I Am Hellscream

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 Birthday, Sengoku Admiral was trafficked!

On the island of Mignon, at this time the island is like a scorched purgatory, with flames burning everywhere. In the very center of the island, two tall and sturdy figures are standing opposite each other. It seems that the two people are in different states How good.

At this time, one of Gromash’s arm has been torn off by Kaido, and the forearm is no longer under the bloody elbow, and the chest has collapsed a little inward. I got one, and there were wounds everywhere on his body, and the whole person seemed to be fished out from a pool of blood.

Although Kaido standing opposite Gromash has healthy limbs, there is a scorched black scar on his chest with deep bones. From the wound, he can vaguely see that his broken internal organs are slowly squirming and healing. One of his eyes It seems that they have been beaten blind, and the swelling is very severe.

Knowing whether his eyeballs have been blown to pieces behind the bloated eyelids.

Both of them are in a very embarrassed situation, but they still have no winners or losers. Kaido is indeed very strong. These injuries on his body have been accumulated over the past five days, while the injuries on Gromash are. It will be’refreshed’ every day, but considering that Kaido has an immortal body, how can Immune to Death, even if it is now like this

At this point, Kaido is still standing, and can give Gromash a powerful counterattack, and Gromash’s advantage lies in the ability to resurrect, no matter the multiple injuries suffered, as long as Kaido can’t completely kill Gromash twice in a day, Gromash You can “zero eight three” and continue to fight Kaido.

At least for now, Kaido and Gromash are still difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

“Huhu” Gromash gasped, his injuries are slowly healing, and his physical strength is gradually recovering with the passage of time. He lifted his only remaining arm and wiped it from the corner of his forehead. Going down, the bloody water that covered his eyes, and then Gromash’s mouth was difficult to hang on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at whether he was standing or not.

Kaido in the distance said, “You guy is really Immune to Death. It’s impossible to survive this kind of injury, right?? How did you do it??”

Kaido was also panting heavily, covering the wound on his chest with one hand, and touching his eyes with the other, and then he said in a deep voice, “Who knows? It’s probably a talented person, but he can’t die. , But it seems that this injury will leave a scar on Laozi’s body.”

“If you can’t even leave these marks, wouldn’t Laozi have White Hits with you for so long??” Gromash shook off the blood on his hands and said to Kaido.

Kaido looked at Gromash and was silent for a while and said, “It’s you, how many lives do you have. If you can’t even leave the mark, it should be you, right?? Monster??”

“Jiehahahahahaha, are you embarrassed to call me a monster??” Gromash laughed very boldly after hearing Kaido call him a monster.

The two seemed to be chatting, but they were actually delaying time to recover their physical strength and injuries.Just when Kaido was about to say something again, a firework suddenly exploded in the sky, and the next second, a huge wolf head Appeared in the air, majestic and majestic.

Gromash slapped his lips after seeing the wolf head and said, “It was the signal flare from my people. It seems that those damn bastards Marines finally arrived.”

Kaido also turned his head to look at the sky above his head, and then said softly, “Marine?? Well, it’s definitely time to come.

Gromash moved his only remaining arm, then looked at Kaido and continued, “How about? Do you want to continue fighting?? If you really want to fight, Laozi can accompany you!”

Kaido was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about something. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally shook his head and said, “Let’s stop here this time. , Maybe you guy will be taken away by those despicable Marine guys, then I won’t find you like you

Such an opponent that suits my appetite.”

“Jiehahahaha, I’m really arrogant enough. Even if the Marines come, I won’t be caught, but I have already played enough. Originally, I was going to fight you in New World. Who knows you? This guy is so slow, I have other things in North Blue, so I’m going to take a step first.” Gromash said as he recovered from a semi-beasted form.

In human form, when he was more than three meters tall, when he looked at Kaido at this time, he looked very “tiny”, and then Gromash said again: “As for the victory or defeat, let’s fight again next time!!”

After speaking, Gromash turned around and left, as if Kaido didn’t care if Kaido would attack him from behind…

However, Kaido did not intend to sneak attack on Gromash. As he said, Gromash is the opponent he found with great difficulty. Maybe from now on, he will not pester Whitebeard and Naval Headquarters anymore. He wants to die. When I go to Gromash, I might have a good fight.

Kaido tilted his head as he watched Gromash’s figure disappear from his sight, and fell on his back very relaxedly on his back. Within two or three seconds, a burst of loud snoring sounded from where he was lying down. Came out.

After nearly five days of battle, Kaido is Immune to Death, but his physical strength and mental fatigue are still very serious, so he has no thoughts of changing places or running away, directly very Haki Xiaojiu He lay on the battlefield and started to sleep, seeming not to pay attention to the upcoming Marines at all.

The left and right are just being caught. It is not once or twice that he is caught by the Marines. Old fried dough sticks like him already have a wealth of experience. What kind of posture is most comfortable to sleep on a warship. Already Master.

Gromash quickly came to the beach, and a fierce man plunged into the sea and disappeared, and the Tsuru Chief Staff Officer standing on the warship in the distance also whispered softly after seeing the wolf head in the sky: “Ah Lala, it seems this It’s impossible to catch that Gromash this time.”

The support fleet led by Sengoku Admiral quickly merged with Tsuru Chief Staff Officer. After seeing Tsuru Chief Staff Officer, Sengoku Admiral asked, “Little Crane, how about the casualties??”

