I Am Hellscream

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 The tyrannical Frostwolf Pirates?

New World-Grunds Island, this island is located in the first half of New World. It is a small island, but it is very special. This island is one of the trading islands in the dark world.

On this, there are many big businessmen in the dark world, such as the Happy Street of Queen Stussy, such as the smuggling fleet of the King of the Sea-Umit, such as the illegal lending company of the king of loan sharks-Royfield.

Of course, besides them, the newly emerging “middleman. JOKER” in New World also has some business on this island, such as his auction house.

For those who have little strength and qualifications, JOKER’s identity is more mysterious, but for those who are not so strange to the dark world, JOKER’s identity is very clear.

The big pirate with a bounty of 250 million Baileys-Heavenly Yaksha-Don Jihe De Doflamingo, he is also making extra money while working on the promising job of pirates, and his part-time identity is this dark world. middleman. JOKER.

I have to say that Doflamingo’s identity is very special, so that he is much faster and better in this industry than in the Pirate industry.

Doflamingo was once a member of the Don Quixote family who now lives in the Holy Land-Mariejois, but was later taken by his father with a problematic brain and the whole family was miserable. After a series of childhood tragedies. , Doflamingo completely embarked on the dark road of destruction. He personally killed his father and put his father’s head on

I went to Mariejois and wanted to return to the identity of Celestial Dragons, but his proposal was rejected.Since then, Doflamingo’s heart has been filled with a tyrannical idea to pull the entire Celestial Dragons class down and let them also. Come experience the pain and suffering of this “mortal”.

Because of this, Doflamingo will gradually follow the road of Shanghai thief, but due to his special status, the Marines’ capture of him is somewhat “moist”. The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru has chased him for so many years, even Among them, the undercover Virgo’s credit has allowed Doflamingo to escape many times, but no one wants to go except for the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru.

I caught the guy Doflamingo. Obviously, this is not a good job in Marine, so that everyone resists.

Although Doflamingo is a pirate, he was able to effectively use his identity to contact the authority of the Celestial Dragons and the World government, which made him gradually become a “black and white” guy. Because of this, he In order to become the middleman JOKER in the dark world, after all, World government also needs to use the dark in many cases.

The power of the world, and this time, Doflamingo~ is useful, isn’t it??

At this time, Doflamingo, who has the name of Heavenly Yaksha, is sitting at the Donquixote Family residence on Gangrens Island. It has been almost two years since he came to New World. However, he has not always been running businesses all over the world. They are all in the New World. Most of the time, he runs around. The longest stays are North Blue and the current post.

Lens Island.

“Furfurfurfur, Diamandi, look at the latest news. As soon as that Proudmoore-Gromash entered the New World, it was like a beast that went crazy, destroying almost all the pirate forces he passed along the way. Whether it’s the bigmom flag or the Beasts Pirates flag, he doesn’t care about it at all. He is truly a lunatic.”

Doflamingo said with a newspaper in one hand and a red wine glass.

At this time, the headline entry of the newspaper in his hand was “The Frostwolf Pirates Destroyed the Pastry Processing Factory of the Bigmom Pirates. Cracker, one of the four dessert stars, was defeated by Diamond Joz and fled in embarrassment. 》

And on the table in front of him, there were also several brand new wanted bounty orders.

Gromash is still a 550 million Bailey’s bounty. Even if he has been involved in trouble recently, Marines don’t know if he took the wrong medicine. In short, he won’t give him a bounty even if he is killed in New World. The five warships were folded into Gromash’s hands, and they still pretended not to see them.

Following Gromash is Diamond Joz’s reward order, at this time Joz’s bounty has reached 400 million Baileys, no more, no less.

After Joz, Gem Hunter Cromwell, offered a bounty of 210 million Baileys, which was not much increased, and it increased by a little more than 100 million in such a long time.

But after this, new faces appeared, killing weapons-Rob Luchi, Thunder Fruit capable people, offering a bounty of 200 million Baileys!

After all, Lu Qi’s Thunder Fruit made a big wave in the New World. As a fruit ability with the’name of invincibility’, Thunder Fruit has not appeared for a long time, but every generation of Thunder Fruit ability in the past, They are all extremely powerful. There is no doubt about this. The world government and various forces have been secretly searching for years.

With this Devil Fruit, as long as you find it, after a little training, you will get a combat power called’top’.

But no one thought that such an invincible’ ability would actually appear on a little kid, and that kid turned out to be a person under Gromash, with the protection and cultivation of Gromash, this little guy is very good It may grow to a very high level, and the World government also got relevant news from CP-9. This Luo

Bu Luqi was originally a person who was emphatically cultivated in the CP-9. He has extremely high aptitude and potential. At this stage, he has the blessing of Thunder Fruit. The future achievements seem to be visible to the naked eye.

