I Am Hellscream

Chapter 092

The night seemed to be colder than the day in the kingdom of the magnetic drum, and at this time in the kingdom of this country, Gromash and his party were eating a sumptuous dinner with King Wapol I in the banquet room.

As a ship doctor who had just joined Gromash not long ago, this guy was also sitting here eating with everyone at this time.

“It turns out that Lord Gromash, you came to our Magnetic Drum Kingdom to let Mr. Hoguguk join your ship, Lord Gromash you really have vision, Mr. Hoguguk is also very blessed.” When Wapole I heard about what Gromash had done not long ago, he also said very hypocritically.

And Gromash also smiled, and while holding up a wine glass and taking two sips, he continued: “This pirate’s reputation is inevitably a little ugly outside, no better than his respected profession as a doctor, Mr. Hoguguk can become our ship doctor, it should be said that we are lucky.” ”

Gromash and the old king hypocritically praised each other a few more words, and then he continued: “Your Majesty, we are pirates, among them, the position of captain is the most difficult to sit, because the brothers are willing to let you be a captain, that is to entrust your wealth and life to you, so those of us who are captains, naturally have to find benefits for the brothers, right?” ”

Vapole I was also a little wary after hearing this Gromash’s words, but he still nodded and said: “Yes, just like being a king, it is a truth to think about your own people. ”

Gromash also nodded and said: “Your Majesty, you can understand, so we also have a reluctant request here, Mr. Hogubak has decided to join our Frost Wolf Pirates, then as his captain, I should seek something for him that he wants, this guy is not interested in anything else, but he cares about medical books, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom as a first-class top medical country in the world, presumably the collection of these medical books in the royal family must be very perfect, if you can, I hope that His Majesty the King will open the treasury to us a little for a while and let him transcribe some books. ”

Gromash’s words are very unacceptable to a king, especially if he opens his own treasure trove to a pirate like Gromash, isn’t it the same as the beautiful little girl stripped naked and lying in the room of the satyr? ? It’s not taken yet??

Just when Vapole I’s face was a little ugly, and he wanted to refuse but did not know how to express it tactfully so as not to anger Gromash, Gromash had already spoken again.

“Of course, Your Majesty, you have helped us so much, we can’t say nothing, it is better to be friends with pirates, that is, we pirates are usually very generous, and so is I, Gromash, Cromwell…” said Gromash as he wiped his mouth with a tissue, and then extended his hand to Cromwell.

When Cromwell saw Gromash call him, he also reacted quickly, casually reached into the cloth pocket he carried, and then quickly took out a small package, reached out and handed it to Gromash.

Then, in the puzzled eyes of Vapole I, Gromash got up from his seat and walked to his side, and this action also made the captain of the guard who had been standing behind Vapole I, Dalton, involuntarily nervous, and put his palm on his weapon.

I saw Gromash walked to the old king’s side, then raised his hand to take away some dinner plates and moved the position, and then put the package on the table with a beautiful tablecloth, and then patted the old king’s shoulder with a smile and said: “This is the thank you I am going to give to His Majesty, and it is better to personally uncover the surprise and find it myself.” ”

Wapole I was also stunned for a moment, and then he did not hesitate anything, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, he thought that Gromash should not fool him with something, and it should not contain a bloody human head or something “special gift”.

Sure enough, just after the old king unwrapped the wrapped fabric, the shining light was refracted from there, and a large number of rare gemstones were piled up here like the most inconspicuous stone on the street, and among them were large diamonds that were very brilliant and transparent.

Of course, the old king is not a fool, he can see so many rare gemstones at a glance, they must be valuable, in the face of these things, even him, he can’t help but look at it twice.

“Hahahahaha, maybe Your Majesty is not very clear, these brothers of mine were also pirates before they joined my flag, and their name is called “Gem Pirates”, this Cromwell is even known as the Gem Hunter, so I am also a bit of a family, this time if His Majesty the King agrees, it will be regarded as my thank you gift, and it can be regarded as supporting the progress of the world’s medical level, after all… Pirates will also benefit from it, hahahaha. Gromash stood behind the old king, put her hands on his shoulders seemingly casually, and said with a big laugh.

Seeing that Gromash has given such sufficient sincerity and tabletop, Vapole I even if he wants to refuse at this time, he does not have the guts, after all, if he dares to refuse now, it is completely a public slap on his Gromash’s face, then presumably now Gromash’s palms on his shoulders can screw his head off in a second.

