I Am Hellscream

Chapter 199

Chapter 199 The real enemy is never a pirate.

Mariejois has caused such a big mess, and the World government has even lost its face to the grandmother’s house. This time, Mariejois’s arson incident is far more extreme than the Impel down-impelton escape incident.

This is equivalent to someone rushing to the door of the World government, cursing the street at their door, and urinating on the doorknob and shit on the mat before leaving.

No one can bear it instead??? CP-0’s efficiency is still very high. After less than two days, the details of Tiger and the Mariejois arson and slave liberation movement have been investigated. It’s clear.

In the tallest building of the World government headquarters, inside the office of Five Elders, a man wearing a mask and a wicking white coat is talking to the five of them and Marine’s marshal Kong. Sora and Admiral- Sengoku reporting their CP- 0 Information from investigation~.

After listening to his report, one of the Five Elders said: “In other words, is this incident a premeditated retaliatory incident?? That Fisher Tiger is one of the few in The fish men island that can follow Gromash is a man with the same great prestige. Before that, he used to be a world-renowned adventurer?? Then

Once a miss was caught by the slave team and sold to us Mariejois came. Later, he found a chance to escape and planned this revenge operation?? -”

“Yes, the reason for the crime, the motive and the traces left on the scene, the main culprit is indeed this Fisher Tiger. That’s right.” The CP-0 person-said in a deep voice.

The Five Elders were also very angry and said: “We have already laid down the law, and defined the race of The fish men island as “Fish” is a stupid racially discriminatory statement, which is illegal!! It is even more appearing. After getting people like Gromash, I have repeatedly emphasized not to provoke the people of The fish men island, these damn bastards just don’t listen!! Capture that fisher

The person Tiger is a slave find out for me and deal with it!!”

“In the past few years, most of the incidents that have made us humiliate are due to this. If they hadn’t added these bastards to us at the beginning, Proudmoore. Gromash should have belonged to our powerful combat power, and could even become Marine’s. The trump cards of Admiral and CP-0, now look at these stupid guys because of them.

What happened to the things that should have been beneficial to us?? Pass the order to me, and in Mariejois, whoever dares to have fun with the people of The fish men island, we will be put to death regardless of whether you are Celestial Dragons or not. !!” As the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders themselves have great powers. To outsiders, Celestial Dragons are superior, no one

What can you do with them.

But for the Five Elders, it doesn’t matter if those “lower” Celestial Dragons kill a few. Who can do with them?? After all, as long as Lord Yim just asks about this kind of thing, this World government The highest power of the Master is in their hands!!

And Master Yim will care about such trivial things?? Don’t be kidding, if you let a real dictator like Master Yi know about these stupid events made by the “lower” Celestial Dragons, causing so much loss, I am afraid that the problem can not be solved by killing one or two casually. At that time, more Celestial Dragons will only be killed.

To be honest, the essence of the Five Elders is indeed to maintain the rule of their own class, and they are not stupid. The strategies are all top-notch. As for the strength, it is not necessarily very strong. No one knows anyway.

Even though they are also Celestial Dragons, they still look down on those “low-level compatriots” who are “living and alive”. They are simply pig teammates, if not because the Celestial Dragons group represents the most orthodox of the World government for eight hundred years.” “Legal rationality” is one of the root pillars of the World government. It is estimated that the five of them have long wanted to kill all these pig teammates.

But here is where they stand. Not only can they not kill them all, but they also wipe the ass for these pig teammates from time to time. Can you say that they can not be angry? Taking this opportunity to kill one or two to shock is also what they want. result.

After calming down their anger a little, the Five Elders asked again: “Then about this Proudmoore-Gromash, is he involved in this matter??”

The CP-0 person also spoke very quickly and said: “There is no direct evidence that he was involved in this matter, and from the video collection of some surveillance bugs, this Proudmoore, Gromash is indeed separated after the fire started. When I came to Mariejois for a while, both the slave liberation and the fire were out of control. It can be inferred

The conclusion is that Proudmoore- Gromash did not directly participate in this incident, but it is impossible to know whether there is his promoter behind this incident. In theory, it should be there. After all, according to the investigation, Fisher- Tiger has a very good relationship with him. It’s impossible for the two to board Mariejois one after another.

After hearing this conclusion, the Five Elders also thought about it, and then said: “From the current investigation, it means that this Proudmoore-Gromash should know that this attack will definitely happen, but he did not. Stopped anything, didn’t make any extra moves, just followed the occurrence of this incident, smoothly

Have some slaves taken away from Mariejois?? Have the slaves been taken out?? Who are they? Are they special??”

“After comparison, only a few ranges can be determined, but no one has anything special,” the CP-0 person replied.

