I Am Hellscream

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Drake: Where is my path to pervert?

I have to say that Little Robin’s interest is still so strange, even if she did not experience the betrayal and betrayal in the walking and darkness this time, but was directly brought on board by Gromash as a historian and little Loli. Came to cultivate, but her aesthetics and interests are still running in the direction of darkness, as far as Gromash knows, in

In Robin’s room, there is a slap-sized poisonous spider. It is still her beloved pet. Will the normal little Loli raise this kind of thing?

Even Robin’s concept of good and evil has been distorted because of Gromash and the pirate group full of “abnormal humans”.

After all, whoever is the surrounding partner is either’the most brutal pirate ranked first, or a’violent and bloody killing machine’, or manipulates corpses all day, and grows up under the environment of Dr. Pervert, who is studying taboo experiments. , Its three views will certainly be established in confusion.

And it happens that Robin is one of the examples of this kind of thing.As a little Loli who has been mixing pirates with Gromash since she was eight years old, after several years of growth, she has been completely blackened from a piece of white paper. , Coupled with the cruel and inhuman military operations carried out by the Marines representing “justice” and “kindness” against her hometown. Ohara, let Robin dive

In my consciousness, I don’t catch a cold on things like “justice” and “kindness”, and they will instinctively reject them involuntarily.

Compared with “justice” and “goodness”, Robin is obviously more interested in “darkness” and “evil”. “One-seven”, unknowingly, has fully grown into a “dark Loli”. Not to mention that she is cruel, but at least when facing some things, she will instinctively prefer the dark side, otherwise she will not spend a lot of time and effort.

I tried to study the chaotic and mysterious dark world.

Now her long-term research has finally yielded some results, giving the Frostwolf Pirates a brand new idea, and also guiding Gromash to begin to intervene in the business of the dark world.

This also makes Gromash have to sigh. Sometimes cultural people are still powerful, especially when they are studying “bad things,” they can’t compare with them. At the same time, Gromash is also very proud to cultivate Robin. Very successful!

Regardless of whether Robin will grow into the flower of darkness, become the queen of the dark world, or know how to return when lost, and re-establish the three views, there is no problem for Gromash, cuteness is justice, beauty is victory!

Even if Robin doesn’t do anything, Gromash and the others are willing to take her. After all, she is beautiful, and it is better to take it on a boat than to face a group of big bosses.

Seeing Robin being so complimented by Gromash, the little Lucie sitting next to him also pulled the “little brother” Drake beside him, and then listened to the guy Lucie whispering in Drake’s ear: “Robin, the black-bellied guy again I won Gromash’s favor. In order to avoid her threatening your boss and my important position in Gromash’s heart, we two

We must work together to check and balance her, so that she can’t make her too stinky. Think about it, is there any better proposal and plan than her??”

Trainee Crew-Drake also looked dazed after hearing his little boss’ Lu Qi’s words, how long has he been on the boat? I haven’t figured out a lot of things, how can I find out what is beneficial to the entire Frostwolf Sea The development plan of the thief group?? Besides, he is not a cultural person, how can he have so much knowledge and reading?? You are afraid that it is embarrassing

Me, Drake!!?

So Drake was also a little embarrassed: “Senior Lu Qi, I just arrived on the ship, and I am still a trainee crew member. I haven’t even been to The fish men island, let alone fully understand the meaning of our pirate group. In this case, do you think I can come up with any good ideas?? Besides, I don’t have such a flexible brain, you let me help you kill people and set fires

No problem, I can’t do anything about this kind of thing!

After Drake finished speaking, Lu Qi said helplessly: “Do you still need you to help me in killing and setting fire? ?? I am called a’killing machine’, regardless of my young age, in terms of the number of killings. , No one on this ship can surpass me, even Gromash probably didn’t kill as many as I did!!”

Drake looked at Lu Qi in surprise, and then he said, “Is this something worth showing off?? I thought that Mr. Marine Doctor on the ship is a pervert enough. I didn’t expect Senior Lu Qi in some ways. It’s also pervert”

Lu Qi also stared at Drake dissatisfiedly and said, “How can you talk to me like this??”

But soon Lu Qi sighed, and then said: “You still haven’t realized the essence of our pirate group, or there is too little time to board the boat. As a senior, I will show you the way, listen carefully. Drake, in our pirate group, there is no way to survive without pervert, except for the normal people on the ship except Sugar and Brother Joz…

One of the others counts as one, all of them pervert can’t run. The reason why you still think they are normal is because you haven’t discovered their pervert. ”

Drake was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion, “Are Robin and Monet the same??”

Lu Qi thought about the big spider raised in Robin’s room and the trembling character Monet showed from time to time. Then he nodded without hesitation and said, “Yes, so are the two of them!”

Drake didn’t doubt Lu Qi’s words. After hearing Lu Qi’s reply, he involuntarily slapped a cold face, looked at the rest of the people, and then wondered where their pervert was?

Then Drake asked Lu Qi again: “Then Senior Lu Qi, where are they pervert??”

Lu Qi showed a meaningful look, then looked at Drake and smiled and said, “This, you can understand it yourself.”

Faced with Lu Qi’s ambivalent answer, Drake fell into contemplation again, and soon he thought of another question.If the situation in this pirate group is really like Senior Lu Qi said, then It’s really weird, maybe it’s the kind of place where you can’t survive without pervert!!

