I Am Hellscream

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 The coldness of Sengoku Admiral! (Update)

Fas Island is a famous tourist island in New World and a rare hot spring island. The whole island is like spring all year round. It is a veritable spring island. Perhaps it is because this island is connected to the lava lake in the deep sea? In short, this island is a volcanic island. Like most volcanic islands, there are various large and small hot springs on the island.

Through the development and transformation of generations of people on the island, the entire Fas Island has become a sacred place for hot springs and vacations.

There are a lot of tourists coming and going here, and the economy on the island is also quite prosperous. It is worth mentioning that after a certain period of time in the future, the island will also be connected to the great technology’sea train from the city of seven waters. The passage of sea trains makes the entire Fas Island more prosperous.

Then, until one day, as the righteous Marine Admiral and known as the “Master of Marine”, Zephyr was finally overwhelmed by the helplessness and cruelty of reality, and transformed from the name of justice to the “evil.”

As the saying goes, the more bright people are in their hearts, when hopes and beliefs collapse, the more horrible the depravity and Blacken.

This sentence is correct. After the collapse of Zephyr’s belief in Marine, his whole person changed greatly, and he immediately walked on the extreme road of destroying the world. He used the beautiful and rich and prosperous Fas Island with the legendary The “power rock” comparable to Ancient Weapon was blown up, and the magma brought up by the huge volcanic eruption engulfed the island, or

It was the freezing of Kuzan that reduced the power of the volcanic eruption a lot. I don’t know how many people will die on the island…

Now, in order to reduce Zephyr’s sins, Gromash, a bright-hearted “good guy”, is ready to shoulder the sins Zephyr will cause on this island in the future..

That’s right, the island is definitely not going to run here, and Zephyr’s Blacken is completely unprepared to take care of it. Then in order to prevent him from bombing Fas Island after Blacken and damaging the reputation of Zephyr justice, Gromash decided to advance ten years in advance. Exploding Fas Island, solve the root cause, so Zephyr will not have the opportunity to blow Fas Island, good news, no matter what others do

After all, Gromash thought he was here to do good things. It was so simple and rude, without considering the feelings of the residents and tourists on the island.

Lying in the hot spring of the hot spring resort hotel at the top of the Fars Island Mountains, Gromash was very comfortable covering his face with a towel. He has led the members of the Frostwolf Pirates to Fars Island for almost a week. Time has passed, I have to say that the hot spring is indeed a place where people can involuntarily produce “laziness”. Now they are part of the Frostwolf Pirates

People are like salted fish, floating in this hot spring

“Hu” Gromash took a deep breath under the towel, and then said in a lazy tone: “I don’t know if the people from the World government and Marines will come? We have been waiting for a week. Yes, they haven’t arrived yet, this work is too efficient, right?? If you change to a murderer who really wants to destroy the world by doing this

If they come, don’t talk about the island. I guess that the other two islands have been bombed.”

“Hahahahaha, Boss Gromash, really, I hope they will come a few days later. It’s really comfortable here. This hot spring is even more comfortable than the deep sea hot spring on The fish men island. When I think that it won’t be long before we will destroy this island along with this wonderful hot spring, I feel a little bit reluctant.” Joz

This muscular man with a strong body also floated on the hot spring and said, his beautiful expression is exactly the same as the salted fish waiting to die.

And Lu Qi seems to be imitating Gromash, putting the towel on top of his head, leaning against the edge of the hot spring, and saying very seriously: “Joz, swimming in the hot spring pool is a very impolite thing, can you? Don’t do it??”

“Isn’t it swimming? After becoming a capable person, I can’t swim anymore. It’s just that I won’t sink in this hot spring pool, so I float like this. This kind of nostalgic feeling, you just Don’t want to give it a try??” Joz said weakly, as if he still wanted to pull Lu Qi into the water.

After hearing what Joz said, Lu Qi also put aside any etiquette, and said very heartily: “Really won’t sink?? I might drown in the bath.”

“Really, God knows why this hot spring pool is so magical?? It must be blessed by the heavens. It is the last ideal home for those of us who are able to stay away from the earth. Joz said again with some dismay.

Gromash took off the towel from his face, and then said, “Can you guys be a little bit ambitious?? Marine hasn’t come yet, do you give up first? Isn’t this kidding?? We are the sea Thief, can you be more brutal??”

“No one can be cruel in the hot springs.” Cromwell was lying in the hot springs, speaking very leisurely.

After a few people joked a little, Cromwell asked again: “Boss Gromash, are you sure you have leaked relevant information to the World government without a trace?? It could not be a mistake What’s up??”