But fortunately, at this time, the sincerity given by Gromash is also very sufficient, so it also makes the old king not have much resistance in his heart, if it is the envoys of other countries who take these things to make this request, Vapole I may still worry about the leakage of technology and refuse, but Gromash is not their competitor to be a pirate, so he does not think that Gromash will have any bad competition for the advanced medical level of the magnetic drum kingdom, at this time Gromash gave so many gems, Not to mention letting them go in and copy a few books, even if it is Gromash, it is acceptable for them to take something from it.

Thinking of this, Vapole I also pretended to say: “Hey, since Lord Gromash has spoken, of course, as a friend, it is impossible for me to refuse your request, but there is no need to be so outrageous, please take back these gems or something…”

“Hahahahaha, then thank Your Majesty for your understanding, but what I sent out by Gromash, there is no reason to take it back, Your Majesty the King does not have to be polite, take it away.” Only then did Gromash smile, withdraw his hands from the shoulders of Vapole I, turn and walk to his seat and laugh.

In this way, after the dinner party, the guy of Hogubak was also a little impatient, and decided to go in and find some medical books he wanted to look for that day, and the old king, seeing that he had agreed, did not delay anything in such a small matter, and soon took Gromash and them to his king’s treasury.

Although the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is located on Winter Island, the property is not very rich, but they as a first-class medical country in the world, the country’s wealth is still quite high, the royal treasury is also a collection of a large number of good things, Gromash after seeing this, finally understood why so many pirates like to break the city and destroy the country, it turns out that the impact of so much wealth piled up in front of them is so powerful.

But Gromash quickly broke free from the desire brought about by this greed, and then he turned to look at the friends who were also staring at the treasure house a little involuntarily, and then Gromash cleared his throat angrily and said: “Ahem, can you take out some courage, don’t walk the road when you see the treasure like a little minions, rest assured, we will have more treasure than here in the future.” ”

After Gromash finished speaking, Joz and they calmed down a little, and then he spoke: “Boss Gromash, those of us who are pirates, it would be strange if we saw the treasure and were not moved, right? ”

“yes, I’m a little dumbfounded when I see this.” Cromwell also smacked his lips and said.

And at this time, Vapole I also seemed to be afraid that Gromash they could not withstand the temptation, and had some bad intention of killing people and crossing goods, so he gritted his teeth and stomped his foot, and immediately said with a smile after making a decision in his heart: “You came from afar, and sent me such a heavy thank-you gift, this king is also a little careless, it is better for you all to go in and pick one or two of your favorite hidden things to take away, it can be regarded as this king’s heart for all the heroes, although our magnetic drum kingdom is located on Winter Island, materials are scarce, But in terms of the country’s economic strength is still good, our royal collection also has some good things, famous knives, fine wine, exquisite armor forged by master craftsmen, etc…”

There is a cheap not to occupy the king’s eight eggs, besides, Gromash estimates that he will no longer fight with the people of the magnetic drum kingdom in the future, and if nothing else, it will be the last time to see this old king, that is to say, this kind of opportunity will not be available in the future, so he does not plan to refuse anything for the sake of face, but he is also a bottom line, can’t eat too ugly, that is too damaging to his image, so Gromash also waved his hand: “His Majesty the king has said so, let’s also give some face, but I’ll say it first.” , each person picks at most one thing they fancy to take away, and no one takes much. ”

Seeing that his captain spoke, Joz and they all cheered, and the old king saw that Gromash they were so particular about them, and he was relieved in his heart, he was afraid that these guys would empty him, now it seems that although this Gromash is a pirate, but it is really a little comfortable to do things, if one person takes at most one piece, he is still able to bear it, not to mention, the value of those gemstones is not low, even if it is used as a transaction, it is not unacceptable.

Gromash put down Robin, who was in his arms, and said, “Go and find out, don’t you like to read?” Presumably, the books collected by the royal family of this magnetic drum kingdom are also not ordinary, if you like it, go and copy a few. ”

Robin also nodded a little happily and said, “Hmm!! ”

Just as Gromash lit a cigar and chatted with Vapole I, Cromwell, who was looking for something he liked inside, suddenly stopped, picked up a book and read it, and then he quickly spoke: “Boss Gromash, come and see, this seems to be an unexpected harvest!” ”

Gromash was also a little confused by Cromwell, and after he looked at Vapole I, he also said: “Let’s go and see it together.” ”

When Gromash came to Cromwell’s side, Cromwell immediately handed the book in his hand to Gromash and said, “It really deserves to be a first-class medical country in the world, and there are still such good things stored here…”

Gromash also took the book in his hand, looked through it and said: “Gee, this is really a good thing, Devil Fruit… Pokédex. ”

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