I Am Hellscream

Chapter 067

Gaya Island Magic Valley Town, outside the wilderness, you can see a group of muscular men exercising, and among them is a boy who looks to be in his teens, I have to say that this scene is actually quite ghostly, like a group of muscular brothers in the wild to have some messy party.

It has been less than half a month since Joz led his group of gem pirates to join Gromash under his command, as for why Gromash still stays in Magic Valley Town, the reason is also very simple, because Gromash they came not very coincidentally, according to the people of Magic Valley Town, the last time the Soaring Current broke out was half a year ago, and this Soaring Current is an annual … If you want to meet again, it is estimated that you will have to wait until half a year later.

But there is nothing to worry about this Gromash has, if you want to succeed, patience is also a necessary factor, Golden Lion Shiji is a leader, with his status, after escaping from prison, he can endure up to twenty years of loneliness and dormancy, in order to pave the way for his ambitions, he Gromash is just to stay in one place for half a year, what’s the big deal? Compared with the thunder fruit, let alone stay for half a year, even if he stays for one year, he is also willing to wait.

It just so happens that this half a year is used to integrate Joz and these new joiners, and it is also good to grind and cultivate feelings with each other.

In order not to let this half a year of time be wasted, Gromash was also very atmospheric and began to teach martial arts to his younger brothers, not only handed over the Navy Six to them, but even the domineering power was also a brain.

However, this kind of thing is not something that anyone can practice all of them, most people can only master one or two skills, so Gromash has no requirements for their progress.

Joz this guy seems to have gone further and further on his road to “endurance”, after hearing the Six Styles, he thought of the situation when Gromash and him first clashed, and then did not hesitate to learn the trick of iron first, according to his words, that is, if he cultivated the trick of iron to the depths, in conjunction with his diamond ability, coupled with domineering, it would be enough to challenge the name of “the world’s strongest physical defense”, and then he would go to see Whitebeard, the “strongest man in the world” Can you break his defenses.

Gromash has no opinion on this, in his opinion, Joz is most suitable for this route, as long as it is hard enough, as long as it stands, often this kind of talent is the final winner, why is Kaido guy called “the strongest single”? In the final analysis, there is only one reason, that is, because that guy can’t beat me to death, it doesn’t matter how you hit me, when Lao Tzu wakes up and stands up, it will be a stick to teach you to recognize what reality is.

When Gromash was sitting on the shore chewing a cigar in his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking, Joz also walked up to him, sat down on his butt, and then unscrewed his wine jug, poured a few mouthfuls and said: “Boss Gromash, do we really have to wait here for half a year??” Can this soaring ocean current really go to empty islands?? Wouldn’t that be a lie? ”

Gromash spat out a puff of smoke, and then said with a smile: “Hahahahaha, to have a dream, is the romance of a man, when did even the pirates who pursue their dreams begin to suspect this??” Joz, it does seem that everyone thinks that I am dreaming, after all, I have never heard of anyone riding the soaring current on the empty island and the like, but Jozi, tell me, who has proved that the empty island and the golden country really do not exist? ? Nope!! Therefore, whether it is the capital of jade, the land of gold or the sea of gems, there is a real possibility, and this possibility is the dream that countless people want to find! ! ”

“Dream?? Indeed, as a pirate, you can’t abandon your dreams…” muttered Joz and said with a smile.

“That’s right, so it’s half a year, you still have to wait, by the way, let the name and flag of the new pirate group you discussed figure out??” It’s not that I said you, Joz, the name of the Gem Pirates sounds a bit like a country pirate group, it’s not domineering at all, I think in addition to you, there may be seventy or eighty Gem Pirates floating on the sea…” Gromash patted Joz’s shoulder and complained helplessly.

And Joz also smiled a little embarrassed, and said: “What, I originally wanted to call it the Diamond Pirate Group, but then I felt that it seemed to be too swaggering, so I casually changed it to the Gem Pirate Group…”

“Ahem, then you guys are really casual enough.” Gromash also nodded and said.

Then after thinking about it, Joz still spoke: “Boss Gromash, you are the new captain, our newly established pirate group must also be up to you to decide the name and flag, brothers have a few ideas are not bad, I also came to see what you decide.” ”

“Oh? After so much discussion, did it finally come to fruition? Let’s talk about it, what are the options. Gromash was also interested, and said as he looked at Joz with a puff of smoke.

Joz scratched the back of his head, and then said: “Cromwell said that it is good to call the Hell Pirates, I think it is better to call the Tough Guy Pirates.” ”

Gromash also covered his eyes after hearing these two names, he shouldn’t have hope for Joz and them, think about it, people who can make the Gem Pirates, how to think are incompetent people with names…

The Hell Pirates are barely passable, but it sounds too middle-two, and a thick comic temperament comes to the face, maybe the word hell is not suitable for adding the suffix of the three words of the Pirate Group, right? Change to a legion or something, it sounds a lot more forceful.

