I Am Hellscream

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 The strong fight! (2)

At the same time, in the chaotic war zone on the mountainside, Garp Vice Admiral once again punched Joz out of his head.The whole person flew upside down for a long time, and then kicked the iron pillar of the guy Urouge again, and then laughed. He opened his mouth and said, “Ahahahahaha, does that bastard Gromash really think that Sengoku is some kind of soft persimmon?? He is

The highest combat power of our Naval Headquarters-Admiral!! Don’t underestimate Admiral!! Ahahahaha!”

However, this guy Garp hasn’t burped for long. The body shape has become the size of a small giant, and due to the activation of the fruit ability, he has been at the edge of 0B for a long time, and he has gained enough experience, and his strength has increased by a lot. Urouge also grabbed his big iron pillar again, and swept over one pillar, taking Garp carelessly.

Sweep out.

Then Urouge roared: “Don’t underestimate our captain!! He’s hellscream!”

Although this guy Garp was swept away by Urouge, he didn’t actually suffer any injuries, or that this guy’s physique itself is also a pervert that is out of scale, and he will get an axe or chop off at every turn in the battle. What a knife~.

But he didn’t feel these injuries himself. He just scratched his skin with ordinary people and didn’t care much. He got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his buttocks, and then said, “I see you. Between the moves, it seems to be the same as the guy Sengoku, kind of um, do you believe in Buddhism too-??”

From this, it is enough to see that Garp’s heart is big, and he still has the mind to chat during the battle, and also want to ask his opponent whether he believes in the Buddha?

But before Urouge could speak, a shining light burst out again.The next second, Joz, the Immune to Death Xiaoqiang, also directly smashed the ruins of the house, pressing his elbow against Garp’s chest. Just hit it


On the other side, Lu Qi also had a bloody icicle stuck in his shoulder. The original little top hat didn’t know where he flew for a long time. He pulled out a thunder blade in his hand and held it very accurately. Kuzan’s ice slash was cut.

Compared with Lu Qi, Kuzan’s posture is much better, except that his clothes are a bit tattered, and his arms and chest have more scorched black marks.

“You can have such a strong combat power when you are under twenty years old. Your aptitude is as strong as external rumors. If you continue to let you grow up, you will inevitably reappear in the future a guy who is as difficult as Gromash… So please leave here, Rob Luchi!!” Kuzan used his ice skates to suppress Luchi with a tense expression.

He said solemnly.

And as his voice fell, the moisture in the air instantly condensed a large number of ice cones in the space where he and Lu Qi were fighting, and he ruthlessly plunged into Lu Qi’s figure.

However, at the moment when the ice cone pierced Lu Qi, Lu Qi was also a little bit under his feet, and instantly turned into thunder to prepare to dodge, and Kuzan’s eyes flashed with a strange light. Qi was shrouded in a small space with him, and then his ice-blade saber stabbed into the void in the air without mercy.

It was exactly where Lu Qi was predicted by him.

At this time, it was too late for Lu Qi to change his footing. Seeing that he was about to be pierced through the chest and back by Kuzan, Lu Qi’s eyes also flashed a trace of cruelty, and then he stopped avoiding, swiftly Raising his right hand, it was in the shape of a hand knife, and he roared: “Murloc Karate-Baiguanpi!”

Between the electric sparks, I heard the sound of cracking ice cubes, and then I saw that Lu Qi’s hand knife had been retracted, but the side where the little finger was hooked had become a little bloody.

But fortunately, the ice-blade saber in Kuzan’s hand was also forcibly cut with a palm of his hand, which allowed him to escape, without being pierced through the chest and back by a knife.

At the moment when Kuzan was astonished that his complacent blow was broken by Lu Qi using this self-harming method, Lu Qi had launched a counterattack again.

In a flash of lightning, Lu Qi didn’t retreat, but plunged into Kuzan’s arms, and his voice was heard in the next second.

“Murman Karate-Upanis-Wu Lai Guan!!”

As Lu Qi’s voice fell, his bloody palm grabbed his own blood, converged into a blood stream, and punched Kuzan in the stomach.

In this way, Kuzan also took a slam, and the whole person flew out, smashing the igloo that closed the action of Luchi, and the corner of his mouth could not help but overflowing with blood, the whole person It quickly turned into pieces in mid-air, and then quickly condensed after landing, removing the powerful force in the body.

Until then, Lu Qi said: “The aspect of what I am called a genius is not a general’qualification’, not because I master Thunder Fruit, but because I have ordinary people in the way of martial arts and physical skills. Unattainable talent, I admit that I am worse than you in Devil Fruit’s ability, but Kuzan Vice Admiral, I want to end me here

If you’re on your way, you also have to be prepared to be crushed.”

After speaking, Lu Qi didn’t use his Thunder Fruit ability to attack Kuzan like just now.Instead, he gathered and compressed the thunder ability of his body to his body surface, forming an invisible defense, and then his waist sank and placed a Murloc Karate’s starting style, looking at Kuzan seriously.

