"Biyun pays homage to Saint Tongtian!"

"Congratulations to the saint for attaining the holy path!"

"Come and be safe."

In the central area of the ancient land, thousands of feet high in the sky!

At this time, Bi Yun looked at the Saint Tongtian who had just appeared in front of him with a look of surprise.

His smile was still gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Unexpectedly, on the way to the Wu Clan , but also met the newly sanctified Tongtian leader.

And it seemed that the leader was looking for something?

He didn't even notice that he appeared, and after hearing Bi Yun's voice, his mind was focused on the vast land below. Tongtian , who was looking for the treasure, couldn't help but be stunned.

When he turned around, he saw Bi Yun's smiling face.

The corners of Tongtian's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but remember the past scenes.

To get it back?

This idea was wiped away by Tongtian just now.

He is now the leader of Tongtian who holds the hope of all races.

Besides, it was just a gift back then! It 's just a book about formations. At his age, what formations can he learn?

If he doesn't gain anything from his own formation book, then what does he care about? Thinking about it

, Saint Tongtian felt much better!

He would never admit that he was not sure that he had beaten Nuwa yet, and he would never admit that the grudge between him and Bi Yun was related to Saint Nuwa!

, Tongtian doesn't intend to look at Bi Yun again.

He feels that when he sees the other person, he will think of the unbearable past and let it disappear like a passing cloud!


Sage Tongtian uttered these two words calmly and did not intend to stop.

But at this time, Bi Yun's eyes lit up.

"Could it be that the saint is looking for the treasure of the Taoist dojo? Bi

Yun asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Saint Tongtian's expression suddenly changed.

Holding the grass?

I am a saint!

Why can a little fairy boy see through what I want to do?

This little fairy Fairy boy cultivates like this...

Hold the grass!!!

The peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal?

The power of blood is so majestic?

What exactly is going on?!!

Saint Tongtian couldn't help but look at Bi Yun with wide eyes, full of contemplation.

I just didn’t care and didn’t know.

Now, with such a gentle glance at the other party, I discovered that the other party's cultivation level has reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal! How is it possible to achieve the Great Luo Realm just a little bit away

? How long has it been since you last saw each other? How talented were you then?

The realm of heaven, right?

Now is the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Only a few hundred years, less than a thousand years!

Such a cultivation speed, not to mention their Sanqing, not even Taoist Hongjun can match it!

No... it should be said that at such a speed, they are no match for Bi Yun!

Moreover, the opponent's bloodline is obviously different from before!

A cloud has such strong energy and blood power? fart!

A cloud formed by the blood sprayed by the great god Pangu!

The combination of these shocked him beyond measure.

An idea suddenly came to mind, that is, to take him under the guidance of Jiejiao!

Such talent, such blood!

The senior brother who can definitely serve as their interception teacher, his chief disciple!

But as soon as this thought arose, he wiped it out.

For no other reason than the same sentence, the past is still vivid in my mind!

Back then, Saint Nuwa had to use up one of her hands for him!

Now if I take him into the Jiejiao sect without authorization.

When the time comes, Nuwa becomes ruthless and the entire Jiejiao religion is uprooted. What should we do?

Nuwa did not establish a religion and had no scruples.

But he still wants to establish Jiejiao and benefit all living beings.

Can't play, can't play...

Even if this son could become a saint, he couldn't accept him!

Thinking like this, he took a deep breath and nodded slightly, which was a response to Bi Yun's words.

But my heart is full of complicated feelings.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a saint, I would still be so emotional because of a fairy boy!

Bi Yun was also a little confused at this time.

I just guessed that the other party had just established a sect and hadn't chosen a dojo yet, otherwise he wouldn't be hanging out here.

That's why I asked this question, why did the other party's expression change so quickly?

Why did I feel a slight chill in my back just now?

What on earth does this Tongtian leader want to do?

Are you plotting against yourself?

Do you still remember what happened back then?

This is too stingy!

However, fortunately, the other party was back to normal now, which made him sigh in relief.

After all, he still wanted to make a deal with the other party.

What deal?

That is naturally the location of the Jiejiao Dojo.

Others didn't know it, but he knew very well that he had read ancient novels in his previous life. In the end, Jiejiao's dojo would be established on Jin'ao Island.

Today, the leader of Tongtian Cult is still looking for treasures in this ancient land.

It means that he has not discovered Jin'ao Island yet.

You can sell some information in advance!

Not bad, nice.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but said to Tongtian:"~I do know that there is a treasure land"

"It has countless spiritual roots, is entrenched in ancient books, and has a rich spiritual energy. It can be regarded as a treasured place to establish a religion."

As soon as these words came out, Saint Tongtian was stunned.

He didn't care about the other party at first.

No matter how talented he is and how good his bloodline is, it is useless if Nuwa is in the middle and cannot be accepted as a disciple.

That would be of no value. But when he heard what the other party said, Tongtian couldn't help but feel excited.

He had been searching for it for a long time, but he still hadn't found a suitable treasure.

It's okay to set up the dojo in Buzhou Mountain. But now that the other party said that, it would be a good thing if it was really as good as the other party said!!


Thinking of this, he still asked with some doubts:"Is there really such a treasure? Not discovered yet?"

"But on Mount Buzhou?"

"Then you don’t need to say any more!"....Don’t._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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