For this reason, although Lu Qi has no record of success, with the conquest of this road, coupled with the recognition of his potential by the World government, he was soon offered a reward of 200 million Baileys. It seems that the World government wants to use a high bounty to try to see if it can make him fall short.

But Lu Qi didn’t care about this. On the contrary, he was very happy with his 200 million Baileys bounty. Under him, Urouge was also offered a 40 million Baileys bounty, but there is nothing to say. .

As for Robin and Hobackak, they were not offered a reward. It seems that the World government and Marine did not recognize Robin and attributed them to the “brothers” on the Gromash ship rather than the cadres.

Diamandi still paints his face like a person, a ghost or a ghost. He sat on the sofa and said, “Dover, now this Hellscream is crazy. He seems to be going to take the whole New World. Everyone offends it all over again, don’t we need to avoid it?? Their boat is coming towards us.”

After taking a sip from the red wine glass, Doflamingo said with an unexplained smile on the corner of his mouth: “No, no, Diamandi, this Gromash seems to be really crazy, but it doesn’t. Think about it. , He destroyed so many pirate forces along the way, but most of them are defeated, and they can really threaten him.

There are only two people, one is the beast that has no time to come out and is entrenched in Wanokuni to handle many things, Kaido, and the other is Charlotte- Linlin of the bigm om pirates, and these two people are currently removed from New World. Apart from that guy Whitebeard, isn’t it the most promising pirate?? Gromash is probably also aware that he is not a white beard at the moment.

Zi’s opponents, so these two seemingly weaker guys should be regarded as Liwei’s targets. If he really wins either of them in New World, it will be A draw is enough to become his capital to truly gain a foothold in New World, isn’t it?”

. Ask for flowers 0…

Speaking of this, Doflamingo paused for a while, and then said: “And from the current point of view, he does have the capital to provoke these two people. As for whether we should avoid him, I don’t think it is necessary. The island is not on their established route, is it?? Since they suddenly changed the route, I can’t think of a surprise

Well, it should be directed at me. Recently, I heard that they were looking for something. Maybe they came to me to inquire about the news.

While Doflamingo was waiting for Gromash and the others to arrive at Grunds Island, on the Artemis, Gromash was also looking at the newspaper in his hand.

“Jiehahahaha, Joz, you are very photogenic.” Gromash said with a laugh.

The headline photo on the front page of the newspaper was exactly the appearance of Joz, who was shining with diamonds and smashed the Cracker biscuit. There is no very effective means to break through Joz’s diamond defense. At this time, Joz really seems to have some of the strongest physical defenses.

The name of Yu’.

“The bounty of 400 million Baileys always sounds a bit uncomfortable, and the boss, why is your bounty stagnant??” Joz did not express his opinion on whether he was photogenic, but was right. Speaking of his bounty.

“Who knows what those Marine and World government people are doing? I always feel that there seems to be some conspiracy hanging over my head, but it doesn’t matter. The bounty is just a card, even if I only have 500 million. Ten million Bailey, who would dare to underestimate me??” Gromash smiled, and said indifferently.

“Boss, we are going to this island of Gangrens this time, are we going to kill the Heavenly Yaksha-Don Quixote-Doflamingo??” Cromwell asked while drinking the juice.

“Of course not, don’t you think I’m so tyrannical??” Gromash directly denied this statement and said.

“Truthless?? No, people in the entire New World probably think you are a violent-kun, a lunatic. Over this period of time, our Frostwolf Pirates’ behavior is indeed very tyrannical.” Lu Qi sipped. Milk, as he spoke.

“A fool thinks that way. I don’t care what a fool thinks. This time I went to Doflamingo to inquire about Visalia Island. Besides, this guy is also useful to us. People who are very useful, they can barely become our partners.” Gromash smacked his lips and spoke very casually.


Just when Gromash and the others changed their direction and headed towards Gangrens Island, on another island, Shanks this guy was also a little confused and rubbed his chin and said, “It shouldn’t be, at their speed, two days. I should be able to get here before, why can’t I see the shadow???”

“Can’t you use the phone worm to contact me?? Why do you have to make it like this???” Ben-Beckman was also a little speechless and said to his nonchalant captain.

“That wouldn’t be a surprise!!” Shanks said naturally.

“Captain, will they change course??” Laki Lu said while biting his chicken leg.

Shanks was also a little unwilling to believe it and said, “It shouldn’t be??” 3.

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