“The soldiers suffered a lot of casualties, and some of the school-level officers were also killed. Most of them were injured. Gion also suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, there is no life worry. Op-Op Fruit’s whereabouts are unknown, but it can be confirmed that Donquixote has not been killed. Family got it, but was stolen by a mysterious person, I am afraid that even if he did not leave the battlefield of Kaido and Gromash,

At this point, maybe it was already dead. The aftermath of the battle on the island did not come after the fireworks that was obviously a flare exploded. It is estimated that the battle is over, the guy Gromash should have run away, wait a minute Go on the island and search, if there is a miracle, you may be able to find Op-Op Fruit. “Tsuru Chief Staff Officer opened his mouth and said softly.

“Really… I was messed up by those two guys.” Sengoku Admiral also said with emotion, then he looked at Kuzan and said, “Kuzan, do it.”

Kuzan nodded when he heard the words, and then he leaped from the warship into the air with a stride, and then made two transparent energy fluctuations with both hands, which instantly covered the entire Mignon Island. The next second, it was originally burned by the fire. The island was instantly extinguished by the cold, bringing Mignon Island into the winter season again.

Then Kuzan landed on the warship and said, “It’s time to land.”

Marines landed on Mignon Island in large numbers and began to search the entire island inch by inch. After a while, Sengoku Admiral and his party found Kaido frozen by the ice of Kuzan in the middle of the island. It looked like that guy. Sleeping Zhengxiang doesn’t know if he needs to breathe when he is frozen?

Sengoku Admiral took two steps forward, looked at the mark on Kaido’s chest that had healed but still left a huge scar, and then said, “It seems that the battle between Gromash and Kaido is very fierce. I didn’t expect it. , That guy was able to leave a mark on him”

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru followed and said, “It seems that even if you meet that guy, if you don’t maintain sufficient vigilance, you may lose, so don’t underestimate that guy.”

Sengoku Admiral did not refute anything at all, but said in a deep voice: “Since I was in Logue town, I have never underestimated that Gromash.”

When Sengoku Admiral was here to talk to Tsuru Chief Staff about Kaido, this guy Garp seemed to have discovered some new world, and he was very excited to call Sengoku and the others, let them rush over.

Sengoku Admiral thought that Garp really took the heaven-defying shit luck and found Op-Op Fruit. After rushing to Garp excitedly, he saw Garp pointing to a tomahawk stuck on the ground and said: “Now, Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash’s axe, I don’t know what’s going on, this guy actually forgot the weapon here, I just tried

I want to pick it up and take a look, guess what??? It took me a lot of effort to barely lift it up. As for using it, it can’t be used at all, ahahahahaha, that guy’s power is really amazing. , Old man, I admire him a little bit!”

Sengoku Admiral also looked at Garp with a black line. Why did I come here to listen to you? Can you be a little more serious?

But somehow, Sengoku Admiral was also a little itchy in his heart, and then he still couldn’t stand the temptation, and went forward, ready to weigh the axe of Gromash, how heavy it is.

In fact, it’s not to blame Sengoku Admiral. After seeing this weapon, a man would want to try it?? After all, this kind of heavy weapon is not necessary, it represents the romance of a man!! Who hasn’t Have you ever imagined yourself wielding such a heavy weapon and galloping on the battlefield?

Sengoku Admiral walked to the battle axe, then held the battle axe tightly with both hands, and then sank his waist, a huge force burst out of his body.

Sengoku is Marine’s Admiral anyway. There is no strength to say. How can he not even be able to pick it up. I saw him suddenly mention it and lift the battle axe, but his face is also quite similar. It’s heavy, it’s exhausting to be able to mention it, let alone use it, I feel tired after mentioning it for a while

However, Sengoku Admiral also seemed to want to continue to compete with this battle axe. He saw his golden light masterpiece all over his body, very decisively using his abilities, intending to swing this battle axe.

On the other side, Tsuru Chief Staff Officer looked at Sengoku and Garp, who were aroused by the battle axe, and Kuzan, who was already standing aside and eager for 3.8, couldn’t help but shook his head and said, “Man, you are such a small kid.”

On the other side, the wet Gromash also climbed onto the Artemis that landed on the sea to meet him. After seeing Gromash, this guy Cromwell also teased and said: “Hey, boss, you are more than that. Did you throw a hand on the island, and don’t even need your own axe??”

Gromash flicked his hair first, took the towel that Robin handed over, wiped his face, and then suddenly realized that he said, “Fuck, I basically didn’t use any weapons when I was fighting Kaido. I forgot about my axe”

“What should I do?? Do you want to go back and grab it??” Hokkubak also brought a glass of juice, handed it to Gromash and asked.

“No, I will give you long eyes today, so that you can see and see what to make a light weapon, it is spiritual!” Gromash laughed and said, and then he used his only remaining arm to reach behind him handsomely, and said He pretended to say: “Axe!!”

As Gromash’s voice fell, on the other side, Sengoku Admiral, who was competing with the Hell Destroyer, suddenly felt an inexplicable fluctuation from the battle axe in his hand, and in the next second, Sengoku Admiral, who had not had time to react, was already in hell. The Destroyer stood up from the ground, screaming and flew into the distant air in an instant.

“My birthday!! Sengoku Admiral was abducted and sold by an axe!!” Marine, who was originally onlookers, was instantly confused after seeing this scene.

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