I Am Hellscream

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Cocktail party between Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

New World belongs to the waters of the Whitebeard site. On the Moby Dick, Whitebeard is only fifty-two years old this year. He is at the peak of his life. He is really the strongest man in the world. Kaido in the stage failed to win him, and lost to Whitebeard several times, but the battle during this period was Whitebeard in the end.

ーWhether they won Kaido or the Whitebeard Pirates won Kaido are never known.

The only thing that is certain is that this guy Kaido single-handedly provokes Whitebeard every time, but although Kaido has been defeated many times, even Whitebeard has nothing to do with him. .

But in any case, whether Whitebeard leads people to fight in order to win the title of Kaido, who has not yet been awarded the title of “single-handedly strongest”, or suppresses Kaido alone, in short, there is one thing that has to be admitted, that is. At present, the Whitebeard Pirate Group led by Whitebeard is the “strongest Pirate Group” in the entire pirate force, whether it is bigmom

The pirate group is still Kaido’s Beasts Pirates. In terms of overall strength, they are all behind Whitebeard’s pirate group. On the sea, evaluating a pirate’s achievements, although there are certain factors that depend on personal strength, but more It depends on how strong the entire pirate group is. What if you can fight alone? At most, the second Red Earl can fight like this.

The top powerhouse of soy sauce can only be the “strongest” with the strongest overall strength.

Therefore, Whitebeard and his pirate group will be unanimously recognized by many pirates that he is the man closest to the throne, but he does not have the intention of being king, and it is precisely because of this that he is Whitebeard. Will be called the current “pirate pinnacle”, anyone who has not defeated him and his Whitebeard Pirates, even if they find Raftel,

I am afraid that the world will not be recognized as the second Pirate King.

Whitebeard’s achievements in the pirates are obviously very high, but there was also another man who was not weaker than Whitebeard. It is stronger than the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s just that almost four years ago, a storm destroyed all of this and also destroyed the power that the man used to dominate the world, and that man is now the Golden Lion who escaped from Impel down-Imperton. Shiki.

Almost four years ago in the battle of Ed Wall, Marine’s combat power was strong, but the overall number was not large, only three warships, so even if there was that sudden storm, the huge pirate under the command of Golden Lion The forces did not completely disappear in that battle.

The reason that really made the huge pirate power disappear is that the dragon head Golden Lion Shiki was captured by Marine and sent to Impel down in Impelton, and then the leader of the dragon head brother and the pirate admiral-Golden Lion was gone. , The entire Golden Lion force became a mess of sand, and the position of the “pirate overlord” that was vacated after Golden Lion- Shiki was arrested was divided.

Fang Haojie’s Guy coveted that the entire New World had started a round of royal hegemony because of this incident, and it was this royal hegemony that made Golden Lion’s sand-dissolving power that was already about to die completely.

There is no Golden Lion in the sea today. The captains of Shiki’s command back then, even if there were, they all changed their doors. Even the masters of his group who followed the Golden Lion-Shiki to participate in the Ed Wall naval battle were also in the same game. Dead in the naval battle, cold, the entire Golden Lion flying pirates group has not gone.

Apart from the logistics personnel participating in the war, there were only three or two big cats and kittens.

However, it was because the logistics staff did not participate in the naval battle that year, the Golden Lion’s big plan was not destroyed, otherwise D…Indie, the scientist under the Golden Lion also died there, Golden Lion may be true. They don’t even bother to escape from prison.

“It’s up to now, what are you doing (ciad) from there? Shiki?” Whitebeard took a sip from a large drinking bowl in his hand and opened his mouth.

Beside him, the big pirate who used to be rebellious and how proud of the world-Golden Lion-Shiki is sitting there very casually, and in his hand, still holding a wine bowl, it looks like, Golden Lion, Shiki This time he came to drink with his old rival Whitebeard.

“Jiehahahaha, it was too boring inside, so I came out.” Shiki said casually. It seems that Impel down, which has the name of hell, is just for him. The out-of-the-box cottages are average, really Haki is incomparable.

“I thought that Impel down would strengthen its guards because of the Gromash incident. I didn’t expect it to be a joke.” Whitebeard also seemed to be dismissive of Impel down and said.

“Gromash? Jiehahahaha, you may not know that in Eternal Hell, there are a lot of guys waiting for that Gromash to be caught again. When that kid escaped from prison, but everyone inside It’s so bad, Jiehahahaha, once that kid gets caught again, he will feel better.” Shiki seemed to think of it.

I heard the “losers” constantly cursing Gromash in the Eternal Hell, laughed and said.

“Huh, the loser’s dog barks. You have been locked in for nearly four years. The situation on the sea has already changed. Even the little guy who everyone thought was a fluke escaped from Impel down. , And now it has become a beast that cannot be ignored.

