I Am Hellscream

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Flag battle!

While Gromash and the others were doing nothing to drink coffee and chatting, Shyarly’s cabin was knocked on the door again, and then Jinbei and Cromwell walked in.

“Jinbei, come here, why? Are you thinking about going to be a pirate with me?? I can tell you, our pirate is a very promising industry, let alone a lot, the future will be at least twenty During the year, it will be the era of the big pirates. Wouldn’t you want to come up and perform on such a big stage with heroes??”” After Gromash saw Jinbei,

Invited again.

But Jinbei said a little carelessly: “Boss Gromash, do you see the difference between me now and joining your Frostwolf Pirates? Isn’t it because of your business? Through the past two years Considering the time, I do plan to find a chance to go to sea for a while, but it is not now, let me wait for a while

Time, I heard Cromwell say that you will enter the New World soon after taking a break. At that time, you will also need someone to take care of your project at The fish men island, right?? Leave it to me.

“Jiehahahaha, you really haven’t changed at all Jinbei, I know, the reason why you don’t want to go to sea with us is that you can’t worry about The fish men island, well, let you think about it, maybe in the future In a period of time, after you have seen the rapid changes in The fish men island, you will feel relieved to go out with us to explore the world.” Gro~Marsh

Said with a smile.

He had already expected Jinbei’s refusal. Jinbei is good at everything, but he is too loyal. King Neptune has a good understanding of him, so he is willing to sacrifice a lot of personal in order to sit in The fish men island. The idea, the same, is also because Fisher Tiger also has great kindness to him, so Jinbei needs manpower most in Tiger

At that time, he was able to give up his promising future and go with Tiger-this guy is desperate.

Gromash is also willing to believe that if his Frostwolf Pirates really lack Jinbei at this time, they can’t play, and if they may go bankrupt at any time, then Jinbei must join without a word, but the current situation is not It’s not that Jinbei can’t help it without him, so Jinbei will choose to continue to station at The fish men island, which is why Gromash appreciates it so much.

Jinbei, because of his benevolence and righteousness, he has such a partner-in, who is not happy?

What’s more, just like what Jinbei said, in fact, he is no different from joining the Frostwolf Pirates, but the status is gone, and Gromash will not stay in The fish men island for too long. Yes, after the related matters are dealt with, I will take a break here.

At that time, there will indeed be one less person in The fish men island to help them arrange related plans in the middle, and this person is most suitable for Jinbei.

First, Jinbei is one of the local snakes of The fish men island, and it also has great prestige in the fish men street.Second, Jinbei is not only in the fish men street, he also has the trust of the dragon palace city. , So he is the best candidate to dispatch directly between the two parties, and because of this, Gromash didn’t force Jinbei to leave with them.

Cromwell also smiled and said: “I have a foreboding that you will become our partner sooner or later.

After several people chatted for a while, Jinbei said, “Boss Gromash, I have two things to tell you today.”

Gromash also sat up when he heard the words, leaned slightly towards Jinbei, and asked, “What’s the matter??”

Jinbei pondered for a moment, and then he said: “First of all, the engineering problems of Murloc Street, everyone has put it together. The Frostwolf Pirates has now designated The fish men island as its own territory, but in the end, you are here. There isn’t even a formal resident, and you will disband as soon as you come back. You, Lu Qi, and Robin can live here in Shyarly, but Cromwell

They can only drift outside.”

Jinbei said this, Cromwell had already laughed and said: “Don’t care about us, we have been happy these two days, don’t tell me, Jinbei, The fish men island is really a paradise, love paradise!! ”

Jinbei also smiled, and then he said, “That said, but this is not a long-term thing. Therefore, our old folks in Fishman Street also planned it. There is something I want to do for you. This time I am also seeking your opinions.”

Gromash also smiled at this time and said: “You want to help our Frostwolf Pirates build a station exclusively for us on Murloc Street??”

Jinbei saw that Gromash had guessed it, and said with a smile, “Yes, it seems more formal and more imposing in this way.”

Gromash laughed and said, “Well, although I didn’t plan to do this originally, but now thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case. The fish men island is the base camp and basic plate of our Frostwolf Pirates. Indeed, it should be more formal, otherwise you will have trouble in the future. It is better to plan well from the beginning, then I would like to thank you all.

NS. ”

After chatting for a while about the construction requirements of the Frostwolf Pirates’ station, Jinbei said again: “The second thing is a bit important.”

Gromash also straightened his face when he heard the words, and asked, “What’s the matter??”

“This morning, in Dragon Palace, His Majesty Neptune received a call from the big pirate, Whitebeard, and then we learned a news that at this time, the flagship of the Whitebeard pirate group. Moby Dick is away from us. The fish men island is not far away. This time, your majesty asked me to inform the boss of Gromash. After all, the fish men island is hanging with you Frostwolf.

The banner of the Pirates, Dragon Palace is also obligated to inform you about these things, Boss Gromash, what do you plan to do about this?? Do you want to avoid it?” Jinbei said as he looked at Gromash.

