I Am Hellscream

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 The hoof of the Sky Dragon!

Soon, the boat full of laborers stopped at Coral Hill. Before disembarking, Tiger also asked everyone to keep the news of his return confidential. Although everyone didn’t know why, but it was. Did not refuse this request. After all, even if Tiger has been missing for several years, his prestige is still there when he comes back, especially when he is full of

On the boats of the workers on Murloc Street.

Hordy Jones also came to the Sea Forest with the weak Tiger. First, he found Arlong who was busy here, and Arlong was also very excited after seeing Tiger.

Tiger came to Arlong because he hoped that Arlong could take him to see Gromash. Hodie Jones was still a little kid at this time. Of course, there was no way to take him to see Gromash. He didn’t even know where Gromash was, after all. He just came back too.

When Arlong faced Tiger’s proposal, of course, he would not refuse at all. He gave the work arrangement to others on the spot, and soon took Tiger to the magnificent palace in Murloc Street.

Due to the backlog of a lot of things here before, Gromash will return to live in Shyarly at night, but will also come here during the day to deal with these things.

At this time, Gromash was dealing with the backlog of things in the palace during this period of time, and had already begun to start some factories that could be started.

As the younger brother of Gromash, Arlong is still helping the Frostwolf Pirates to domesticate the sea beasts. From any point of view, “One Seven Seven”, he will not be stopped outside the station.

So soon, under the leadership of Arlong, Tiger, who was a little weak and covered his body and appearance with a Kabuto cap, and Hodie Jones, who stepped here for the first time, entered the Frostwolf Sea. In the resident of the thief group.

Caddy Jones looked at the architecture and environment here, and said with emotion: “It’s worthy of being the resident of the Gromash boss and the Frostwolf Pirates, it’s really amazing!”

“Hahahaha, Hordy, don’t you want to join my elder brother and their pirate group?? I will help you when I meet my eldest brother.” Arlong also said with a smile.

After hearing what Arlong said, Zodi Jones was also very excited and said: “Brother Arlong, is it really okay?? Will my strength be too bad?? Will it shame and discredit the Gromash boss?? If that’s the case, forget it, and I will trouble you when I become stronger?”

“Hahahaha, why don’t you have to try it first? If my elder brother thinks that you need to continue to practice, then you think about the future. Maybe it is impossible for my elder brother to like you, right? ??” Arlong laughed after hearing what Hodie Jones said.

While Arlong and Hodie Jones were talking these words, Tiger this guy was also looking at the entire Frostwolf Pirates’ station. Originally, he thought he was longed for by the people on Murloc Street and the fish men island. , The proud Frostwolf Pirate Group should be a Murloc Pirate Group, but after this short period of observation, he has already denied this

Thoughts, although the guards in the entire Frostwolf Pirate Group’s resident also have many brawny murloc men, there are still a large number of human warriors.

And it can be seen that the two parties seem to get along very well, and occasionally chat together or even smoke a cigarette when they are in contact.

Looking at these kinds of scenes, Tiger couldn’t tell the taste in his heart.At this time, he had seen how crazy, how evil, how tyrannical, and cruel humans can be, and he was completely disappointed with humans. In other words, he has no way to fall in love with humans anymore.

But after seeing these scenes, he also had to admit that in fact, only this coexistence relationship is the future that The fish men island should really look for. Gromash and Princess Otohime are correct!

Of course, in Gromash’s view, although Princess Otohime’s idea is correct, her behavior and methods are somewhat inappropriate.

Soon, Arlong took Tiger and Hodie Jones to the palace, and then they met wearing a thick bottle-like glasses, wearing a black suit, and holding a small notebook in his hand. Monet.

Of course Monet knew that Arlong was Gromash’s younger brother, so he didn’t doubt why he could bring people in. He was just a little curious about what they were here for.

So Monet also asked, “Arlong, why are you here?? Who are the two of them?? Are you looking for the captain??”

“Monet.” Arlong just wanted to say something, he remembered that Tiger said that he should not let people know that he was back, so he changed his tone and said, “Well, there is indeed something to see the big brother. Yes, is he busy??”

“Well, the captain is dealing with a lot of things” Monet said when he saw it, and then Arlong said: “It doesn’t matter, they are my elder brother’s old friends, even if the eldest brother is busy, he will definitely be very happy after seeing him. .

Seeing that Arlong had said this, Monet nodded and said, “Well, come with me. If you get scolded later, don’t pull me into the water.”

Arlong smiled and said, “Don’t worry.”

Hodie Jones didn’t react when he saw Arlong talking to a human woman, laughing and laughing. He didn’t think there was anything wrong, but Tiger was a little strange. In his impression, Arlong had always been a “extreme”. ‘People, and indeed have some hostility towards human beings. He didn’t expect to see him in a few years, his transformation would be so great.