As for the tough guy pirate group that Joz thinks is good, Gromash will not let him get his wish, this name must be, Gromash feels that he is embarrassed to introduce himself to others when he goes out in the future, how to introduce it? Does it have to be like this?

“Hello everyone, I’m the captain of the Tough Guy Pirates, Chief Tough Guy Gromash?” Then Joz jumped out again and said, “I’m Second Tough Guy Diamond Joz.” ”

This embarrassing scene, Gromash shuddered when he thought about it, he would rather bid farewell to the pirate industry and return to Fishman Island to be the boss of the underworld forces, rather than become the captain of some tough guy pirate group.

Therefore, holding on to the hope of one in ten thousand, Gromash opened his mouth and asked with hope: “Then what, apart from these two options, there is no other proposal??” Together, can’t you be the only one with Cromwell who has a say?? We want democracy! ”

Joz also seemed to see that Gromash was a little unhappy with the two names, and then he thought about it and said: “Ah, by the way, little brother Luqi said that it is not bad to call the Frost Wolf Pirates, and then the White Fang guy will be able to become our mascot.” ”

Gromash almost burst into tears after hearing Luki’s thoughts, and he couldn’t help but decide to add a meal to Luqi in the evening and buy him more milk to drink.

In Gromash’s opinion, I have to say that the naming ability of this kid Luqi is eighteen streets away from the two reckless men of Joz and Cromwell, and the name of the Frost Wolf Pirate Group sounds much stronger than what the Hell Pirate Group and the Tough Guy Pirate Group, the Hell Pirate Group sounds like a breath of middle two, and the Tough Guy Pirate Group always makes people feel gay in gay, and the first impression gives people a feeling of being all muscle brothers.

Only this frost wolf pirate group, Gromash was very satisfied after hearing this name, the name of the frost wolf is very good, as soon as it sounds, it gives people a wild and brave atmosphere, Gromash likes wolves very much, in his opinion, wolves this kind of thing, there are goals and ambitions, the key is ruthless enough, not only ruthless enough for the enemy, but also ruthless enough for themselves! And in Gromash’s opinion, being a pirate, the industry that puts the head on the belt, must have wolf nature, only in this way, can there be meat to eat!

“Frost Wolf Pirates?? It’s pretty good, Joz, I think this name is much better than what hell pirates and tough guy pirates, if you have no other opinion, then let’s call it tough guys… Ahhhhh Gromash knocked the soot in his hand and spoke.

Joz said very seriously: “I have an opinion, I still think the tough guy pirate group is better…”

“The opinion is rejected, well, as the first captain’s order, I announce that our pirate group will be called the Frost Wolf Pirate Group in the future!” Gromash didn’t give Joz, a guy full of “tough guys” and “muscles”, a chance, and mercilessly dismissed his opinion and said.

“Didn’t you just say you want democracy?” Joz was also confused by Gromash’s crisp dismissal.

“I’ve given you the opportunity to give your opinion, isn’t that democratic enough?” Gromash stood up, patted his butt and said with great disdain.

Just when Gromash and Joz and their group stayed in Magic Valley Town, because the pirates in Magic Valley Town came and went a lot, news began to spread that Gromash had subdued the Gem Pirates and the strongest newcomer, Diamond Joz, had become Gromash’s partner.

In the blink of an eye, the 500 million bounty sea pirate who originally single-handedly broke into the world Hell Roar Proudmore Gromash instantly pulled up his team in Magic Valley Town, and his command now has this year’s strongest newcomer Diamond Joz, with a bounty of 230 million Bailey, and Cromwell, known as the gem hunter, with a bounty of 78 million Bailey, it seems that it is not a group of pirates with such a shock and strength now, But the signals emanating from this made most people who had paid attention to Gromash secretly refresh.

No matter what kind of team Gromash pulls up and what kind of partner he finds, there is no doubt that this is him declaring to the whole world that he Gromash will also “form a team to fight the world”, after all, no matter how strong Gromash is before, what happened, but in the end, there is only one person, so although everyone thinks that he has good strength and potential, but against the sky, Gromash is the second Red Earl Balorick Ledfield, a single man, there will never be much threat, And now it’s different, Gromash actually formed a group, so if you think about it, I’m afraid it won’t be long before another potential player will join this chaotic world battle.

In the new world, on the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard also said with some regret after listening to the news about Gromash and Joz: “Alas, it’s a pity, originally I was very interested in this year’s strongest newcomer, Diamond Joz, and wanted to see if I could let him join us, but I didn’t expect to let this guy Gromash get the first hand…”

“Daddy, why don’t we inquire about Gromash’s attitude? Wouldn’t it be better if we could make him our man? Marco said, standing beside Whitebeard.

And Whitebeard shook his head and said with a smile: “No need, people like Gromash… He won’t bow to me, maybe one day, he will come to me after he feels that he has enough strength to find me trouble, kula la. ”

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