I Am Hellscream

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 mvp: Cromwell! (make up)

Gromash is strong and strong. It is the age of the fight. It can be said that the overall state can be maintained at the peak at any time, but Sengoku Admiral is different. He is already in his early sixties, although it looks like he is more than 50 years old. People are average, but their physical fitness will inevitably decline. After all, not everyone is the same as Garp Vice Admiral.

A complete monster will not cause a decline in physical fitness as one’s age rises

In the first wave of previous fights, although it seemed that Sengoku Admiral had flew Gromash, Gromash did not suffer any damage. On the contrary, Sengoku Admiral had already consumed a lot of physical strength, so it didn’t take long for the fight to be made at this time. , Gromash has already noticed Sengoku Admiral’s “Foreign power in the middle”. After all, he is already old..

After these years of growth, Gromash believes that his strength is no longer the second-rate player of the year. Even if he is the’ceiling’ hero of Marine-Garp, he is daring to fight hard, and he does not feel that he will lose at all. What’s more, facing a Sengoku Admiral who has become a little old?

It’s not forgiving. It’s Gromash. After sensing the “weakness” of Sengoku Admiral, Gromash’s offensive has become more fierce and brutal, and the fist burning with the hot flames is also like raindrops on the defense of Sengoku Admiral. The strength is also very outrageous on the Golden Light Buddha, and gradually, Gromash has begun to abandon the defense.

Yu’s posture, like a madman, resisted Sengoku Admiral’s attack and didn’t care about anything else, just wanting to be hit by the most fists in the shortest time.

It is precisely because of the madness of Gromash that the rhythm of Sengoku Admiral is gradually biased. As the so-called’fighting the teacher to death’, facing the crazy attack of a desperate person, Sengoku Admiral is also unable to play his own rules and regulations. The rhythm comes, in order to be able to counterattack effectively, he can only follow the rhythm of Gromash and continue this kind of battle.

Therefore, the “Buddha and Demons War” that seemed evenly matched at the beginning was also changed by Gromash in a very short period of time. Sengoku Admiral began to gradually show a weak weakness at 130, while Gromash was on the other side. The more you fight, the more fierce.

The shock wave in Sengoku Admiral’s hand hit Gromash’s chest unreservedly, and a burst of blood spilled from the corner of Gromash’s mouth, and his eyes also showed a painful look, but in the next second, Gromash had grabbed Sengoku with both hands. Admiral’s body, and then wrapped the head of the mighty Armament Haki, unceremoniously gave Sengoku Admiral a

With a hammer, he almost smashed his golden Buddha…

Before Sengoku Admiral could react, Gromash had already raised his leg and hit Sengoku Admiral’s chest with a smash of his knee, causing Sengoku Admiral to spit out blood.

“Uranus-Kirin Fury-Fierce Fire!” At the moment when Sengoku Admiral vomited blood, Gromash’s fiery fist also brought a fierce wind pressure, turned into a mighty fire unicorn, and hit it fiercely. Sengoku Admiral was on Sengoku Admiral’s body, the next second, Sengoku Admiral was hit by Gromash’s punch and flew upside down, slamming into the dense forest.

It wasn’t until this time that Gromash stopped the offensive, then looked into the dense forest, and said softly: “Sengoku Admiral, you are old, but I am no longer the kid who fled in embarrassment.”

When Gromash and Sengoku Admiral met for the first time, he was just a small character who defected from CP-5. In the past, there was no need for an Admiral-level character like Sengoku to take action to capture it. It was because of Gromash. Attacking Celestial Dragons will attract the fellow Sengoku.

Since then, the two have forged an “indissoluble bond” and hurt each other to this day.

At that time, Gromash had no power to fight back in Sengoku Admiral’s hands, but now, he has grown to the point where he can completely suppress Sengoku Admiral with his youth and strength!!

Sengoku Admiral in the dense forest, holding his scorched chest with one hand, while wiping the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, then stood up, looked in the direction of Gromash, and said, “It’s really regrettable. Out of your potential (abdi).. Otherwise”

Sengoku Admiral didn’t go on with this, and Gromash didn’t know whether he wanted to say “try all he can to keep himself” or “cut the grass and root without leaving harm”.

Just when Gromash was about to say a few words as a’victor’, leaving a “psychological shadow” for the guy Sengoku Admiral by the way, a shining figure broke through the dense forest in an instant, and slammed on it with great momentum. On the ground.

After the smoke dissipated, Gromash could see clearly that it was Joz who was beaten by Garp and fell in front of him in an upside-down image.

Before Gromash could ask if Joz was okay, Urouge also flew out holding half of the broken iron pillar, lying beside Joz with blood on his face.

“Too strong Marine hero” Urouge murmured in a vague consciousness, and then passed out into a coma.

At this time, Joz pulled himself out of the ground, shook his dizzy head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, “Although I can prevent it, I can’t hold it. Boss Gromash, I was almost beaten and shut down, you know??”

“Jiehahahahahaha, I told you to plant a bomb, you have to challenge the hero Garp’s iron fist, do you understand now??” Gromash laughed and said to Joz.

