I Am Hellscream

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Uncle Buggy made his debut.

When Gromash and Mihawk returned to the tavern, Shanks also complained a little dissatisfied: “Hey, what did you two do? Does it take so long to put a water in??

Gromash hasn’t spoken yet, the guy Mihawk has already spoken: “It’s nothing, just watching him how Uncle Gromash performed some tricks of’abducting’ teenagers. It’s pretty good.”

“E?? What happened??” Shanks asked with some curiosity after hearing Mi Denko’s words.

Mihawk first glanced at Gromash and found that he didn’t intend to hide anything, and he also started to tell the story.

After a long time, Shanks said with some emotion: “A humble wild dog forced into a desperate situation?? It is really an appropriate description. Most of the “wild dogs” in this world will die humble, but there are also a few. “Wild dogs” will become more ferocious and ambitious after they taste the taste of “flesh and blood”. One day they will become “wolves”.

This kind of “wild dog” will evolve.-.”

“Jiehahahaha, that’s right, and the “wolf” that this kind of “wild dog” evolved is more in line with my uncle’s mind. I like this kind of “puppies”. “Gromash said with a laugh.

Shanks also drank a glass of wine, and then asked, “Then what about the “Puppy Cub” you like?? Why didn’t you bring it in??”

Gromash smiled, and also took a sip from the wine glass, and then said, “The little puppy still has a grandmother to take care of, so I went home. When it’s time to leave, I will naturally take him with him.”

“What about grandma??” Shanks asked.

“There are two options, one is to go back to The fish men island with me, and the other is to give her a sum of money so that she can stay here for the elderly. I can’t take her to be a pirate together??” Gromash is also very Of course.

Just when Gromash talked to Mihawk and Shanks about the “Puppy Cub”, the “Puppy Cub” Bartolomio also ran back to him with a few meatloaf in his hand. In the dilapidated hut, and his grandmother is waiting for him.

After seeing Bartolomeo’s figure, the grandmother was also relieved and said: “Bato, don’t run around anymore. The island is very dangerous now, and a few are very powerful. Of the big shots, especially the one in it called ”

“Is Gromash right?? The demon who caused the disaster in the town” Bartolomio said, and handed the meatloaf to the grandmother.

And the grandma took the meatloaf a little strangely, and then asked: “Yes, it’s him, where did you get this meatloaf?? Did you steal it again??”

“Grandma, just eat it. I didn’t steal it, nor did I snatch it.” Bartolomio said with a smile, and then opened his mouth to eat.

“Really?? You are a good boy, grandma believes you.” After looking at Bartolomeo, grandma opened her mouth and ate it. She looked at how she was tearing the meat pie so hard, and she didn’t know if she could bite it. Move this thing.

Bartolomio watched the scene of his grandma eating meatloaf, and he muttered with emotion in his heart: “I didn’t steal or snatch it, but I made a deal with the former Logue Town demon.”

“Take these Baileys, even if you are sold to me, as you guessed it, I am the legendary demon of Logue town, the man who brought fear and disaster here, so if you accept After dropping these Baileys, it is equivalent to signing a’contract’ with me, a demon. People who conclude a contract with the devil have never been able to breach the contract.

Unless it’s dead”

Bartolomio recalled what Gromash had said to him in the dark alley not long ago. Meatloaf.

I have to say that his value is really a bit “humble”, and he sold himself to the devil with a few meatloaf money.

“I, whom the devil sees, will become the messenger of the devil, just like those things he did in Logue town, bringing fear and disaster to the world, carrying his name, and taking the wealth of the world. , Rights, fame, and status??” Bartolomio was eating and thinking, and finally he bit the meatloaf, and he spoke softly with an indistinct figure.

Said: “That kind of feeling, it seems to be very good, sure enough, am I born a bad party??”

After nearly a week of waiting, Buggy’s pirate ship, which looked like a funny circus, arrived near the port of Logue town.

Soon, with the clown makeup on his face, and the clown-like Uncle Buggy, he jumped off the boat with a carefree, and then led a group of circus members under his command towards a group of circus members that hadn’t been here for many years. Passed, but the tavern that I remembered very well went to.

Don’t look at the guy Buggy who has been in East Blue for so many years, but his popularity is quite low.After many years, his bounty can reach the point of 15 million Baileys, and now it is even more even. Nothing with Mao.

Because his circus-like pirate troupe and pirate ship are also so deceptive that the people of Logue town and Marine did not realize that he was a pirate, but thought that there was a place to perform. Where’s the circus.

Perhaps his natural’Conqueror’s luck’ was triggered. In short, Buggy who boarded Logue town so swagger was not regarded as a pirate by the Marines, even if he came into contact with people of Shanks, Mihawk, Gromash, etc. We also thought that he was just a clown called to perform by these three big men who had held a banquet in Logue town for a week…

I have to say that he, Uncle Buggy, is really a man loved by the goddess of luck. He has reached this point. His Conqueror’s luck aura can still brainwash other people into idiots as he did afterwards. Go forward with the will and direction originally thought in his mind.