Gromash also picked up the cool coffee on the table, took a sip, and said, “Avoid it?? Huh, it is definitely impossible to avoid it. Laozi’s banner has just been hung here, and I have to avoid it when I come to Whitebeard. ?? So where do we put the face of our Frostwolf Pirates? Jinbei, for us Pirates, sometimes it can be shameless, such as me

Even if I only saw a Marine Rear Admiral and then I turned around and ran, no one would say anything to me. After all, we are thieves, we are thieves, and we see the errand. Isn’t it normal to run? But sometimes , Even if I have my destiny here, I can’t run. For example, this time, so avoiding is definitely unavoidable. If he is in the Whitebeard Pirates

There is no chaos on my site, but I have no opinion. The fish men island is after all the necessary place to enter and exit the first half of the New World and Grand Line. No one will let you get up. If you really do that, within a year, I will definitely be chased by the entire New World. No one can handle this kind of thing.

, I can’t, neither is Whitebeard, so he is willing to come, it doesn’t matter if he likes to come…”

After Gromash said this, he paused, and then the powerful aura on his body burst out.From an approachable state, the whole person instantly entered a state of violence that seemed to be difficult to provoke, and then Gromash spoke to continue. Said: “However, if these pirates are not abiding by the rules, then he shouldn’t think that he is just a white beard.

The name of the son can scare me Gromash. I came here this way, and it is not that I have not played legendary characters like him, Marine Admiral Sengoku and Marine hero Garp. When they stood together, I was Gromash. I’ve never been afraid, Whitebeard, and Laozi are not afraid either!!”

Immediately afterwards, Jinbei saw Gromash showed a ferocious smile, and then he saw Gromash speak again: “It’s just right to say that I actually want to understand how strong this world’s strongest man is. Want to see how big the gap between me and him is, and how many axes can he catch me?? Jieha

Hahahaha, this is really an interesting thing, I can’t wait. ”

…Seeking flowers 0…

Cromwell also said indifferently at this time: “Yes, Jinbei, the boss of Gromash is right. If we choose to avoid here, then I think we will not go to New World, just look for it. A fish pond is a landlord. In the final analysis, our Frostwolf Pirates are also very face-saving, and some face, even if we trade our lives, it is

We need to change it!! What’s more, if you want to step on our feet, you have to plan to accidentally smash your feet.”

Even Xiao Luqi said in a deep voice, “Yes, if it’s a man, you can’t choose to be a turtle here!”

The original tense atmosphere was also broken by Lu Qi’s words. I saw Gromash constricted his momentum, and then rubbed Lu Qi’s little head and said, “You are at most a boy now, and you are not a man if you have no hair. what??”

“Gromash!! Can you be more civilized?? It’s not hairy all day, or you fucking, no quality at all!!” Lu Qi said very annoyedly after being looked down upon by Gromash.

“Jehahahahaha, what qualities did you tell me about being a pirate?? I will be a Marine if I have the qualities.” Gromash said with a big laugh.

At this time, Jinbei saw the atmosphere ease slightly, and he was also relieved. Then he said again: “In fact, the matter is not as serious as expected. His Majesty Neptune and the Whitebeard are friends for many years. This time Whitebeard seems He also came to his Majesty to reminisce about drinking. With his status, he shouldn’t mess around.”

Gromash also smiled and said, “That’s better, as long as he doesn’t want to step on my Gromash feet, even for The fish men island, I Gromash will not take the initiative to do it with him here.”

While Gromash and Jinbei were talking these words, at this time in the deep sea, the huge Moby Dick was wrapped in a coating and was heading towards The fish men island.

The tall Newgate was also sitting in his seat, and he reached out and stroked his sturdy Whitebeard. Several sons said, “I didn’t expect that the Frostwolf Pirates flag of Gromash was hoisted on The fish men island. It was the purpose of my trip.

It’s a hot water, Kula la la la.

At this time, the captain of the third division Saatchi also said: “Father, he is a guy who has never been to New World, and he has the courage to hang a banner in The fish men island?? How about I teach them a lesson?”

And the guy who was eating Sakura peach pie behind Saqi also smiled and said, “The thief hahahaha, let them see the power of our Whitebeard Pirates!!”

Only Newgate shook his head and said, “Sach, Teach, don’t say such things. First of all, my old friend Neptune seems to admire the Gromash. The relationship between the two of them is very good. For the sake of Neptune’s face, I don’t want to bully the small with big things. Secondly, Gromash is not a guy that can be underestimated, let alone,

Don’t forget, this is The fish men island in the deep sea. ”

But after Whitebeard finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then said: “But The fish men island can’t just hang a banner casually. Does he have this qualification? I really need me to weigh it. one time.

In Whitebeard’s view, The fish men island is his old friend-Neptune’s country, so out of friendship, he must also consider sheltering The fish men island, but now The fish men island hangs his Gromash. The banner, the gold content of this banner is still unknown. At this time, he will go and measure it. If Gromash does have the strength and qualifications

It doesn’t matter if I have a plan this time. With my own weighing, it can be regarded as a signal to the outside world, proving that Gromash has the ability to shelter The fish men island, which is a good thing for Gromash.

Of course, if Gromash’s strength did not satisfy Whitebeard, then Whitebeard wouldn’t mind actually removing his flag and replacing it with the flag of their Whitebeard Pirate Group!!

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