I Am Hellscream

Chapter 082

In the burning forest, on a path, a small, helpless, miserable figure was running towards the coast on the other side of the mountain, she was Robin, she was running there because it was where she and Sauro first met, and there was a small raft there that allowed her to escape from O’Hara, an island that was about to be destroyed, and as for where she was going after that, Robin had not thought about it and did not want to think about it.

However, when she passed through the forest, she not only saw the small raft, but also saw the man who had frozen Sauro — Kuzan next to the raft.

Young Robin was also shocked when he saw Kuzan, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of despair.

Just when she didn’t know what to do, Kuzan, who was sitting on the stone on the shore, spoke.

I saw Kuzan gently blow a cold breath, and then said in a deep voice: “Extreme justice can indeed make people crazy sometimes… You are the one Sauro fought to protect with his life, so I decided to let you go. ”

After saying this, Kuzan raised his hand and condensed two ice lines that extended far on the sea, and then he spoke: “I want to see, see what kind of flowers and fruits will eventually bear if Sauro’s simple but stubborn guy fights to protect the seeds with his life, who you want to hate is your freedom, but now you have to be glad that you have picked up a life, live as low-key as possible in the future, don’t be in the sea… Don’t be discovered by the world government. ”

Then Kuzan stood up and walked past Robin, and then he spoke softly: “I have drawn two ice lines on the sea, and I have taken this small boat and rowed along this ice line all the way down, and you will see the land, and you remember, I am not your partner, so if you do something bad, I will be the first enemy to catch you.” ”

When Kuzan walked behind Robin, Robin suddenly turned his head and cried, “My mother is still on the island!!” ”

Kuzan also seemed to be moved by the child’s most innocent worries and expectations, he slowly stopped, looked at the burning forest, he knew, soon… The whole O’Hara will be burned by this fire, Nicole Olbia, will also be buried here, so he finally broke Robin’s last illusions and hopes: “No one can save her… If you feel too miserable and don’t want to live, that’s your freedom. ”

“Robin, stay alive!!!”

Her mother, Nicole Olbia’s last wish, still appeared in Robin’s mind, and she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and decided to live and fulfill her mother’s wish.

Kuzan also glanced back at this strong little fellow, and then sighed faintly and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a roar that seemed to come from hell instantly spread throughout O’Hara Island from the direction of the warship, and Kuzan also heard this voice, and then he quickly showed an incredulous, shocked, and incredulous expression, and said in disbelief: “This voice… It’s Hell Roar!! Proudmore Gromash!! How did this damn bastard guy end up here?? ”

Then Kuzan stepped on his feet for a month, flew into the air, and soon disappeared from here, disappearing from Robin’s sight.

Robin, on the other hand, looked at the direction Kuzan left with some doubt, and muttered very puzzled: “Hell roar? Proudmore Gromash? ”

But at this time, Robin could not manage so much, she gritted her teeth, turned and ran to the small wooden boat, shed tears of loneliness and sadness, and rowed her double oars towards the distant sea.


At the same time, Gromash had begun to perform on stage, and because of the riots caused by Sauro, it was easier for him to lurk and get close to Sakaski’s warship, and then he quietly climbed onto Sakaski’s warship, and then saw Sakaski surrounded by a large group of navies.

However, the warships are all navies, and this guy Gromash is still very eye-catching at first, and when he saw Sakaski, he was also discovered by some navies.

“What are you??” A navy man asked in surprise, obviously, because it was too abrupt, he also failed to recognize Gromash at the first time, after all, no one would have thought that such a thing would happen?

And Sakaski also heard the sound that his navy seemed to have discovered, and then he turned his head to look behind him.

The moment he turned his head, Sakaski heard the familiar voice of Proudmore Gromash, who had embarrassed himself on the peak of Whiskey Mountain more than a year ago!!!

“Lao Tzu is your Uncle Gromash!!”

With Gromash’s roar, the legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer in his hand was also thrown out by him towards Sakaski.

And the roar that Kuzan heard was exactly what this blow came from!!

Sakaski knew that something was wrong after hearing Gromash’s voice, as a candidate for the admiral of the naval headquarters, his strength was quite strong, so when he heard the roar that broke through the sky, even if he hadn’t seen where Gromash was, he had instinctively made the most correct move— defense!!

It was because of his instinct that Sakaski was not killed by Gromash with an axe, only to see a magma shield burst out in front of Sakaski, and then the powerful armed color domineering instantly covered it, and then Gromash’s hell destroyer hit Sakaski’s magma shield, but Gromash’s axe is also full of anger, how can it be that the shield that Sakaski hastily made can be blocked casually, even with the blessing of armed color domineering.

Therefore, the magma shield that exuded a scorching aura was smashed by the hell destroyer with great strength after slightly resisting the hell destroyer of Gromash, but this is enough for Sakaski, as a master, he is obviously not so good at sneak attack, at the moment when the magma shield shattered, Sakaski was also wrapped with armed color domineering, and then he punched the hell destroyer who flew towards him.