When Buggy walked to the door of the tavern, he stopped and said to Kabaki and the others behind him: “Listen, you will see the legendary big people later, but the uncle is also following him. They are one of the big guys at the same level, so don’t embarrass Laozi.,

Kabaki and the others were already crippled by Buggy at this time, and seemed to have begun to believe in Buggy’s legendary experience, and that he was actually very powerful, but it was just a rhetoric that was hidden in the East Blue.

“Captain Buggy, don’t worry, we won’t shame you!!” Moqi also said quickly.

At this moment, Gromash sitting in the tavern sniffed slightly, then smiled and said, “It’s finally here.”

“What’s coming??” Shanks said with a drunk expression.

A few of them sat in this tavern, drank and slept, slept, ate, ate and drank, and then continued to sleep. This cycle has been going on for more than a week. If it weren’t for the physical fitness of the few of them, they completely exceeded the scale. It’s time to lie down in the hospital long ago, but the three of them didn’t accept anyone, so they drank this mess on the wine table.

Gromash first hiccups, then smiled and said, “My nose is very smart, just like I can smell your scum, I can still smell the smell of Buggy. NS.”

Gromash’s remarks are not bragging. As murlocs, they will more or less inherit the instinctive talents of some fish. Shark’s sense of smell is one of Gromash’s talents. He is very sensitive to smells, so as long as he wants, even if he doesn’t Observation Haki, with his eyes closed, he is still able to find the things, people, and targets within a certain range.

find out.

0-seeking flowers…

As for whether this keen sense of smell will bring him some inconvenience, in fact, it is the same as’Zifeiyu, knowing the joy of fish’, his body has a free set of olfactory system in operation. For Gromash, who has also been a mixed-blood murloc, he didn’t feel any inconvenience.

As soon as Gromash’s voice fell, he heard the sound of Buggy kicking the door of the tavern, and then his iconic and involuntary voice came in from outside the door.

“Yahhahahahaha, Gromash, Mihawk Shanks, my Buggy is here!!” Buggy said very badly, and then walked into the tavern with his big red nose.

Kabaki, Moqi and others who followed him also walked in cautiously, and then saw a large group of drunk guys. Among them, the three people sitting on the table by the window were often in the newspaper. The three legendary big figures who appeared on the scene…

Kabach swallowed a bit hard, and then whispered to Moqi who was following him: “It’s really the three of them. Captain Buggy didn’t lie to us. Our captain seems to be a secluded in East Blue. ”


“What a great man,” Moqi continued to talk and said.

After hearing Buggy’s words, Shanks smiled nostalgic, and then said very happily: “Buggy, you are finally here, long time no see, I have contacted you so many times before, you always don’t want to see me.”

“Asshole Shanks, do you think you are some sweet pastry?? Why does the uncle want to see you?? Whenever I see your face, I can remember that thing back then, I wish I would slap you now!!” Buggy was not at all polite to Shanks. He didn’t care if he was Four Emperors or not. His mouth was just a mess.

Mihawk also said with a little nostalgia: “The scene of the two of you bickering is exactly the same as before.”

“Mihawk, I heard that you have become the world’s number one swordsman. Congratulations, you have completed the goal you set at the beginning…” Buggy is very generous to Mihawk. He can hear that he is sincerely wishing. Metric grams.

Mihawk also smiled and said, “Hahahaha, although you have become the number one swordsman, there seems to be no good way to deal with you.”

What Mihawk meant in his words was that even if he became the world’s number one swordsman, it was useless to chop the fruit in the face of Buggy’s fragmented fruit ability.

Of course Buggy could hear what it meant, but the two little brothers behind him couldn’t understand it.

“Have you heard?? Kabaki?? The world’s largest swordsman-Mihawk actually said that he is not the opponent of Captain Buggy. Sure enough, Captain Buggy’s strength is hidden. We have not noticed this at all in these years. !” Moqi whispered to Kabaki in shock.

Gromash also laughed and said at this time: “Red nose, it’s been a long time, it looks like you are still the same as before, so alcoholic and cheerful, hahahahaha!!”

Buggy started spraying instantly after hearing Gromash’s words, and saw his upper body split directly, and then flew in front of Gromash, using his big red nose against Gromash’s head, cursing and saying, “You red eyes, Besides, who is the big red nose?? Are you looking for death?? Ah???”

Seeing that his own Captain Buggy was so fiercely cursing face-to-face with Hellscream, Kabaki and Moqi had completely believed Buggy’s words. Their captain Buggy was a legendary fierce man…

A hero living in East Blue!! Little,

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