I Am Hellscream

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 Is the word pervert written on the forehead?

Just when Joz and the others were chatting with Xia Qi, the wine cabinet behind the bar suddenly shifted to the right, revealing a secret tunnel-like door, and then one looked very handsome, but dressed very sloppy. Carrying a toolbox in one hand, and the small hip flask in one hand, his uncle walked out very casually wearing personal flip-flops and big pants.

Then the man first looked at the scene in the tavern, then smiled and said, “Oh, Joz, you are here.”

“Senior Rayleigh, it’s been a long time since I saw you. The first few times when I came here, Mrs. Xia Qi said that you “ran away from home”. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, you went to the port to be a coating master. “Joz also greeted Rayleigh with a smile while drinking.

“Ahahahaha, it’s all forced by life, Xia Qi doesn’t support me, so she can barely mix for a long time with the coating, ahhahahaha.” Rayleigh also said openly, seemingly not at all What’s wrong with thinking that I want to “eat soft rice”.

At this moment, after seeing Rayleigh, this guy finally understands who they said before, “Rayleigh’ is, isn’t this the right arm of One Piece-Pluton-Hilbards, Rayleigh??

What did he hear just now?? Tangtang Pluton, the legendary pirate, actually became a coater on this island?? Forget the coater, he is still fighting for the Frostwolf Pirates???

“Pluton” one hundred and zero”??? Rayleigh???” Guy said in horror in surprise. For him, it was even more unacceptable to him than seeing Gromash’s Frostwolf Pirates.

“Oh? Newcomer?? Huh? Why are you still in shackles?? Are you the prisoners you caught??” Rayleigh asked calmly after seeing the guy who was like a little bear.

After that, Joz explained it tirelessly, and Rayleigh nodded and said, “Ah, it turns out that it was the guy named for Gromash? That guy is really growing up very fast. Not long ago, he was like Kaido. The monsters fought regardless of the outcome, even I dare not say that I can win that guy securely.”

Just when Joz wanted to be humble for Gromash, the phone worm that Lu Qi was carrying suddenly rang. Then he took it out and said happily, “It’s Gromash!!”

Then Lu Qi didn’t care about the people around him, and he picked up the phone worm in public.

“Gromash!!”” Lu Qi said excitedly.

“Oh, Lu Qi, how are things going?? What is that guy did you catch??” Gromash’s voice soon came from the phone worm.

“Well, of course this kind of trivial matter can’t go wrong, that Guy Sa-Courant is now in our hands!” Lu Qi replied.

“Really?? It’s done well, it seems that your kid has also improved, and many things can be left to you.” Gromash also said with satisfaction.

“It would be better if there were more powerful tasks!” Lu Qi said confidently after hearing Gromash’s praise.

“Jiehahahahahaha, well, let’s not talk about it yet, where are you?? Have you returned to The fish men island??” Gromash asked with a laugh.

Lu Qi quickly replied: “No, not yet, we are in Sabaody Archipelago, Mrs. Xia Qi’s shop.”

“Really?? That’s great, you just wait for us for two days there, lest it is troublesome to coat again and again, we will be there soon.” Gromash said happily.

“Okay!” Lu Qi nodded and said, not seeing Gromash for a long time, he also missed Gromash very much.

“Ah, by the way, help me buy some coffee beans on the island. It’s been a long time since I returned to The fish men island. I have to bring my lovely sister something she likes.” Gromash said with a smile.

Gromash didn’t continue to say anything after confirming these things, but quickly hung up the phone worm.

Then Joz turned his head to Guy, who had been sitting on the bench and didn’t dare to speak, said: “Boss Gromash will be back soon, and you will be able to get out of the handcuffs by then.”

Guy Sa, after hearing Joz’s words, smiled very unscrupulously and said, “Boss Joz, you can unlock this handcuff for me now. I won’t run away. I don’t dare to run. It has been decided, no matter what Master Gromash wants me to do, I am willing to serve him!! To die for him!! Never give up!!”

Joz also got goose bumps when Guy said this to Ge Ying, and then he said with some emotion: “You guy is really amazing in some ways.”

Two days later, on the coast of the illegal zone of Sabaody Archipelago, a weird ship with various balloons hung up, and this ship was the Artemis that Gromash was using.

Gromash had a little Loli sugar on his head that seemed sleepy. After stretching for a while, オ stepped off the boat. Then he looked at the scenery of Sabaody Archipelago and said, “What a good place, waiting for the underground. After the port is built, our convenience here can be improved again.

Cromwell bit his cigar and walked off the boat with a bag of North Blue specialties and said, “That’s right.”

After Gromash and the others left, the remaining little brothers on the ship started to drive the Artemis towards the hidden natural harbor that Rayleigh used to “secretly coat”.