As far as I know, the Admiral candidate of Naval Headquarters has also been continuously defeated by the kid, and the kid who likes to light candles was almost beaten to death, so Shiki, if you still want to go to sea again, I Give you a piece of advice, don’t underestimate that Gromash. “” Whitebeard said after taking a sip from his drinking bowl.

Shiki was also silent for a while, it seems that he was also very emotional in his heart, there is no way, it is estimated that whoever changes it will be quite emotional, in less than four years, his once pirate overlord has fallen to the present. At this point, can you not feel sorry?

“Is there no Roger’s sea? Although it is a bit lonely, for us, there is no “barrier” that can hinder us, right?? Newgate, after I came out, I heard that the pirate on the sea We all seem to be saying that this sea is your time now, is the “Whitebeard” era? Jiehahahaha.” Shiki laughed and said, his tone of voice

There seems to be some disapproval in it.

And Whitebeard also took a look at Shiki and said, “Shiki, if you really come to me and say these silly things, I can sink you into this ocean immediately.”

Although everyone in the world thinks that this era will soon become the era of “Whitebeard”, Whitebeard has never admitted such words himself, and in his opinion, such words are also very boring. Does it make sense?

Golden Lion Shiki is one of the few existences that can sit on an equal footing with him. Even if he is now “Lion Falling in the Sun”, Whitebeard still recognizes him. In Whitebeard’s view, Golden Lion, Shiki can pull up at any time as long as he does not fall. A force that was once so powerful is nothing more than the length of time.

When others say this, perhaps Whitebeard can still be regarded as he is “flattering” himself, but what kind of guy is Golden Lion, Shiki? As an old opponent in the first half of the battle, can Whitebeard not understand him?? I can make this guy recognize the “Whitebeard” era. In Newgate’s view, it is impossible. If Shiki can lower his head to recognize this

Anyway, he is not a Golden Lion anymore.

So Newgate also directly heard that Shiki’s words contained a bit of “sarcasm”, and that’s why he said this.

“Jiehahahaha, you are really that unpleasant old look, but I’m relieved, although Roger is gone, but you are still there, Jiehahahaha.” Shiki laughed and said.

Just when Whitebeard was about to give Golden Lion a lesson, Shiki also said again: “Newgate, this is the last time we drank together in a long time. I want to disappear for a while, maybe When I reappear, it is to let this weak era see the horror of us true pirates

It’s time. ”

Newgate also frowned slightly, and said with some doubts: “What are you guys planning?”

“Jiehahahaha, if you are curious, just wait and see the show. Of course, the premise is that you can live a few more years and don’t be killed by those weak guys.” Shiki laughed and said, then He drank the wine in his hand in one sip, threw the wine bowl casually, and stood up.His original legs had already been accompanied by him in the world.

The famous sword “Withered Wood” and “Sakura Ten” were replaced. Although it looks a bit tragic, it can highlight his aggressive aura.

“I won’t die if you die, Shiki.” Newgate also drank the large drinking bowl in his hand, and then said.

Shiki didn’t say much but turned around and waved. He activated his abilities without looking back. He flew into the sky from Whitebeard’s Mobile and disappeared quickly.

Until then, standing behind Whitebeard, Marco, who was not qualified to speak, asked, “Father, what is this Shiki going to do??”

“Who knows?? But I don’t think he has a long memory. Maybe he shut his mind off in Impel down. It is really boring to plan and plan.” Newgate said with some disdain.

Marko first touched his chin, and then he didn’t discuss Golden Lion with Whitebeard anymore. Anyway, he couldn’t discuss anything, but this meeting was not considered a drink for Golden Lion. At least they Whitebeard Sea. The thief group has received first-hand news, that is, Shiki, this guy did not intend to come back in the first time, reorganized from

My own power, but is ready to lay the ground for a while.

Marco quickly swept the thoughts about Golden Lion out of his mind, and then said: “Father, aren’t we going to The fish men island? The coating work is ready and ready to go. The fish men island is now, and we also received an interesting news. The Gromash you mentioned just now is currently in Sabaody

On the land islands, if nothing else, he will return to The fish men island soon, maybe we can meet him. ”

“Oh? Kula la la la la la la, that’s a coincidence. Now that the preparations are almost done, let’s set off to The fish men island.” Newgate seemed to be interested in Gromash and said.

And this time Whitebeard went to The fish men island, he was actually kind, he wanted to find his friend, the king of the fish men island. Neptune drinkers, according to the original history, after this time, Whitebeard will hand over his flag to The fish men island. From then on, The fish men island has become the site of the Whitebeard pirate group and is protected by him.

However, at this time, Gromash, who also intends to shroud The fish men island under his own banner, is also preparing to return to The fish men island. When he and Whitebeard met, the goals between the two conflicted again. Will Whitebeard retreat or Gromash retreat?.

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