“It’s such a deep pirate group, so what kind of pervert do I want to develop in order to better integrate into this pirate group and get rid of the name of the’trainee crew’ as soon as possible??” Drake I thought so silently in my heart.

Drake, who had been in contact with Lu Qi for a few days after letting Gromash know about it, would have been guided by Lu Qi as a bastard in a short period of time and began to find his own way of pervert. He had to be Lu Qi as a bastard. You can’t vomit blood out of anger.

Future plans and steps are changing at any time according to the situation, so it is impossible for Gromash to finish all the meetings in one go, raise all the problems, and then solve them.

After a little confirmation of the matters that need to be dealt with in the short term and the steps of action, the meeting is over. Everyone is back to the salted fish state again, ready to stay in Sabaody Archipelago for two days, relax and head to The fish men island.

After Gromash announced the end of the meeting, he came to the bar very casually, picked up a wine glass on it, just like in his own home, reached out from the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine and poured it into the glass.

Xia Qi, who was wiping the table by the side, seemed to have taken no surprises at Gromash’s familiar behavior. He just said casually, “Your grandpa Gromash’s credit with me is enough to buy two warships. , Pay back the money early!”

“Jiehahahahaha, Sister Shaqi, don’t worry, I will send you two gold statues that are very collectible in two days.” Gromash said with a laugh after putting the wine bottle back in place.

Then he took a sip from the wine glass, and chatted with Rayleigh, the same idle “soft rice king”.

“Speaking of which, your internal meetings of the Frostwolf Pirate Group did not evade me and Xia Qi, is it okay?? I heard that the content of your discussions is still very exciting, you know, Xia Qi sells information, With her open-minded personality, she might sell your information at a high price one day.” Rayleigh and Gromash drank after touching a drink.

Jiu said 0.

But before Gromash could speak, Shaqi slapped Rayleigh’s head with a slap, and then said viciously: “Rayleigh, do you want to taste the wine bottle? Dare to say that I see the money open? ?”

“Jiehahahaha, you said you have nothing to do, you have to provoke Sister Xia Qi, is it itchy??” Gromash mocked Rayleigh, then he said again: “Sister Xia Qi never sells her friends I still know this, and from the very beginning, Sister Xia Qi helped me a lot. I trust her very much.

So I don’t care about such small things at all, as for you.”

Gromash took a look at Rayleigh and spoke again with disdain: “You are a scumbag, what can you do even if you know??”

Gromash’s words made Rayleigh angry enough, but he couldn’t retaliate against Gromash, because at this time Xia Qi was euphoric because of Gromash’s words. If he finds trouble with Gromash at this time, he will undoubtedly be joined by the two. Get up and focus on it.

Thinking of this, Rayleigh didn’t care about anything. After a period of time, Rayleigh also regarded Gromash as a friend, and he also knew that Gromash must also trust him, otherwise it would be impossible to hold such a meeting under his nose. !!

Rayleigh nonchalantly took a sip of wine, and then as if remembering something, he opened his mouth and said to Gromash, “By the way, there is a daughter island in the Calm Belt, and there is a Pirate Kingdom-Amazon-Lily on it, you know, right? ??”

Gromash was also stunned when he heard Rayleigh mentioned this topic, but he nodded quickly and said: “Of course I know, the name of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is very loud.”

The Nine Snakes and Pirates are the pirates inherited from the Amazon-Lily kingdom through generations. The emperor of each generation of Amazon-Lilies is the captain of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. In the history of pirates, the Nine Snakes and Pirates are also very powerful. And the well-known pirate group, after all, the female fighters of Nine Snake Island are very powerful. Basically everyone masters the power of Haki, and chooses from among the fighters.

Only the elites pulled out can enter the Nine Snakes and Pirates, from which we can know how strong the overall strength of the Nine Snakes and Pirates is.

Rayleigh is not surprised that Gromash can know these things. On the contrary, if Gromash doesn’t know it, it would be 3.8 strange. He nodded and said, “Yes, it is the island where the famous Nine Snake Pirates are located. ”

“What’s the matter?? Has something happened there?? Speaking of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, it seems that it hasn’t appeared for a long time.” Gromash smiled and asked.

“Ah, that’s because of their emperor and captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, because of the “unrequited love” disease…” Rayleigh said that his face was a bit strange, and then he said again: “Die from illness.”

After hearing this reason, Gromash was very helpless and covered his forehead, and then he said, “I don’t know how to comment. As far as I know, the dead Emperor of Nine Snake Island seems to be very strong, right??”

“Very strong, the owner of Conqueror’s Haki was also one of the most famous strong people at the beginning.” Rayleigh nodded and admitted, and then he said again: “I am not talking about this problem. I have a relationship with Nine Snake Island. Some sources, a friend asked me about one thing two years ago, and the three of them, the crown prince and sisters of Nine Snake Island, were suspected of being kidnapped. Let me help you find it.

Look for it. For a long time, I’ve been looking for clues when I “run away from home”, but I haven’t got any useful information so far. I suddenly thought of you today. Your Uncle Gromash is always running around. If I get anything useful Remember to tell me about the news.”

Gromash heard Rayleigh’s words with a meaningful smile and said, “Okay, no problem.”

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