I Am Hellscream

Chapter 204

Chapter 204 The devil of Logue town.

Logue town, if there are any islands or locations that can be remembered in East Blue, which is known as the “weakest” of the four oceans, then it is Logue town.

After all, there has been a world-famous person, One Piece. Roger, and in the end, this Roger also died in his hometown-Logue town. When people talk about East Blue, most people think of this town.

On the other hand, if people mention Gromash, they will definitely not be able to get around the location of Logue town. Gromash became famous for the first time because he was the first person in history to forcibly escape from Impel down-Imperton, but To say that he truly shocked the world for the first time, it was his deeds in the battle of Marine Admiral Sengoku and the hero Garp in Logue town.

Now, here, he and Roger, who is about to be executed, sang the story of the great secret treasure-ONEPIECE, and opened the wave of the era of the great pirate through the east wind of the times.

After that, the entire Logue town became more famous, and now, this Logue town is also the most chaotic and dangerous place in the entire East Blue~.

From a geographical point of view, Logue town is the last stop for all East Blue pirates to enter the Grand Line. Although East Blue is weak, it is not without pirates. Basically all pirates who want to enter the Grand Line will be here. Stop, replenish and revel, and then drive to Upside-Down Mountain.

Therefore, for a long period of time, the entire Logue town can be regarded as an “illegal zone”. The Marines here do not have much ability to manage this place, causing the gangs and pirates in Logue town to run rampant.

Until one day, a man who was also born in Logue town came back. He was dressed in Marine’s justice cloak, with ten hands inlaid with seastone on the top, and habitually biting three cigars. He was the strongest newcomer. Killer White Hunter-Smoker.

In East Blue, Demon fruit power is rare, let alone those with Logia power.

Smoker’s Logia ability is the’smoke fruit’. Although it lacks a certain degree of aggressiveness, it is also a great monster in East Blue. He has been domineering in Logue town for many years with his own ability, and finally implemented his own. Justice, the management of Logue town is very good, even the pirates dare not show up here, until one year,

Cap-Luffy has gone to sea, and Smoker has been on a path of becoming stronger after being abused and hanged, but never gave up.

But these are all things to say. Smoker is not a problem child now, and he has not been assigned to East Blue. Instead, he is undergoing advanced studies in the Naval Headquarters military academy. There is also a military academy at the same time. A branch of flower-Hina.

In the port of Logue town, several port boatmen who are repairing ships for guests are also chatting.

“Have you heard?? The world’s largest swordsman is now on our island. It seems that he came to meet the Pirate Emperor-Shanks who stayed here some time ago.” A boatman is very Eight Trigrams. He opened his mouth and said to the people around him.

“Of course I heard that since the two of them arrived in our Logue town, the entire Logue town pirates have stopped. See that the ship is not?? That is the Red Hair Pirates Red-Forth! “The other boatman also nodded and said, and pointed to a big ship that looked very mighty Haki in the distance.

The rest of the people also looked at the Reid-Fors very curiously, and then a slightly younger boatman asked very curiously: “Where is the ship of the world’s first swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk? One?? It must be as overbearing as this Rand and Fors??”

The rest of the boatmen were stunned when they heard what the little guy said. The expressions of a few people became strange. They seemed to want to say something, but they didn’t dare to talk nonsense.

At this moment, a wild-sounding voice came from a ship not far away.

“Jiehahahahaha, that Mihawk ship is not an overbearing ship, but a very small touchpad. Although it looks a little mysterious, it is actually used by him. It’s like a coffin, nothing to see. head.”

After hearing this voice, some boatsmiths changed their faces and said quickly, “Stop talking, do you know who that Mihawk is? He is a big pirate, the world’s number one swordsman!! You are like this. If you speak ill of him behind his back, if someone hears him, you will die!!”

Some boatsmiths looked in the direction the voice came from, and saw that on the sea surface of the harbor, a giant wolf with snow-white fur was carrying a strong man and was jumping up. Jumped from the sea to the land of the port.

The man has long flaming red hair, his upper body is naked, and a Haki battle axe is on his back. Behind the battle axe, he can faintly see a roaring unicorn tattoo. His hands and wrists seem to have prisoners hanging on his wrists. The mirror cuffs that I can only wear, but the mirror cuffs are very domineering.

The hole is constantly overflowing with red light, and the whole person looks like a messenger from hell…

Looking at this man, some of the older boatsmiths were shocked to speak instantly.Even the tools in their hands fell to the ground, their legs trembled constantly, and the whole person seemed to be plunged to the extreme. In the fear, it seems to recall the nightmare of the year!

Gromash is a man who owed a’blood debt’ in Logue town. When he made a big fuss in Logue town, I don’t know how many innocent people died in the aftermath of his battle, and those who survived by chance, even more. Is very scared of him

These old boatmakers are among the survivors.

