I Am Hellscream

Chapter 075

Today, this Gromash can be regarded as having passed the addiction of the soil emperor, and he can be regarded as understanding why those sea thieves want to make their own territory.

Because you don’t say, this feels really good, although Gromash has been the leader of the underworld forces on Fishman Island for a period of time before, but in the end, it is just a punk, and there are not many people under him, let alone mobilize the entire Fishman Island to do things for him, there is no existence at all, even the leader of Fishman Street, Fisher Tiger, cannot mobilize the entire Fishman Island to do things for him, even if his relationship with Dragon Palace City is good, even if his reputation on Fishman Island is high, it is impossible, After all, the great knight of the sea, Neptune is the real king of Fishman Island, and no matter how cowhide Fisher Tiger is, he is just a “dragon boss”.

To say that when he was in Fishman Street, Gromash’s subordinates were still some forces, but then there was nothing, he gave his place to his stupid brother Along to sit, and Along seemed to have opened up and joined Dragon Palace City, and Gromash’s power basically disappeared.

After that, Gromash went to sea, not to mention, single-handedly, one man and one wolf to break into the world, mixed up until now, but only a dozen brothers under his command to give him a handle.

Therefore, it is not until today that Gromash has truly experienced the power brought by strength, because his strength is strong enough, at least in the white sea area above this 10,000-meter height, at least in all the empty islands and Beka, his strength is the strongest, so he can be above the ruler here God Crodiar, so that the titular ruler of Beka also has to obediently do things for him, so that the entire Beka people have to act, rummage through the cabinets, Even if he turns Beka upside down, he must find out the natural thunder fruit for him!

Sitting at the top of the bell tower of Beca’s tallest building, Gromash drank wine while overlooking the whole Beka, and a large number of people were “enslaved” by him, stopped their original work, and began to search the whole Beka like a group of worker ants, “working” for him.

At this moment, Gromash actually understood a little why the guy from Anilu began to swell rapidly after getting the thunder fruit, and began to call himself a god, because this feeling was really like a god.

“The power brought by this strength is really the most violent poison in this world for men.” Gromash said to himself after taking a sip of wine.

But fortunately, Gromash’s will was strong enough, and he quickly broke free from this fall, his eyes burned with vigorous flames, and he looked at the distant sea and spoke firmly: “However, this is not enough, it is just an empty island, and it does not allow my ambition, only that vast sea area is the real paradise of the strong, it is not enough… My accumulation is not enough, and my strength is not enough. ”

The New World is all together, I’m afraid it won’t be long before Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling will ascend to the top of the Pirate Emperor, and the guy Shanks, who broke up with Gromash in Rogue Town, will soon return to the New World, and after equalizing these people, including Whitebeard, the entire New World Pirate Force will be reshuffled and divided into four emperors.

Three of these four emperors are more than half a hundred years old, only Shanks is the youngest, of course, in Gromash’s opinion, the future Shanks strength is indeed strong enough, can stop Kaido’s hundred beast pirate group, and can stop the battle on top, people send nicknames— face fruit ability, no matter which road they mix, they have to give him Uncle Shanks, even the highest authority of the world government, the five old stars, during the world conference, they also have to give Shanks a face, Take the time to meet him, the guy who suddenly “visits” the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

But in the beginning, Shanks can be said to be the weakest of the entire four emperor forces, first of all, he does not have any territory in the New World, and there are not enough juniors under him, unlike Whitebeard, who can pull up a powerful pirate force that clashes with the 100,000 elite of the Navy headquarters, nor is it like the Bigmom Pirate Group, which has formed a kingdom in the New World, with a huge territory, and her forces around the world, and her subordinates are also capable and fierce.

And even Kaido, who was drunk all day and didn’t seem to have a good brain, also had a large amount of territory in the New World, and later became the protector king of the country of Wano and ruled the entire country of Wa.

Only Shanks, in the early stage, basically wanted the territory without territory, the younger brother did not have the little brother, and only a ship of powerful enough partners accompanied him to the new world.

This is also because Shanks’ red-haired pirate group has some gap between its strength and the other three emperors, first of all, the head of the four emperors, Whitebeard, is a guy of the same era as Shanks’ captain One Piece Roger, even Roger did not say that he could do Whitebeard, the two fought for many years, and in the end, no one could help anyone, but Whitebeard’s mind was not in the position of One Piece, and he didn’t think about finding what Ralph Drew, otherwise, it really wasn’t necessarily who could become the first One Piece.

Hundred Beast Kaido and Charlotte Lingling are the crew of the pirate overlord Lockes in the last era, both of them are very old, and Kaido and Charlotte Lingling belong to that kind of gifted person, it is not too much to be the protagonist in other stories, after all, a so-called “steel balloon”, born with divine power, destroying the giant village at the age of five, killing the hero of the giant race in seconds.