But at this time, he couldn’t tolerate any more thoughts. When they entered the palace, they saw Gromash sitting in the palace handling many documents.

And Gromash said without lifting his head, “Monet?? I said that I don’t have to come and refill my tea so often. Don’t be tired. Wouldn’t it be nice to be lazy and take a rest??”

Before Monet spoke, Arlong said, “Brother, it’s me.”

Gromash stopped the pen in his hand after hearing Arlong’s voice, and then raised his head to look at the people standing not far away from him.Then Gromash first smiled at Hodie Jones, and then said: “It’s Little Hodie, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I thought you weren’t in The fish men island anymore.”

After hearing Gromash’s words, Dandy Jones was also very excited and said, “Boss Gromash, you still remember me.”

“Jiehahahaha, after all, it was the little devil who had been following Arlong back then, of course I remember it.” Gromash said with a laugh.

Then Gromash also looked at the man who had hidden his face under the Kabuto hat, and the man also looked up at Gromash, and then he took off his hat.

Gromash recognized him at a glance, and got up from the seat in surprise, and said, “Brother Tiger, are you finally back??”

Tiger also smiled weakly and said, “Well, many things are hard to say in one word, but I still came back alive.”

Gromash also quickly said, “Monet, go and prepare tea and snacks. By the way, help me stop the rest and push back.”

Monet nodded after hearing Gromash’s words and said, “Good Captain.

Arlong and Hordy-Jones saw the mystery of Tiger God, and they also spoke very winkingly: “Big brother, I will take Hordy around and let him open his eyes too.”

Gromash smiled and nodded and said, “Well, let’s go, little Hoodie, you’re welcome, it’s just like arriving at your own home.”

After Gromash and Tiger sat down, they didn’t directly say anything, but waited for Monet to bring up the tea and snacks, and after exiting the palace with a wink, Gromash opened his mouth and said, “Your state looks very good. No, is something wrong??”

Tiger grinned reluctantly, then ate a snack and drank a sip of tea, and said, “It’s really bad. I was injured before, and I have been living a life of precariousness in the past few years.”

Having said this, Tiger reached out and untied his collar, and pulled the neckline down, revealing a brand 0.

Gromash also said a little sorrowfully after seeing the mark, “Heavenly Dragon’s Hoof.”

Tiger was also silent for a while, then closed his eyes in pain, and said, “Yes, it’s the hoof of the Heavenly Dragon”.

The slaves of ordinary people don’t have any special marks, and the hoof of the Celestial Dragons is the slave mark of Celestial Dragons. Once marked with this mark, it will become a lifelong shame and become the’property of Celestial Dragons, a symbol of slaves. .

Looking at the hoof of the Celestial Dragon on Tiger’s chest, Gromash also felt a little emotional in his heart. After all, Tiger could not escape his fate and became a slave of Celestial Dragons.

After Tiger put his clothes on again, Gromash said, “It seems you should have seen that tragic hell. Mariejois is a dirty place. You escaped alive.”

Tiger nodded and said: “I have indeed seen the hell there and also seen how crazy humans can be.”

Gromash also nodded and said: “Humans are indeed crazy, but they are not only crazy. Let’s change to any intelligent race. Let’s not talk about these boring topics. What is the matter for you to come to me?? Do you need shelter?? Don’t worry, as long as you are with me, even if Marine Admiral comes, I will keep you safe.”

Tiger smiled after hearing Gromash’s words, and then he said: “The little guy at the beginning has also become a great man. It’s really gratifying.”

“Jiehahahahaha, Brother Tiger, I will not forget your kindness. If there is anything I need to do, please speak up. Even if you fight for your life, I will help you!!” Gromash laughed. Said.

He once promised Tiger that he would do three things for him at one point. For this reason, he would not hesitate to fight for his life. Although Tiger didn’t take it seriously at the time, Gromash really took it seriously.


Tiger saw that Gromash could still say this at this time, and he was very pleased. It was now and then, when Gromash said that he would definitely pay back his kindness, he just smiled, after all, he didn’t regard it as kindness, just No more care for your compatriots.

But at that time Gromash hadn’t made a fortune, and a bad life was not worth a lot of money. Of course he was not surprised to be able to say such loyal words.

But now is different. Gromash has become a person who can stomped and trembles three times in the world. His every move made the World government and Marines heart beat. Under this circumstance, Gromash still said that he was willing to do it. He fights for his life, can he not be moved?

Tiger also smiled and said, “Thank you, indeed, there are things that need your help. When I escaped from Mariejois, I vowed to go back. We are all liberated”

After Tiger said this, he also looked at Gromash, and Gromash said without hesitation: “No problem! Isn’t it just making a big mess there?? I’ll go with you!”

Tiger shook his head and said: “I don’t need it for the time being. My body is too weak and needs a long period of recovery. .”.

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