“Hellscream!!!” An old boatman was so scared that he collapsed to the ground in an instant, and his whole person was incontinent.

After hearing that he had called out the name of Gromash, the rest of the boatmakers were also shocked, and stepped back several steps, as if Gromash was a scourge.

“Jiehahahaha, it seems that I am very unpopular here.” Gromash didn’t care about anything, but smiled casually, and then ignored their group of ordinary people who were scared to pee, but rather grinned. Riding the White Fang, he walked towards Logue town.

After Gromash’s figure walked away, the boatman said in horror, “Is he the devil back then??”

The news of Gromash’s landing in Logue town soon spread throughout Logue town. The former demon of Logue town is back. Compared with before, he is obviously more frightening now.

Although the Marines of Logue town are a decoration, it is still possible to send a message, so it didn’t take long. The news that Gromash appeared in East Blue also spread to Naval Headquarters. Malinford.

And in Naval Headquarters-Marinford, Marshal Kong also had a headache looking at this information, the Pirate Emperor-Redhead Shanks, the world’s largest swordsman-Hawkeye-Dracule- Mihawk, Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash

Where these three people are placed are key monitoring targets worthy of attention by Marines. Any disturbances need to be reported in time. If you are not careful, any of the three of them has the ability to stir the sea into turmoil, just say this Gromash Well, I didn’t stare at him a little bit recently, Mariejois was almost done, enough to see them.

How powerful is the influence and destruction.

And now, these three people have all appeared in the weakest sea, East Blue, and they all landed in Logue town. It seems that they have made an appointment. How could Kong, the Marine’s general, not pay attention.

0-seeking flowers…

If the three of them reach a weird agreement or covenant, then a brand new powerful force will appear in the sea, and even the Whitebeard Pirates of Whitebeard will have to take the position of the strongest pirate force. Back down and give them three concessions.

“Is there any news worthy of attention in the entire East Blue at the moment?? No matter what the news is, such as the whereabouts of the powerful Devil Fruit, please find me this information!! Look at their level Why did the three big men of the United States all go to East Blue??” Marshal Kong said in a deep voice to the Colonel of the Intelligence Department next to him.

“Yes, Marshal!” The colonel also left Marshal Kong’s office with a very calm expression.

At this time, Marshal Kong, who was so overwhelmed by this news, didn’t expect that the reason why the three of them would meet at East Blue this time was simply ordinary and couldn’t be more ordinary, but this guy Shanks couldn’t bear to be lonely and wanted Hu Peng invited East Blue to drink, and Mihawk and Gromash happened to be very leisurely, so a few people discussed it, anyway.

It’s been a long time since I saw each other, and it’s been a long time since I sat down for a drink, so why not take this opportunity to meet in a “bar”.. There are no messy plans and no secret conspiracies.


Of course, even if Marshal Kong knew about it, he wouldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t stop until he checked the East Blue.

After all, no one can believe this kind of thing.

Just when the Marines started to thoroughly investigate the various gossips of East Blue, in the tavern in Logue town, Shanks was also complaining to Mihawk.

At present, only their Red Hair Pirates and Mihawk are in the entire tavern, and the rest of the guests have already been scared away by them.

“Why is this guy Gromash so slow?? Isn’t he a murloc?? Isn’t the sea his home court?? Such a slow speed is unqualified!!” Shanks said in dissatisfaction while drinking.

On the other hand, the guy Mihawk had his legs on the table, and the huge black knife-Ye also leaned on the corner behind him. He held a goblet in his hand and took two sips and said, “That guy is always like this. It’s too late. When we first met in Logue town that year, he was the last one to arrive, didn’t he??”

“That bastard, when he comes, you must pour him a few shots of spirits!!” Shanks said angrily.

At this moment, the door of the tavern was kicked open, and Shanks and Mihawk heard the voice of Gromash who hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

“Jie ha ha ha ha, I can smell the scum in this tavern from a long way away. I kicked the door and saw it, and it was so, one or two were all’garbage’ on the sea. One of them counts as one, and all are guilty. !!” Gromash laughed and walked in and said.

“You are finally here, you are also a “trash” guy on the ocean!!” Shanks cursed very uncomfortably looking at Gromash.

“It’s late, so naturally you have to fined you three drinks first.” Mihawk also smiled, and said very unceremoniously.

“Hey hey, did you two reach an alliance before I came?? So against me??” Gromash said with a smile, and then sat at the table, holding up the wine glass and filling it without stopping. After three glasses, he breathed out a breath of alcohol, looked at Shanks and said strangely: “Oh, long time no see, did you guy get scratched by the cat?

?? What’s the matter with the eyes??”

Shanks paused after hearing Gromash’s words, reached out his hand to touch a few scars on his eyes, and then smiled and said, “You should be scratched by the cat.” Xiao,

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