“How could I be mistaken?? For this reason, before leaving Gambolin Island, I even went to the sultry little lady of Stussy to have some wine with me, and then I pretended to be drunk, and by the way, I was “enchanted” by her. I passed the news that I was going to bomb Farth Island,” Gromash said without embarrassment.

And the guy Joz was also very surprised: “Are you sure you just drank some wine?? Didn’t go to bed with the fairy Stussy and talk about life??”

Gromash’s face froze, and then said embarrassingly: “Actually, I had this plan… But the situation at the time would always make people feel a bit weird if they do something “out of the ordinary”. So for the sake of business, I still restrained myself and didn’t make these actions. How about?? Am I very responsible? Very great?


The others also despised Gromash’s shameless remarks, and then curiously asked the relevant details, but Gromash would not disclose these details.

Everyone joked about the problem between Stussy and Gromash, and then the guy Urouge said, “So logically speaking, the response speed of Marines and the world government should be very fast for such an important thing. Why is it a week? Now, I still can’t even see a ghost, the woman Stussy thought you were after drinking

Are you kidding??”

Gromash was also taken aback after hearing these words, and there were some bottomless openings in his heart, and he said unconfidently, “Isn’t it?? It shouldn’t be like this??”

At the same time, in the sea not too far from Fas Island, a large group of Marine warships are rushing in the direction of Fas Island, like mad dogs.

Sengoku Admiral, who was standing on the deck, also had a rather ugly face and was still cursing something, and the faces of Kuzan, Garp, Gion and others who were next to him were also very gloomy.

“Damn CP-0, this kind of information dares to backlog, is there something wrong with the brain??” Sengoku Admiral cursed the CP-0 person very angrily.

In fact, it’s not that Queen Stussy didn’t take Gromash’s words seriously, and it’s not that the news was not delivered.

0-seeking flowers…

Stussy, the woman who thought she used “beauty” to obtain information about the next move in Gromash’s hands, was also quickly passed to the CP-0 people who were still on the island at the time.

However, the CP-0 people did not take this matter seriously. In fact, Stussy did not realize the importance of Gromash’s bombing of “Face Island”. After all, at their level, they have not been exposed This kind of’top secret’ question about destroying the world, Stussy and the others thought that Gromash just wanted to blow up a New World island to announce them

The Frostwolf Pirates is resurrected..

The people in charge of CP-0 also think the same way.After all, the importance of this news is that few people can know the importance of this news except for the high-level military or even the high-level Admiral or above, as well as the key members of the World government. In CP-0, only a few “leaders” are clear.

Due to the long-term disagreement between CP-0 and Naval Headquarters, after receiving this information, the person in charge of CP-0 on Gambolin Island had the first idea not to report it, but to prepare for it. Let’s launch a political conspiracy against Naval Headquarters.. I have to say that politics is really terrifying.

The big masters don’t care about the life numbers that exist on paper, and the CP-0 people did not regard the hot spring island of Fas Island as a thing, but planned to use the “sacrifice” of this island to plan a target. Marine’s conspiracy.


However, thanks to Gromash, they didn’t do anything here for a week, so that the people who made CP-0 finally failed to initiate those messy operations, and the information was still turned over. As a result, the entire World government and Naval Headquarters are like an earthquake. The CP-0, which is stolen from the ground, is also severely cleared by the Five Elders.

After washing it again, even Queen Stussy was almost “washed”.

After that, there was a situation like this. A large group of Marines ran into New World like crazy dogs, completely ignoring any pirate forces from all sides, and rushing to Fas Island.

“Fortunately, I don’t know what’s going on there. Although it can be confirmed that some members of the Frostwolf Pirates and Gromash are on the island, they have not yet launched such an attack with a’horror’ color.” Kuzan also had a gloomy expression on his face. Said.

Gijon touched the Jin Kunluo on his waist, and whispered: “It seems that their Frostwolf Pirates docked on Fas Island and they have some special charm. They stayed on this island so openly, unconcealed. The traces of my own actions, this seems to be waiting for us, is it prepared to threaten us with this?

?? ”

Sengoku Admiral also nodded and said: “I really do not rule out this possibility. No, it should be said that this possibility is very high. After all, although Gromash is a little bohemian, it is not a real “lunatic” is it??”

“Ahahahaha, that’s fine, after all, our task is to prevent the Frostwolf Pirates from destroying the three End Island. If they are willing to talk, we will save trouble too,” Garp said with a laugh.

However, Sengoku Admiral shook his head and said, “No, this is actually a good opportunity. Our action is very authorized this time. As long as they don’t let them blow up all three islands, I think I would rather sacrifice Fas Island. I want to give it a try”

“Try to see if you can capture the Frostwolf Pirates??” Kuzan glanced at the Fas Island phantom that appeared on the sea in the distance, and said softly.

“Yes!!” Sengoku Admiral said coldly. small,

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