I Am Hellscream

Chapter 070

Empty islands, just a general term for islands floating in the sky, in fact, there are many empty islands in the white sea above the sky, and when Sky Knight God Gan Fore first met Luffy and them, he once asked “If you come all the way from the top of the western sky, how can you also encounter one or two empty islands?” ”

It can be seen from this sentence that there are really many empty islands.

However, although there are many empty islands, all those who come from the road of soaring currents, and the first island to arrive at in the end is Angel Island after passing through the gate of heaven.

At this time, on the coast of Angel Island, Gromash was lying on a sofa made of clouds, holding Congo in one hand, sipping juice with a straw, while basking in the sun very leisurely.

“Ah, this should really be regarded as a vacation sanctuary, especially this cloud bed, it is simply a genius design.” Gromash said very comfortably.

“The previous passage that came here from the White Sea was also made of clouds, and it seems that the entire empty island has unknown technology, at least I have not heard of the technology of using “clouds” as materials to make things below.” Joz also pressed the soft sofa and said with a smile.

“And these weird “shells”… It’s incredible enough to be able to store flames, and there are things that can store sound, which is really amazing in the world. Cromwell flipped a phoenix in his hand and said incredulously.

“It’s the first time I’ve experienced the fun of being a pirate and adventure, and I have to say, it’s quite interesting.” Lu Qi also lay on a soft cloud bed and said with a smile.

Gromash also sat up, and then put the Congo in his hand on the table next to him, and said: “Anyway, the environment here is very good, the pace of life is very slow, and there are no disturbances on the sea, it is just like a paradise, even the navy, will not take such a big risk to easily come here, but unfortunately there is no other way to come up except the soaring ocean current and the so-called western sky, and the western sky peak is too dangerous, the soaring ocean current is once a year, The limitations are too great, if we can find any safe and stable way, even if we take this place, hang our flag, and use it as our base camp! ”

“It’s really good…” Even Joz thought it was good after thinking about it.

Then Gromash clapped his hands and said, “Okay, it’s been three days off, now it’s time to discuss the next move, right?” According to some of the secrets I have received before, the legendary city of gold Sandora is near this angel island, and there are countless gold buried in it, and in addition to this, according to the god Gan Fore here, the empty island half a month away from us is the empty island Beka we are looking for, if nothing else, Bika should have a top natural fruit Thunder Fruit, so, which one are we looking for first?? ”

That’s right, Gromash has been resting on Angel Island for three days, and when passing through the gates of heaven, as a pirate, of course, it is impossible for Gromash to pay any transit money, he is not bad to collect protection fees on empty islands, and expect Gromash to pay them money ?? Isn’t this a joke??

Therefore, after landing on Angel Island, the ruler of God Gan Fore led his Divine Guard to find Gromash, but the strength of the people on the empty island was actually not very good, and Gromash and his group were very fierce, and there was a brief wave of conflict between the two sides, including Gan Fore, they were all violently beaten by Gromash and his group.

Not only were they not taken away any transit fees, but Gromash also took “privileges” here, such as the three days, all the expenses of their group on Angel Island were reimbursed by the temple.

God Gan Fore, as the ruler of Angel Island, one of the empty islands, he knows the entire empty island in the White Sea very well, and Gromash also heard the news of Beka after hammering him, presumably in order to quickly send away the gang of Gromash and the plague gods, Gan Forna knew everything, said everything, told all the news about Beka, and also said that as long as they wanted to leave, they could arrange seventeen or eight navigators to lead them at any time.

However, Gromash and they finally ran to the legendary empty island, how can they first familiarize themselves with the familiar environment? ? After all, people living in Qinghai will have “altitude sickness” after coming to the empty island, and they have to take a little time to get used to, and they are coming, it is a sin not to enjoy it first, anyway, they are not in a hurry, so they rested on Angel Island for three days, and until today, Gromash decided to continue with the next step.

“Land of Gold?” Joz was also full of yearning muttering, but soon, he shook his head and said: “To be honest, even if we go to find the land of gold now, it is not of much use, just with our people, we can’t take much gold, in fact, the entire country of gold is not of much use to us small forces with insufficient manpower, only those big forces at the national level can completely digest the treasures of the country of gold, right??” ”

“That’s right, if you don’t take it away, it doesn’t make sense to bring it less, the land of gold is placed here, you can’t run away, it’s better to wait for us to develop into a big force in the future, and then find a way to come up and take away the gold buried in this land of gold.” Cromwell also nodded and spoke.

And Lu Qi had no opinion, he said directly: “Don’t ask me, my first choice must be the Thunder Fruit, after all, this fruit is the ability prepared for me, if I get it early, I can also start developing it early, although the Golden Country has a great attraction to me, but compared with the Thunder Fruit, it is not worth mentioning.” ”

When Gromash heard this, he looked up at the group of little brothers who were spreading joy in the sea, and he didn’t bother to ask them what they thought, and a few of them at the cadre level could just consult with each other, and they didn’t really want to engage in democracy.