But it’s enough for Sakaski, and it’s the same for Gromash, I saw Sakaski’s arm wrapped in an armed color domineering arm and punched the axe blade of the Hell Destroyer, and then his arm seemed to explode, if it weren’t for this guy’s quick reaction and active elementalization, he estimated that he would have to be scrapped an arm.

Sakaski was so embarrassed by this blow, of course, there was no way to fight back at the first time, and Gromash wanted this, only to see Gromash turn into a fire unicorn with four hooves on the ground and burning with billowing flames around his body, but the size of this fire unicorn did not become the size of a giant under his control, but was like the size of an ordinary beast.

Then he listened to the fire unicorn spit out words: “Qilin Fury Barbaric Collision!!” ”

As Gromash’s voice fell, I saw that the unicorn lowered its head slightly, aimed its tough horns at Sakaski, and then the whole person’s head was wrapped in a powerful armed color domineering and crashed into Sakaski at an extremely fast speed.

And Sakaski didn’t even have time to react, and was flown off the warship by Gromash and fell violently to O’Hara Island.

Then the fire unicorn instantly turned into a human form, and I saw Gromash, who was jumping in mid-air, stretched out his hand, and the legendary Tomahawk Hell Destroyer left on the warship came to him very quickly.

“Sakaski, I said a long time ago, if I meet you bastard again, Lao Tzu must give you two axes to enjoy, today I will do what I say!!” Gromash roared as he slashed the Helldestroyer towards Sakaski.

And Sakaski is also a candidate for a general, how can he be beaten so embarrassed by Gromash again and again, I saw him quickly get up from the ground, the ground under his feet instantly turned into hot magma that exuded a scorching aura, in a hurry, although he couldn’t fight back, but he could still hide, only to see his tall figure, disappeared into the magma in a blink of an eye, and Gromash didn’t care so much, and he split an axe against the magma.

“Bang!!” With a sound, it seemed that the entire O’Hara Island trembled, and Gromash’s axe directly smashed the magma field completely collapsed, and a large amount of hot magma was splashed out by this axe, as if a volcano had erupted.

Then Gromash completely ignored the magma that fell on him, anyway, it didn’t hurt, let alone cause him any harm, and the domineering aura on his body instantly emanated, intending to find out this guy Sakaski.

Just as he opened his eyes and saw the domineering color, he sensed an attack behind him.

“Hide your head and show your tail, didn’t you say that you want to have a good fight with Lao Tzu??” Gromash also reacted extremely quickly, his body was short, dodged Sakaski’s powerful impact fist like a volcanic eruption, and then the tail that swayed behind him also flicked sharply, stumbling Sakaski, but just when Gromash wanted to take the opportunity to give Sakaski another axe, the ground under his feet suddenly turned into magma again, although this magma could not hurt Gromash, but it made him show a flaw, after all, suddenly came like this, Gromash did not stand firmly, swayed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Sakaski seized the opportunity, the arm instantly burst out, not only thickened, but also his mother’s lengthened, punched Gromash’s chest from afar, Gromash seemed to be angry from the heart at this time, roared, the fiery red scale armor on the body instantly covered the whole body, the next second, the armed color domineering also began to entangle, I saw a scarlet blood light erupted from Gromash’s body, and the whole person’s eyes seemed to become crazy.

That’s right, Gromash actually directly turned on his talent — fury mode at the beginning of the fight.

Autonomous rage, this talent can greatly increase Gromash’s physical fitness, allowing his speed and strength to fully explode, which can last for a total of thirty minutes, and after thirty minutes, Gromash will enter a weak state, let alone hit Sakaski, he is even Spandyne’s son, Spandam can’t beat.

However, when Advancing City Impelton used this talent for the first time, Gromash had already discovered a way to circumvent this side effect, that is, after death, his state would be completely “refreshed” once, and naturally he would not enter any weak state, so Gromash would open this fury mode so neatly.

Gromash’s autonomous fury was the first time it was so blatantly brought out against the enemy, so the navy did not know that Gromash still had such a hole card hidden.

I saw Gromash kicking on his feet, his speed skyrocketed, and he dodged Sakaski’s attack, and in the next second, the Hell Destroyer in his hand had already slammed into Sakaski’s chest.

And Sakaski didn’t seem to expect that Gromash’s speed would become so fast, there was no time to dodge, and he could only resist hard, only to see Sakaski’s chest condense a magma shield again, but at this time, Gromash not only increased in speed, but also skyrocketed in strength, this axe is much more powerful than the previous axe, breaking this Sakaski’s magma shield does not even need to pause, just like breaking a layer of paper.

Then in Sakaski’s incredulous eyes, Gromash struck Sakaski’s chest with an axe wrapped around a large number of armed color domineering, so that he did not give him an axe or two, but even so, Sakaski was seriously injured by one blow, and his chest collapsed a large piece, and he was even broken through the invisible armor formed by the armed color domineering, and he was hard to open a huge deep bone wound on his chest by Gromash, and he himself was also blown out by this powerful impact, It crashed into the tall all-knowing tree at an extremely fast speed, and directly smashed the all-knowing tree.

“Your fucking mother now knows how powerful your Uncle Gromash is, right??” Gromash cursed loudly in the direction of Sakaski’s side.

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