On the other hand, Cromwell is much easier than Joz, Urouge, and Lucky.

Although Jian Hao’s attack is sharp, it is indeed a bit single. In the face of ordinary people or a single ability person, you may be able to quickly find a suitable point and use a sharp offensive with a thunderous means of’Ten Thousand Powers’. Forcibly break through and end the battle.

This is also the method that sword magnates have been accustomed to. Although it is a bit simple and rude, but it is very effective. Even if most people know that sword tyrants are this routine, there is no way to develop a method that can restrain them.

Therefore, it often seems that the battle between the sword tyrants and the enemy is to test each other first, and then do some seemingly useless “useless work”, and then before you can react, you suddenly find that the sword tyrant’s opponent has already Was “spike”.

Gion also had this plan at the beginning. He was going to figure out the methods and abilities of this gem hunter and Cromwell, and then find a chance to point Arrancar to kill this sneaky sneaker with an extremely fierce offensive. Guy, teach him a deep lesson.

But no matter how her idea is right on Urouge, it is also right on Lu Qi, and even on Gromash is also a correct strategy, but this extremely correct strategy has met Cromwell outside the specification. Guys.

What kind of ordinary person is he, and he is not a “single” fruit ability person. This guy has collected a large number of “junk” Devil Fruit that has no use for eggs for many years, and then went with the guy who sprinkled it and used “Devil Fruit.” The technology of’materialization’ feeds all these abilities to the’gem’, which means that Cromwell is actually a portable ten

There are hundreds of millions of men running around

It’s because he has a lot of miscellaneous’demon gems’, and with his unique Munch-Munch Fruit ability, which is called pervert, he turned his whole person into an “exotic species, and he only needs to eat the gems. , Can use the weird plural Devil Fruit ability.

At this time, Jiyuan flashed a cold light in her hand, preparing to leave a wound on Cromwell’s chest.As a result, the ground under her feet suddenly softened. He wiped Cromwell’s chest and flew out.

0-seeking flowers…

“Ahahaha, how is it? My soft fruit ability is okay, right?? The ground that I stepped on just now has turned into a soft state. If you are not careful, you might fall down. “Cromwell was first startled by Gion’s slash that went to his chest, and then immediately launched a language offensive, wanting to be heartfelt.

In theory, it puts more pressure on Gion..

Until now, Gion is also a little confused, what the hell is this Cromwell?? Why can he continue to use the plural Devil Fruit abilities?? This situation can be said to be unprecedented!!

In fact, anyone who is playing against Cromwell will inevitably have this feeling of doubting life. When I was on Gambolin Island, the future Marine Admiral-Fujitora would have this feeling with a smile…

After all, before Blackbeard-Marshall-D-Teach was born, no one wanted to believe that someone could eat two Devil Fruits, let alone a guy like Cromwell who used seven or eight abilities to start…


Just as Gion was about to continue the attack, her feet suddenly stiffened, and in the next second, a few thick canes were wrapped around her legs.

Before she could react, Cromwell had opened his mouth and spit out a fireball. He played this wave of routine very sluggishly…

The explosion of gunpowder covered the Gion, and Cromwell sighed a little bit of relief. Don’t look at him now as if he had an advantage, but he was actually dancing on the tip of the knife, and he was accidentally caught by Gion. If he takes the opportunity, he will instantly fall into a disadvantage, and he may be seriously injured.

“Is it a bit heavy? Look at the familiar shoulder armor.. The guy at Doflamingo said the news that Gion Vice Admiral had a leg with the Gromash boss doesn’t seem like a joke. If it’s disfigured, I I guess it’s almost time to run away.” Cromwell was thinking about this messy problem very inconspicuously.

At this moment, a powerful momentum blew away the flames, and then Jin Kunluo of Gion had been included in the scabbard, and the military uniform on her body was also more scorched, but she looked upside down. Cromwell did not leave any serious injuries either.

“No Blade Flow-Profound Meaning-Zhan Shura!” Gion said softly, but her feet did not move, and the whole person seemed to be still, and did not make extra moves.

Even Cromwell was a little surprised.Just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed, and then he quickly mobilized the steel plate he had eaten in his body before covering it on his chest, and then started Armament. Haki.

But it was too late. Two slashes with no traces had opened two wounds on his chest, like an eight-pronged one, bringing a lot of blood.

Cromwell was also flew upside down by these two invisible slashes.

Until then, Gion Haki said, “I’m an Admiral candidate from Naval Headquarters-Momousagi!! You are a fan of the side, you are too small to look down on the swordsman, too small to look down on Marine!!”

On the other side, Cromwell, who flew out upside down, was also a carp and jumped up from the ground, covering the corner of his wound, breathing in cold air, and said: “I knew, how could the woman that Gromash looked after? One is kindness. Ah”

As soon as Gion heard the words “Gromash”, his expression went dark, and the aura on the whole body became even more fierce. He stepped on his foot and chased Cromwell again. small,

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