And Kaido is even more excessive, he is directly immortal and immortal, regardless of your knife, gun, club, axe, hook, and fork, hitting Lao Tzu is like a massage, even if I am caught by the navy a thousand and eight hundred times, no one can help Lao Tzu.

And Shanks… He is very helpless, his strongest is not what body, if he has the same strong physical qualities as Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, he will not be bitten off an arm by the king of the near sea in the East China Sea, even his strongest is not swordsmanship, his swordsmanship is at most a tie with Mihawk, and even after breaking his arm, he may not be able to kill Mihawk in swordsmanship, if Shanks really relies on a hand of swordsmanship to dominate the four emperors, then after he breaks his arm, he will definitely be knocked down from the position of the four emperors, Therefore, Shanks is definitely not dominating by swordsmanship, if Gromash is right, Shanks is relying on domineering power, standing in the position of the pirate emperor, especially the most mysterious overlord-colored domineering, Shanks is absolutely the best in this regard, he unconsciously leaked overlord-colored domineering is already strong enough to damage substantial items, even the whitebeard’s ship he can use the leaked little domineering to destroy some, if he goes all out, I don’t know how terrifying it is.

But the overlord color domineering is grown with people’s experience and cannot be taken out for exercise, so Shanks only became strong later.

However, Gromash estimates that Shanks does not have much desire for hegemony, from his brief communication with Shanks, he can see that Shanks is a person very similar to Roger, he likes to be a pirate, but he does not want to become any One Piece or Pirate Overlord, he wants to freely adventure at sea and become an unrestrained person, which is his ideal state.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his mentality that he will not care whether he has a territory, a little brother or not, as long as he is happy, so only he is a fourth emperor who can run around blindly with his own boat, run to the East China Sea for half a year, and then run to the paradise in the first half of the great voyage to find some kind of deserted island for a banquet.

Gromash can also understand Shanks’ mentality, after all, he has followed Roger to dominate the entire great voyage, and it can even be said that he is also a person who knows everything, and there is no greater pursuit, so such a wave, it is enough to mix the name of the four emperors, and he does not care about any little brother, territory and the like, perhaps because of his neutral position, there is no confrontational conflict with everyone, so everyone will be willing to sell him face.

If Gromash had Shanks’ experience, he would have thought the same.

Gromash also wanted to compete for the position of the four emperors at first, after all, he didn’t think that he would grow slower than Shanks, but now he has figured it out, the reason why Shanks can become the four emperors is because he doesn’t fight, he doesn’t need anything, he already has it, so he is not anyone’s enemy, so he can become the four emperors, but he Gromash is different, he wants to fight, he is not like Shanks, he has “no desire and no want”, once he wants to join the four emperors to fight for hegemony, I’m afraid it’s not so simple.

And Gromash doesn’t want to become a swinging Four Emperors like Shanks, he wants to become the kind of Four Emperors who are powerful, have thousands of younger brothers under his command, and have territory all over the world!

But the fat man is not eaten in one go, the four emperors are not as long as they have strength is anyone can be, otherwise at most a red count, whitebeard is not mentioned, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling have become pirates in the last era, when the three legendary pirates Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Roger and others dominate, although they failed to reach the top, but they are also powerful silver medalists, the accumulation is also quite deep, and without these accumulations, even if they are strong, it is impossible to become the four emperors, Unless they learn Shanks too.

But Gromash can be said to have no foundation, so far, he has not even been to the New World, so he has understood at this time that it seems that it is not very likely that he wants to compete for the position of the first generation of the Four Emperors, and he has to think about it in the long run.

“But this is not very likely, but it does not mean that I have to give up, how can I say that I have to fight with these so-called pirate emperors to weigh and weigh my own level, maybe I won??” Gromash said with a smile to himself after sweeping these thoughts out of his mind.

Just when Gromash was thinking about these things that were still “lofty ideals” for him at present, Luqi, the little guy, also walked out of the passage of the bell tower holding a milk bottle, and then he also said after seeing Gromash: “I’ve already inquired, I haven’t heard that there is a guy named Anilu here, are you mistaken??” ”

When Gromash heard this, he also waved his hand without caring and said, “Isn’t it? Then forget it, anyway, he has now become an insignificant small role, there is no need to make a big move for him. ”

After speaking, Gromash looked at Becca again and said in a deep voice: “The most urgent thing is to find the Thunder Fruit!” ”

And Lu Qi also nodded and said: “Well, but don’t worry, we now control the power of the entire Beika, as long as this thunder fruit is on the island, it will definitely be found!” ”

“Then congratulations in advance, Thunder Fruit Ability Luqi.” Gromash smiled and patted Luki’s head, but this time, Lucy dodged without drawing anything on paper.

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