Seeing that everyone wanted to go to find the Thunder Fruit first, Gromash also nodded and said: “Okay, then go to Beka first, find the Thunder Fruit, we don’t know the way, but it’s okay, didn’t Gang Fore say?” As long as we want to go, he can send a seventeen or eight navigator to lead the way at any time, seventeen or eight is not needed, it is always necessary to send a help, right? ? After all, we are friends. ”

Lu Qi drank two sips of milk and said, “Friend?? Is it a friend that you also made bruises on both of his eyes ?? Like a panda? ”

Gromash raised his hand again and knocked on Luqi’s braincase, and then spoke: “The so-called distant is a guest, we run all the way from below to the sky, in other words, if it is me, I don’t invite everyone to a meal is a little too careless, that old boy dares to come and ask me for what transit fee??” If it weren’t for my good temper, his head would be screwed off now, of course, this is not a fight or acquaintance, no matter what he thinks, I consider him a friend…”

“You consider him a friend?? Then it seems that he doesn’t dare to say that you are not his friend… Otherwise, you have to be beaten. Lu Qi complained again.

Gromash directly slapped him on the back of the head and cursed: “You fucking mother, you talk too much, you can’t stop drinking milk.” ”

As Gromash expected, he regarded Gan Fore as a “friend”, does Gan Fore dare not consider him a friend? Especially after hearing that Gromash and the others were leaving, Gan Fore almost cried out without excitement, and insisted on personally sending Gromash and their group out of Angel Island with two bruised panda eyes.

But in Lucie’s mind, this guy should have wanted to make sure with his own eyes that Gromash had indeed left from Angel Island…

When the Shining gradually disappeared from Gan Fore’s sight, Gan Faure wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked in the direction of Beka, and silently mourned for them.

On the Shining, Gromash also patted the winged, trembling young man very kindly, and then said with a pleasant face: “Little brother, don’t be afraid, I am good friends with your ruler Forrest Gump, didn’t you see me when I left, he was very reluctant to personally come to see me off??” So don’t worry, as long as you send us to Beca, you can leave, and we won’t treat you like that.” ”

When Gromash said this, the guy seemed to be even more afraid, but Gromash didn’t care so much, just send them to Beka, as for what you have in mind, then let it be.

Gromash stood on the edge of the deck, and some thoughts were constantly popping up in his mind at this time, first of all, he wanted to see if Anilu was now in Beka, and if so, see if that kid was worth cultivating, but at this time, Gromash was not much interested in Anilu, and he was still thinking about whether he could find another fierce man on the empty island, that is, one of the future supernovas, Monster Monk Urki.

To say that this Urki can be said to be a strong man who came out of the fish pond of the empty island, he is much more normal than Anilu, even if he has strong strength and is enough to dominate the empty island, but he still did not choose to stay on the empty island as some “god” but ran to the top of Qinghai to become a pirate.

And this guy’s fruit ability is quite weird, what exactly is not clear, but Gromash guesses that it should be a fruit related to what superhuman line of causality, which can turn the damage received into his own power, and then fight out, belonging to the kind of person who takes more damage, the stronger the attack.

However, in Gromash’s opinion, although this ability is weird, it is not particularly powerful, after all, if this damage is beyond the limit you can bear, it will die… Therefore, this fruit seems to be able to turn disadvantages into advantages when competing with people with similar strength, but in the face of that kind of crushing level of powerhouse, damn it.

But this is not a reason to underestimate Urki, after all, this guy is the first man in the supernova to make some achievements, he successfully overturned the general of the bigmom pirate group, Charlotte Snagg, you must know that at that time, Ulki had just left from the empty island, and was still a rookie pirate, but his real age was forty-five years old, that is, even if he wasted his good youth on the empty island, he could still kill a general star.

This just shows that his potential should actually be very large, so Gromash’s idea at this time is that if he meets Ulki, a guy who is now about twenty years old, in this empty island trip, then he must also be abducted and stay by his side to cultivate well, it may not be a strong combat force in the future, how to say that he is also a general star level guy, right?

But soon, Gromash’s face became a little weird, the weird monk Urki, there is no doubt that this guy is also a strong muscular man… If he joins Gromash again, it can be said that Gromas’s subordinates are all muscle brothers except for Luki, how does this give people the feeling that they are going further and further down the road of Joz’s imaginary “tough guy pirate group”? ?

“No, after getting down to the bottom, Lao Tzu must find a few beautiful girls to be partners, otherwise it will always feel that people will misunderstand whether our pirate group is a base pirate group.” Gromash secretly decided in his heart.

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