding the explosive head, He can only shave his head and wait for the new hair to grow naturally, but no matter what, he will not be able to get out without spending several months.

This “shadow”, compared with him, my injury will not take long to recover. If I think about it like this, I am more than five or five points?? It is almost four or six points, of course, I am six and four!”

“Jiehahahahahaha, no more, I’m going to laugh to death, Kuzan’s explosive head?? It’s a pity, I should have checked his look…” Gromash laughed and said, seemingly looking forward to it. Kuzan’s new hairstyle.

After laughing for a while, Gromash clapped his hands and said: “I have decided. When negotiating with the Marines and the World government, I have to add one more condition. If I want a set of Kuzan’s Afro photo album, otherwise I will take Saiken. The island blew him up… Jiehahahaha, I’m so heaven!!”

Robin couldn’t help but smiled and said: “I want two sets, and I also want to collect one. I always think this thing will definitely appreciate in the future.”

After everyone ridiculed Kuzan, Joz thought for a while and asked: “Boss Gromash, what do we do now?? Do I need to go to Sekon Island to arrange it??”

Gromash shook his head and said, “No, in fact, if I want to blow up Fas Island or Saikan Island, I don’t have to go to the island at all. Even if the Marines have a powerful defense line there, I can still activate it from the sea That lava lake is just to teach them a “deep” lesson this time, and at the same time, it is also announcing to the world

Tell, our Frostwolf Pirates return from the deep sea. If the World government does not agree with our proposal, I will go to the sea and activate the lava lake on Saiken Island for him, and then see if they can still Can’t sit still. ”

After two days of buffering, there was a battle between the Frostwolf Pirates of Gromash and the senior forces of Naval Headquarters in New World, and finally destroyed a tourist hot spring island, and all members safely evacuated from the encirclement of Marine. The news of the news spread to the whole world along with the World News.

In Gambolin, the island of gambling, Doflamingo laughed involuntarily when he looked at the newspaper in his hand.

“. Furfurfurfurfur, his uncle Gromash’s mobility is really strong, he said he was going to blow up Fas Island, and he really dedicated it to blow up Fas Island cleanly under Marine’s eyelids. To say that he is an art master is bold, or should he say that he is arrogant?? Furfurfurfur, interesting, the World government should be anxious, right??” Doflaming

Brother looked at the photo of the Nafas Island volcano rising into the sky and said with an evil smile.

“Young Master, the strength of their Frostwolf Pirates group seems to be a bit beyond recognition. This time, the Marine who contained the Frostwolf Pirates group is quite strong. The heroes-Garp, Admiral- Sengoku, and two Marine Admiral alternates Perhaps the Momousagi is slightly inferior in actuality, but considering the overall overall situation of the Garp Vice Admiral, Marines can be said to be

Four Admiral-class combat powers were dispatched to solve the Frostwolf Pirates, but even so, they still couldn’t take down any member of the Frostwolf Pirates.” Gladius stood behind Doflamingo, Somewhat surprised he said.

“Fufurfurfurfuru, as his uncle Gromash is a “strong general”, naturally there are no “weak soldiers” under his hands. Everyone thought that the Frostwolf Pirates had nothing but Gromash and the Diamond Joz. People are worthy of attention, but that’s because the rest of them are still in the’growth stage’. Uncle Gromash seems to pay more attention to the “potential” when choosing people.

With’qualification, I prefer to cultivate his own partners by himself. It seems that his strategy is still very correct. The partners he has cultivated by himself are unparalleled in his loyalty, and the strength has also reached the harvest period. The Frostwolf Pirates that reappeared on the sea are no longer the Frostwolf Pirates that relied on the name of Gromash to enter the world, but a

A truly powerful pirate group!!” Doflamingo said here, a trace of’envy’ flashed through the pupils that were covered by his coquettish sunglasses. Of course, he was also very envious of Gromash’s powerful companions.

And he didn’t say half a word just now, that is, these are not the upper limit of the members of the Frostwolf Pirates. All this is just the beginning, especially the possibility that Rob Luchi, Doflamingo saw in him. It was as uniform as when he saw Gromash in Logue town.

“Fortunately, we are not enemies.” Doflamingo smiled and whispered softly. .

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