I Am Hellscream

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 The arrival of Visalia!

On a sunny noon, after a few days and nights of carnival banquets, dozens of people on the top and bottom of the Frostwolf Pirates group seemed to have become dead dogs, all lying in their own rooms unwillingly. When you come out, even if you are willing to come out, you can get some sun on the deck or on the beach.

It seems that without the wind and rain of Gromash, the whole New World has calmed down, Jack is still locked in the cabin, locked firmly, Kaido does not know whether he has completed his Wanokuni protection of the country. The sealing ceremony of King Ming, after such a long wait anyway, Gromash still did not wait for Kaido to come to “accept

‘Jack, the lost elephant, went home.

Whitebeard also returned to New World from The fish men island, still nesting high in his turf. From time to time, people will challenge him. Among them is the sand crocodile-Crocodile, a guy that Gromash once met in Logue town.

It’s just that there are more people challenging Whitebeard. It seems like this kind of thing, it seems that everyone is not surprised, just like ordinary people say, the sea just because it lost to the two people of Whitebeard and Roger, it became a lower position. There are so many silver medalists in China, like crucian carp who crosses the river.

This Crocodile is just one of them. His defeat in the face of Whitebeard is not big news. It is better to say that if he defeats Whitebeard, then it is really big news.

It’s just that Crocodile’s behavior is very secretive, and he’s not as unassuming as his character. Even before he challenged Whitebeard, few people in the sea knew who he was, and the bounty was also outrageously low.

Before that, he was exactly the same as a killer, but this time he failed to challenge Whitebeard, he was truly known, but the Marines did not know if it was because of the implementation of Grommash.” What’s the sweetness of stocking’ strategy? After Gromash started, it also started when the reward amount was set for other pirates.

With the strategy of compression, compression, and compression, Crocodile was also the guy who took back a life from Whitebeard, and was a strong player in Logia, but after this incident, the Marines actually gave Crocodile an eight thousand one. The bounty of one million Baileys is not enough to be seen in the first half of the Grand Line, let alone in New World


I don’t know how many people will fall into the hands of Crocodile, a vicious guy, but according to rumors, when Crocodile appeared again, he had become alone and lost an arm.

But judging from the battle between him and the Whitebeard Pirates, not all of his crewmates were killed. Although Crocodile was seriously injured, he did not become a disabled person with a limb. Therefore, everyone is also very curious. What happened after that, so that I became alone with one arm missing.

Gromash was not surprised when he learned of the news. According to his speculation, Crocodile should have been betrayed by his friends. Perhaps there was a reason why he lost to Whitebeard, which led to the loss of his prestige and subordinates. Initiated a rebellion or something.

The reason why Gromash speculates like this is also because this guy has a very bad attitude towards the so-called’partner’ in the future, and is full of mistrust. It must be a psychological shadow of the injury, until after going to Impel down to calm down, It’s just to cheer up again.

Except for the failure of Crocodile to challenge Whitebeard, which is not big news in the eyes of others but rather interesting news in Gromash’s eyes, nothing else really happened on the sea.

The bigmom pirate group is communicating with the giant kingdom recently, and without accident, will soon eat cancer. Kaido is nested in Wanokuni, Shanks this guy doesn’t know where he went, anyway, Gromash has not received any news from him. , I don’t know that Shanks is still looking for him behind his ass, but because Gromash came to the island this time

Yu was so inconspicuous that Shanks lost him.

Marines are not too conspicuous in New World. Recently, it seems that they are still secretly constructing new bases, and there is not much action.

Gromash, who was basking on the beach, slammed the newspaper that had little useful information in his hand, and then said dissatisfiedly: “Boring, what’s wrong with this world?? Why is everyone starting to relax? ~?”

“It’s the level of your concern that is too high?? In fact, from the perspective of ordinary people, not to mention the whole world, the New World is actually still in turmoil, but you don’t care about what you call it” Yeah, that’s all, you only pay attention to people like Whitebeard, Kaido, bigmom, Shanks, but let’s not talk about Shanks and Whitebeard.

Kaido and bigmom are not fools. How could Tenten do things? At this stage, the entire New World pirate forces have entered the final stage of the so-called kingship hegemony. Kaido and bigmom pirates are also doing the same thing as us. He’s saving his own strength, who wants to come out to waste time??” Cromwell grabbed from the beach

Putting a handful of sand into his mouth, he said to Gromash.

“Yes, they are all building up their strength, but his mother, this Visalia Island will not come again, Laozi will be mad, a group of old scholars, and the movements are really slow. When Laozi takes the island, he must make good changes. Change their bad ethos!!” Gromash complained very uncomfortably, then he looked at Cromwell and asked: “I have wanted to ask since just now, for

What are you eating dirt???”

Cromwell chewed the sand in his mouth and said nonchalantly: “Drinking a little bit of stomach acid these days, it’s very uncomfortable, so eat some sand to neutralize it. The most important thing is to be able to take it. Develop my abilities, don’t say anything, I can taste everything I eat now, and the sand has a faint creamy taste.”