Soon, the large and small forces on the island knew that now Sabaody Archipelago has a ruthless character that no one can provoke. In order to avoid bumping into Gromash and the others, even the crime rate on Sabaody Archipelago has dropped a lot.

Gromash walked towards Xia Qi’s ripped-off tavern, and asked Robin who was following him: “By the way, Rayleigh is a man who knows history, why didn’t you ask him last time? That blank? a hundred years??”

Robin was silent for a while after hearing Gromash’s question, and then he put on a bright smile on his face and said, “Because sure enough, I still want to find out this answer with my friends!!

“Jiehahahahahaha, isn’t it?? That will take many years, but it’s fun!” Gromash said with a big smile.

“Yes, that’s fun!” Robin responded.

Behind Gromash and them, Monet was also carrying a small travel bag, which contained all kinds of Gromash’s daily necessities. She seemed to have completely substituted herself into the career of a “life secretary”.

In the same way, beside Monet, he was covered in sweat, his feet were vacant, his face was very pale, but he seemed to be a little thinner, at least Hogback, who had less fat, walked hard, and followed him. Drake next to him said, “Brother Drake, since the fish men island is about to come, then is our training plan also

It’s time to relax?? You haven’t been to The fish men island yet?? It’s paradise, then I will take you to some fun places to have fun, and treat me like you have taken care of me during this period of time. In return”

“Mr. Hokkubak, in fact, we can continue.” Drake just wanted to say something. The guy Hokkubak interrupted him with a wave of his hand very quickly, and said, “Listen to me. A very rude thing”

At this moment, Gromash, who was walking in front, also turned his head to look at Hokkubak, who had been tossed for a while, and even lost half of his life. Then he chuckled and said, “Well, Drake, training is going to relax. If you have a degree, I think we can continue to practice. Our ship doctor is afraid that he will return to the west. If this is the case, let him take a vacation. Let’s put it off for a while.

Drake saw that his captain had spoken. Of course, it was impossible for him to be a trainee crew member to refuse, so he nodded and said, “Okay, Captain.

When Gromash and his party came to Shaqi’s tavern, Gromash opened the door unceremoniously, and when they walked in, they saw Rayleigh drinking with Joz.

Then Gromash laughed and said, “Ah, Rayleigh, it’s been a long time. How have you been? I heard that you became a coater in our port???”

Rayleigh also looked at the cute little Loli sugar, who was lying on top of Gromash’s head, with a strange look, and then looked at Gromash with a strange look and said, “Although I heard Joz and the others occasionally before Speaking of you are a pervert, but I really didn’t expect you to have written the word pervert on your forehead without any scruples.

Gromash, you are really amazing!”

“Hello, how can I say that I am also your boss now. You, a worker, dare to say bad things about your boss. Are you not afraid that I will fire you??” Gromash said as he stretched out his hand to sleep on his head The Zhengxiang sugar was taken down, and then he held it in his arms.

Sugar was not awakened by Gromash’s actions. Instead, she twisted her body left and right, put her in a comfortable position, lay in Gromash’s arms, and continued to fall asleep.

Rayleigh didn’t care about what Gromash said he was a worker. Instead, he looked at Gromash’s skillful movement of taking the child, and said in an unbelievable way: “Are you going to change jobs as a babysitter? To be honest, this kind of The picture really doesn’t suit you. I feel a little out of place when I look at it. ”

After all, a brawny man who is more than three meters tall, dressed in a wild, red-haired shawl, and first born with double horns, not only carries a Haki battle axe on his back, but also holds a small Loli on his chest. Isn’t it weird??

Gromash sat on the sofa holding sugar, and said, “You guy has no love at all. Cuteness is both victory and justice!!”

“Are you a pirate? Why are you always talking about justice 3.8??” Rayleigh vomited.

But Gromash was too lazy to care about him. He smiled and said hello to Xia Qi, and said, “Sister Xia Qi, here is your best spirit!!

After speaking, Gromash turned his head to look at Joz and said, “Then? Lu Qi, Jinbei and the guy, where did you go?”

Joz smiled and pointed to the wine cabinet at the bar, and said, “I ran to the underground port, and I will be up right away.

After Joz finished speaking, he looked at the half-sized boy standing behind Gromash, and then asked, “Are you Drake??”

“Yes, Mr. Joz!” Drake said very formally.

“Hahahaha, just call me Joz. You don’t need to be so cautious. Although the boss of Gromash gave you the title of’trainee crew’, in fact, we didn’t say that on the ship at all, so he was just joking. , From the moment you decide to board the ship, you are our partner. Between partners, you are welcome!” Jozda

Said with a smile.

At this moment, the wine cabinet was opened again, and then Lu Qi didn’t even look at it and ran towards Gromash.

“I can smell your breath from below, you really are back!!” Lu Qi said to Gromash very happily.

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