At this time, Joz can be said to be more embarrassed and embarrassed.Although there is no injury on his body, the whole person seems to have gone through many years of scavenging. It looks very miserable. Seems to doubt the world too…

Seeing Joz’s poor appearance, Gromash also opened his mouth and said with relief: “Okay, facing Garp, a monster that almost killed me, you can delay with him for so long, and you haven’t suffered much. Obviously serious injuries are already pretty good”

As soon as Joz was about to speak, he saw the figure of Garp rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed, and then he immediately conditioned himself to diamondize his whole body.

However, this guy Garp didn’t go to trouble Joz. Instead, he came to Sengoku Admiral in a turn and held Sengoku, who was obviously weak, and asked with concern: “Sengoku, are you okay??”

Although Sengoku Admiral suffered some injuries, he didn’t run out of oil and the lamp died, so he nodded in embarrassment and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a small injury.”

Seeing Garp coming, Gromash didn’t dare to care anymore. He stretched out his hand to recruit the Hell Destroyer in the distance, grabbed it in his hand, looked in the direction of Garp and Sengoku, and said to Joz: ” Your side has collapsed, so the situation is already clear, ready to set the table.”

Joz lifted the guy Urouge, who had been’shrunk’, with his back behind his back, and then smiled reluctantly and said: “When we have time to digest today’s combat experience, it will also benefit us a lot.”

The guy Garp looked at Gromash, and didn’t act rashly.Diamond Joz obviously still has the power to fight. Although he can’t bring any harm to himself, it is enough to delay his footsteps. If this is the case, Sengoku is one. If you don’t notice it, you may lose to Gromash, and even if you are seriously injured, if you fail to win Joz,

No matter how you think, it’s all a loss

Just when Garp hadn’t decided whether to make a move with Gromash, a thunder blasted in the sky, and then Lu Qi walked out of the electric light directly, if it wasn’t for Gromash to hold him, He might break a dog and eat shit

At this time, Lu Qi was also quite miserable, his complexion was pale, the temperature of his body surface was extremely low, his lips were a little purple, and there was an icicle on his shoulder. The icicle froze his wound, although it stopped the bleeding, but It also caused a second frostbite, and a pale hand bone was exposed on the top of one hand, and it looked like a piece of meat had been cut off.

“That’s so strong, Kuzan Vice Admiral, but I also left him some “gifts”,” Lu Qi said weakly, and Gromash also released some heat in time to ease his coldness.

“Good job, boy, I’m very satisfied with you for being able to do this, and you will definitely be better than Kuzan in the future!” Gromash said with a smile on his face and said with satisfaction.

After hearing Gromash’s words, Lu Qi also seemed to have received the gift he wanted most, showing a hard smile, and whispering: “That is, after all, I am going to be your right-hand man!!”

Just when Gromash was about to encourage Lu Qi a few more words, he heard Cromwell cursing from the air, and the person he was cursing was Lu Qi.

“Lu Qi, you bastard, you have to give me a squeak when you want to run??? If it weren’t for my gem hunter’s tactics, I would almost be left there by that Kuzan and Gion together!! Me?? “I saw Cromwell, with two wings on his back, flying towards Gromash and their direction.

After a while, the guy fell on the ground, and then he said with a bit of a stinky fart: “But the two Admiral alternates still can’t leave my gem hunter to eat a gem, I can turn into’Zoan-Bird Fruit-White The pigeon form has no attack power, but the flight speed is still good.”

At this time, Cromwell didn’t even have any chest injuries. It is estimated that he used his Munch-Munch Fruit to eat himself and make it again. He does have the means to effectively treat his injuries.

Gromash looked at Cromwell who was in the best state at this time, and he couldn’t help but smile. This guy is really awesome, he just took his name as a gem hunter and put a Munch-Munch. Fruit has come to play, the role of Panacea… the strange kind of Gromash doesn’t know how to describe him.

“Cromwell, close the team. Let’s not play with these bastard Marines, and blow up this Fas Island!!” Gromash smiled and said softly when he saw that the people on his side had arrived.

Cromwell heard that he also looked at Sengoku and Garp in the dense forest not far away, then smiled and said, “Received!”

After speaking, the guy Cromwell turned around and swallowed Joz and Urouge and Luchi into his stomach with two mouthfuls, and pretended to be full.

“Boss Gromash, you are here behind the house, my little brother, I will take a step”” Cromwell said unscrupulously, and then two wings grew behind his back, fanned and took off.

And Gromash didn’t care about his ridicule, after all, in this’match’, this guy Cromwell can completely get an’MVP’.

After Cromwell left, Gromash took out a remote control and said to Sengoku Admiral, “I won the bet. Sengoku Admiral, it seems you didn’t expect it. We The people of the Frostwolf Pirates are no longer the same people we used to be. Except for me, Gromash, other people seem to be able to fight? Jie


“Gromash, what is your purpose?? What do you want to talk to us??” Sengoku Admiral looked at the remote control in Gromash’s hand and asked with a darkened face.

“Jiehahahaha, it is too late to ask this question. Since you have decided to use Fas Island as a bargaining chip to sacrifice, gamble on whether we can destroy our Frostwolf Pirates, then if you lose now, naturally It’s what I need to pay the chips. I will contact you in a few days. If you reject my proposal then I will

In fact, I want to bet with you again. I bet if I can blow up the other two islands together. Hahahaha. “Gromash spoke very arrogantly, and then under the gazes of Sengoku Admiral and Garp Vice Admiral, he gently pressed the remote control in his hand.

With a “bang!” The crater exploded..

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