Another Five Elders also said: “It’s useless to be entangled in these trivial things. It is good news to be able to conclude that Gromash is not directly involved in this kind of thing. Otherwise, we will prepare for an all-out war to eradicate this guy. , Otherwise, where’s the face?? As for he didn’t stop this

The position between us, if he stops me, he will think there is a bigger conspiracy.”

“Yes, this matter should not continue to expand. Set the mastermind on that “Fisher Tiger” and pursue him with all his strength. You must solve this scourge, regardless of life or death!!” Another Five Elders Then he said in a deep voice.

As long as it can be confirmed that Gromash is not directly involved in this incident, the Five Elders are ready to remove Gromash from this incident. After all, even if Gromash appeared in Mariejois, it would only take away four slaves. It’s just a small problem. Even without Gromash, the four of their slaves might be able to run away.

After this kind of thing, I completely turned my face with Gromash and prepared to start the war. It’s not worth thinking about it.

Five Elders’ brains are not sick, and it is impossible to fight so much for this kind of face struggle, unless there are extremely huge interests in it, as the saying goes,’children are right and wrong, and these “adults” only talk about benefits. . ”

Moreover, from a macro perspective in the entire pirate world, whether it is the pirate era or other eras, the world government has never really regarded pirates as their real enemy, I am afraid They also know that no matter what, as long as they survive in this ocean-based environment, how can they not be completely

The pirate power is eliminated, and the pirate power ultimately represents the’chaotic’ camp. Although this camp is born on the opposite side of their “order” camp, at the level of’ruling’, chaos is forever Those who cannot replace order to rule the world, no one will accept the world ruled by pirates, even if their world government is dark and then degenerate,

But as long as there is order, it is better than chaos.

0-seeking flowers…

The reason why they target the pirates is just to calm the chaos on the sea and restore stability and peace, so that their World government can be more stable, safer, and more energetic, and can mobilize most of their power to deal with their true enemy revolution. military!!

This is also one of the main reasons why the World government came up with the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan. They need to use the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan to balance the power of the sea. As long as the sea is kept’steady’, then time and advantage Will always be on their side such a real “behemoth”.

On the other hand, the revolutionary army is not a natural confrontation between “chaos” and “order,” but a chaotic war within “order”.

If World government represents a degenerate “order, dark “order”, then the revolutionary army is a new “order, hoped “order”.

Unlike the pirate forces, no matter how much the pirates make trouble, they will not get the support of most of the people in this world and become the rulers of this world. At most, they are jumping toes in the New World.

But the revolutionary army is not the same. It also represents the orderly camp. It is entirely possible that they will replace the World government and become the new “ruler”.

That’s why the World government treats the revolutionary army like a tiger, and can use the means of “Zhaoan” against the pirates.

Because of this, in the case of non-essential circumstances, facing the’behemoth’ of Gromash, they would rather compromise than initiate a meaningless war unless they can safely cut Gromash in one fell swoop!

In more cases, matters concerning pirates are handled by “subordinate” organizations of the World government such as Marine.

When the Marshal was in charge of Marine in Sengoku, the entire Marine was following the pace of the World government, maintaining the stability and peace of the sea, for which they were even willing to sacrifice some benefits and concessions.

When the era of extreme evil came on stage, due to the death of Whitebeard, the entire sea was completely violent, the dam was gone, and the wave that was originally blocked would be even more turbulent.

At that time, Marine changed to lead, and the radical Sakazuki took Naval Headquarters directly to New World.The world government finally paid attention to the pirates. The whole pace changed, and it was because of that period that it could be cancelled. ‘Soil of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, Fujitora will come up with this kind of proposal, otherwise it will be useless. After all, Marines are at this time.

I have protested and opposed it so many times, and I haven’t seen the World government abandon this plan.

When this mysterious incident about Mariejois was finally spread around the world with the newspaper, Gromash also saw this newspaper.

Sure enough, the World government did not mention the existence of Gromash at all, and the focus was on Fisher Tiger. He called his’crime’ a curse, and the meaning revealed in it was also the kind of’immortality’. Feeling endless’.

And I don’t know why, Tiger, who was supposed to be rewarded 230 million Baileys, was directly rewarded 400 million Baileys, which was almost doubled.

“Tiger, your intention is fulfilled,” Gromash whispered softly while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

Then he looked straight, and turned to Rayleigh and said, “I won’t be here waiting for the people from Nine Snake Island. I have to go back to The fish men island first, otherwise there will be trouble, I need to arrange one time.”

Rayleigh also nodded and said, “Well, don’t worry, you didn’t have anything to do here.” Xiao,

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