“You’re really a goddamn genius, is this fruit for you to develop your sense of taste?? Are you eating something out of your mind??” Gromash looked at Cromwell and said.

It’s just that Gromash didn’t say much about Cromwell’s ability development. Although this guy looks a little uncomfortable, he still works very hard. For his efforts, Gromash also takes care of him.

On the other side of the beach, Robin is building castles on the beach with Monet and sugar.Through these days of banquets, Monet and sugar are initially integrated into this environment, and the two of them are like Robin. The first person to contact has a very good relationship, plus they are all girls, vaguely forming a “women’s secret gang”.

Looking at the distance, Lu Qi and Urouge are beating each other. The two are messing up the distant beach. Lu Qi is practicing his murloc karate and six styles, and Urouge is doing this. In developing their abilities, the only two of them, Joz and Hogback, were sitting on the edge of the ship on the deck, talking about something while fishing.

Looking at the whole thing, the Frostwolf Pirates Group has also entered a state of’leisure daily life’.

In the free time after drinking the wine a few days ago, everyone went out and looked for Devil Fruit on the island. Forests and mountains, two or three days of work, the Frostwolf Pirates group waited to go over here.

Sure enough, just like Cromwell said, Devil Fruit can’t be found by just looking for it. There is no Devil Fruit on this island.

Sugar and Monet’s abilities should be obtained from Doflamingo after joining the Donquixote Family.

Gromash is not disappointed about this. I have my luck and lose my life. On the contrary, instead of letting sugar eat Paramecia, childlike fruit, it will never grow and develop again. Gromash is even more looking forward to seeing it. After growing up, sugar will become a big beauty like her sister Monet.

Well, even though it is legal, Loli is also very good.

Just as Gromash was thinking about these problems, his eyes suddenly saw a weird cloud moving towards them in the sky, and then Gromash immediately said, “Robin, hurry, look at that one. Is Yun Yun the Visalia Island we are waiting for??”

Robin, who was piling sand, stood up with some doubts after hearing Gromash’s words, and then looked in the direction of Gromash’s hand, and then saw Robin crossed his hands on his chest and activated his abilities.

“”” Two rounds of flowers blooming: ears and ears-dazzling!”

As Robin’s voice fell, a lot of phantoms of petals appeared inexplicably around her body, and then Robin closed his eyes and seemed to be exploring something.

The ability of Flower-Flower Fruit may seem inconspicuous, but it is actually a very powerful Paramecia ability.First of all, the range of ability of Flower-Flower Fruit ability is very light, as long as she can see it. The scope of the ability to activate, and secondly, this ability completely ignores the opponent’s speed, as long as one’s eyes can keep up, it can force the enemy to restrain

Finally, this ability can even develop bug-level moves like clones, which is enough to see how powerful this ability is.

It’s just that the original Robin didn’t seem to have any pursuit of her own strength, she completely regarded Flower-Flower Fruit as an auxiliary ability.

And after Gromash turned Robin into his partner, he didn’t actually force Robin to exercise his strength.In his opinion, Robin as an intelligence assistant and rich knowledge is enough, the most important thing is to be responsible for appearance. Just as beautiful as a flower.

It’s just that recently, Robin seems to have begun to realize the importance of strength. From time to time, he will ask Gromash about the methods of ability development and related martial arts. At least now, Robin is starting to learn and is about to Master Six Forms This kind of power.

For this kind of good thing, Gromash certainly did not refuse. Compared with beautiful, wouldn’t it be better to be able to fight and be beautiful?

Soon, Robin withdrew her ability. She just used her ability to grow eyes and ears on that strange cloud layer to observe it, and she has obtained relevant information.

Robin opened his eyes and said with some joy: “Captain, it’s Visalia Island, which is similar to what you described. It is a small Sky Island with many weird balloons hanging on it. It seems to be assisting the flight, and they are coming towards us.”

Gromash stood up very excitedly after confirming the news from Robin, and then laughed loudly: “Jie ha ha ha ha ha, finally let my uncle Gromash wait for this group of old scholastics, I ‘S Tomahawk is already hungry and thirsty. If they dare to chat with me later, I will let them understand this

How terrible the world is!!”

After Gromash finished speaking, Cromwell also blew a whistle and said to Joz who was fishing on the deck: “Joz, wake up all those drunk and sleeping guys. We are waiting. The goal is here!!”

“Is that Sky Island?? Is there really an island that can float in the sky??” Monet took the sugar, looked at the strange cloud in the distance, and muttered.

“Well, there is indeed Sky Island. Although I haven’t been there yet, Gromash has been there. Urouge is still a Sky Islander. Didn’t you see that he has two small wings? It is said that there is history on Sky Island. As long as we take down the Visalia Island, we can Master the way to enter Sky Island anytime, anywhere. At that time, it will be more than Gromash.

The plan can begin, and even I can go and read the historical text!” Robin also said a little excitedly.

Monet smiled and said, “Now it seems that if you become your partner and leave with you, the future will at least be fun.” Zero.

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